View Full Version : Asda DVD Player - £9

25th January 2007, 13:51
Asda are advertising a portable DVD player, with remote and AV leads in The Currant Bun for £9.

9 QUID!!!

That's amazing.

At that price, it almost silly not to have one and this is where the problems start.

Why bother getting anything fixed. It would cost more to go to the repair shop in Fuel now than to pick one up when you do your weekly shop.

What about the environmental impact. We just throw away, discard, landfill and consume more resources.

Now they are talking about building plastic electronics to make them cheaper to produce and of course, they are made of Hydrocarbons and are not recyclable.

Is £9 too cheap and how cheap will things get. How can they get cheaper?

I'm staggered!!!

25th January 2007, 13:58
blame it on mass production, My uncle who works in China says you can get all them DVD players for about 200 Rupees over there -that's about 3 Pounds...and if it gets damaged,why bother...that seems to be the philosophy,can't say i agree with it though

Brown, Jon Brow
25th January 2007, 14:28
Asda are advertising a portable DVD player, with remote and AV leads in The Currant Bun for £9.

9 QUID!!!

That's amazing.

At that price, it almost silly not to have one and this is where the problems start.

Why bother getting anything fixed. It would cost more to go to the repair shop in Fuel now than to pick one up when you do your weekly shop.

What about the environmental impact. We just throw away, discard, landfill and consume more resources.

Now they are talking about building plastic electronics to make them cheaper to produce and of course, they are made of Hydrocarbons and are not recyclable.

Is £9 too cheap and how cheap will things get. How can they get cheaper?

I'm staggered!!!

So the DVD player costs less than the actual DVD's!!

How ironic :rolleyes:

25th January 2007, 14:37
These are the days when it is cheaper, financially, to go buy a replacement than repair. They are also the days when it is cheaper to chuck something perfectly serviceable away rather than transport it, because it might actually be more expensive to transport than buy new.

As technology advances, the older components become cheaper thus leading to yesterdays technology being made available for peanuts.

25th January 2007, 14:58
TBH I wouldn't buy it, it's likely to break down within the first few months, would anybody else actually buy it?

25th January 2007, 15:04
TBH I wouldn't buy it, it's likely to break down within the first few months, would anybody else actually buy it?

It will still have a warrenty and TBH, it's just as likely to break down as a £90 one. Most componants come from a select number of suppliers.

25th January 2007, 15:07
It will still have a warrenty and TBH, it's just as likely to break down as a £90 one. Most componants come from a select number of suppliers.

But for £9 it has to be pretty damn shoddy, corners must have been cut to be able to make it and sell it that cheap

Dave B
25th January 2007, 17:32
It'll be like the £17 Tesco DVD player: awful picture and build quality, but fine for a spare room or for the optically challenged.

Asda. The same company who brought you the £19 suit. Ideal for your first court appearance.

25th January 2007, 17:34
Asda. The same company who brought you the £19 suit. Ideal for your first court appearance.

and Dave lives in Kent. He should know :p :

Dave B
25th January 2007, 17:38
Aye. Outside Chatham magistrate's court it looks like Primark's window display.

25th January 2007, 17:48
Aye. Outside Chatham magistrate's court it looks like Primark's window display.

As Par Larkin would say:

"It Asda beeeeee. Perfik"

So, were the Larkins with the frontally resplendent CZJ, Unmarried Del boy Pa and Overweight Ma with loads of kids running around in a scrap heap, the original Kent Chavs.

Who would have thought it would go downhill so radically.

Actually, I heard an interesting story the other day. Apparently, burglary is on the decline because as electronic devices like TV's and DVD become so cheap, it's not worth nicking and selling them on.

Dave B
25th January 2007, 17:55
That may be true. Also the trend for people to leave SatNav and DVD systems in their cars, far easier to burgle than your average house.

Hazell B
25th January 2007, 18:09
But for £9 it has to be pretty damn shoddy, corners must have been cut to be able to make it and sell it that cheap

No, it's more liable to have been made by a ten year old girl sold into the factory by her parents :(

My DVD player's two years old, has good picture and plenty of bells and whistles yet it only cost £18 (wholesale price :p : ). Can't remember the make, but I wondered at the time if some poor kid had been forced into making it in exchange for a handful of rice every other day.

Ian McC
25th January 2007, 20:40
As technology advances, the older components become cheaper thus leading to yesterdays technology being made available for peanuts.

Also the speed of the advance, things become obsolete so much quicker these days.

Northern Monkey
26th January 2007, 12:47
Did anyone actually buy one of these? I went to my local store as figured, for under a tenner, it would do in my office when I'm 'working' but there was no sign of them. Also, from overhearing some staff talking, I don't think any were going to appear either.

26th January 2007, 14:02
As Par Larkin would say:

Actually, I heard an interesting story the other day. Apparently, burglary is on the decline because as electronic devices like TV's and DVD become so cheap, it's not worth nicking and selling them on.

Not sure about the UK, but here lots of people are buying $10,000 plasma TVs, so in fact the cost of electronics in most houses is way higher than in the past. Not so sure about how easy it is to resell one of those, though :)

26th January 2007, 16:15
Not sure about the UK, but here lots of people are buying $10,000 plasma TVs, so in fact the cost of electronics in most houses is way higher than in the past. Not so sure about how easy it is to resell one of those, though :)

Well, plasma TV's are only a couple of grand now and sod trying to get one of them off the wall and up yer jumper :D

29th January 2007, 08:04
LCD TV's are now selling for hundreds, not thousands of pounds. But it is spot on when you think of it. Theives used to target video recorders, as you'd pay several hundred pounds for one, and they could sell it for fifty quid. But now they are only worth a tenner new, so nobody is going to buy a stolen one!

TV's have always been too bulky to transport away unless you are the removal van type theif who clears and entire house.