View Full Version : Should i get a blue ray player or a ps3

26th July 2008, 22:50
Could someone please help

The instant classic
27th July 2008, 01:04
Could someone please help
PS3 thats if you like playing video games, you get that and a blue ray player 2 in 1 deal :cool:

27th July 2008, 02:07
And a PS3 is cheaper than most blueray players if I'm not wrong, well so I've heard..

27th July 2008, 16:31
Its a total no brainer you need to get a PS3. Not only is a PS3 as good as any dedicated blu-ray player on the market, it also enables you to easily get the newest firmware updates, so as blu-ray technology progresses the PS3 will be futureproof.

On top of this it is cheaper and you obviously have an amazing games console/internet/music player.

27th July 2008, 21:12

Show me a PS3 as cheap as that :) Buy that and get a Wii to play on with the change.

The PS3 is so overrated it's not funny. The whole firmware update thing is rather moot considering most people don't have 529 speakers in their living room so the lack of super dooper dolby digital thx surround sound isn't really that much of a problem. It's a big ugly lump, the online service is crap, there are no good exclusive games and it's very much overpriced and the Wii is a mile better to play around with :) I've played a bit on PS3's in shops and so on with various games and it's just your typical game pad mashing stuff that you've had since the dawn of console gaming. Whereas the Wii is interesting and intuitive the PS3 is just a PS1 with funky graphics, wireless, a hard drive and a blu ray drive. Meh.

27th July 2008, 22:12
Get a PS3.

Dave B
28th July 2008, 08:12
Whenever I used my old PS2 as a DVD player the PQ was utterly awful. Not sure about the sound quality, I could barely hear it over the noise of the fan :s

I can only assume - hope - that the PS3 has improved.

28th July 2008, 10:22
My PS3 is my DVD/Blu-Ray player and it's fine - I don't hear the fan at all and the picture is indistinguishable from my previous DVD player.

Powered by Cosworth
28th July 2008, 11:09
PS3. It's a no brainer for all the reasons above.

28th July 2008, 11:45
Whenever I used my old PS2 as a DVD player the PQ was utterly awful. Not sure about the sound quality, I could barely hear it over the noise of the fan :s

I can only assume - hope - that the PS3 has improved.

From what i've heard the PS3 is a decent DV/Bluray player. But for more than a 100 less just buy a dedicated Blu-Ray player.

I've never quite got the appeal of the Playstation. A quick recap.

PS1 - Horrible graphics, horrible controller and horrible load times.
Nintendo 64 - Great controller, excellent load times due to the cartridge design and graphics which were better than the PS1's unless you were after video in which case they weren't as good.

PS2 - Loud, horrible controller, still horrible load times and graphics still not that great.
XBox - Big, ugly, decent controller, slightly better graphics, load time around the same, hard drive so you could store all your music on it, YOU COULD PLAY ON THE INTERNET!!!!

PS3 Big, ugly, good graphics, horrible controller, good graphics, crap online play
Wii Innovative control system, graphics are OK, EXCELLENT gameplay, great exlusive titles

I just don't get how the Playstation has been a success in spite of all of the obvious failings it has. When people go on about the PS3 they always go on about how powerful it is or about how it's a blu ray player and how great that is. No one actually comes out and says how great it is for playing games on. Notice on this thread not one person has come out and said how great they think it is as a console. If you're going to spend almost £300 you'd want it to be the best console on the market which it clearly isn't. The Wii is selling more in spite of the fack it doesn't have flashy graphics, a Blu ray player and a Cell processor which complicates programming.

28th July 2008, 12:32
Fine I'll do it then. I really enjoy playing games on my PS3 and I think it is a great console. It is the closest thing you can get to a dedicated PC gaming machine without spending over a grand on a computer.

And anyway, this is a Blu-Ray thread, not a "let's bash the PS3 as a console" thread. It is a perfectly acceptable console, with the bonus that it doubles as a Blu-Ray player, or vice-versa. As this is a Blu-Ray thread, I'll save my Wii opinions for somewhere else.

28th July 2008, 13:07
Fine I'll do it then. I really enjoy playing games on my PS3 and I think it is a great console. It is the closest thing you can get to a dedicated PC gaming machine without spending over a grand on a computer.

And anyway, this is a Blu-Ray thread, not a "let's bash the PS3 as a console" thread. It is a perfectly acceptable console, with the bonus that it doubles as a Blu-Ray player, or vice-versa. As this is a Blu-Ray thread, I'll save my Wii opinions for somewhere else.

You don't need to spend a grand to get a PS3 beating computer. I've spent a fair bit less than a grand and aside from the graphics card which was an old design when i got it which I carried over from an old PC this PC would wipe the floor with a PS3 and then beat the crap out of a Wii with what was left over.

The point that you get a console for £100 over the price of a Blu Ray player is a good one but does the OP actually want a PS3 if a low end 360 can be had for not much more and a Wii for not much more again.

28th July 2008, 13:37
I will also save my opinion for the Wii and its gaming concept for a more appropriate thread.

I dont think its mentioned, what TV do you have? if you dont have an HD TV then threre is no point in getting a blue ray player and you gan get a PS3 but it wont look much better than a PS2

I say go for the PS3 you get a blue ray player and a gaming console. I see no reason to go for a blue ray player and a wii or xbox 360 (I own a 360 btw) plus having 2 devices means you need twice the space to put them, 2 power sockets, 2 wires coming out of the back of your TV etc.

28th July 2008, 21:19
In a sense the PS3 and Wii aren't really comparable. The Wii is a bit of fun (a bit gimmicky for my liking), where as the PS3 is a more serious gaming console. The pad is "old fashioned" because it works beautifully and doesn't need to be changed. True the PS3 and XBox are hefty and not the best looking, but I didnt buy it to look at, I bought it to look at the amazing graphics.

All this said I still think someone should buy the WiiFit Daniel is flogging at a competitive price!

Just another note about the Blu-Ray aspect. Because the final Blu-Ray format has not quite been finalised yet, buying a PS3 means you will have nothing to worry about because the console accounts for something like over 60% of all BD players - meaning the end result has to be compatible with PS3.

29th July 2008, 22:50
i have a 42" hitachi its hd ready as its got my sky hd on it already, my dvd players c**p my son had a ps2 will we still be able to play some of these games on a ps3? i think you can play some

Alfa Fan
29th July 2008, 23:10
The vast majority of PS2 games work fine on the PS3, infact, the vast majority of PS1 games work fine on the PS3. I've heard there are some compatability issues from time-to-time but I've yet to encounter any.

29th July 2008, 23:25
Sony has a website where you can check if PS and PS2 games are PS3 compatible.
