View Full Version : Rally Championships Poll

14th July 2008, 14:51
We are currently reviewing what rally fans want across the world.

We are looking to produce the best content.

If WRC is the number one, and IRC number two, what championships come next in the order?

APC, French, Belgian, British, USA etc?

Also, what rallies are the most popular within those?

Ypres, Madeira, Isle of Man, Barum, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Sanremo, Valais?

Which countries rallies are the best?

We want to know what rally fans want from a global point of view.

Please post as this is important

14th July 2008, 15:16
Cheap way of doing market research!

As both ISC backed English language rally mags ie Rally Xs and to a certain extent (as it's hanging on by its finger nails) Rallyworld have failed in recent times to shift enough copies I would assume you are looking to broaden the distribution of Rally Results?

I which case have a look at Tutto Rally, Todo Rallyes and Rallyes magazines and mirror their content. I'm not sure your current format would appeal to anyone other than a complete stats junkie so would look at that first before I considered which championships to cover.

16th July 2008, 10:03
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