View Full Version : Manufacturer Points System

30th June 2008, 15:28
How does this work this year? If manufacturer points can be gained from as far back as 9th and 10th position, it obviously doesn't follow the same format as drivers points. Is it a simple 10, 9, 8 ..., 2, 1 progression from 1st to 10th or is there more small print?

30th June 2008, 15:49
Point scoring is exatly the same for entered Manufactures.

2.5 For any one Manufacturer, the nominated
cars will score the points allocated according to
their relative position, i.e. a competitor who is not
registered in the Championship may not take
points from a manufacturer registered in the

1 st Manufacturer A entered (1 st car) = 10 points
2 nd Competitor not entered = 0 points
3 rd Manufacturer B entered (1 st car) = 8 points
4 th Manufacturer A entered (2 nd car) = 6 points
6 th Manufacturer B entered (2 nd car) = 5 points

Manufacturer A = 10+6 = 16 points
Manufacturer B = 8+5 = 13 points
http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.ns ... 17_Dec.pdf (http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/4B251931DEDACC1AC12573B6004CDFF3/$FILE/WRC_MANUFACTURERS_2008_17_Dec.pdf)

30th June 2008, 15:56
As an example to make things easier to understand:
1 Loeb - Citroen WRT (M)- 10 points for Citroen WRT (1e manufacturer nominated car)
2 Hirvonen - BP Ford (M)- 8 points for BP Ford (2e manu. nominated car)
3 Rautenbach - privat Citroen - no manufactur points
4 M Wilson - entered by Stobart but not nominated for points - 0 points
5 Galli - Stobart Ford (M)- 6 points for Stobart Ford (3e manu. car)
6 Sordo - Citroen WRT (M) - 5 points for Citroen WRT (4e)

Citroen WRT 10 points for 1e nominated driver
BP Ford 8 points for 2e nominated driver
Stobart Ford 6 points for 3e driver
Citroen WRT 5 points for 6e driver, but 4e nominated and entered by manufacturer

30th June 2008, 16:14
Ah I see. I'd forgotten about that. That makes more sense. Thanks. :)