View Full Version : road position/stopping on stage

25th June 2008, 07:16
I noticed that the last thread on this ended with "mud slinging" at different nationalities, I don't want that, please lets be friends.

What I would like is a clarification on the WRC rules.

My understanding is that you can't deliberately stop on stage unless you have a problem, eg a puncture and the like. If this is true, then why wasn't Jari-Matti penalised in Turkey for doing exactly that, stopping on stage with no problem.

I was watching the coverage on Sunday (have to wait a week to get free-to-air TV coverage where I live) and I couldn't believe what I saw and heard, as Mikka actually said stop in english. I consider stopping on stage certainly stretching the rules to the maximum, border line cheating. But slowing down is in my opinion tatical. And in the TV coverage there was an interview with Loeb in which he implied that if he was in situation he would do the same.

25th June 2008, 10:03
Well, Latavala "spun" in the second to last corner in Turkey, which can be defined as a "problem". He didn't just stop like Sainz did in Australia 2000. I have asked myself before, why don't more of the drivers fake a spin, stall etc. instead of just slowing down? Yes I know they need to get the time right, but with a little co-ordination from the co-driver, this can be done.

25th June 2008, 10:18
My understanding is that you can't deliberately stop on stage unless you have a problem, eg a puncture and the like.

This is what rules say:

19.10 Special stages end in a flying finish, stopping between the yellow warning sign and the stop sign being forbidden; any breach will be reported to the stewards.http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/A2DB611342653097C12573D400355C9B/$FILE/1c.PRESCRIPTIONS%20GENERALES%20RALLYE%202008%20no% 20markings.pdf

My understanding is that this is the only section in a special stage where it is forbidden to stop. I don't remember if JML was already pass the yellow warning sign but I was wondering also when they stopped if it is ok or not.

25th June 2008, 10:58
This is what rules say:

http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/A2DB611342653097C12573D400355C9B/$FILE/1c.PRESCRIPTIONS%20GENERALES%20RALLYE%202008%20no% 20markings.pdf

My understanding is that this is the only section in a special stage where it is forbidden to stop. I don't remember if JML was already pass the yellow warning sign but I was wondering also when they stopped if it is ok or not.

I think it was just before the yellow.

25th June 2008, 11:38
As far as I could see JML stopped prior to the yellow board. This was what caught Sainz out when he did it in Australia - stopping between the yellow and red boards.

25th June 2008, 22:47
As far as I could see JML stopped prior to the yellow board. This was what caught Sainz out when he did it in Australia - stopping between the yellow and red boards.

I'm very sure that Ford wouldn't make that mistake again!

26th June 2008, 04:25
Another thread .... omg
We have already agreed that FIA should change the rule.
No more flaming "Ford cheat0rz !" or "hey Loeb cheat0rz too in Mexico !" please, it's so annoying.

26th June 2008, 04:38
Another thread .... omg
We have already agreed that FIA should change the rule.
No more flaming "Ford cheat0rz !" or "hey Loeb cheat0rz too in Mexico !" please, it's so annoying.

who agreed, exactly? I certainly didn't.

But I agree, no more stupid comments.

26th June 2008, 10:30
*rolls eyes*

Right, as I've said before, how many of you emailed Ford and Citroën and complained?
I assume you all did, and so you probably had the same extremely enlightening (and disturbing) replies that I got, in which case, why is this being discussed?

26th June 2008, 13:21
who agreed, exactly? I certainly didn't.
But I agree, no more stupid comments.
Starting with yours ?

Xsara Fan
26th June 2008, 14:02
*rolls eyes*

Right, as I've said before, how many of you emailed Ford and Citroën and complained?
I assume you all did, and so you probably had the same extremely enlightening (and disturbing) replies that I got, in which case, why is this being discussed?

Could you tell us, what they wrote?

26th June 2008, 15:33
Starting with yours ?

I don't think there's any need to be offensive.

I agreed with you that there was no need for the sorts of comments that you so eloquently include: "Ford cheat0rz !" and "hey Loeb cheat0rz too in Mexico !"

I merely objected that I had not agreed that the FIA needed to change the rule, which you seemed to be implying in your post. If, when you said "We have already agreed that FIA should change the rule" you did not include everyone on the forum, I apologize and request that you choose your words more carefully in the future.

I finally note that you ask for no flaming, in which case I myself ask for no more trolling.

26th June 2008, 15:34
*rolls eyes*

Right, as I've said before, how many of you emailed Ford and Citroën and complained?
I assume you all did, and so you probably had the same extremely enlightening (and disturbing) replies that I got, in which case, why is this being discussed?

I'd be interested in the content of that email too

26th June 2008, 17:15
I agreed with you that there was no need for the sorts of comments that you so eloquently include: "Ford cheat0rz !" and "hey Loeb cheat0rz too in Mexico !"

Ok sorry, I thought you were referring as "stupid comment" the one I posted above.


Ps. Yes everybody agreed that the rule wasn't correct now, and even the one before needed some fix :p ! Perfect solution has to be found yet. What about 30 sec (or more, like 1 min) given to each 1 and 2 day winner ?

27th June 2008, 06:59
Ok sorry, I thought you were referring as "stupid comment" the one I posted above.


Ps. Yes everybody agreed that the rule wasn't correct now, and even the one before needed some fix :p ! Perfect solution has to be found yet. What about 30 sec (or more, like 1 min) given to each 1 and 2 day winner ?

Alright then :)

Do you think that if we gave 30 seconds to the winner of day 1 and day 2 that people wouldn't complain?

28th June 2008, 06:41
If drivers are doing this and Loeb is complaining/feeling burned by the tactics, at the end of the day he too could use such tactics and play the waiting game...

Nothing is stopping Loeb and EVERY other driver doing the same thing, so I don't think it's such a massive issue. You just need to be a little more clever than the other guy.

28th June 2008, 10:33
I don't recall Loeb complaining, and yes he does it too, it just doesn't work the same all the time. From what we've seen so far, Greece and Turkey are the only two events where the road position matters for Loeb, and that's because of cheap tyres, not because of position rules.