View Full Version : Overtaking move of the season?

8th June 2008, 21:18
My vote goes to Massa on Barrichello and Kovalainen. That was pretty nice. Just read the June issue of F1 racing and apparently he was the one who overtook the most people in 2007, so maybe there's more to him than just a driver who converts poles to wins.

8th June 2008, 21:25
Yeah it's the best one yet. It was wild to see Kovi exiting the turn going sort of straight but sideways with opposite lock cranked into the wheel as Massa overtook.

8th June 2008, 21:46
Yeah, the move was fantastic!

8th June 2008, 21:53
Made me jump out of my seat. Amazing!

8th June 2008, 22:04
Twas a wonderful manouevre!

Heidfeld on Massa or Alonso (?) earlier on in the season was great as well.

8th June 2008, 23:19
I hope Massa has silenced all those critics, who say that he is a "soft racer, who can't pass and only can have a good race from pole position" etc. ;) To me it seems he is a real fighter. Already his Sauber days showed it (if I remember correctly, then in 2004 he made more passes than anyone else) and also last year's Silverstone and Fuji GP's (fabulous battle with Kubica). Thumbs up. :up: A shame that not only poor qualifying, but a botched pitstop ruined his race, but he made most out of the disadvantages!

8th June 2008, 23:39
Twas a wonderful manouevre!

Heidfeld on Massa or Alonso (?) earlier on in the season was great as well.

Heidfeld on Massa? Don't remember that one, not this season!

Heidfeld on Alonso and another car, in Sepang, yes it was another masterful move!

8th June 2008, 23:41
I hope Massa has silenced all those critics, who say that he is a "soft racer, who can't pass and only can have a good race from pole position" etc. ;)

You won't see that! ;)
Those who criticize him do it because he had (has) MS in his corner, and we all know people around here didn't like MS.

8th June 2008, 23:42
And BTW I was impressed with Felipe today, and the move was one of the best for quite some time.

8th June 2008, 23:44
I hope Massa has silenced all those critics, who say that he is a "soft racer, who can't pass and only can have a good race from pole position" etc. ;) To me it seems he is a real fighter. Already his Sauber days showed it (if I remember correctly, then in 2004 he made more passes than anyone else) and also last year's Silverstone and Fuji GP's (fabulous battle with Kubica). Thumbs up. :up: A shame that not only poor qualifying, but a botched pitstop ruined his race, but he made most out of the disadvantages!

I agree absolutely. Massa's racecraft today was no one-off.

8th June 2008, 23:48
Over-rated IMO!

Just shows you how boring F1 has been with sophisticated electronic driver aids.

8th June 2008, 23:49
Massa move was great today .He is growing in my eyes.

8th June 2008, 23:52
I agree absolutely. Massa's racecraft today was no one-off.
Agreed. It was great because he didn't muscle anyone out of a positition and didn't force anyone off the road. He simply picked a better line and kicked arse. Any donkey can hang someone out to dry knowing full well the other guy will give up but there are very few guys who can make a clean pass like that....

The amount of armchair critics willing to judge a whole drivers career by a few races is annoying. A particular driver having a bad year and having it blamed on no-TC is my pet hate atm.

Though making fun of DC for chopping other drivers is fun ;)

8th June 2008, 23:53
I agree absolutely. Massa's racecraft today was no one-off.

I would go far as too say it was very Senna-esque!

8th June 2008, 23:56
I would go far as too say it was very Senna-esque!
If Hamilton had done it I'm sure James Allen would agree with you

9th June 2008, 00:00
I'll admitt to not being Massa's biggest fan, but that move today was very impressive.

Generally, I think that Felipe has managed to turn this season around quite well after a rather dismal start.

9th June 2008, 05:30
Massa but he could have easily been villain of the race as there was no margin for error. I'm sure if he had have hit the cars in front there would be the usual Massa-bashing thread.

9th June 2008, 06:08
Heidfeld on Massa or Alonso (?) earlier on in the season was great as well.

Everyone can easily overtake Alonso lately. :)

9th June 2008, 06:13
Great move by Massa. So opportunistic and clean. It's definitely up there.
Although Barrichello passed Webber at Monaco between Rascasse and Antony Hoghes when Webber was struggling on the wrong tyres. That was classy.

9th June 2008, 06:23
This has been an open secret that Massa is not great overtaker, he might be greatly motivated to contribute points to the team knowing his teammate got crashed at traffic light. :D

9th June 2008, 07:03
I think I'll stick with my sig. I've used since Barca. :up:

9th June 2008, 07:26
Massa had a great race considering the problems with the fuel rig. rather than forcing the issue, he took advantage of mistakes twice (Kovalainen/Barrichello and Glock/Trulli) today. He simply took the openings when he saw them and stayed cool while picking up the positions.

9th June 2008, 09:37
Those who criticize him do it because he had (has) MS in his corner...
You may want to believe that but Massa has given his critics (like me) plenty of ammunition. MS has nothing to do with that.

However, his pass on Sunday was one of the best opportunist passes we've seen in a while. No TC and no grip at that corner, and yet he took full advantage of the two cars squabling in front of him. Great move :up:

f1ipe massa
9th June 2008, 13:34
massa is the champion this season,
u will see!

9th June 2008, 13:53
great opportunistic move by Massa, not a classic move in terms of sizing someone up or forcing a move, but great reactions to take advantage of the cars slipping wide - i think initially he just tried to take advantage of the toyota being wide as a result of Heikki passing, and then was in prime spot to capitalise on Kovy losing the apex too - quick thinking and a smart move - i have to admit Massa has gone a long way to change my opinion of him - i still maintain he's prone to mistakes and off days, but recently everyone else seems to be having more of them too, if anything he's having less so kudos for that - i'll be interested to see if he can maintain his form all year a build a real title challenge, i'm inclined to think that he might just have that in him after all

10th June 2008, 01:58
was a classic racing moment, but i think people would agree that Massa was slightly fortunate that both Rubens and heikki hit the marbles so he had the racing line. Still, considering he was so far back, he did ever so well to put it down the inside of both cars :up:

Dave B
10th June 2008, 10:10
Another vote for Massa from me. I find him a strange one, in some races he seems to make multiple unforced errors, then he goes and pulls off a move like that in Canada.

10th June 2008, 10:57
Heidfeld on Massa? Don't remember that one, not this season!

Heidfeld on Alonso and another car, in Sepang, yes it was another masterful move!

That's the one!