View Full Version : Top Gear Tonight

28th January 2007, 16:44
About time it returned! I'm actually really looking forward to this series more than most - maybe because it's been off air for so long, maybe Hammond's Crash footage or maybe watching it with all my flatmates at uni.

Is the crash footage getting shown in tonights episode?

Captain VXR
28th January 2007, 18:09
I think it is being shown - I sort of remember reading it on topgear.com

28th January 2007, 18:14
Yes it is.

Along with them attempting to build a road....

28th January 2007, 18:58
What time is it on?

28th January 2007, 19:00
It starts at 8pm, very inconvinient as it's on at the same time as the Big Brother final. :(

Alfa Fan
28th January 2007, 19:03
It starts at 8pm, very inconvinient as it's on at the same time as the Big Brother final. :(

lol, piss easy choice there!!

28th January 2007, 19:04
lol, piss easy choice there!!

Take it your not a BB fan then :laugh:

Alfa Fan
28th January 2007, 19:09
How did you guess?

I'd take Top Gear over Blatantly B******* any time.

Scuderia ferrari
28th January 2007, 19:20
It starts at 8pm, very inconvinient as it's on at the same time as the Big Brother final. :(

For me it's simple- TG anytime- not only do we get to see actual footage of Hammonds crash, but we get to see jeremy and james once again, much more entertaining that BB final.

Yeah- i'll be sitting comfy for 8pm. Do not run late BBC!!

andyspeed- yes, it's defiently his crash tonight.

28th January 2007, 21:10
Not bad :) Crash was horrifying.

Mp3 Astra
28th January 2007, 21:12
Lawdy Lawd. It wasn't so much the crash that was horrible, which it was, it was the fact that you see him beforehand saying all those things... and you see how happy he was. :(

Loved the 24 parody building a road thing, that was great :D

28th January 2007, 21:14
Yeah. It's one of those things that you can look at and laugh a little bit at in hindsight but by **** that's the sort of thing that makes grown men burst into tears if they see it and the person dies.......

28th January 2007, 21:15
Richard saying that hitting the afterburner could cause the biggest car crash you've ever seen - how ironic...

The thing that surprised me about the crash was just how long the car was upside down and how much distance it travelled.

Scuderia ferrari
28th January 2007, 21:16
great show- very interesting about his crash- thought it may have been more dramatic, but still a very frightening accident- i bet the video is being posted on every web site now like video google and youtube. Great to know he is perfectly fine.

The road building clip was very funny!

28th January 2007, 21:25
The crash is already on youtube :crazy:


28th January 2007, 21:39
I agree with Jezza, I could of held that!!! :D Seriously tho amazing the guy survived and with little more than a chipped tooth and a green veg fetish. Great to have the best show on TV back.

Sonic :)

28th January 2007, 23:23
I already like celery Mmm maybe I've crashed in a previous life ?

28th January 2007, 23:28
was very impressive, i thought they handled the crash very professionally, and it was nice to see that Jeremy does have a nice side after all! :)

But it seriously was a horrific accident, its amazing that he can live to tell the story like that.

Road tarmacing was fantastic footage :p :

28th January 2007, 23:32
Agree with Stevie there clarkson was close to emotional

29th January 2007, 00:44
My conspiracist side came out after the first run, strenghtened in the second run then was destroyed in the third.

I'd like to know what happened to the road, mind :p :

29th January 2007, 00:53
Great show, the crash bit was riveting.

The one bad thing I would say though is that they are still overdoing the arty farty camera shooting, particularly in the Jag piece.

On the whole a great comeback though. Cant wait until next week!

29th January 2007, 00:54
I don't mean to sound callous, but the crash didn't look too bad to me. It didn't look as severe, for example, as many a crash I've seen in F1. There were no very great g forces that I saw, it was mainly rolling. I think that if the roll bar hadn't dug into the gravel and let pressure onto poor old Hammond's head, he might have walked away completely uninjured.

I watched the crash and wondered how the hell the suppliers of that car hadn't tested the tyres, repeatedly, at the kinds of speeds they were turning. What possible excuse is there for the front having delaminated like that? Why on earth did they use tyres that were so close to their limit? They could have made them bulletproof, but didn't. It is gross negligence, or, to put it in legal lingo, a right bloody cock-up by the person who spec'ed the tyres.

I thought the show was great, one of the best Top Gears in a long time. But didn't Hammond look bad? This thing aged him by at least five years.

29th January 2007, 07:53
The show was great. It was slightly bored with Clarkson going on about the Jag, lots of arty farty shots but didn't actually say anything.

As for Hammonds crash, I thought it was terrifying :s

29th January 2007, 10:03
Does anyone know if it's repeated? I had to play poker last night :(

29th January 2007, 10:42
Does anyone know if it's repeated? I had to play poker last night :(

BBC2, 7pm Wednesday night.

29th January 2007, 10:53
Thanks. I will make sure I remember to record it this time :dork:

29th January 2007, 11:14
Thought the road building was a bit slow after what I saw last year.
They resurfaced the whole of Goodwood Circuit (2.42 miles) in four days and that is four lanes wide in most places.
They were only working day time normal hours, so TG Road Services have some catching up to do!!
Maybe more work less Blackberries!!

PS. I thought young Hamster looked older.

Valentino Rossi Boy
29th January 2007, 11:46
Did you see the bit when Richard,Jermey and James had to put new tarmet on a road in 24 hours

29th January 2007, 11:49
Thought the road building was a bit slow after what I saw last year.
They resurfaced the whole of Goodwood Circuit (2.42 miles) in four days and that is four lanes wide in most places.
They were only working day time normal hours, so TG Road Services have some catching up to do!!
Maybe more work less Blackberries!!

PS. I thought young Hamster looked older.

Did you see the bit when Richard,Jermey and James had to put new tarmet on a road in 24 hours


29th January 2007, 13:22
I thought the whole program was great - just the right amount of humour and seriousness. What got me was what the Hamster was saying before he got in the car - very close to the truth.

Having seen all that just how can the car's owner think Hamster was in any way partly responible - absolutley ludicrous. 0.4 second from tyre bursting to grass.....

Hazell B
29th January 2007, 15:59
Having seen all that just how can the car's owner think Hamster was in any way partly responible - absolutley ludicrous. 0.4 second from tyre bursting to grass.....

You know, I've read about what the car's owner has reportedly said too.

Thing is, he's also (reportedly) said Hammond "just hit the brakes" and that he had "ignored the briefing" but as the car has no brakes as such and everyone saw he didn't ignore a briefing, I think the car's owner is being badly covered in the press.

My partner recently had an article written about him and not one single quote in it was anything like what he actually did say, so this sort of blame culture in the media doesn't surprise me at all these days. Somebody who doesn't understand the car's workings and has no experince of motoring journalism probably just misquoted the car's owner badly :rolleyes:

Mp3 Astra
29th January 2007, 16:00
The one bad thing I would say though is that they are still overdoing the arty farty camera shooting, particularly in the Jag piece.

Agreed, but it looked very good and I can only hope to be able to use those kinds of tools effectively, but a little too many of them for sure.

Captain VXR
29th January 2007, 16:06
The crash didn't seem too bad to me because I've seen video footage of rally cars crashing and literally exploding. It certainly wan't a bad one for those sort of speeds as the car didn't explode etc but I do understand that it was bad but I've deffo seen worse. No big deal about the hamster's return, just as he asked :crazy: 6 lovelies and a Boeing 737 staircase :p . Great to see TG back, I was getting withdrawal simptons :dork:

29th January 2007, 16:11
The crash wasn't quite as visually shocking as I'd expected. I wasn't in the car though, and it is very hard to capture speed objectively on film.

The road building bit was nearly up there with the caravan episode. I'll never look at roadworks in the same light again.

29th January 2007, 16:48
Has anyone else noticed that although the videos are already appearing on youTube, a surprisingly large number have already been removed, leaving the message "This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner British Broadcasting Corporation because its content was used without permission"

Quick acting by both the BBC and YouTube there

Scuderia ferrari
29th January 2007, 17:19
Yes indeed- last i saw of it was on the TG website- hopefully it will stay there for people who missed it or want to see it again.

I have to agree that the jag peice was slightly boring- not a great car, but the road building peice was realy funny- JC putting maggit thatcher on!

Hazell B
29th January 2007, 17:27
maggit thatcher

And the award for the best typo ever, ever goes to ..... :laugh:

29th January 2007, 18:34
Crash video is still on Google

donKey jote
29th January 2007, 18:44
and on the donkey :)

29th January 2007, 19:46
Aaah felt just like a sunday again...

I thought they handled the crash topic really well actually, and it was nice to see the more human side of Clarkson. Hamster sure does look a bit older but I guess that's what crashing at stupidly high speeds does to you!

Ian McC
29th January 2007, 20:59
Glad he is in one piece, had things turned out worse we would not of seen that, it was bad enough watching it as it was.

30th January 2007, 09:33
My favorite bit was when James chucked Jeremy's megaphone under the steam roller, so to get his revenge Jeremy did the same to James's chips :laugh:

Top stuff from the team, really nice to see them back :up:

30th January 2007, 09:36
The saddest bit was when Jeremy talked about his donkey who'd died recently :(

30th January 2007, 09:53
..........and Jamie Oliver gave him recipe ideas :laugh:

30th January 2007, 11:11
good show

30th January 2007, 13:22
The Hamster crash if you haven't seen it :D ;)


Dave B
30th January 2007, 17:14
I'm glad that Top Gear trounced Celebrity Bigot Brother in the ratings, but I sadly predict a return to the usual 4 - 5 million next week.

The crash was compelling TV and the way they handled it was just right, but I didn't think the rest of the episode was strong enough to hook in the casual viewers who just tuned in to see the Hamster.

Hazell B
30th January 2007, 20:05
..........and Jamie Oliver gave him recipe ideas :laugh:

I've never been a Jamie Oliver fan, but am warming to him after that :p :

2nd February 2007, 19:06
I give up, I really do.


I bet these complainees have never watched the programme before and only tuned in because of the Hamster and his crash. If I heard a bunch of mates joking and taking the piss from eachother like that in a pub (which is basically what the three of them do, but on TV), I wouldn't call the police, if you know what I mean. :dozey:

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd February 2007, 19:15
I give up, I really do.


I bet these complainees have never watched the programme before and only tuned in because of the Hamster and his crash. If I heard a bunch of mates joking and taking the piss from eachother like that in a pub (which is basically what the three of them do, but on TV), I wouldn't call the police, if you know what I mean. :dozey:

I just want to punch the people in that article. When I'm prime minister I will create a law that will ban everyone from speaking, this way I can be sure no one will ever be misunderstood or insulted :rolleyes: Give us a break.

It says in the article that the crash shouldn't have been shown on TV!!! Well let's stop showing Formula 1 because someone might have a crash in that. :confused:

Anyone with half a brain cell knows that speed is dangerous!


Does anyone have any chill pills ???????

Hazell B
2nd February 2007, 19:41
Hang on a minute - you're both being pretty insensitive there.

If you had a person at home with a brain injury, or you'd lost a family member to a speeding driver, you'd perhaps have been upset by some of the comments. They were fairly nasty sounding, even though we know they didn't mean it as an insult.

Nobody mentioned anyone calling the police :confused:

I've heard some very nasty comments on here after people have said something not meant to be offensive yet seen as such. We're all just as bad as those complainants above at times. Remember what people on here called whats-her-face after she said Steve Irwin was a drongo or something equally minor?

Let them complain. If they're upset it's their right.

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd February 2007, 22:56
It angers me when people say they shouldn't have shown Hammond's car crash.

I don't understand why they shouldn't ?? :confused:

Surely after seeing how violent the crash was, it will make drivers think twice abut going fast, even though Richard made a full recovery.

2nd February 2007, 23:14
Surely after seeing how violent the crash was, it will make drivers think twice abut going fast, even though Richard made a full recovery.

Aye, next time I'm sat in a Jet-Powered dragster attempting to break the British land speed record, I'll think of Hammond and stick to a leisurely 30mph.

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd February 2007, 23:18
Aye, next time I'm sat in a Jet-Powered dragster attempting to break the British land speed record, I'll think of Hammond and stick to a leisurely 30mph.

Good for you ;)

Captain VXR
3rd February 2007, 08:31
The BTCC is lucky that nobody complained when Mike Jordan had his big one at Silverstone. Professional complainers on that BBC article. If James and Jeremy had been all lovey-dovey, then it would have been completely boring to watch as that's what soaps are for and it wouldn't have been top Gear style.

3rd February 2007, 08:35
Even though i am a female i still love Top Gear i think Jeremy is so funny!!
think all 3 of them do a Great Job! :D :) ;) :cool:

3rd February 2007, 11:05
And another thing. The recent complaints about the jibes made about Richard by James and Jeremy. Severe criticism of that kind about things the public cannot understand (a little like this forum! :laugh: ), does not help Top Gear at all in my view.

The show ain't for all the family and the cast and crew don't probably hide that fact. It is a show whose main home and stuido audience are mainly young men and women who like a laugh and see no offence in the kind of "lad" humour they use. Making fun at anothers expense and/or disregarding authority for the sake of a laugh using the audiences obsession with everything automotive as a vehicle (no pun intended).

The public who complained ought to realise what they should be complaining about is things that concern them and them only.

I rekon the problem is people have the wrong idea about TV viewing. Once a favourite programme is finished you don't have to continue watching the same channel. Switch over to a channel thats showing something else you like.

4th February 2007, 20:01
The BTCC is lucky that nobody complained when Mike Jordan had his big one at Silverstone. Professional complainers on that BBC article. If James and Jeremy had been all lovey-dovey, then it would have been completely boring to watch as that's what soaps are for and it wouldn't have been top Gear style.

I think people's expectations are different between sport and entertainment.

Although having said that, people knew what was coming in that programme, so if you didn't want to see a crash you shouldn't have been watching.

5th February 2007, 02:38
Everyone see it tonight? The Bugatti part was breathtaking

5th February 2007, 08:05
Yes, but I thought the rest of the programme was quite dull.

5th February 2007, 08:12
Loved the shots of Scotland.

vroom vroom
5th February 2007, 08:13
yeah the rest of the program was quite dull

5th February 2007, 09:31
"The Mazda looks like a golfist's car" - that bit really made me giggle. Not quite as funny as last week, but great anyway.

5th February 2007, 09:42
Apparently there was to be a feature on level crossing safety, but as someone got killed recently it was pulled. Perhaps it will appear in the coming weeks.

5th February 2007, 09:53
Best thing about last night's Top Gear was Hugh Grant!! ( his hair looked a mess but he still looked as fit as f**k! ) :facelick:

I love Top Gear normally but found last nights abit boring!!!! :(

speedy king
5th February 2007, 12:38
Yea, the art gallery section was tedious..... :down:

5th February 2007, 12:53
Not the best show they've done, although the golf was a bit of a larf :p :

5th February 2007, 13:17
Yea, the art gallery section was tedious..... :down:

As was all three cars going around the track, the arguing amongst the three of them got tiresome. Especially as they all revealed at the end that really they liked the Alfa the best.

Seems to me every time they do a group test it's boring. What we like to see is the daft challenges.

5th February 2007, 13:32
The Alfa is a stunning car to look at - the first "sensible" car I've ever really liked. Looked a bit wallowy on the track though :s I'm glad Top Gear's back, Sunday nights just aren't the same without it!

5th February 2007, 14:41
The camera angles/setup and the editing of the Bugatti Veyron feature was mindblowing!

No doubt John Frankenheimer would've been envious!

5th February 2007, 15:31
wasnt the greatest episode of Top Gear, but im not gonna complain while its still on :D

5th February 2007, 16:46
Got to say Ive always had a pretty low opinion of Hugh Grant, but I warmed to him seeign him on the show, funny guy and pretty down to earth.

Blatant plugging was the main reason he was on the show though!

Brown, Jon Brow
5th February 2007, 17:01
When will the Stig get his hands on the Bugatti?? :mad:

I bet that they (Bugatti) don't want to be beaten by an 'inferior' car e.g Keoniggsegg, (didn't Westfield XTR and Radical go faster aswell?)

I reckon the Bugatti could go round in about 1:14'ish'

Dave B
6th February 2007, 11:45
Don't get me wrong, Top Gear is still one of the best things on the box, but the first two episodes of this series have been a shadow of their usual selves - the coupe test in particular was plodding and pedestrian.

I guess they had other things on their minds these last few months when they'd usually be planning and filming these segments, which is understandable, but it just doesn't get me excited at the moment.

speedy king
6th February 2007, 12:38
The actual features had already been filmed prior to Hammonds crash, all was left to do were the studio links?

6th February 2007, 12:57
Don't get me wrong, Top Gear is still one of the best things on the box, but the first two episodes of this series have been a shadow of their usual selves - the coupe test in particular was plodding and pedestrian.

I guess they had other things on their minds these last few months when they'd usually be planning and filming these segments, which is understandable, but it just doesn't get me excited at the moment.

I agree, although Speedy is right about most of the features (such as the coupe group test) being filmed prior to Hammond's accident.

I just feel that they're leaning too heavily on the banter / political incorrectness, and not concentrating on the cars. They've always got the balance right in the past but now it's gone too far.

Watch Clarkson say near-the-knuckle things about the environment or foreigners!

Watch the boys have a staged argument on a golf course!

....Oh, and we might show you the odd car or two.

6th February 2007, 13:23
When will the Stig get his hands on the Bugatti?? :mad:

I bet that they (Bugatti) don't want to be beaten by an 'inferior' car e.g Keoniggsegg, (didn't Westfield XTR and Radical go faster aswell?)

I reckon the Bugatti could go round in about 1:14'ish'

my brother in laws friend works for a very rich guy, looking after all his cars, one of which is one of the few Veyrons in the country, i would have thought he would be happy to lend it to the Stig for the day, i'll pass on a message, although i imagine they saw the episode and the £30 offer to anyone with a Veyron already!

Captain VXR
6th February 2007, 16:20
Pictures please :facelick:

6th February 2007, 17:48
I completely agree with everyone who thinks it was a shadow if it's former self. It seemed a lot more serious to me.

Why do I agree? Because from my side of things I hark back to all the times when the team were set challenges involving second hand cars they had to buy and they just went out and had a great laugh. Or the famous caravan stunt. Or the one where they had to turn an MPV into a soft-top and the think practically blew up the car wash.

It just didn't have me in stiches like so many things they have done in the past.

6th February 2007, 18:05
Monsieur Kovalainen seemed to be excited enough about the show. ;)

Captain VXR
6th February 2007, 19:03
The Alfa is a stunning car to look at - the first "sensible" car I've ever really liked. Looked a bit wallowy on the track though :s I'm glad Top Gear's back, Sunday nights just aren't the same without it!

I think some of these http://www.tein.com/ss1damp.html would sort the handling out.

Captain VXR
6th February 2007, 19:06
I completely agree with everyone who thinks it was a shadow if it's former self. It seemed a lot more serious to me.

Why do I agree? Because from my side of things I hark back to all the times when the team were set challenges involving second hand cars they had to buy and they just went out and had a great laugh. Or the famous caravan stunt. Or the one where they had to turn an MPV into a soft-top and the think practically blew up the car wash.

It just didn't have me in stiches like so many things they have done in the past.

It does seem more serious, perhaps they are playing it safe for the first few episodes. There are going to be more second hand challenges this season and a space shuttle TG style.

6th February 2007, 22:16
It does seem more serious, perhaps they are playing it safe for the first few episodes. There are going to be more second hand challenges this season and a space shuttle TG style.

yeah thats true, they are going to America and going to buy second hand cars there, old camaro fro jeremy, lincoln for james and an ol dodge picuk for hammond, its sure gonna be fun

7th February 2007, 07:49
On: BBC 2 (102)
Date: Sunday 11th February 2007 (starting in 4 days)
Time: 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM (1 hour long)
Motoring magazine show with Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond. This week's show is an American special as Jeremy, Richard and James try to prove that a fly-drive holiday to Florida would be more fun if you bought a car instead of renting one. Having picked up some wheels for no more than 1000 dollars each, the boys embark on an epic road trip to find out who got the best deal, encountering heat, flies and very angry locals along the way.
(Widescreen, Subtitles)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Excerpt taken from DigiGuide - the world's best TV guide available from http://www.getdigiguide.com/?p=1&r=24002
Copyright (c) GipsyMedia Limited.

Captain VXR
7th February 2007, 16:14
There's gonna be another challenge at some point in the series when they have to cut cars in half.

11th February 2007, 21:09
Well that was quite entertaining. :D

Mp3 Astra
11th February 2007, 21:11
If you missed this episode make sure you watch the repeat!!!

That was the best episode of Top Gear I've ever seen! Seriously I haven't laughed so much in ages. The production was top-notch, the set pieces were very entertaining and the unscripted parts were even better. Best moments?
When the car appears on the horizon with a cow on the roof, and when we see "Big Stig" :D

jonny hurlock
11th February 2007, 21:15
made me cry of happiness

just f****** great!

Brown, Jon Brow
11th February 2007, 21:22
'NASCAR sucks'

'Hillary for president'

'"Hammond, have you got the jump leads?"

(I'm off for a look on Google Earth to see May's car) :laugh:

speedy king
11th February 2007, 21:37
That was a fantastic episode :laugh: Has to be the best i can remember :) Great bucn of producers and writiers they have got making that program recently :) Much better than last weeks borefest...

11th February 2007, 21:40
Brilliant, more of the same please top gear :up:

Loved the shower in the car :D :D :laugh: :up:

11th February 2007, 22:16
Excellent episode, specially with the graffitti messages on the cars. 'NASCAR Sucks' 'Man Sex Rules OK' :laugh:

11th February 2007, 22:23
it was funny when the garage lady came out and started having a go at them!! and when Jeremy comes back with the cow on his roof!! oh dear brilliant roll on next week!

11th February 2007, 23:02
That was superb. I have not laughed so much in ages.

11th February 2007, 23:09
My jaw muscles ached after cos I laughed so much. Great episode.

But does anyone think that rednecks stoning them bit was faked? Cos i'm not sure.

11th February 2007, 23:18
Still laughing now!

12th February 2007, 00:04
But does anyone think that rednecks stoning them bit was faked? Cos i'm not sure.

...it's all faked...

12th February 2007, 00:57
Not surprised if it was. A lot more believable compared to previous efforts but still it was good, gripping entertainment.

I certainly wouldn't want my worst enemies confronted by right-wing rednecks though I'm sure there are people out there who would like to see Clarkson in Hammond's position!

12th February 2007, 08:24
Haven't laughed so much in a very long time :D

12th February 2007, 10:48
That show was great! but one thing top gear has taught us is not to go to that part of the USA wearing pink if your a bloke! :lol:

Brown, Jon Brow
12th February 2007, 14:46

12th February 2007, 15:07

Some people have no lives.

No one complains about Ray Mears roasting a whole bore on a bonfire, but they moan that the 3 lads want to eat a cow.
Lets all jump on the bandwagon a slate TG! :rolleyes:

12th February 2007, 15:12
Even after all these years of the new format people still don't 'get' what it's all about.

12th February 2007, 15:16
Sad sad people. :down:

If they want to review cars, buy a magazine or go online.

12th February 2007, 16:35
I'm shocked that i managed to miss this episode! I will make a concerted effort to see the repeat, Tuesday at 7pm?

My reason being this - I slept through it :laugh: That's what you get for working until 330am Saturday night and going out all the time... Oops

12th February 2007, 17:10
I'm shocked that i managed to miss this episode! I will make a concerted effort to see the repeat, Tuesday at 7pm?

My reason being this - I slept through it :laugh: That's what you get for working until 330am Saturday night and going out all the time... Oops


I worked until 3.10am on Saturday night (and didn't go to bed until 4.30am) and I didn't have any trouble being awake on Sunday evening.

12th February 2007, 19:42
That was a shocking episode, wasn't it? I have to admit I loved it and that I haven't laughed so much while watching TV in ages.

It gives a rather peculiar view on the USA and they topped it with the lawyer story.

12th February 2007, 20:20
Funny episode, good stuff.

Captain VXR
12th February 2007, 21:37
James couldn't even give his car away!!

donKey jote
12th February 2007, 22:04
That was a shocking episode, wasn't it? I have to admit I loved it and that I haven't laughed so much while watching TV in ages.

how do you watch it, tinternet or dish?

12th February 2007, 23:56
Absolutely TG back to its best :D :up: keep it coming BBC

Repeat is now on Wednesdays at 7pm Andy

13th February 2007, 10:45
how do you watch it, tinternet or dish?

Let's say it is transported by bits into my computer thanks to people who are incredibly generous and share their torrents of goods with the world.

13th February 2007, 11:02
I got his moron's post pulled

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbpointsofview/F1951566?thread=3879997&skip=0&show=20#p45566620 :cheese:

13th February 2007, 13:31
I thought it was entertaining but at the same time too contrived and trying just a little too hard.

I think the show itself is good, but is no way a patch on it's former self so far this series.

13th February 2007, 13:38
Sunday's episode was claissic viewing. First time I had a proper belly laugh at a TV show in years!!

Keep it up!!

13th February 2007, 16:27
Haha that was brilliant, funny but also at times a little worrying!

Hazell B
13th February 2007, 19:13
I got his moron's post pulled

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbpointsofview/F1951566?thread=3879997&skip=0&show=20#p45566620 :cheese:

Whilst you sure as hell did the right thing, I have to agree that they did try and upset the locals with their car art and that was wrong.

Almost certainly faked and using actors, but wrong all the same. I mean, if they drove past your house with "gang raping is fun!" all over their cars, wouldn't you be ticked off? Just because the UK audience finds it funny, it's not clever to upset the home folk.

The dead cow had been dead days and was probably from a fellmonger (it was bloated ready to pop! :p : ) so I can't see the problem with it being hauled about and laughed at.

donKey jote
13th February 2007, 21:15
Let's say it is transported by bits into my computer thanks to people who are incredibly generous and share their torrents of goods with the world.

funny that, I just happend to find it on my computer this morning too :confused: :p :

13th February 2007, 22:00
I thought it was entertaining but at the same time too contrived and trying just a little too hard.

I think the show itself is good, but is no way a patch on it's former self so far this series.

I agree. New Top Gear was quite a lot different to Old Top Gear, but it was still basically a car show. From the second series, when James May joined, the wonderful natural chemistry between the three presenters gave the show a human factor, which even managed to attract viewers who weren't interested in cars. Now I fear that the show has played upon this to the point that it has become little more than a a sort of middle-aged version of Jackass. Or a Last of the Summer Wine for the Nuts/Zoo generation.

I was happy when it was a car show with natural humorous banter, so I'd like to see a bit more of that, and a bit less of driving around with politically provocative statements written on cars.

16th February 2007, 18:10

information on this weeks episode and the rocket business :) and it happened at my university :up:

and a welcome return for the Top Gear Dog!! :D :up:

Captain VXR
16th February 2007, 19:22
Cool, near Bath
Sorry, I had to post the smilie :D

18th February 2007, 21:43
So another episode of Top Gear gone, and although it wasnt as good as last week, i still found it interesting. The rocket car was good, loved it when they launched it and it was going well until it all fell apart and the release mechanism didnt work and it just made a big hole in the ground :laugh:

Captain VXR
18th February 2007, 22:24
Very funny, back to the usual top gear. Anyone thought the chainsaw was a bit ott although hilarious :p

Brown, Jon Brow
18th February 2007, 22:27
That rocket was quite impressive.....................................for a bit :erm:

19th February 2007, 11:25
Of course here it was delayed because of Welsh open snooker, that then overran, grrr.

I started to get really annoyed at what Clarkson was said, that was unusual. But the rocket car was brilliant!

19th February 2007, 11:31
I bet this week's complaint will either be the vast amount of money spent on the rocket experiment or Clarkson using a chainsaw without safety goggles. :p :

19th February 2007, 11:40
Or blade proof-clothing, or gloves. Tut tut!

The chainsaw bit really made me chuckle. Not as much as the roadworks segment the week before last, though. The sheer daftness of the Rocket Robin was also inspired.

19th February 2007, 12:52
Now I thought that this week's episode was a bit more like vintage Top Gear. Much much better than the American episode last week, especially the Porsche review and the rocket car was superb :up:

19th February 2007, 12:53
Aren't the car reviews getting a bit samey? Just Clarkson going "Simply astonishing", all the time..

19th February 2007, 13:14
Some of the video styles on those segments have been criticised for being too "arty", but I really thought the camerawork added to the Porsche review this week.

19th February 2007, 13:16
Aren't the car reviews getting a bit samey? Just Clarkson going "Simply astonishing", all the time..

Well he certainly didn't say that about the Brabus Merc.

19th February 2007, 16:36
I bet this week's complaint will either be the vast amount of money spent on the rocket experiment or Clarkson using a chainsaw without safety goggles. :p :

Yes your quite right!

People are moaning about how much of the licence fees money was, blah, blah, blah. But there are some people saying, "...not as much as a 5th episode of Eastenders a week!" :laugh:

19th February 2007, 16:54
I would almost prefer the money to be spent on more EastEnders than the Clarkson ego-fest that Top Gear has now become.

Brown, Jon Brow
19th February 2007, 17:13
What?? More Eastenders. BBC1 is depressing enough as it is without more of Dot Cotton and Peggy talking about blathering crap. :o hplease:

19th February 2007, 17:29
Down with Eastenders!
Clarkson for director-general of the BBC!

19th February 2007, 18:39
I loved this week episode it reminded me of the old Top Gear, I loved the arty bits in the Porsche review, I loved to see the Cool wall back and this week's challenge was quite a thing.

I think it was a good episode.

20th February 2007, 16:08
Can anyone give me the address of that petiton thing that Clarkson was on about.

I want to sign it.

20th February 2007, 16:23
The anti road charging petition closed last night.

Ian McC
24th February 2007, 10:40
I bet this week's complaint will either be the vast amount of money spent on the rocket experiment

I hate to think how much that cost, you could of probably had another seven seasons of BB for that :eek:

Seriously though, anyone want have a guess? Would be interesting to know.

24th February 2007, 10:44
I would hazzard a guess that it was around the same as the weekly budget for Eastenders or a couple of episodes of Waking The Dead, and I know which one I'd rather watch.

Whatever it cost, it was highly entertaining and worth every damn penny.

More BBC more!

24th February 2007, 13:48
dont care what it cost, I would rather they spent it on entertainment than 100 cretins on a fill-in quiz for the lottery show

Hazell B
24th February 2007, 18:13
I think the cash would have been better spent on a whole hour of stand alone show dedicated to that rocket Robin, not part of Top Gear.

Then we'd have had two servings last week :p :

25th February 2007, 18:47
Which came first, Top Gear space rocket or the idea to put a US missile defence in UK? Coincidence, i think not. :D

25th February 2007, 19:10

apparently tonights episode is going to be on rail safety. ohw ironic is that

Res Ipsa Loquitur
25th February 2007, 19:37
Probably would fund ITV4's WRC coverage for the next twenty years

25th February 2007, 21:22
How much was Hammond's fuel bill? :eek:

I would have wanted to see their field experiement actually get somewhere in this episode, but was a good one nonetheless! :D

25th February 2007, 21:25
best one this series I think. Was thinking thtaTG had begun to get stale but tonight renewed my faith :D

25th February 2007, 21:25
Rubbish episode. Everything seemed even more obviously staged than normal :mark:

Brown, Jon Brow
25th February 2007, 21:52
That was funny as usual. Mocking Jeremy in the news and interview and laughing at May's FIAT was top entertainment.

Someone should tell Jeremy that you sew seeds not plant them.

25th February 2007, 21:54
i thought it was quite good to be honest, it does give out more of a fun factor agreed, but its still one of the best programmes around in my opinion :)

26th February 2007, 09:22
More tractor-based humour please!
I was wondering why Jeremy had gone back to Kristin Scott Thomas after preferring Fiona Bruce in the last series. All is clear now, though.

26th February 2007, 11:40
Kristin Scott-Thomas didn't seem all too comfortable being there... particularly when the sign came out! :D

HIghlight: Hammond driving that mammoth tractor thing through the village for a ploughmans...
Lowlight: the rail safety thing... got the point, but it was ruined by the silly jacket thing... is Jeremy scared of being serious or something?

Dave B
26th February 2007, 12:25
I too was disappointed at the level crossing item. I have no problem with it being shown in the same weekend as a completely co-incidental rail crash, but I thought their treatment of the subject was completely frivolous. I know it's all light-hearted, but if the whole idea was to shock people into driving more carefully then the message was lost.

The farming section was obviously very well planned and executed (that rickety bridge would have been risk-asessed to kingdom come, for example); but the genuine-looking banter during the studio sections was the best part of the series so far.

I fear it's all becoming slightly too predictable. :s

Res Ipsa Loquitur
26th February 2007, 13:44
How much was Hammond's fuel bill? :eek:

I would have wanted to see their field experiement actually get somewhere in this episode, but was a good one nonetheless! :D

I think the fuel bill for the tractor was something in the region of £1,12:eek:

Res Ipsa Loquitur
26th February 2007, 13:47
I too was disappointed at the level crossing item. I have no problem with it being shown in the same weekend as a completely co-incidental rail crash, but I thought their treatment of the subject was completely frivolous. I know it's all light-hearted, but if the whole idea was to shock people into driving more carefully then the message was lost.

I agree. Clarkson advised everyone who dodges level crossings to wear hi-viz vests. :dork: FOOL! He should've put a hi-viz vest on the car!

Dave B
27th February 2007, 15:17
43 compaints about that episode, according to Media Guardian (http://media.guardian.co.uk/broadcast/story/0,,2021747,00.html) :rolleyes:

27th February 2007, 15:35
Can't see it, need to register.

I think some people just like to complain about Top Gear, they don't like cars so are going to complain about the programme about them.

27th February 2007, 15:43
No they are just sad and pathetic people with nothing else to do, than try and ban a program that millions enjoy. It's just selfishness.

27th February 2007, 19:49
I'm sure lots of people enjoy the programmes about which I've complained to the BBC on occasion (not Top Gear, although personally I can't stand it now), but that doesn't stop me doing so when I feel it's necessary.

27th February 2007, 19:52
I'm sure lots of people enjoy the programmes about which I've complained to the BBC on occasion (not Top Gear, although personally I can't stand it now), but that doesn't stop me doing so when I feel it's necessary.
Yes. I think it's a little bit selfish for people to poo-poo the right of others to complain about a program. While I thought there was nothing really that wrong with the US episode I thought the "safety video" bit was one of the most moronic bits of TV I've ever seen. It was actually fine until Clarkson went on about high viz vests but he completely trivialised it all with his stupid joke.

27th February 2007, 20:15
And further to another comment above, I know plenty of people (myself included) who have been car enthusiasts for a long time but who can no longer watch Top Gear because of what it's turned into.

27th February 2007, 23:58
Top Gear has truly, truly jumped the shark.

Alfa Fan
28th February 2007, 00:16
I was disappointed with they way they did the Rail Safety thing tbh. They didn't need that to be turned into a joke and would have contrasted perfectly with the light-hearted nature of the rest of the program.

28th February 2007, 00:37
LOL Doesn't this comment want to make you fall asleep?


Message 116 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbpointsofview/F1951566?thread=3911492&skip=100&show=20#p46051809) - posted by Thelair (U7188225) (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbpointsofview/MP7188225), 2 Days Ago
Actually, Lucretzia, I think you've hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I'm 50+ and you know what I think about TG. Possibly because the 50's+ have had a bit more driving experience and are more mature because of our advanced years, and our attitude to driving is more mature, in as much as we're not interested in pulling wheelies, or doughnuts and other crazy stunts that can be dangerous, and having a respect for our vehicles, that cost a lot of money to buy and run, and I hate seeing perfectly good machinery treated like junk and deliberately pushed to the point of destruction. Yes! it must be an Ageist thing.

28th February 2007, 09:20
Top Gear has truly, truly jumped the shark.

You will have to explain what that means!

Dave B
28th February 2007, 09:58
It's a reference to an episode of Happy Days which contained a shark-jumping stunt that was so far-fetched that it was widely felt to have forever tainted an otherwise fine programme and contributed to its demise. :)

Edit: have a read of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_the_shark

28th February 2007, 13:08
How interesting. I'd never heard it before.

jim mcglinchey
28th February 2007, 13:18
Used to be you wouldnt have heard a single word of criticism of the sacrosanct Top Gear. I remember being most personally insulted for daring to question how effin' brilliant it was, but now the cracks are starting to appear.

Hazell B
28th February 2007, 14:19
No they are just sad and pathetic people with nothing else to do, than try and ban a program that millions enjoy. It's just selfishness.

You know each and every complainant personally, eh?
Thought not :s

I expect most have complained bacause they felt the need to do so. I wasn't bothered either way about the train section of the show, but can well see some people who've lost a friend or family member being insulted by it being made into a joke. I wouldn't blame them for complaining - in fact I'd congratulate them for standing up for themselves. If they make a Top Gear taking the pee out of people like myself who're covered in facial scars from car crashes and laugh at us, I'll be not only complaining but tracking Clarkson down and slapping him good and hard.

28th February 2007, 15:14
Someone should tell Jeremy that you sew seeds not plant them.

We sow seeds down here.

As for those that don't like the programme - it isn't that difficult to find the off button on your TV. Plus, there's always Wild At Heart on t'other side.

28th February 2007, 15:18
Very much like the Simpsons. A bad episode is better than pretty much everything else on TV at the same time. TG was very enjoyable at the w/end although maybe not up to their brilliant best.

Mp3 Astra
28th February 2007, 21:29
Very much like the Simpsons. A bad episode is better than pretty much everything else on TV at the same time. TG was very enjoyable at the w/end although maybe not up to their brilliant best.

Sounds like what I was about to say :up:

Brown, Jon Brow
28th February 2007, 21:50
We sow seeds down here.

As for those that don't like the programme - it isn't that difficult to find the off button on your TV. Plus, there's always Wild At Heart on t'other side.

Well you know the 'o' is close to the 'e' on the keyboard :o

28th February 2007, 22:03
As for those that don't like the programme - it isn't that difficult to find the off button on your TV.

I'm a fan of the programme but I find the current series more than a little sub-standard compared to previous efforts.

I'll still watch it, because a) I like James May b) I like cars and c) The only possible alternative is 5th Gear, and that's presented by Tim Lovejoy.

1st March 2007, 09:41
I agree with BBB :) James May is my favourite top gear presenter too. Less concerned with the power and more concerned with the cars.

Brown, Jon Brow
1st March 2007, 09:47
Top Gear is up there with the best programmes on TV. I find it funnier than most of the comedy shows. I also enjoy the fact that the presenters are always politically incorrect :laugh:

Maybe it's best if you are under 25years old.

1st March 2007, 10:01
It's good if you are any age I think. I love that Top Gear is politically incorrect, as it stands it's pretty much the only show on the TV which is, and that's very refreshing!

1st March 2007, 10:11
Even my mum likes Top Gear and she's in her 50s.

1st March 2007, 11:21
It's good if you are any age I think. I love that Top Gear is politically incorrect, as it stands it's pretty much the only show on the TV which is, and that's very refreshing!

It's hardly politically incorrect though, is it? That element of the show's content basically involves Jeremy Clarkson making slightly offensive derogatory remarks about gay people and stupid comments on topics about which he knows nothing, while hectoring anyone who disagrees. I always find it interesting that when he appears on shows like Have I Got News for You and QI, he's much more pleasant and witty, largely because I imagine he knows he would be shot down in flames by the other participants if he tried his usual 'act'.

1st March 2007, 11:25
When did he make offensive remarks about gay people? You make it sound like it's a regular feature every week :s

1st March 2007, 11:50
When did he make offensive remarks about gay people? You make it sound like it's a regular feature every week :s

He does try to say something 'Politically Incorrect' every week now. Usually during the News section.

1st March 2007, 12:07
When did he make offensive remarks about gay people? You make it sound like it's a regular feature every week :s

If you recall, Ofcom upheld a complaint against him for this a while ago, and he normally makes some sort of derogatory comment along similar lines, basically stating that people who are anything other than the way he is are somehow deficient.

1st March 2007, 12:40
think there is a quote from CLarkson somewhere that goes along the lines of "if the majority of the populace are normal, i dont want to be"

Couldnt agree more

1st March 2007, 13:57
I like James May

I liked the wine show he did with Oz Clarke last year. Absolutely nothing to do with cars, but he was very good in it. :)

1st March 2007, 14:03
Did anyone else see the programme James did about classic toys? It was repeated at Christmas.
His column in the Saturday Telegraph Motoring section is always very funny as well. I think he's a better natural comedian than Clarkson is.

1st March 2007, 15:24
I certainly find him a much more personable character on the TV.

Hazell B
1st March 2007, 23:00
I can see James May and Richard Hammond both making their own shows along the lines of the toy one and Hammond's Books for Boys (BBC4, very good) in the coming months. Top Gear will end this year too, I'm willing to bet.

Dave B
2nd March 2007, 10:12
The Beeb are still actively seeking a new location for once they have to leave Dunsfold, rumours are they're relocating to Bentwaters (think Space Cadets and Dog Borstal), so they would seem to be banking on it continuing. :D

2nd March 2007, 10:43
The Beeb are still actively seeking a new location for once they have to leave Dunsfold, rumours are they're relocating to Bentwaters (think Space Cadets and Dog Borstal), so they would seem to be banking on it continuing. :D

The thing is, with it being such a money-spinner for the BBC and having such high viewing figues, it must be difficult to know when to stop. My guess is it'll take a couple of duff series before viewing figures drop, and then the current format will be ditched. Hopefully, they'll turn it around, but they need to get their mojo back because the current series is massively disappointing.

Hazell B
2nd March 2007, 18:20
The BBC dumped it's biggest earner ever, Robor Wars, during a high in figures, so don't be too confident Top Gear is here to stay.

I think Clarkson will walk within a year. He's pushing so hard to be on the carpet in front of the BBC bosses, waiting for a chance to tell them where to stuff their show. Then, two years later, he'll probably want to come back and start all over again. It's happened before.

4th March 2007, 21:09
Completely rigged, false, predictable last in the series episode and I loved it.

4th March 2007, 21:18
I really enjoyed the feature on the limo cars, it was something that hasn't been done before and featured some genuinely... interesting vehicles (May's was a favourite). The feature on the Mustang was good, but for me nothing will ever top a '67 GT 500. ;)

That said, the new GT 500 does have brilliant looks. Shame Ford are too tight to make it that bit better. Do we often hear of BMW, Audi or Volkswagen doing such a thing? Not likely...

4th March 2007, 22:24
Completely rigged, false, predictable last in the series episode and I loved it.

what do you mean rigged?

one another note, why has the series finished so early? I'm gutted. Its the best programme on TV

4th March 2007, 23:05
It was possibly the most ive ever laughed, i didnt laugh this much even for the america episode. i found it fantastic! :laugh:

So Gutted that its over until the summer now :( :( :( Sunday nights wont be the same.

4th March 2007, 23:24
lol well the dust will build on my tv till the summer only time i use it is for top gear...... oh and xbox 360 :)

5th March 2007, 00:13
I really enjoyed the feature on the limo cars, it was something that hasn't been done before and featured some genuinely... interesting vehicles (May's was a favourite). The feature on the Mustang was good, but for me nothing will ever top a '67 GT 500. ;)

That said, the new GT 500 does have brilliant looks. Shame Ford are too tight to make it that bit better. Do we often hear of BMW, Audi or Volkswagen doing such a thing? Not likely...

Not only that, but they still haven't brought out a Focus Cosworth, which I would've thought a must. Obviously not, and I'm not holding my breath either waiting for one. Shame...
How many episodes was this series on for, 5-6? Yet crap goes on for ever and ever, can't make the BBC out.

5th March 2007, 00:55
6 episodes this series. However Top Gear does two of these "mini series" a year, meaning we wait less time between series', whereas some series run for longer then leave you waiting for longer. That said, this run did seem shorter than most...

Alfa Fan
5th March 2007, 01:20
Possibliy because all most people remember from episode 1 is the crash, episode 2 was quite poor, 3 was the US special, 4 was the rocket, 5 the train crash and 6 the limos - So there was only 3 really good episodes this series 3/4/6 IMO.

5th March 2007, 10:20
I laughed SO much in last nights episode... I think more so at Billie Piper's awful posh accent than anything else! Has she always talked like that!??! I think not...

Loved the limo's... paticularly when they started driving James' from both ends! :D

5th March 2007, 10:30
Did anyone else think that Billie sounded drunk?

The limo sections were totally set up but I still found them funny, even with the presence of the wholly un-hilarious Chris Moyles. It was a shame that we didn't get an "oh cock!" from James though.

5th March 2007, 10:32
haha lemar was so annoyed at captain slow.

5th March 2007, 11:29
I'm also a little confused, I never thought Billie Piper was so posh...

5th March 2007, 12:21
I'm sitting here waiting for someone set up my "because she wants to" gag, but it's not happening. :( :p :

5th March 2007, 12:43
haha lemar was so annoyed at captain slow.

Correction: Lemar was pretending to be annoyed, just as James May was pretending to be lost.

5th March 2007, 12:53
I have never laughed so much - thought it was superb even if the celeb bit was so staged.

Just adored the 'what does this handle do?' bit

5th March 2007, 12:56
Correction: Lemar was pretending to be annoyed, just as James May was pretending to be lost.
Yes. All a bit too obviously set up for my liking :mark:

Dave B
5th March 2007, 16:16
I'm sitting here waiting for someone set up my "because she wants to" gag, but it's not happening. :( :p :

Have you been waiting Day and Night? :p

I've got a "Something Deep Inside" punchline all ready to go, but it might result in my bannage.... :s

5th March 2007, 18:35
Not the best artist to use in this sort of situation. We've exhausted her back catalogue already. :mark:

Ian McC
5th March 2007, 19:42
Not the best artist to use in this sort of situation. We've exhausted her back catalogue already. :mark:

I am waiting for someone to work in honey to the bee ;)

Ian McC
5th March 2007, 19:43
I'm also a little confused, I never thought Billie Piper was so posh...

Did she put that on for the show? I have never heard her like that before.

5th March 2007, 19:48
We've exhausted her back catalogue already. :mark:

I don't want to see any reference to her back catalogue thank you very much.

Res Ipsa Loquitur
5th March 2007, 20:53
So Richard Hammond gets invited to No.10 to talk about road-pricing with Tony Blair? I would've liked to hear details about this conversation but unfortunately all we got was, "Did you vomit on him and punch him in the face?"

Hazell B
7th March 2007, 19:30
Did she put that on for the show? I have never heard her like that before.

Heard her on the radio once, and she sounded the same then too. Maybe she just sounds posher when nervous?

Shame they couldn't get people who could act for the limo bit, it would have been so much better. Also, shame the producers don't know what time it gets dark in the evenings so they could at least pretend to be late with some realism ;)