View Full Version : Webber tapps Vettle as replacement

9th July 2008, 03:36
I know he doesn't get the final call, but surely his endorsement must mean something.

Q: You will leave your Red Bull cockpit after the chequered flag in Brazil. Who do you hope will fill it?
DC: For me Sebastian Vettel has everything that a future winner in Formula One needs. Also his maturity and approach shows me that he is the best man for the job. So I am very confident that he would be able to do a very good job for Red Bull Racing.

9th July 2008, 04:47
should the thread title be DC taps Vettel as replacement?

I think he would do a good job in the seat, he showed the pace in the BMW and RB are a much stronger outfit than torro rosso

9th July 2008, 08:32
I guess it should be DC...
Vettel was decent at BMW for such a youngster, hasn't shown much but then its a STR he is driving.

Not sure how DC's input is going to be considered but he did say he will stay on as consultant at RBR so who knows, maybe he knows something we don't.

9th July 2008, 09:25
Given Vettel's performances this year (hardly stellar alongside Bourdais) Mark may very well welcome his arrival into the team :)

9th July 2008, 10:15
Given Vettel's performances this year (hardly stellar alongside Bourdais)...

Having been taken out on the first laps in 6 (or something like that) of the races so far, not by his fault he still did very fine in the remaining races.

By the end of the season he will have trounced Bourdais by a country mile.

9th July 2008, 12:27
Having been taken out on the first laps in 6 (or something like that) of the races so far, not by his fault he still did very fine in the remaining races.

By the end of the season he will have trounced Bourdais by a country mile.

He was outqualified by Bourdais in a few races as well. But at the moment, Vettel has the upper hand.

9th July 2008, 17:01
Given Vettel's performances this year (hardly stellar alongside Bourdais) Mark may very well welcome his arrival into the team :) Stellar wouldn't be the appropriate word for Vettel's season, but that hardly means that he's not competent enough to take DC's seat. Vettel is faster amongst the two Sebs in qualifying and race pace.

Webber will have to worry more about Vettel than he ever did with Coulthard.

Valve Bounce
11th July 2008, 04:07
I think it is very important to have someone who can help develop the car as well as qualify well. That Red Bull is being improved gradually this year, and for Mark to put it on the front row at Silverstone shows how competitive the car has become. Whether Vettel is the best person for the job, well I don't know as I have not really followed his career.

11th July 2008, 19:28
I think it's almost sure Vettel will join Red Bull. The only distracting factor may be if Der Seb gets an offer from a better team, which might be only BMW if they decide to get rid of Heidfeld. But even this scenario seems to become increasinly unlikely. So Webber vs Vettel in 2009. Can't wait. Could be interesting. ;) :s mokin:

11th July 2008, 20:16
Since Vettel is Austrian and Red Bull is owned by a fellow countryman, his ascension to the Red Bull F1 team is not surprising at all. In fact, Vettel reminds me of Christian Klein and his two years with Red Bull F1 - a driver appointed to the top team for nationalistic purposes.

Despite what those scripted press releases may claim, Vettel hasn't done anything extraordinary during his F1 career. Another case of manufactured hype by Red Bull.

12th July 2008, 12:56
Since Vettel is Austrian and Red Bull is owned by a fellow countryman, his ascension to the Red Bull F1 team is not surprising at all. In fact, Vettel reminds me of Christian Klein and his two years with Red Bull F1 - a driver appointed to the top team for nationalistic purposes.

Despite what those scripted press releases may claim, Vettel hasn't done anything extraordinary during his F1 career. Another case of manufactured hype by Red Bull.

Huh? Isn't Vettel German?
What would you call 'extraordinary'? Getting STR into Q3 on three occasions in his F1 career is quite good, something no-one else has ever managed with STR. :)

Btw, considering how Red Bull has treated Liuzzi and Speed (both were expected to join RB A-team in the next phase of their careers) and later also Klien (preferred DC over him), I have to make a conclusion that Der Seb must have some talent, because in the past Red Bull hasn't really seemed to be keen on helping their young drivers up the F1 ladder, but in Vettel's case they seem to have some belief.

14th July 2008, 03:53
Vettel is German. Lame-boy is spacing out.

I am positively convinced that SV can squeeze Red Bull Racing further up the grid. 2009 will be a testament to RBR's manufacturing capabilities and I hope they get the chasis to cooperate. The rule changes could make Vettel look like a master or unimportant.

16th July 2008, 18:02
I think Vettel is mature (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/69177) enough to handle the rigors of F1. The comparisons to Michael Schumacher have not fazed Vettel one bit and he just writes them off as media babble, as he should! His feet are grounded and his mind in the right spot.

The young German does not care about the gluttonous (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/69138) part of the sport.
Vettel just wants to win and realize his dream of being a world champ.

A lot of people on this board do NOT respect Vettel. Maybe last year's incident with Mark Webber has a lot to do with this sentiment. I'm just wondering what people think of Vettel now and whether or not their feelings about him have changed.

17th July 2008, 14:10
I think it's almost sure Vettel will join Red Bull.
It's now been confirmed.

Sebastian Vettel will join Mark Webber at Red Bull Racing next year, the Milton Keynes-based team confirmed at Hockenheim on Thursday.

17th July 2008, 14:54
Vettle has certainly demonstrated amazing qualifying pace this year and deserves a step-up in teams. Would this move to RB preclude a move in 2010 to another team, i.e. what is his contract situation?

17th July 2008, 17:17
"Surprise". :D

I've always viewed STR-period as a build-up phase for Vettel, where results are not as important as gathering experience. 2009 is time to start delivering. From Seb's perspective I can't wait for 2009. :cool: As has been mentioned before, finally Seb will have a proven and a very good yardstick and I'm looking forward to the team-mate battle. Actually IMO Red Bull has one of the best driver line-ups in 2009. :up:

I wonder about the length of the contract. One year like Mark?

17th July 2008, 17:47
It's now been confirmed.

*Van Halen - Jump*


18th July 2008, 00:57
Since Vettel is Austrian and Red Bull is owned by a fellow countryman, his ascension to the Red Bull F1 team is not surprising at all. In fact, Vettel reminds me of Christian Klein and his two years with Red Bull F1 - a driver appointed to the top team for nationalistic purposes.

Despite what those scripted press releases may claim, Vettel hasn't done anything extraordinary during his F1 career. Another case of manufactured hype by Red Bull.

Been down that road before, so I'll stay quiet on that. :p :

Anyway, worst kept secret of the season. ;) :p :

18th July 2008, 01:56
Sorry for bringing the issue.

If Scott would have kept his cool, he would have had that ride.

18th July 2008, 09:46
Sorry for bringing the issue.

If Scott would have kept his cool, he would have had that ride.

Don't think so. He isn't as good as Vettel.

19th July 2008, 01:11
I know he doesn't get the final call, but surely his endorsement must mean something.

Webber: A real coup signing Vettel


Mark Webber has praised his Red Bull team for their decision to sign Sebastian Vettel, hailing it as a "real coup" for the team.

"If he blows me away people will say Webber's past it, but if I blow him away then people will say Vettel's not quick. That's normal. I had that with (Nico) Rosberg," he said.

20th July 2008, 01:48
Sorry for bringing the issue.

If Scott would have kept his cool, he would have had that ride.
Doubt it!

Scott would have been on the sidelines with his former teammate Liuzzi.