View Full Version : I'm outing myself!

Hazell B
9th July 2008, 21:26
About time, I hear some of you say :p :

Actually I'm not liking the female touch, but I needed to get your attention somehow. I am instead admitting to being utter rubbish at internet searches and frankly I need your collective help.

Few weeks ago I bought a large cast iron horse stall trough and hay rack and now I need to know what they're going for on the open market and how much cast goes for as scrap.

First the scrap value - I paid £40 plus VAT and buyers premium at auction (£51 in all) for approx 75kg of painted, rust-free cast iron. What's it worth? The scrap man stopped bidding against me at the auction when my mate Mark (over 6 foot, about 18 stone, woolly hat wearing) growled at him, so I know scrap value is above £45.

Secondly, can anyone find a cast iron stall trough for sale on the net? I can't, though I know they are out there.

It's about 70 inches long, has a rolled front edge and two removable horse feeders set in to the top surface. One's an oval bowl trough, one a large hay rack. It all fixes together with bolts and is about early Victorianish (it's original) with the original hole to tether the stalled horse.
In their day they were instruments of torture, as horses spent all their life tied to them going slowly mad, but now they are highly prized salvage. I've been after one of years, but was always outbid. This one was a case of right item in the wrong sale, so nobody really knew what it was.

Please, please help. Having gotten the damned thing, I'm now wondering if it's safe from the light-fingered even after I've bolted it to a specially built wall on my yard, so am considering selling again rather than just lose it to thieves :(

jim mcglinchey
10th July 2008, 09:00
[quote="Hazell B"]
First the scrap value - I paid £40 plus VAT and buyers premium at auction (£51 in all) for approx 75kg of painted, rust-free cast iron. What's it worth? The scrap man stopped bidding against me at the auction when my mate Mark (over 6 foot, about 18 stone, woolly hat wearing) growled at him, so I know scrap value is above £45.

Mid June 08, UK ferrous scrap:
heavy and light cast iron scrap £290 -300/ tonne


lead from church roof £947/ tonne
bronze sculpture by Henry Moore £3500/ tonne, heh heh.

Source: Machinery Market and Scrap Metal Thief.

10th July 2008, 11:04
I am not really sure that those are offering scraps in tonnages are also accept single item.

At the time either of horse, cow, or buffalo-drawn buggy was commonly used to transport hays or anything, that bridle was easily found. Todays I think we can get it like modifying car, come to the welding or reparation shop and ask them one for your horse.

Where do you put it safe from thieves I think like cars too. They have a thousand method to screw the bolt down. If you think alarm is good for the car, why didn't try it at the horse stall. :)

10th July 2008, 16:29
Best bet is to weigh it. Then at least you have a starting point when talking to scrappers. How you do that I have no idea!

Hazell B
10th July 2008, 21:36
Thanks Mark, but as I know it's worth about five or more times as much original, I won't be weighing it in. I just wondered what the scrap value was so if it's stolen I'll know just how little the thieves got.

Plus I have a heap of cast that's sitting about in the yard having been bought over the years and never used. Old dray wheels, ship's spanners (they're like giant spanners, maybe up to four inch bolts - very decorative) and stuff like that. It's arrived in with auction lots as spare parts that used to be of zero value - not so now :up:

10th July 2008, 21:56
There was a story in the local rag a few days ago about a body found dead (well, obviously) in an underground utility room. It seems the bloke was electocuted while attempting to cut into a power cable. The numbnuts was apparently trying to retrieve the valuable copper wire for resale :mark: .

11th July 2008, 01:51
There was a story in the local rag a few days ago about a body found dead (well, obviously) in an underground utility room. It seems the bloke was electocuted while attempting to cut into a power cable. The numbnuts was apparently trying to retrieve the valuable copper wire for resale :mark: .
Thankfully a common story these days. Darwinism at it's best :)

11th July 2008, 09:11
That story sounds a bit amateurish playing with high voltage, there is new trend on stealing copper wire of electricity or telephone. They prepare the cheap wires from home and install it while they put the original wires off. By doing so, everything works like normal, customers or the official will not know the case immediately.

Hazell B
13th July 2008, 20:01
Thankfully a common story these days. Darwinism at it's best :)

There were about three badly burned while trying to 'engineer' some railway electrics near here a year or two ago. Tributes to them, tributes I tell you, appeared in the local papers :mark:
Of course once their two friends owned up to leaving them smouldering to death, things turned nasty in the chav circles :p :

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