View Full Version : i am so sick of Lewis this lewis that

21st June 2008, 13:14
Boy owes life to Lewis Hamilton's F1 pit crews


A little boy who has Formula One racing teams to thank for saving his life will be a VIP guest at the British Grand Prix.

Incredibly, it was tips given to surgeons by pit crews from McLaren-Mercedes and Ferrari that helped save his life at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Valve Bounce
21st June 2008, 13:29
Boy owes life to Lewis Hamilton's F1 pit crews


You need to focus on the AFL instead. Geelong are thrashing the Eagles. There you go!! feeling better already. :up:

21st June 2008, 13:30
It doesn't say anything about Hamilton... So that is your opinion not fact. However i agree that if Obama or Mcain put a Formula 1 pit crew in their administration world peace can be achieved.

Valve Bounce
21st June 2008, 13:33
..........or the wheels would fall off :eek:

21st June 2008, 13:40
"We were watching a Grand Prix and realised the similarities between a patient handover and what the pit-stop crews do.

“Our handovers were chaotic by comparison.”

It's a good thing they weren't watching NASCAR :p :

21st June 2008, 14:36
Lewis this! Lewis that!

...just for Thunderbolt :)

21st June 2008, 15:33
Boy owes life to Lewis Hamilton's F1 pit crews


So, let me get this straight. You are narked by people harping on about Lewis, right?

So why do you do the very thing you hate so much, and post about Lewis, or something tenuously related to him.

Man, that's some reverse logic. :(

21st June 2008, 16:46
Just ignore the headline. Big deal.

I think it is a great article about how Ferrari and Mac pit crews and techniques help save the boy"s life and in the future, other lives. Excellent.

22nd June 2008, 13:08
So, let me get this straight. You are narked by people harping on about Lewis, right?

So why do you do the very thing you hate so much, and post about Lewis, or something tenuously related to him.

Man, that's some reverse logic. :(

Cause there were Ferrari mechanics there, too.

22nd June 2008, 13:19
if you don't want to read about a british child meeting his british hero who drives for a british team that gave advice to a medical team in a british hospital then you shouldn't visit websites with "co.uk" in the address.

22nd June 2008, 13:37
when i saw this (Boy owes life to Lewis Hamilton's F1 pit crews)
I thought that he might have been going to run over him we know he carn't see red lights

22nd June 2008, 13:50
when i saw this (Boy owes life to Lewis Hamilton's F1 pit crews)
I thought that he might have been going to run over him we know he carn't see red lights

That's hilarious.
Still, great mechanics of both teams!

22nd June 2008, 15:47
well, I guess that after this race some have got what they wanted; Hamilton being taken down a few pegs.

22nd June 2008, 16:07
Ignoring the headline that is a very good story with both McLaren and Ferrari crews helping to improve medical practice.

22nd June 2008, 16:45
I think it is a great article about how Ferrari and Mac pit crews and techniques help save the boy"s life and in the future, other lives. Excellent.

Yes, excellent :) :up:

22nd June 2008, 17:10
Boy owes life to Lewis Hamilton's F1 pit crews


Maybe your obvious dislike of Lewis dictates what you see in a headline, personally I see news that a kids life was saved, and I think thats fantastic.

Valve Bounce
23rd June 2008, 02:26
Well, I'm sick and tired of reading about Fevola this and Fevola that!! Now he might even win the Coleman medal if Buddy doesn't kick a stack of goals. :eek:

23rd June 2008, 07:25
Buddy this...Buddy that. Dale Jr this...Dale Jr that. Lewis this...Lewis that. Tander this...Tander that. GRRR!

Azumanga Davo
23rd June 2008, 12:27
Buddy this...Buddy that. Dale Jr this...Dale Jr that. Lewis this...Lewis that. Tander this...Tander that. GRRR!

Swap Tander for Skaife and you'd be right I reckon.

Good story btw.