View Full Version : Montreal - Nationwide Series Race

3rd August 2008, 00:26
After how well the Nationwide race went in the rain today, and how poorly the Brickyard was run last week. I feel the need to express myself by quoting the movie Dumb and Dumber.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!"

3rd August 2008, 03:41
What a total joke.

3rd August 2008, 04:12
I thought it was a great race (as short as it was). I can't remember the last time I watched a NASCAR race and smiled (without the smile being at someone's expense).

3rd August 2008, 18:42
The only positive thing I can say about yesterday's race is it was interesting to see if stock car racing on rain tires was a feasible alternative. It wasn't.

3rd August 2008, 21:10
Brilliant race! Absolutely loved watching it.

And the highlight for me was Jacques comment at the end.... when asked if it was raceable he replied something like yeah of course, as long as you got a front wiper. Yet so many others complaining it was unraceable......

3rd August 2008, 22:30
The only positive thing I can say about yesterday's race is it was interesting to see if stock car racing on rain tires was a feasible alternative. It wasn't.

Are you blind? That proved it is!

4th August 2008, 04:12
The only positive thing I can say about yesterday's race is it was interesting to see if stock car racing on rain tires was a feasible alternative. It wasn't.

It is a feasible alternative if they actually put the wipers on before the races start. And if NASCAR actually used local yellow flags. I ended up watching the V8 Supercars.

4th August 2008, 04:53
Are you blind? That proved it is!

The last time I checked I could see just fine. :rolleyes: If you want to ignore the quality of the racing that's your choice. It's definitely not a viable option on a regular basis. It was a lark for those whose only reason for being there was to win. I agree with Scott Pruett - "This is ridiculous".

4th August 2008, 15:49
Looked like a fun race from what I've seen from the youtube clips.

Nascar needs to mandate wipers. Don't think driving one-handed and trying to de-mist the windshield with a broom is a good nor safe idea LOL!!!

4th August 2008, 20:31
History was made and MD24 sat through it and thoroughly enjoyed the race. It was weird watching car racing in the rain but let me tell you not too many fans left and the more it rained the more the fans were chanting :D
And having a Canadian win in an HMS car made it even better :)

I also enjoyed more then I thought the Rolex Series on Friday

4th August 2008, 23:40
It was great until the major downpour -- then that killed all the fun.

5th August 2008, 04:04
The last time I checked I could see just fine. :rolleyes: If you want to ignore the quality of the racing that's your choice. It's definitely not a viable option on a regular basis. It was a lark for those whose only reason for being there was to win. I agree with Scott Pruett - "This is ridiculous".

I'm taking the quality of racing into account. Are you going to ignore the battle between Hornaday and Villeneuve? How about the fact that Clint Bowyer went from 29th to 9th?

5th August 2008, 15:34
I'm taking the quality of racing into account. Are you going to ignore the battle between Hornaday and Villeneuve? How about the fact that Clint Bowyer went from 29th to 9th?

Are you going to ignore Carl Edwards with his squeegee out the window, drivers who weren't able to see due to fogged up windows, malfunctioning wipers and brake lights and hydroplaning?

5th August 2008, 16:05
History was made and MD24 sat through it and thoroughly enjoyed the race. It was weird watching car racing in the rain but let me tell you not too many fans left and the more it rained the more the fans were chanting :D
And having a Canadian win in an HMS car made it even better :)

oh come on, you know you loved last years winner :p :

It was great to see Ron get a win in his home state, but I wish he was in the 33 though

6th August 2008, 03:25
Are you going to ignore Carl Edwards with his squeegee out the window, drivers who weren't able to see due to fogged up windows, malfunctioning wipers and brake lights and hydroplaning?

1. Carl elected not to have a wiper.
2. The squeege was more likely an attempt to get on Sports Center.
3. We're talking about NASCAR. Wiring is still foreign to these guys.
4. I've determined that a stock car is less likely to hydroplane than a sports car or open-wheel car. With lots of weight and a narrow tire, a stock car isn't as buoyant. It's a reverse snowshoe effect.

6th August 2008, 06:09
I think KHI did it best, using Rain-X, that stuff does wonders

7th August 2008, 20:35
Interesting to watch, but silly.

Lee Roy
8th August 2008, 21:28
I was out of town, so I missed the race. Sounds like it was a good race. I'm glad it turned out well.

9th August 2008, 04:11
NASCAR proved it they can provide great racing in the wet last weekend totally, and that the heavy stock car showcases its ability of running in the wet and that they should keep running in the wet in the future, also it's amazing with so little experience they managed to make it safe through it until the downpour. They need to sort out their equipment problems in case it rains again in the future.

10th August 2008, 16:38
once it started raining it added dumb to boring