View Full Version : No-life questionnare

24th June 2008, 18:44
Something I've been meaning to ask for a while now.
How frequently do you on average visit the forum's F1 section?

24th June 2008, 22:32
This is my day off, so it's an exception.

Now I'm off to the gym. See, I have a life! :)

25th June 2008, 00:12
When I'm not busy with the rest of my life (which is not very often) I pop in once or twice a day but lately its down to 2 or 3 times a week.

Valve Bounce
25th June 2008, 02:16
Hours every day - I live here.

25th June 2008, 09:48
I used to be on here hours every day in previous seasons but since 2007 I would say I am on here once or twice a day.

I am on C-C forum often though :p :

25th June 2008, 10:04
Never :p

26th June 2008, 08:52
I am here, if not rain :p :

Dave B
26th June 2008, 15:25
Nowhere near as much as I used to. In fact my time here is inversely-proportional to the amount of ill-educated crap that gets posted.

27th June 2008, 11:04
I come here when time permits; once or twice a week. I'd rather read than post most of the time. It's always an entertaining read when I come here.

27th June 2008, 23:23
Where am I?

Sartre would say something like

"I only am when I'm here! :D

28th June 2008, 00:36

:p :

28th June 2008, 00:50
Used to be here all the time, but I've been busy at work. Now, after we've started our postgrad papers (alongside fulltime work), I have the time to come here! :)

30th June 2008, 21:03
Hours every day - I live here.


Well, maybe more often than not option #2 for me, but at times I may "forget" myself here (hence option #1). I don't know, what the future brings though.

As the question in the first post seemed strictly set about F1's section, then I have to say that often my MSF's full time is equal to F1 section's time and only at times I take a look at other sections. This is caused by the task to save time. If I tried to analyze through all the sections, my day indeed would be lost. :p :

1st July 2008, 10:52
I'm reading and sometimes even writing on some F1 site every day – sometimes here and sometimes elsewhere. Earlier I wrote more here (of some reason - maybe it’s depending more on me than to the Forum ) and I still like this forum there are many nice profiles – from Pino to ioan :D and everything there between - even if I can se that today it’s more difficult to compete with the other F1-sites on the net. :)

Azumanga Davo
1st July 2008, 12:09
Nowhere near as much as I used to. In fact my time here is inversely-proportional to the amount of ill-educated crap that gets posted.

Never a truer word...

4th July 2008, 13:22
Now I'm off to the gym. See, I have a life! :)

Is that supposed to be ironic!? :p : I mean, I go to a gym too but using it as justification like that...