View Full Version : The final end of Daniel Carlsson's career?

23rd June 2008, 06:38

During the weekend Daniel Carlsson was suspected for Drunk driving, this will probably mean the end of WRADD...

sorry the article is only in swedish

23rd June 2008, 07:00

During the weekend Daniel Carlsson was suspected for Drunk driving, this will probably mean the end of WRADD...

sorry the article is only in swedish

How stupid can you get? Hope all this is false, but it seems correct. I like(ed) DC. This will not only be the end of WRADD, but many aspects of his existing life. Hope he has some real good friends and family to support him.

23rd June 2008, 07:03
DC is confirming this himself http://www.danielcarlsson.com/index.php?action=news&id=1700

23rd June 2008, 08:14
Not only was it, according to the police, obvious that he was under the influence, he tried to flee from the police aswell.
I feel very sad for him, he must feel terrible, and we all make mistakes. In his sistuation it is even worse though, considering his commitment in "kör nykter" (drive sober) and World Rally Against Drunk Driving.
I have had my doubts on daniel throug out the years. I guess this will be the final nail in the Daniels WRC coffin.
Apart from this I can hardly believe it. What was he thinking? What can ever be that important that it is worth jeopardizing whats left of his career along with the respect for himself as a person? And then fleeing from the police like some criminal...

23rd June 2008, 08:39
Very disappointed in him, he always seemed a very nice guy but I have no sympathy whatsoever for anyone who drinks and drives :mad: :down:


23rd June 2008, 09:38
Sorry to hear but rally drivers are humans and make mistakes.

23rd June 2008, 10:14
On Friday the 6th I was at the same bar as him in Karlstad, as a joke I thought to myself, hope he doesn't have his car with him, since he looked a bit under the influence.

Very sad and dissapointed in him. No excuse for drink driving.

Brother John
23rd June 2008, 12:50
Did he have, however, a career?
Everyone goes wrong sometimes but this was very stupid from Daniel! :eek:

23rd June 2008, 15:33
Bad news from Daniel, I think WRADD is over after that...

23rd June 2008, 15:40
WRADD=World Rally And Drunk Driving :(

23rd June 2008, 16:58
a pretty stupid thing to do. He have defenitely ruined is career now.

English translation of article (http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vf.se%2FSport%2FBilsp ort%2F2008%2FJuni%2FVecka-26%2FRallystjarna-fast-i-nykterhetskontroll.aspx&hl=sv&ie=UTF8&sl=sv&tl=en)
Swedish rally driver admits to driving drunk(from thelocal.se) (http://www.thelocal.se/12598/20080623/)

23rd June 2008, 17:20
I must say that when I heard that Daniel had started his WRADD-project, I considered it a rather odd thing to do, but maybe a good thing anyway. I also wondered if he did it from his heart, or if it was a rather cheap way of gaining attention. Guess time put the cards on the table now...

23rd June 2008, 17:51
I must say that when I heard that Daniel had started his WRADD-project, I considered it a rather odd thing to do, but maybe a good thing anyway. I also wondered if he did it from his heart, or if it was a rather cheap way of gaining attention.
You should not blame Daniel for trying every avenue to gain sponsorship. Many of us have (or in my case had, because of age) burning desires to compete at a high level but not the money to do so. Anyone who knows the costs of competing, especially in a money eating machine such as a wrc car knows how much money you need, I guess it is like being an addict, so dont knock Daniel for trying to raise the money from starting the WRADD. Sure he did a bad thing on the weekend and I guess he is feeling very ashamed just now.

23rd June 2008, 19:00
I do not really blame Daniel for the initiative, it was more some thoughts I had.
This morning Daniel had at least eight sponsors on his website. Now they are all gone... Only the WRADD logo remains...
I hope Daniel gets the support he needs from his family and friends.

23rd June 2008, 19:12
This morning Daniel had at least eight sponsors on his website. Now they are all gone... Only the WRADD logo remains...

same goes for his own website danielcarlsson.com. All sponsors are gone, i suppose they don't want to have anything to do with him! If his career wasnt over before this, it defenatly is now!

23rd June 2008, 19:19
Sorry to hear but rally drivers are humans and make mistakes.

To me this is a little bit more than just a mistake !!! :s

It's a choice to drive after an alcohol drink :rolleyes:

23rd June 2008, 20:26
To me this is a little bit more than just a mistake !!! :s

It's a choice to drive after an alcohol drink :rolleyes:

I agree with Tom completely. It's hardly a mistake :down:

23rd June 2008, 23:16
To me this is a little bit more than just a mistake !!! :s

It's a choice to drive after an alcohol drink :rolleyes:

Im just glad no-one was injured as a result of his actions. Driving is an option you should never give yourself if you plan on having a drink.

24th June 2008, 02:43
I thought this was about Daniel the member.

Time to go!

24th June 2008, 03:11
^ .......................rofl


24th June 2008, 06:18
He should have taken a taxi... that's what I do if I had one too many. :)
It's a shame it happened, his career was over when get the FIA ban for not being able to start the rally due to $$ issues.

24th June 2008, 10:10
What was he thinking?

uh, he wasn't thinking, he was drunk!!

25th June 2008, 06:26
Lol, i sure laughed when i did read this, the speaker against drunk driving.

25th June 2008, 09:55
Wasn't Mika Salo also caught drunk driving years ago?

25th June 2008, 10:21
Wasn't Mika Salo also caught drunk driving years ago?

What it has to do with Daniel Carlsson's drunk driving?

25th June 2008, 10:37
Wasn't Mika Salo also caught drunk driving years ago?

Yes he was. So was our former cultural minister Tanja Karpela. :down:

25th June 2008, 11:28
Do you mean that it's actually sober people driving in Finland too? :beer:

25th June 2008, 12:36
Do you mean that it's actually sober people driving in Finland too? :beer:

I'm just saying that driving takes away some valuable drinking time so what's the point of drunk driving? :p :

25th June 2008, 22:43
I thought this was about Daniel the member.

Time to go!

I'll be honest and say I got confused too and started to wonder if it was about me as well :p

Damn my common name!

25th June 2008, 23:33
Damn my common name! Aaah, but very uncommon personality!

26th June 2008, 03:12
i hope hes got some good support around him, i feel for the guy.

26th June 2008, 03:13
and NO i havent ever gotten a DUI =)

26th June 2008, 10:35
Aaah, but very uncommon personality!
Oi :p

2nd July 2008, 21:54
What it has to do with Daniel Carlsson's drunk driving?

Mika is still driving.

12th July 2008, 10:45
Another not very nice looking chapter in Daniels finishing of his carer was revealed today when it turned out that daniel not only had tried to escape from the police after his drunk driving, he also, in hearings withe the police, put blame on a female friend, who he meant had driven the car.
Later Daniel admitted to be the driver, but this adds another not so nice looking side to Daniel acts when apprehended by the police.
It is one thing to do wrong, we all do, it is another to try to escape from the consecuenses. But i guess there is no use in moralising. It´s all rather sad, either way. Given Daniels position he must have been under an immense psychological pressure when he understood what he had done.

12th July 2008, 10:56
Another not very nice looking chapter in Daniels finishing of his carer was revealed today when it turned out that daniel not only had tried to escape from the police after his drunk driving, he also, in hearings withe the police, put blame on a female friend, who he meant had driven the car.
Later Daniel admitted to be the driver, but this adds another not so nice looking side to Daniel acts when apprehended by the police.
It is one thing to do wrong, we all do, it is another to try to escape from the consecuenses. But i guess there is no use in moralising. It´s all rather sad, either way. Given Daniels position he must have been under an immense psychological pressure when he understood what he had done.

Yes you are right, actually I think his rally carreer was over long time ago, on international top level I mean, a little same like with Tuohino, when it really would be important to do results they screw up somehow.

28th April 2009, 12:03
Not yet, it seem he has a one off drive in a Focus 05. But as for competing in WRC, yeah I think that was long over.
