View Full Version : a better beer

14th July 2008, 04:58
InBev, the makers of Stella Artois, are finalising a buyout of Anheuser-Busch.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25663923 :beer:

14th July 2008, 08:08
good - budweiser tastes like rodent piss anyway. I like alt beer from dusseldorf or Corona with lime. Maybe now we will see bud in a full sponsor deal for a F1 team.

Rudy Tamasz
14th July 2008, 08:14
Of American beers, nothing's gonna beat Sam Adams anyway.

14th July 2008, 14:05
good - budweiser tastes like rodent piss anyway. I like alt beer from dusseldorf or Corona with lime. Maybe now we will see bud in a full sponsor deal for a F1 team.

Americans think that too? Thank god :)

14th July 2008, 16:30
Coors regular used to me good many years ago when they shipped it cold from the brewery and it was not pasturized so the stores couldn't leave it around to get hot. Our beer has to be 3.2 by law which makes it a bit "Gay" Kinda like pink koolaid with a kick. If you get to Dusseldorf go to the old town and down at the end of one main street is a little "Alt Brewery" I have spent many hours in there and it was worth every "Sip" Every time I ended up with about 3 coasters looking like roulette wheels. ( if you understand how they keep track )

14th July 2008, 18:29
Bud :down:

Stella :up:

14th July 2008, 19:36
Americans think that too? Thank god :)

well, some of us do. But there's still that Hillbilly/Redneck/Blue Collar contingent that would continue to kill their taste buds with lackluster brew than to look for something with a little more to it. Some may call that intelligence, but I call that just plain common sense.

The difference between mass production and craftsmanship is in the details, which is why Micro-brewers have gained in admiration what A-B lost in stature. Remember this as you hear all this lamenting and whining from those that are heavy consumers of, basically, 'cheap brew'. Introduce them to a product made by higher standards, not slick advertising, and guage the result.

15th July 2008, 17:55
Bud is crap but Stella isnt nothing special either. It has great marketing though that makes it look upscale, ie, pubs always serve it in a stella pint glass