View Full Version : Normal teenager activity or something to take seriously?

26th January 2007, 16:31
Well, "better safe than sorry" is probably valid argument in this case, but at least to me the three celebrity names on the list suggest they weren't serious:


6 H.S. Girls Charged in Murder Plot That Included Energizer Bunny

Friday, January 26, 2007

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Six girls at a rural high school were charged with homicide conspiracy after their principal found a list of 300 names and officials discovered online postings suggesting they kill people, authorities said Thursday.

School officials said the list, discovered in a classroom trash can, mostly named students and faculty members but also included Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey and the Energizer bunny.

26th January 2007, 16:33
No-one can kill the Energizer bunny, no-one can catch him. :p :

26th January 2007, 16:39
There have been instances where American students have gone on killing sprees. However, and I say this without knowing the facts and evidence in this case, I find it rather disturbing that the young ladies have been carted off to a Juvenile Holding Camp when all this might be is some fantasy wish list.

Blimey, I would still be banged up now if all the people I'd threatened to knock their brains out had of been taken seriously.

26th January 2007, 16:57
There have been instances where American students have gone on killing sprees.
True. However, I don't remember any girls commiting them, let alone 6 girls. I just remember cases committed by deranged boys and two of them being the maximum number. But there can always be the first time, of course.

26th January 2007, 18:09
The Energizer Bunny would kick their little bitch arses!!

26th January 2007, 18:34
That is a hard one to call. It probably started as a bored in the classroom game, passing a note back and forth, and expanded from there. I think the police picking them up and bringing them in will snap them, and any others, back into reality very quickly. If however, no actual intent to act on the list is found, I would hope the charges would be dropped.

Rural Tennessee? You can bet those kids know how to shoot. I think it best they check this one out and stop it now. I wonder if the Energizer Bunny is wearing body armor and packing heat now?

26th January 2007, 18:40
Well I suppose it's prudent to investigate the matter, but charging them with "conspiracy to commit crimminal homicide" is a tad harsh is it not?

26th January 2007, 18:55
True. However, I don't remember any girls commiting them, let alone 6 girls. I just remember cases committed by deranged boys and two of them being the maximum number. But there can always be the first time, of course.

I see no reason why there should be the distinction.

I know quite a few Ladies that if caught at the wrong time are more than capable of murder ;)

26th January 2007, 18:58
I guess the bunny wasn't up to the game. :eek: Maybe he wasn't "energized" enough...

26th January 2007, 19:04
Well I suppose it's prudent to investigate the matter, but charging them with "conspiracy to commit crimminal homicide" is a tad harsh is it not?

agree, it might be something serious but it can be some kind of a joke too, when I was in High School, once while being bored in maths class I did an enemy list, never even thought of actually doing something to the people in that list but if the police would had investigated it I'd be charged for conspiring against the president :erm:

26th January 2007, 19:06
I wonder what the charges would be for attacking the Energizer Bunny. Assault a battery?

26th January 2007, 19:09
I wonder what the charges would be for attacking the Energizer Bunny. Assault a battery?

Oh dear... :erm:

26th January 2007, 19:13
Well I suppose it's prudent to investigate the matter, but charging them with "conspiracy to commit crimminal homicide" is a tad harsh is it not?

I would hope the charge was part of the "shock therapy" and will be dropped later.

26th January 2007, 19:32
I would hope the charge was part of the "shock therapy" and will be dropped later.

Yeah, most likely.

Ian McC
26th January 2007, 23:09
It probably says more about the state of things now that this is taken seriously, still if you threaten to kill someone, especially in print, you should not be surprised to find the police banging on your door.

speedy king
27th January 2007, 00:20
If they were serious.....why would they leave it in a class room bin???? I used to at least dump porn in the outside bins...ooh too far? :erm: :p :

27th January 2007, 05:45
So next time someone drops something important and you say "I'll kill you", you'll go to jail :rolleyes:

Mark in Oshawa
27th January 2007, 17:37
Me thinks that Police in that part of town have too much time on their hands.

This is a joke by some admittely twisted kids, but a girl in her teen years usually has a period where she hates everyone, and this is no different. Obviously making a big deal of this was the way they wanted to deal with it....and it is wrong.

27th January 2007, 19:54
I think its nothing more than a twisted joke, I mean come on could this be real if the list includes the Energizer Bunny!!! And they throw it in a classroom bin.