View Full Version : Super Casinos

Hazell B
25th January 2007, 19:25
Last week we were due to hear where the first big UK casino would be, but I've seen nothing on the news :confused:

Any ideas?
Any views?

25th January 2007, 19:27
No ideas where, but for the most part I am in favour of the move, I can't see it being a particular problem.

Blackpool? :laugh:

Hooknose Mike
25th January 2007, 20:02
I ask in all seriousness. With its rather large muslim population and growing radical islam following by some (at least thats what CNN tells us Americans), wouldn't a casino in the UK be a convenient target for terrorism?

Dave B
25th January 2007, 20:45
No more than any other large organisation.

Even though Islam forbids gambling, 99.9999% of Muslims accept the laws and culture of the UK and abide by the "live and let live" principal.

To answer the original question, isn't the UK's "Super Casino" on ITV Play? :p

26th January 2007, 00:14
I hate the idea, purely on grounds of taste. The places where they will be set up are awful enough already.

26th January 2007, 09:35
I think it's set to be in Blackpool or the Millennium Dome.
I don't have a problem with casinos - no-one is forced to go in them and they're not even allowed to advertise.

26th January 2007, 21:29
It has been talked about this week in parliament i think, but im not sure on the details.

There was a very good programme this week on Channel 4 (Yes, you heard me right :p : ) called "£50 will say you watch this" which talked about all the different kinds of gambling, and how a Super Casino is a big booming business in America, especially Vegas. I can see its going to be a similar thing here in the UK, where we all lose our money due to addiction.

Hazell B
27th January 2007, 17:12
I hate the idea, purely on grounds of taste. The places where they will be set up are awful enough already.

I worry about you - when's the last time you went out and actually enjoyed yourself? :p :

The one casino I've been in is far from tacky and even further from seedy. It was damned nice, had great play areas and a superb restaurant. The dress code was smart threatre-ish, the sound levels low and staff very professional. Super Casinos might be a tad more lower level, but they should still be better than Blackpool's sea front!

27th January 2007, 20:06
well, here's a good place to find out more...


... or better yet, fly there and have a few idea sessions with some of their friendly representatives. :)

* this message provided by the Las Vegas Board of Tourisim, Trade, and taking the money from out of your pocket in no time.* :p :

27th January 2007, 22:53
Im dont think it would be too much of a bad thing, the majority of places they are considering for Casinos are already tacky tourism places with amusement arcades and fairgrounds stretching for miles anyway.

We have 4 venues up for consideration here in my home town of Skegness, and i wouldnt do anything to ruin the town.

In fact if done in the right way and made to be very nice upper class places they could be a good thing for the country. On the whole its not going to make a huge amount of difference to nationwide gambling anyway, so I say why not.

28th January 2007, 01:09
I ask in all seriousness. With its rather large muslim population and growing radical islam following by some (at least thats what CNN tells us Americans), wouldn't a casino in the UK be a convenient target for terrorism?

That's what I thought about those huge churches and american football stadiums you have over there, but clearly not :)