View Full Version : Donkey of the Race (Canada GP Edition)

8th June 2008, 19:57

Carry on.

N. Jones
8th June 2008, 19:59
I second the motion.

8th June 2008, 19:59

next question?

8th June 2008, 20:00
Lewis "Blind" Hamilton

8th June 2008, 20:01
Lewis :D

donKey jote
8th June 2008, 20:03
Nico a close second :p

"my pressperson has ordered me not to say anything about the incident"


8th June 2008, 20:03
Nico a close second :p

"my pressperson has ordered me not to say anything about the incident"

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_3_166.gifHe really said that?!

8th June 2008, 20:03
Hamilton, closely followed (literally) by Rosberg.

8th June 2008, 20:04

8th June 2008, 20:05
But not so much as the crash, but his comments afterwards:" I apologise to Kimi if I cost him the race, but these sort of things happen."

As for the award for quick thinking under pressure, Hamliton had a choice and it is interesting that he choose kimi over kube at the last second to go bonk......

But now it looks as though nico for his comments, may be in a dead heat with Lewis--Can't talk cause press people told me not to......

8th June 2008, 20:05
Schumacher :confused:

donKey jote
8th June 2008, 20:07
He really said that?!

yes, when asked if he hadn't seen the red light "either" :laugh:

He was laughing as he said it though, more of a nervous laughter before going to the stewards, which is "like going to prison" :D


8th June 2008, 20:08
Lewis - Made himself look a right tit with that incident in all honesty. And the "Sorry IF I ruined Kimi's race"... :rolleyes:

Can't really think of anyone else to nominate really.

donKey jote
8th June 2008, 20:10
But now it looks as though nico for his comments, may be in a dead heat with Lewis--Can't talk cause press people told me not to......

He only wouldn't talk about "the incident", fair enough as he was on his way to the stewards... otherwise he was his usual chatty self :)

8th June 2008, 20:11


While Piquet, Bourdais and Webber are also noted.

8th June 2008, 20:16
Bourdais really angered me when he pitted.
There was a cock-up with the fuel rig and he threw a hissy fit.

8th June 2008, 20:19
Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg tied for their inability to see a red light.

8th June 2008, 20:25
Given the notoriety of the Canadian Grand Prix pit lane light it has to be Lewis and Nico.

Maybe the organisers should introduce a level-crossing style barrier...

8th June 2008, 20:31
I watched footage from an onboard camera as I think Barrichelo was exiting the pits, you can only see the red light like 20 yards from the pit exit. So if you are leaving the pits and approach the pit exit it is literally close to the last moement that you get to see the pit exit lights.

Thats' why Kubica and Raikkoen broke fairly late. Niether one of them saw it with decent time. the others coming behind should have been more watchful yes, but are unable to see the lights for themselves independently.

It's up to the teams to help ( and I said help not for the drivers to soley rely, before someone gets on my case) out the drivers. Perphas more lights along the pit lane are needed or something.

The pit exit lights are placed to the right and a bit deep outside the cross line for cars behind to see properly. That being said, LH should also have been paying attention to the cars in fromt of him. So should have Rosberg,

but grudginglyIhave to say both LH and NR get the donkey. :(

8th June 2008, 20:42
Lewis, Lewis and three times Lewis.

Shouldn't there be a sight test for all F1 drivers? Followed closely by one for common sense and a mandatory course on 'owning up to your mistakes and taking it like a man'.


8th June 2008, 20:45

8th June 2008, 20:50
I watched footage from an onboard camera as I think Barrichelo was exiting the pits, you can only see the red light like 20 yards from the pit exit. So if you are leaving the pits and approach the pit exit it is literally close to the last moement that you get to see the pit exit lights.

Thats' why Kubica and Raikkoen broke fairly late. Niether one of them saw it with decent time. the others coming behind should have been more watchful yes, but are unable to see the lights for themselves independently.

It's up to the teams to help ( and I said help not for the drivers to soley rely, before someone gets on my case) out the drivers. Perphas more lights along the pit lane are needed or something.

The pit exit lights are placed to the right and a bit deep outside the cross line for cars behind to see properly. That being said, LH should also have been paying attention to the cars in fromt of him. So should have Rosberg,

but grudginglyIhave to say both LH and NR get the donkey. :(

Yes, they should both have been paying more attention to the lights of the cars and the exit infront of them and for all the ifs and buts, that is all that can be said about the incident.

The teams should be able to let their drivers leave the pits and not watch them driving down a pit-limiter stretch of tarmac considering the level of driving ability they are supposed to be at. Lewis made no attempt to not hit Kimi- he admitted in the interview that he saw the light and didnt break.

Grow up and admit ur mistakes is all that can be said for the aftermath.

All in all, pathetic and a true show of F1 sportsmanship, Kimi deserves a medal for not belting Ham, esp for his comments afterwards.

8th June 2008, 20:53

"I would rather neither of us were out, we were so quick, I was in front. Next time."

Answer me this numbnuts..... how did you hit a car from behind if you were in front?

8th June 2008, 20:55

Answer me this numbnuts..... how did you hit a car from behind if you were in front?

Nothing to do with hitting Kimi because he was no longer in front, obviously.

8th June 2008, 21:00

Answer me this numbnuts..... how did you hit a car from behind if you were in front?Wasn't Hamilton leading the race before pitting?

8th June 2008, 21:04
Hamilton, what an arrogant little boy...

8th June 2008, 21:05
Wasn't Hamilton leading the race before pitting?

Yes, but Kimi and Kubica had overtaken him in the pits, so he was at the point of impact, running third.

8th June 2008, 21:43
I've no sympathy for him getting a ten place grid penalty.
I don't however have a problem with him not saying "yeah, I'm an idiot I screwed up" as it was obvious that it was going to go before the stewards and you never admit anything before they've given their verdict.
Now they have, I expect him to grovel and admit he ****'ed it up.

Think it's a tad unfair to give Nico the same punishment mind, I'd have said 7spots was more appropriate

8th June 2008, 21:51
You can't really differentiate between Nico and Hamilton here. They both hit someone on the pit lane.

Fair and just punishment, charlie is setting good precedents everywhere.

Nikki Katz
8th June 2008, 21:54
Hamilton and Rosberg really screwed up. Rosberg's accident at the end of the pitlane reminded me a bit of Belgium '98 when Rosset drove into the back of the crash because everybody else seemed to be doing it. I mean there is a speed limit there, they can't have been going that fast.
Bourdais was awful today though. Even though he didn't crash (I think) he was the only driver to not finish on the lead lap, and he'd been miles behind Vettel all weekend despite Vettel not being allowed to qualify. So I'd probably have to give it to him, especially if the red light wasn't visible.

8th June 2008, 22:13
Hamilton wins the price. I think he is the donkey of the season so far.

8th June 2008, 22:36
Lewy, Lewy, Lewy! :laugh:

8th June 2008, 22:41
it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.

I think LH's 10 place penalty is stiff but I don't object to it. But the vitriol here has once again hit legendary status.

I was outraged after Kimmi ran into the back of Sutil. ( he lost it and rammed into the back of another car running in 4th position) I was expecting a penalty from the FIA but none came. I could live with it.

But I didn;t read comments from other on this forum referencing Kimmi's eyesight, calling him numbnuts, deriding him for his somewhat cold comments about the incident. calling him an idiot. claiming he cant drive, claiming him to be arrogant. dissecting and intonate about his comments ( which IMO seemed perfectly reasonable given the situation), and I can go on and on.

DC chews out a fellow driver, and many here see it as great and spirited. Hamilton begrudges his own situation, laments about what could be, state he apologized to Kimi, and folks on here still want their pound of flesh.

It is clear that LH brings out a visceral reaction from many around here who simply have a straightforward bias to a young proud black driver achieving his life's dream in the pinnacle of racing.

Many of you who only come on this forum to deride hamilton and are not seen before or after. Often staying silent or contributing nothing when LH wins or takes the pole by 6/10 of a second. Only crawling out of the dark corners to jump on an opportunity to pile on.

So I read these comments with one eye closed, as I fully expect a good number of you to crawl back, once this latest thread dies down and contribute nothing else to the forum until the next Hamilton mishap.

As a famous philosopher once said: " To be admired by legions is to be loathed by many"


8th June 2008, 22:44
it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.

How dare you accuse people of being racist with no evidence. How dare you!

I hate a lots of people of different race and different creed. It annoys me greatly when people like you make the connection that it has to be racial. I don't like David Coulthard and I've said it on the forums before. No one accused me of racism towards Scottish people.... Why oh why do people think that everyone is racist....

8th June 2008, 22:44
Yep, Hamilton was donkey of the race, no doubt.

But some of the comments posted here are a joke, there are a number of members here that are causing me to seriously consider no longer reading this forum.

8th June 2008, 22:46
I'm not sure a lot of these people are against Hamilton because he's black.

This is probably more of a fallout with the British press making him seem invincible. Then, when he fails, everyone wants to get their kick in while he's down.

I don't think you should have steered the thread in that direction Mr. 72!
Just felt that your comments over Hamilton's color were unwarranted.

8th June 2008, 22:46
Haha. I see that top drivers really have had some hard time recently. They have won the majority of the donkey-awards this season. :p : Hamilton looks extremely talented, but his inexperience still shows at times. Before the SC he was having a great race and was pulling away from everyone. Montreal really was a strong circuit for McLaren and I doubt, how will they fare against Ferraris on the next circuits, so it was a really crucial points-loss in the championship for him.

8th June 2008, 22:59
Now i get it why his dad is following him everywhere, he needs someone to tell him when the light is red. Maybe McLaren should start running the car with passenger seat.

8th June 2008, 23:05
it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.

I think LH's 10 place penalty is stiff but I don't object to it. But the vitriol here has once again hit legendary status.

I was outraged after Kimmi ran into the back of Sutil. ( he lost it and rammed into the back of another car running in 4th position) I was expecting a penalty from the FIA but none came. I could live with it.

But I didn;t read comments from other on this forum referencing Kimmi's eyesight, calling him numbnuts, deriding him for his somewhat cold comments about the incident. calling him an idiot. claiming he cant drive, claiming him to be arrogant. dissecting and intonate about his comments ( which IMO seemed perfectly reasonable given the situation), and I can go on and on.

DC chews out a fellow driver, and many here see it as great and spirited. Hamilton begrudges his own situation, laments about what could be, state he apologized to Kimi, and folks on here still want their pound of flesh.

It is clear that LH brings out a visceral reaction from many around here who simply have a straightforward bias to a young proud black driver achieving his life's dream in the pinnacle of racing.

Many of you who only come on this forum to deride hamilton and are not seen before or after. Often staying silent or contributing nothing when LH wins or takes the pole by 6/10 of a second. Only crawling out of the dark corners to jump on an opportunity to pile on.

So I read these comments with one eye closed, as I fully expect a good number of you to crawl back, once this latest thread dies down and contribute nothing else to the forum until the next Hamilton mishap.

As a famous philosopher once said: " To be admired by legions is to be loathed by many"


Do you know, of everything i have ever read on this forum, this post is by far the most disgusting thing i have come across. As someone who sat here and berated the Spanish fans for their equally disgusting display at testing i cannot believe that the fact i do not like Hamilton and havnt, for the record, since he first opened his mouth after Monaco and had a hissy fit means that i am a rascist. I am not going to sit here and talk about all my mates who are black or any of the other crap people will come out with to tell u u are wrong all i will say is that the fact that you sitting there and branding all people who do not think the sun shines out of Lewis Hamiltons arse as rascists makes u no better then the incredibly small minority who feel like that.

He could be purple and green with 2 heads for all i care, i knew he was black when i was so excited about finally havin a decent British dirver to support and he was still black when it turned out he was an arrogant little so n so who rubs me up the wrong way. Not black, just an idiot and as you have just proven, they come in all shades.

And some of us only speak up when we have got something to say, not run our mouths in an attempt to get attention, thankyou.

8th June 2008, 23:06
it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.

I think LH's 10 place penalty is stiff but I don't object to it. But the vitriol here has once again hit legendary status.

************But I didn;t read comments from other on this forum referencing Kimmi's eyesight, calling him numbnuts, deriding him for his somewhat cold comments about the incident. calling him an idiot. claiming he cant drive, claiming him to be arrogant. dissecting and intonate about his comments ( which IMO seemed perfectly reasonable given the situation), and I can go on and on.

DC chews out a fellow driver, and many here see it as great and spirited. Hamilton begrudges his own situation, laments about what could be, state he apologized to Kimi, and folks on here still want their pound of flesh.

It is clear that LH brings out a visceral reaction from many around here who simply have a straightforward bias to a young proud black driver achieving his life's dream in the pinnacle of racing.


No I think it is his mouth. he is always running off at the mouth, like yesterdays comments about his winning the pole. It just rubbs some the wrong way.

As for myself, I am delighted as it gives me plenty of material to work with. And here is the prime example: Yesterday he is off bragging about his own abilities and how much better he was than anyone else at dealing with conditions.

Might be true about his skills, but when anyone talks like that about themselves, they just ask for a negative response. Better to let someone form the team say it, while he remains all humble and happy

And speaking of same, from that same set of comments comes this:

"For me, more of a concern is the safety cars that there probably will be tomorrow, and not getting caught out like some of the drivers were last year. I know Fernando was caught out, and in the last few years Juan Pablo Montoya came out of the pits with the red light, and also Felipe (Massa) last year."

So the stoppage of cars should have been NO surprize to Mr. Hamilton, but rather than to come right out and say, "gee i can not believe this happened, etc" it is: "IF I cost Kimi the race" and so on.

8th June 2008, 23:14
No I think it is his mouth. he is always running off at the mouth, like yesterdays comments about his winning the pole. It just rubbs some the wrong way.

As for myself, I am delighted as it gives me plenty of material to work with. And here is the prime example: Yesterday he is off bragging about his own abilities and how much better he was than anyone else at dealing with conditions.

Might be true about his skills, but when anyone talks like that about themselves, they just ask for a negative response. Better to let someone form the team say it, while he remains all humble and happy

And speaking of same, from that same set of comments comes this:

"For me, more of a concern is the safety cars that there probably will be tomorrow, and not getting caught out like some of the drivers were last year. I know Fernando was caught out, and in the last few years Juan Pablo Montoya came out of the pits with the red light, and also Felipe (Massa) last year."

So the stoppage of cars should have been NO surprize to Mr. Hamilton, but rather than to come right out and say, "gee i can not believe this happened, etc" it is: "IF I cost Kimi the race" and so on.

Amen to that.

I never really really liked Schumacher (the good one) because he was always a little arrogant. It wasn't so much his words but the tone he sometimes used. But then again when a guy has that many titles I think he deserves to be a little arrogant.

But Hamsandwich hasn't won a title and he's made some pretty schoolboyish errors and yet he comes across as someone who's won a few titles already and is a well established name in the sport. I simply don't like this and neither do others. Hamilton is that new friend in your group of friends who starts calling everyone by their nickname rather than getting to know them first. All the other guys out there have let their achievments do the talking before talking themselves up. Hamsandwich has the attitude of a Schumacher but the achievements of a Coulthard. Not cool.

8th June 2008, 23:19
Hamsandwich has the attitude of a Schumacher but the achievements of a Coulthard. Not cool.


I will however contradict you, Schumacher never had such an attitude.

8th June 2008, 23:21

I will however contradict you, Schumacher never had such an attitude.
Well not quite as bad. But he was still arrogant at times ;)

donKey jote
8th June 2008, 23:23
Not cool.
damn right sweet cheeks :laugh:

Although having reviewed the situation I nominate Alonso El Asno for pretending it was his gearbox when he pure and simple lost it :p :


8th June 2008, 23:26
damn right sweet cheeks :laugh:

Although having reviewed the situation I nominate Alonso El Asno for pretending it was his gearbox when he pure and simple lost it :p :


yes that was a funny one.

8th June 2008, 23:37
Hamilton of course, which is a shame because on pace he had this race sown up.

8th June 2008, 23:38
damn right sweet cheeks :laugh:

Although having reviewed the situation I nominate Alonso El Asno for pretending it was his gearbox when he pure and simple lost it :p :


I guess he deserves a nomination for that ;) Personally I would have blamed the coriolis effect myself.

8th June 2008, 23:52

I will however contradict you, Schumacher never had such an attitude.

MS tended to convey a certain smugness at times, but then at other times, he had a habit of doing his best to be humble, give recognition to team and all, but when as a rookie, Hamilton announced that "I am cooler than Kimi.....", well now, Can u walk the walk?, and we saw the answer to that one.....

And I do not really recall MS verbally insulting other drivers like LH ....

Yesterday, it was how he deserved pole because he had the ability to adopt to conditions that no one else had, and then as to add even more insult to the talents of his fellow drivers, rather crudely implied that he was not worrying about them overcoming raod conditions by saying :""For me, more of a concern is the safety cars that there probably will be tomorrow, and not getting caught out like some of the drivers were last year. I know Fernando was caught out, and in the last few years Juan Pablo Montoya came out of the pits with the red light, and also Felipe (Massa) last year.""

Well he appears to have grounds to be smug this time, for he was sure right about needing to be watching out for that nasty old SC and that red light, :eek: now was he not?

Never drink your own kool aid until after you have won it all, and retired!!!

8th June 2008, 23:56

And don´t ask why because all of us agree.

9th June 2008, 00:00
Here's how a level headed person talks after today's race:

"It's hard to express my feelings after a race like this," he said. "On the one hand, I am disappointed because, without my refueling problem, I could have been fighting for a place on the podium.

"On the other hand, I am happy to have brought home four points at the end of a very difficult race run on a track surface that was in really poor condition.

"Once I found myself at the back, I tried to climb back up again, but in the end, when I was behind Glock, I could not get past him and also I didn't want to run the risk of ending up off the track after all the trouble I'd been to to get that far.

"I would like to congratulate Kubica and BMW: they worked really well and deserved this success. They are very strong, but I think we are working in the right direction, as could be seen from our performance level every day here."


I'll respect Lewy the day he'll be able to talk like this. Till then...

9th June 2008, 00:02
Here's how a level headed person talks after today's race:


I'll respect Lewy the day he'll be able to talk like this. Till then...

Coudn't agree more. Those are the words of two very good drivers and two respectable drivers. So Massa had problems refuelling so he had to come back in? Makes sense now.

P.S I thought you were off to bed? :p

9th June 2008, 00:09

Coudn't agree more. Those are the words of two very good drivers and two respectable drivers. So Massa had problems refuelling so he had to come back in? Makes sense now.

P.S I thought you were off to bed? :p

I was still looking for the Ferrari drivers comments on the race and when I found them I thought hat it was worth posting, just to put a bit of perspective on Lewy's behavior. ;)

Off to bed now! :D

9th June 2008, 00:18
Alonso for spinning and then having the gall to tell his crew over the radio that it was his gearbox.

9th June 2008, 00:32
MS tended to convey a certain smugness at times, but then at other times, he had a habit of doing his best to be humble, give recognition to team and all, but when as a rookie, Hamilton announced that "I am cooler than Kimi.....", well now, Can u walk the walk?, and we saw the answer to that one.....

And I do not really recall MS verbally insulting other drivers like LH ....

Yesterday, it was how he deserved pole because he had the ability to adopt to conditions that no one else had, and then as to add even more insult to the talents of his fellow drivers, rather crudely implied that he was not worrying about them overcoming raod conditions by saying :""For me, more of a concern is the safety cars that there probably will be tomorrow, and not getting caught out like some of the drivers were last year. I know Fernando was caught out, and in the last few years Juan Pablo Montoya came out of the pits with the red light, and also Felipe (Massa) last year.""

Well he appears to have grounds to be smug this time, for he was sure right about needing to be watching out for that nasty old SC and that red light, :eek: now was he not?

Never drink your own kool aid until after you have won it all, and retired!!!

Amen to that :) I wonder if Hamilton will blame this on all those back of the grid monkeys :)

9th June 2008, 00:56
Several strategists.

cy bais
9th June 2008, 01:28
Sutil owes Lewis for this one. Shyte happens and Lewis had a lapse.


9th June 2008, 01:31
Just found this quote from Kubica

"I have to be grateful to Lewis as he chose Kimi and not myself."


9th June 2008, 01:38
it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.


My ignore list keeps growing.

9th June 2008, 02:28
No I think it is his mouth. he is always running off at the mouth, like yesterdays comments about his winning the pole. It just rubbs some the wrong way.

As for myself, I am delighted as it gives me plenty of material to work with. And here is the prime example: Yesterday he is off bragging about his own abilities and how much better he was than anyone else at dealing with conditions.

Might be true about his skills, but when anyone talks like that about themselves, they just ask for a negative response. Better to let someone form the team say it, while he remains all humble and happy

And speaking of same, from that same set of comments comes this:

"For me, more of a concern is the safety cars that there probably will be tomorrow, and not getting caught out like some of the drivers were last year. I know Fernando was caught out, and in the last few years Juan Pablo Montoya came out of the pits with the red light, and also Felipe (Massa) last year."

So the stoppage of cars should have been NO surprize to Mr. Hamilton, but rather than to come right out and say, "gee i can not believe this happened, etc" it is: "IF I cost Kimi the race" and so on.


Oh, and truefan72........ you sir are a knob.

9th June 2008, 02:30
Hamilton of course, which is a shame because on pace he had this race sown up.


Why was he losing nearly a second per lap to Kimi leading into the stops? And if the race was sown up, why was he leaving pitlane in 3rd?

9th June 2008, 06:21
It is clear that LH brings out a visceral reaction from many around here who simply have a straightforward bias to a young proud black driver achieving his life's dream in the pinnacle of racing.

Lewis is black???? I just thought he was blind!!! ;)

9th June 2008, 06:46
I'm amazed at all the venomous comments towards Rosberg for driving in the back of another driver. It's a car race for goodness sake, people mess up.

Dave B
9th June 2008, 07:31
it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.
WTF? :confused:

I'm nominating Lewis because he screwed up an elementary procedure when the race was his for the taking, not because of ANY other factor.

I'm also nominating Nico for doing the same thing - any comments to make about his ethnic origin or am I allowed to say Rosberg?


Big Ben
9th June 2008, 07:52
bourdais... because I'm not a racist.

9th June 2008, 08:55

For a change I was in awe of him after his amazing pole lap on saturday where he locked up at the hairpin but still managed to improve his time!

But yesterday was hilarious.

Ron Dennis saying "its difficult for drivers to look at other cars or lights at the same time" is even more hilarious.
They are in F1 for *** sake.
If they can't look at these things and judge it, they should be driving taxis.

ps : Racism has nothing to do with my dislike of Hamilton..I am black or brown if you prefer :)

9th June 2008, 10:34

Why was he losing nearly a second per lap to Kimi leading into the stops? And if the race was sown up, why was he leaving pitlane in 3rd?

He was in a clear lead before the safety car appeared. Huh, you are surprised that Kimi caught him behind the SC, so they entered the pits very close to each other? And the order of leaving the pits was very much down to pitcrew work, not any driver's speed. I think without safety car sessions Hamilton's win would have been very probable.

9th June 2008, 10:38
jens the point is, sure he was quick earlier and leading but at the time he crashed out he would have been 3rd correct?

Not really clear that he would have won the race from that position "easily"

9th June 2008, 10:57
Stop trying to live vicariously through Lewis Hamilton. Some of the anger directed at him is pathetic to read.

Sure, he stuffed up and he's certainly worthy of the donkey of the race title, but I don't see how the phrase "I apologize if I cost him the race" isn't an apology. Since he certainly stuffed Kimi's race, that statement is an apology. Admittedly it's not a very good one, but he should be saving that sort of stuff for Kimi, not for the legions of people waiting to pounce on his every word and punish him for not being a bland PR focused driver.

Edit: I should add that this isn't focused on any one person in particular.

9th June 2008, 10:57
jens the point is, sure he was quick earlier and leading but at the time he crashed out he would have been 3rd correct?

Not really clear that he would have won the race from that position "easily"

This is true! :up:

9th June 2008, 11:32
Ron Dennis saying "its difficult for drivers to look at other cars or lights at the same time" is even more hilarious.

He shouldn't have a road driving license then! There are way morey cars and lights out there! ;)

9th June 2008, 11:35
He was in a clear lead before the safety car appeared. Huh, you are surprised that Kimi caught him behind the SC, so they entered the pits very close to each other? And the order of leaving the pits was very much down to pitcrew work, not any driver's speed. I think without safety car sessions Hamilton's win would have been very probable.

His lead went from 7.x seconds to 5.x seconds even before the SC made it's appearance, both Kimi and Robert were closing on on him at a fast rate. So his win was not that probable.

9th June 2008, 11:36
but I don't see how the phrase "I apologize if I cost him the race" isn't an apology.

For me that isn't an apology is the proof of lack of brain as it was obvious that he DID cost Kimi the race!

9th June 2008, 11:47
So his win was not that probable.

it was obvious that he DID cost Kimi the race!
So it was not probable that Hamilton would win, but it was obvious that Raikkonen would :confused:

9th June 2008, 11:52

Carry on.

All the way :up:

9th June 2008, 11:52
So it was not probable that Hamilton would win, but it was obvious that Raikkonen would :confused:

Costing someone the race is about destroying his chance to win or destroying his chances to race at all?! :confused:

9th June 2008, 12:18
So it was not probable that Hamilton would win, but it was obvious that Raikkonen would :confused:


What you have to remember is that ioan is mature enough to change his mind depending on evidence. The fact that this opinion can change within a couple of sentences is commendable and has nothing to do with any preconceived bias or favouritism :p :

9th June 2008, 12:33
I am pretty sure its more related to semantics of the language Knockie...
Costing a race = generally someone who is winning is not able to...like Arrows said but ioan interpreted as ruining his race not necessarily costing his win. :)

Garry Walker
9th June 2008, 12:39
it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.

It is clear that LH brings out a visceral reaction from many around here who simply have a straightforward bias to a young proud black driver achieving his life's dream in the pinnacle of racing.

The good old race card. When you have nothing else, always use that.
The moment someone uses that, it says all I need to know about that individual.

I admit I discriminate against a certain group of people at times. Yep, I admit it. I discriminate. I just can`t get over the dislike I have for stupid people. :rotflmao:

9th June 2008, 13:05
I am pretty sure its more related to semantics of the language Knockie...
Costing a race = generally someone who is winning is not able to...like Arrows said but ioan interpreted as ruining his race not necessarily costing his win. :)

Thanks for clearing that up Storm! :)

9th June 2008, 13:17
I am pretty sure its more related to semantics of the language Knockie...
Semantics such as the use of the word "if" which seems to be causing so much consternation today :p ;)

9th June 2008, 13:20
For me that isn't an apology is the proof of lack of brain as it was obvious that he DID cost Kimi the race!

As I said elsewhere, making comments about a 'lack of brain' in relation to Hamilton is not the best way to discourage others from making similarly unnecessary comments about Massa's 'lack of talent', etc.

9th June 2008, 13:23
As I said elsewhere, making comments about a 'lack of brain' in relation to Hamilton is not the best way to discourage others from making similarly unnecessary comments about Massa's 'lack of talent', etc.

They talk what they wish about Massa's talent, he has given a strong answer on the track. I'm getting tired of people hitting the same guy no matter if he does well or bad.

Hamilton is doing himself no favors, not on the track nor in the press.
I don't dislike him for his race craft but for his arrogance and apparent lack of thinking. The day he proves he's using his cognitive capabilities I'll acknowledge it.

9th June 2008, 13:29
"I apologise to Kimi if I ruined his race. I would rather neither of us be out. I was so quick I was breezing it."

From the esteemed and unbiased Beeb Sport site


9th June 2008, 13:31
"I apologies to Kimi!" Would have been just perfect. I suppose he just couldn't say it! ;)

9th June 2008, 14:19

What you have to remember is that ioan is mature enough to change his mind depending on evidence. The fact that this opinion can change within a couple of sentences is commendable and has nothing to do with any preconceived bias or favouritism :p :

This is hilarious. A few pro-Hamsandwich people turn up and suddenly the truth is what they want it to be.......

Personally I think Button would have breezed it and I'm going to get a few people to say the same so we can pretend it's the truth.

9th June 2008, 14:23
For me that isn't an apology is the proof of lack of brain as it was obvious that he DID cost Kimi the race!

If you stop criticising Lewis for not using his brain, start using your own and actually read my post, you would realise that I pointed out that the usage of the word 'if' in Lewis' quote meant that the apology was conditional on Lewis ruining Kimi's race. Lewis clearly did ruin Kimi's race, as you so kindly point out, and so it is a valid apology.

Certainly, though, it was not stated in such bald terms as you seem to require.

9th June 2008, 14:38
This is hilarious. A few pro-Hamsandwich people turn up and suddenly the truth is what they want it to be.......

Personally I think Button would have breezed it and I'm going to get a few people to say the same so we can pretend it's the truth.


Daniel, I know you struggle sometimes but please try and make a point in your post instead of childish rhetoric.

What truth are you pretending with? That Button would win? Unlikely.

However, Lewis, coming out in 3rd with more fuel than the other 2, would have had a good chance of winning. Similarly, Robert and Kimi had a good opportunity to do the same.

Lewis was the quickest at the weekend and I feel he had a good opportunity to win. Don't you?

9th June 2008, 14:50

Daniel, I know you struggle sometimes but please try and make a point in your post instead of childish rhetoric.

What truth are you pretending with? That Button would win? Unlikely.

However, Lewis, coming out in 3rd with more fuel than the other 2, would have had a good chance of winning. Similarly, Robert and Kimi had a good opportunity to do the same.

Lewis was the quickest at the weekend and I feel he had a good opportunity to win. Don't you?

Hamsandwich. It's like the worlds hamilton and sandwich combined. Strange concept I know.

My talk of button is what we in the English speaking world call an "example" (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/example). Sometimes in English it is necessary not to take what people say too literally (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/literally) as they may be using a piece of text as an example. As in if I got a group of people together and said Button had the race in the bag I could claim it was the truth just as you have said that Hamsandwich had the race in the bag even though he was behind 2 other drivers more than capable of keeping him behind.

9th June 2008, 15:53
What's with the attitude Danny? ^^^

Bourdais: Awful showing in a race I thought he would have been beating down on Vettel. Unfortunately, Bourdais brought his temper from CCWS and threw his hand up in frustration at one of his pit members after a mix-up. Last time I checked everyone was on the same team!

9th June 2008, 15:53
Hamsandwich. It's like the worlds hamilton and sandwich combined. Strange concept I know.

My talk of button is what we in the English speaking world call an "example" (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/example). Sometimes in English it is necessary not to take what people say too literally (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/literally) as they may be using a piece of text as an example. As in if I got a group of people together and said Button had the race in the bag I could claim it was the truth just as you have said that Hamsandwich had the race in the bag even though he was behind 2 other drivers more than capable of keeping him behind.

Ignoring your immature name calling then, what evidence do you offer to support you claim that:

1. I claimed that Lewis had the race in the bag
2. The other 2 drivers would have kept him behind
3. The extra speed that Lewis demonstrated coupled with the extra fuel he was carrying would not have been a winning strategy

For the record, I claimed that all 3 of them had a good chance of pulling off the win and quantified it with reasons you can read. You come up with unrealistic examples with nothing to substantiate your claim and then try to deflect away with some dictionary reference :confused:

There is a very good saying that says basically says that when you have nothing of substance to say, it’s not a good idea to say it. ;)

9th June 2008, 16:13
-->"knock on", Kimi was slow in the beginning and in the Qualifications could that mean that Kimi had more fuel then you thought he had? And Kimi was the fastest car on track before Sutil stopped.

And even if it was likely that either Kimi, Robert or Lewis would have won the race if the incident never had happened. There is always a risk for mechanical failures, punctures and etc. Victory is not certain until the car passes post race examinations.

9th June 2008, 16:19
if it was someone else, probably was going to receive a race ban.. but...is Hamilton the good boy...

as we saw with the first safety car...they waited 5 minutes before they decided to call it in...They did not want to ruin Hamiltons race...

9th June 2008, 16:32
if it was someone else, probably was going to receive a race ban.. but...is Hamilton the good boy...

Kimi didn't get any penalty for rear-ending Sutil in Monaco.

I know that Lewis was in the pit lane, but it was surely a similar situation. Kimi made a mistake coming out of the tunnel, Lewis made a mistake coming up to a traffic light.

9th June 2008, 16:43
-->"knock on", Kimi was slow in the beginning and in the Qualifications could that mean that Kimi had more fuel then you thought he had? And Kimi was the fastest car on track before Sutil stopped.

I think Kimi had some graining problems but as he pitted at the same time as Lewis and Kubica, suggests they were similarly filled. We know Lewis took on more fuel so I suggest he may have been able to go longer.

Kimi did set a fastest lap of about 1/10 sec quicker than Lewis a few laps befor the incident but fastest laps are like Bikinies; they reveal a lot but not everything ;)

Pure race pace suggests Lewis had a very competitive package and the longer fuel fill would have put him in a very strong position.

And even if it was likely that either Kimi, Robert or Lewis would have won the race if the incident never had happened. There is always a risk for mechanical failures, punctures and etc. Victory is not certain until the car passes post race examinations.

Totally agree. I only claimed that all 3 had a good chance of victory (as opposed to someone struggleing at the back 50%) but that never rules out things like Mechanical breakdown etc.

9th June 2008, 16:52

My ignore list keeps growing.

as is mine

WTF? :confused:

I'm nominating Lewis because he screwed up an elementary procedure when the race was his for the taking, not because of ANY other factor.

I'm also nominating Nico for doing the same thing - any comments to make about his ethnic origin or am I allowed to say Rosberg?


The good old race card. When you have nothing else, always use that.
The moment someone uses that, it says all I need to know about that individual.

I admit I discriminate against a certain group of people at times. Yep, I admit it. I discriminate. I just can`t get over the dislike I have for stupid people. :rotflmao:

sometimes I wonder about a few of you on this forum or if you actually read the posts or just dissect it and look for stupuid reasons to validate your own biases or insecurities.

I clearly stated in this thread and others that Hamilton was the donkey of the race. I also stated that the 10grid penalty was stiff but not unwarranted.

What I objected to was the visceral natureof the comments towards LH which didn't seem to be the same for Kimi when he ran into the back of sutil. or evwen Rosberg for the exact same mistake. Or for Massa and Fisi last year for running the red light in the same bloody track.

just check your statments and then realize that the animosity towards Hamilton is trully of a different proportion and you got to wonder why.
I said, AMONGST OTHER REASONS that race plays a factor as well. just as envy does, or the fact that he has an ego, or the fact that he's beeing hailed by the press for his achievements to date.

So if you are unwilling or unable to read an entire thread and would rather selectively ingnore other aspects and then choose to attack me instead of engaging in a dialogue, then that's all I need to know. Incidentally that same tactic explains your miopic view of Hamilton as well which isn't the least bit surprising.


9th June 2008, 16:59
Kimi didn't get any penalty for rear-ending Sutil in Monaco.

I know that Lewis was in the pit lane, but it was surely a similar situation. Kimi made a mistake coming out of the tunnel, Lewis made a mistake coming up to a traffic light.

NO as said a million times already the past 2 days. Kimi lost control of his car while Lewis didn't pay attention to what was going on ahead of him.

Kimis incident wasnt avoidable Lewis' and Nico's was.

9th June 2008, 16:59
what evidence do you offer to support you claim that:

1. I claimed that Lewis had the race in the bag

Sorry. Donkey is me. It was Lewis who wrongly said he had the race in the bag not you :)

9th June 2008, 17:01
as is mine

sometimes I wonder about a few of you on this forum or if you actually read the posts or just dissect it and look for stupuid reasons to validate your own biases or insecurities.

I clearly stated in this thread and others that Hamilton was the donkey of the race. I also stated that the 10grid penalty was stiff but not unwarranted.

What I objected to was the visceral natureof the comments towards LH which didn't seem to be the same for Kimi when he ran into the back of sutil. or evwen Rosberg for the exact same mistake. Or for Massa and Fisi last year for running the red light in the same bloody track.

just check your statments and then realize that the animosity towards Hamilton is trully of a different proportion and you got to wonder why.
I said, AMONGST OTHER REASONS that race plays a factor as well. just as envy does, or the fact that he has an ego, or the fact that he's beeing hailed by the press for his achievements to date.

So if you are unwilling or unable to read an entire thread and would rather selectively ingnore other aspects and then choose to attack me instead of engaging in a dialogue, then that's all I need to know. Incidentally that same tactic explains your miopic view of Hamilton as well which isn't the least bit surprising.


I'm sorry but you accused people of being racist with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. I disagree with you. Not because you're from the US but because I think you're totally wrong. Why is everything about race?

9th June 2008, 17:13
as is mine

just check your statments and then realize that the animosity towards Hamilton is trully of a different proportion and you got to wonder why.
I said, AMONGST OTHER REASONS that race plays a factor as well. just as envy does, or the fact that he has an ego, or the fact that he's beeing hailed by the press for his achievements to date.

I don't think it's because he's black but because he's so good.

He gets proportionally more attention because of the fact he's a threat to non McLaren fans and a hugely respected and admired driver for the rest of us.

After all, Nico is hardly challenging the Ferrari's is he so he wont get the same attention as Lewis ;)

9th June 2008, 17:14
Why is everything about race?

Well, if there wasn't a Race, we would have nothing to discuss :D

9th June 2008, 17:17
haha LH is an idiot. Cocky idiot! Im glad he crashed haha. Couldn't even say a proper sorry to Kimi. Hope he never wins the WDC

9th June 2008, 17:28
as is mine
sometimes I wonder about a few of you on this forum or if you actually read the posts or just dissect it and look for stupuid reasons to validate your own biases or insecurities.

I clearly stated in this thread and others that Hamilton was the donkey of the race. I also stated that the 10grid penalty was stiff but not unwarranted.

What I objected to was the visceral natureof the comments towards LH which didn't seem to be the same for Kimi when he ran into the back of sutil.
Not the same at all. Kimi fickkd up at speed on the most difficult circuit in the series. Lewis drove into the back of a parked car in the pit lane.

or evwen Rosberg for the exact same mistake.
Rosberg's gotten his share on this thread. To be sure, he didn't spend the whole weekend fanning his tail, metaphorically speaking. That may have created the 'wound' that Lewis' less than contrite attitued after the incident 'rubbed salt into'.

Or for Massa and Fisi last year for running the red light in the same bloody track.
But then they didn't pile into the back of a parked car either, did they?

just check your statments and then realize that the animosity towards Hamilton is trully of a different proportion and you got to wonder why.
I said, AMONGST OTHER REASONS that race plays a factor as well.

it is amazing how some on this forum cannot see the bias in their own comments. I think a good number of you out there feel so because LH is black plain and simple.
That's actully what you said. And more remarks later in the post which were equally unequivocal.

I point all this out because I think you are WAY off base and have insulted a number of very decent, non-racist people.

9th June 2008, 17:58
Lewis screwed up .
He talked cocky before the race , and gave a qualified apology when it all ended for him .

He talented , but he's got too many people around him telling him that constantly .
Or , maybe it's just one guy . Perhaps his dad being his manager is a little too close .
Whatever the reason , many here , certainly , read his reactions and comments as very arrogant .

Arrogance , if that's what it is , won't ever play well to the public , and will be seen as a sign of disrespect to the others in the championship .

He also screwed up by running into the back of Kimi .
Mind you , if there was someone to hit , Kimi was probably the best one to eliminate .
That said , I can't really see it as on purpose .

9th June 2008, 18:23
Truefan, IMO fans was as harsh to Kimi as they are to Lewis now, but if this is not the case - well, maybe Kimi is more likable ;)

9th June 2008, 19:18
Hamsandwich. It's like the worlds hamilton and sandwich combined. Strange concept I know.

Daniel, one of the things I have disliked most on these forums is this sort of name-calling. 'Cheat-macher' was pathetic and unamusing, and so is this one. You can do better.

9th June 2008, 19:28
Daniel, one of the things I have disliked most on these forums is this sort of name-calling. 'Cheat-macher' was pathetic and unamusing, and so is this one. You can do better.
I just wanted to be normal so I chose a really bad name ;)

9th June 2008, 19:59
I think Kimi had some graining problems but as he pitted at the same time as Lewis and Kubica, suggests they were similarly filled.

They all pitted in the same time because of the safety car situation, so we have no idea who was carrying more fuel, absolutely no idea, but I wasn't expecting you to know this anyway. :p :

9th June 2008, 20:22
Hamsandwich. It's like the worlds hamilton and sandwich combined. Strange concept I know.

Um, I guess in this ham sandwhich... Kimi and Rosberg are the bread... :cheese:

9th June 2008, 20:43
I point all this out because I think you are WAY off base and have insulted a number of very decent, non-racist people.

I've insulted nobody and as my comments were to those who saw fit to add a level of unecessary adjectives in describing hamilton. Numbnuts, blind man, idiot, boy, etc, etc, etc, and those who can't even accept the fact that he apologised to Kimi. Now some even, wnet on to say that the 10 grid penality wasn't enough, others whent on to say that points reductiion should be impossed, and others yet simply came on to the F1 forum to hurl insults at LH before crawling back to their respective forums.

Now I don't particularly see you as that person or are you now lumping yourself in with that crowd?

As I said before, my argument was not about the penality or LH obvious mistake, but more to do with the nature of the comments about himon thisd thread. many of which, along with idiotic nicknames, don't seem to materialize with any other driver. That in itself should suffice to question the motives of some on this forum. If it offends you that I bring up an aspect that is clearly stewing underneath but is somehow always ignored for whatever reason, then maybe you should question why you yourself feel offended.

I didn't defend LH's blunder, didn't object to the punishement, but do find the vitriol hurled towards LH somewhat excessive in comparison to other drivers.
why is that?

9th June 2008, 21:17
I've insulted nobody and as my comments were to those who saw fit to add a level of unecessary adjectives in describing hamilton. Numbnuts, blind man, idiot, boy, etc, etc, etc, and those who can't even accept the fact that he apologised to Kimi. Now some even, wnet on to say that the 10 grid penality wasn't enough, others whent on to say that points reductiion should be impossed, and others yet simply came on to the F1 forum to hurl insults at LH before crawling back to their respective forums.

Now I don't particularly see you as that person or are you now lumping yourself in with that crowd?

As I said before, my argument was not about the penality or LH obvious mistake, but more to do with the nature of the comments about himon thisd thread. many of which, along with idiotic nicknames, don't seem to materialize with any other driver. That in itself should suffice to question the motives of some on this forum. If it offends you that I bring up an aspect that is clearly stewing underneath but is somehow always ignored for whatever reason, then maybe you should question why you yourself feel offended.

I didn't defend LH's blunder, didn't object to the punishement, but do find the vitriol hurled towards LH somewhat excessive in comparison to other drivers.
why is that?

I agree that it is completely excessive sometimes, just as the vitriol handed out to other drivers is often completely excessive. But I have never really considered any of that directed at Hamilton on here as resulting from racist motives — even very subtle ones. The motives behind it are generally, in my opinion, seriously misguided, but I've never felt them to be racist.

10th June 2008, 01:03
It is a rather silly thing for Lewis to do, i do think however he was genuinely trying to avoid kimi when he didnt see this red light and was unfortunate to hit the back of him. However, Lewis really does need to think about what hes saying sometimes. Its not hard to see a red light, and 2 stationary cars. You dont need your team to tell you that.

10th June 2008, 01:56
I agree that it is completely excessive sometimes, just as the vitriol handed out to other drivers is often completely excessive. But I have never really considered any of that directed at Hamilton on here as resulting from racist motives — even very subtle ones. The motives behind it are generally, in my opinion, seriously misguided, but I've never felt them to be racist.

as I said, that's part of the motivation IMO, not the "sole" reason.
But it is an undercurrent thatcan't be ignored. Other aspects such as the fact that he's got an ego, is hailed by the press, and has already achieved a proportionate amount of success play a factor too. But not beleiving that race plays a bit of a factor too (when in fact it already has) is probably not wanting to beleive such a thing rather than the reality of human nature, and people's (even on this forum) misgivings.


10th June 2008, 02:07
NO as said a million times already the past 2 days. Kimi lost control of his car while Lewis didn't pay attention to what was going on ahead of him.

Kimis incident wasnt avoidable Lewis' and Nico's was.

Just because it's been 'said a million times already' doesn't mean it's the truth.

I don't see how Kimi's incident wasn't avoidable if every single other car managed to go down that hill 70 times or so without doing the exact same thing.

I think that they were both avoidable incidents.

10th June 2008, 03:57
Just because it's been 'said a million times already' doesn't mean it's the truth.

I don't see how Kimi's incident wasn't avoidable if every single other car managed to go down that hill 70 times or so without doing the exact same thing.

I think that they were both avoidable incidents.

In a sense you're right. But you can't go around and penalise drivers for losing control of their car under racing conditions. Particulary in wet conditions.

You can penalise drivers who do similar things under controlled conditions, such as those under the safety car and in the speed-limited pitlane, or both as was the case in Canada.

That's why Hamilton, Rosberg and Nakajima have all received penalites this year and Raikkonen, Coulthard, Button, Massa and several others haven't.

10th June 2008, 04:20
and several others haven't.Including Mr. Hamilton himself for his incident with Fred!!

10th June 2008, 04:40
I should give Ron Dennis a call! I CAN see cars and red lights at the same time!
as for comparing it with Kimi's incident, even if to me he was the donkey of the race in Monaco, he did a mistake while racing on a partially dry track, once he lost control of the car it was unavoidable to hit something eventually... as for Hamilton, he could't see a bloody red light! it's way different

10th June 2008, 04:54
Among three drivers, it was Alonso who has the verified drive license, didn't hit drivers in front at traffic light, we must give him applause. :)

10th June 2008, 06:11
I don't see how Kimi's incident wasn't avoidable if every single other car managed to go down that hill 70 times or so without doing the exact same thing.

I think that they were both avoidable incidents.

Yes both were indeed...
Except one was more avoidable than the other...
Stopping a F1 car (no less) going at 80kph from hitting a stopped car should have been much easier than keeping control of a car under braking from 250kph on a slippery surface, no?

10th June 2008, 07:18
as I said, that's part of the motivation IMO, not the "sole" reason.
But it is an undercurrent thatcan't be ignored. Other aspects such as the fact that he's got an ego, is hailed by the press, and has already achieved a proportionate amount of success play a factor too. But not beleiving that race plays a bit of a factor too (when in fact it already has) is probably not wanting to beleive such a thing rather than the reality of human nature, and people's (even on this forum) misgivings.


There's been no evidence of racism at all in regards to Lewis in the talk on this forum. You're making it up as you go along aren't you? :mark:

10th June 2008, 07:57
Hamsandwich. It's like the worlds hamilton and sandwich combined. Strange concept I know.

I get it! As in Kimi and Nico were the "bread"! ;)

10th June 2008, 08:00
But not beleiving that race plays a bit of a factor too (when in fact it already has) is probably not wanting to beleive such a thing rather than the reality of human nature, and people's (even on this forum) misgivings.

So don't criticize any non-white person for anything they have done, no matter how stupid or you're being racist??? So if we called Idi Amin a cruel, murderous, dictator, we're being racist, right?

10th June 2008, 08:09
if they had of left McLaren where they should have been at the end of pit lane
? why the f**& do they keep moving them.

the whole McLaren crew donkey

10th June 2008, 08:09
I'm sure Hamilton was very disappointed that the accident happened - because it destroyed his race.. ;)

10th June 2008, 08:17
Why continue to be angry at Hamilton when it doesn't help anything and doesn't change what happened
Agree, once you go back, you never go back ;)

Garry Walker
10th June 2008, 09:23
as is mine
sometimes I wonder about a few of you on this forum or if you actually read the posts or just dissect it and look for stupuid reasons to validate your own biases or insecurities.

I clearly stated in this thread and others that Hamilton was the donkey of the race. I also stated that the 10grid penalty was stiff but not unwarranted.

What I objected to was the visceral natureof the comments towards LH which didn't seem to be the same for Kimi when he ran into the back of sutil. or evwen Rosberg for the exact same mistake. Or for Massa and Fisi last year for running the red light in the same bloody track.

just check your statments and then realize that the animosity towards Hamilton is trully of a different proportion and you got to wonder why.
I said, AMONGST OTHER REASONS that race plays a factor as well. just as envy does, or the fact that he has an ego, or the fact that he's beeing hailed by the press for his achievements to date.

So if you are unwilling or unable to read an entire thread and would rather selectively ingnore other aspects and then choose to attack me instead of engaging in a dialogue, then that's all I need to know. Incidentally that same tactic explains your miopic view of Hamilton as well which isn't the least bit surprising.


Pathetic post. You accused us of being racists at first, now we are also all jealous of him. What`s next?
It is hard to engage in a dialogue with someone if that person first makes unsubstantiated attacks on you, without any proof whatsoever.

To try to make this more understandable for you, let`s say you hate Jean Todt, which I think you do actually. Now what if I was to explain your hatred for him, amongst other things, for having a huge hatred for jewish people and also with the fact that you are jealous/envious of his success. What would you think of that?
Yeah, next time someone attacks Bernie, I will also say "part of the reason why you hate Bernie, is because he is jewish." And as we have seen with you, no proof needed!

I've insulted nobody and as my comments were to those who saw fit to add a level of unecessary adjectives in describing hamilton. Numbnuts, blind man, idiot, boy, etc, etc, etc,Point out the racism in those attacks or do they turn racist when made towards a non-white person, but are perfectly non-racist when used to describe a white person?

and those who can't even accept the fact that he apologised to Kimi.
He is yet to properly apologize.

As I said before, my argument was not about the penality or LH obvious mistake, but more to do with the nature of the comments about himon thisd thread. many of which, along with idiotic nicknames, don't seem to materialize with any other driver. :rotflmao: Yeah, no other driver has been referred to with really offensive nicknames for sure.

Also, kindly point out the nicknames he has been referred to that you so much take an offence in.

but do find the vitriol hurled towards LH somewhat excessive in comparison to other drivers.
why is that?
Because quite frankly, no other driver is as arrogant, hyped, manufactured and unlikeable as he is.
It is really shocking how I (and no doubt countless others too) have gone from liking him so much at the beginning of last year, to disliking him so much now.

So don't criticize any non-white person for anything they have done, no matter how stupid or you're being racist??? So if we called Idi Amin a cruel, murderous, dictator, we're being racist, right?

truefan72`s logic seems to say so anyway.

Actually, I expect him to post evidence of this racism accusations, and if he can`t, then a public apology should be in order.

10th June 2008, 13:17
I have to agree with Garry Walker!

I did also like him back at the start of 2007, but gradually he has become immersed in his own ego - not helped by the media, who think he can do no wrong and label every mistake he makes as "His first mistake". I can think of at least five big mistakes he has made, yet they are all referred to as his first one!

He simply believes his own hype, and therefore won't accept responsibility for mistakes, preferring to blame "the rules".

The guy previously was confident. Now he's just arrogant. There is a big difference.

10th June 2008, 13:30
I have to agree with Garry Walker!

I did also like him back at the start of 2007, but gradually he has become immersed in his own ego - not helped by the media, who think he can do no wrong and label every mistake he makes as "His first mistake". I can think of at least five big mistakes he has made, yet they are all referred to as his first one!

He simply believes his own hype, and therefore won't accept responsibility for mistakes, preferring to blame "the rules".

The guy previously was confident. Now he's just arrogant. There is a big difference.

completely agree! Thing is no one likes a cocky git. Boasting of his way compared to others into the chicane at Canada after the straight just said it all. Just do it, do try and show your competitors as 2nd class racers. Idiot!

10th June 2008, 13:38
The guy previously was confident. Now he's just arrogant. There is a big difference.
Not really. It all depends how it's presented and at the moment much of the comment about Hamilton is deliberately negative.

Because quite frankly, no other driver is as arrogant, hyped, manufactured and unlikeable as he is.
It is really shocking how I (and no doubt countless others too) have gone from liking him so much at the beginning of last year, to disliking him so much now.
I agree with Garry Walker too!! It is shocking just how quickly people have turned on Hamilton.

10th June 2008, 13:55
only a few but most of us who are not his fans, there was no question of turning quickly or anything like that....

Also the media comments being negative about him? Maybe in the Finnish & Spanish press but you must be joking if you think what BBC etc are writing about him is negative (ever!) ...but I still stick to reading BBC Sport (its the same with English football) :)

10th June 2008, 13:58
Also the media comments being negative about him?
I didn't mean the media :D

10th June 2008, 14:06
It is shocking just how quickly people have turned on Hamilton.

A few months to a year, is that quick to you?!

In fact, a person can turn me off in a matter of seconds with arrogance like the one Lewy is showing.

10th June 2008, 14:07
I have to agree with Garry Walker!

I did also like him back at the start of 2007, but gradually he has become immersed in his own ego - not helped by the media, who think he can do no wrong and label every mistake he makes as "His first mistake". I can think of at least five big mistakes he has made, yet they are all referred to as his first one!

He simply believes his own hype, and therefore won't accept responsibility for mistakes, preferring to blame "the rules".

The guy previously was confident. Now he's just arrogant. There is a big difference.

Agree wholeheartedly. Hamilton should look at Sebastien Loeb and see how humble a multiple champion can be.


Now that's how you should act when you're a superstar and something crap happens.

10th June 2008, 15:01
I agree with Garry Walker too!! It is shocking just how quickly people have turned on Hamilton.

Not really..... considering how he comes across I'd say he's got more fans than I thought he would have.

10th June 2008, 18:43
What does Nico say ?
“I think I deserve the penalty, the same as Hamilton. He didn't stop, and neither did I, so we deserve the same fate. I saw the red lights too late, so it is natural that there is a penalty. I made a mistake,”

“Of course, if Hamilton had slowed, I would have been able to better understand what was going on. But he kept going, and then suddenly ... "

10th June 2008, 21:16
Agree wholeheartedly. Hamilton should look at Sebastien Loeb and see how humble a multiple champion can be.


Now that's how you should act when you're a superstar and something crap happens.

Well said.

donKey jote
10th June 2008, 21:49
Stopping a F1 car (no less) going at 80kph from hitting a stopped car should have been much easier than keeping control of a car under braking from 250kph on a slippery surface, no?

I guess it could also depend on whether your carbon brakes are warm enough to actually brake properly :)

10th June 2008, 22:43
it is pointless trying to discuss anything of substance about this matter, as some folks around here will only read what they want to or see what they want to.The issue is too complex or intricate for some here to graps or willing to look beyond their own dislikes so no matter what one says, it will always be percieved in the lens of that perception.

To those unable or unwilling to face certain realities in today's world or those who cannot detach their dislike of Hamilton from criticism of his performance then so be it. It may be asking too much from some of you here to leave out the added gusto of insults, bad nicknames, and downright silliniess when discussing LH. When the discussion deteriotes to the fact that his apology wasn't humble enough for some, or goes of into pointless insults, thats were I take issue.
not about the incident, or about the penalty

So its probably best to move on and discuss France and the upcoming race.


10th June 2008, 22:45
Hey mods!!


10th June 2008, 23:06
it is pointless trying to discuss anything of substance about this matter, as some folks around here will only read what they want to or see what they want to.The issue is too complex or intricate for some here to graps or willing to look beyond their own dislikes so no matter what one says, it will always be percieved in the lens of that perception.

To those unable or unwilling to face certain realities in today's world or those who cannot detach their dislike of Hamilton from criticism of his performance then so be it. It may be asking too much from some of you here to leave out the added gusto of insults, bad nicknames, and downright silliniess when discussing LH. When the discussion deteriotes to the fact that his apology wasn't humble enough for some, or goes of into pointless insults, thats were I take issue.
not about the incident, or about the penalty

So its probably best to move on and discuss France and the upcoming race.


I couldn't agree more, and suggest that some people take a really serious look at your post.


10th June 2008, 23:07
Hey mods!!


I'm with you on this — not least with the exact make of lock the mods should use. Excellent choice.

10th June 2008, 23:21
Because quite frankly, no other driver is as arrogant, hyped, manufactured and unlikeable as he is.
It is really shocking how I (and no doubt countless others too) have gone from liking him so much at the beginning of last year, to disliking him so much now
I don't know how he's doing in the popularity department, but I have to agree with the rest of that statement!

I have to agree with Garry Walker!

I did also like him back at the start of 2007, but gradually he has become immersed in his own ego - not helped by the media, who think he can do no wrong and label every mistake he makes as "His first mistake". I can think of at least five big mistakes he has made, yet they are all referred to as his first one!

He simply believes his own hype, and therefore won't accept responsibility for mistakes, preferring to blame "the rules".

The guy previously was confident. Now he's just arrogant. There is a big difference.
A very sane post :up:

11th June 2008, 00:24
i think lewis should keep his mouth shout or face a fine

But Hamilton insists the decision is an unfair one, saying his manoeuvre was an accident. He said: “I start 10 places back in the next race. It’s harsh, I didn’t aim to ruin anyone’s race.”
The red light in the pitlane was on as part of F1’s safety car rules. It is used when the safety car and following field are passing or are about to pass the pitlane, to avoid accidents. But Hamilton said: “The rule is silly. We are in the race, how can you red light at the end of the pit-lane? But that’s the rule and I accept it.”

don't the have rules about bringing the sport into disrepute

11th June 2008, 02:40
it is pointless trying to discuss anything of substance about this matter, as some folks around here will only read what they want to or see what they want to.The issue is too complex or intricate for some here to graps or willing to look beyond their own dislikes so no matter what one says, it will always be percieved in the lens of that perception.

To those unable or unwilling to face certain realities in today's world or those who cannot detach their dislike of Michael Schumacher from criticism of his performance then so be it. It may be asking too much from some of you here to leave out the added gusto of insults, bad nicknames, and downright silliniess when discussing Michael Schumacher. When the discussion deteriotes to the fact that his apology wasn't humble enough for some, or goes of into pointless insults, thats were I take issue.
not about the incident, or about the penalty

So its probably best to move on and discuss France and the upcoming race.


I've made a couple of changes to your post, hope you don't mind.

Hamilton fans are now experiencing some of what Schumacher fans went through for years. We had to put up with all sorts of rubbish that meant that we often defended him when we probably shouldn't have merely as a reflex for all the meanigless criticism he got for every little thing he did.

In part this is just the nature of sports and sports fans. It's easy to defend those you like and even easier to criticise those you don't. The hard bit is being completely objective all of the time. I don't think there's a person on the planet who's capable of that.

11th June 2008, 03:06
I've made a couple of changes to your post, hope you don't mind.

Hamilton fans are now experiencing some of what Schumacher fans went through for years. We had to put up with all sorts of rubbish that meant that we often defended him when we probably shouldn't have merely as a reflex for all the meanigless criticism he got for every little thing he did.

In part this is just the nature of sports and sports fans. It's easy to defend those you like and even easier to criticise those you don't. The hard bit is being completely objective all of the time. I don't think there's a person on the planet who's capable of that. :up:

11th June 2008, 07:11
I guess it could also depend on whether your carbon brakes are warm enough to actually brake properly :)

I think my Toyota Corolla brakes would work at 80kph (assuming I was paying attention to the lights) ;)

11th June 2008, 07:22
What does Nico say ?
“I think I deserve the penalty, the same as Hamilton. He didn't stop, and neither did I, so we deserve the same fate. I saw the red lights too late, so it is natural that there is a penalty. I made a mistake,”

“Of course, if Hamilton had slowed, I would have been able to better understand what was going on. But he kept going, and then suddenly ... "

Thanks, Nico for admitting you're human! Not many drivers would admit they made a mistake nowdays. (Of course it probably means you're too nice a guy to ever win the WDC - I hope I'm wrong.)

11th June 2008, 09:11
I've made a couple of changes to your post, hope you don't mind.

Hamilton fans are now experiencing some of what Schumacher fans went through for years. We had to put up with all sorts of rubbish that meant that we often defended him when we probably shouldn't have merely as a reflex for all the meanigless criticism he got for every little thing he did.

In part this is just the nature of sports and sports fans. It's easy to defend those you like and even easier to criticise those you don't. The hard bit is being completely objective all of the time. I don't think there's a person on the planet who's capable of that.


11th June 2008, 09:31
Thanks, Nico for admitting you're human!
I hope you're wrong about Nico and the WDC too :) and it's good to see he's accepted the penalty imposed as well. Neither he nor Hamilton had any other option seeing as they were at fault.

However, he's apparently said to http://www.motorline.cc that: "In my whole career I have never watched the lights at the pit exit" which (if the translation I've seen is accurate) is a rather strange thing to admit.

11th June 2008, 09:52
I've made a couple of changes to your post, hope you don't mind.

Hamilton fans are now experiencing some of what Schumacher fans went through for years. We had to put up with all sorts of rubbish that meant that we often defended him when we probably shouldn't have merely as a reflex for all the meanigless criticism he got for every little thing he did.

In part this is just the nature of sports and sports fans. It's easy to defend those you like and even easier to criticise those you don't. The hard bit is being completely objective all of the time. I don't think there's a person on the planet who's capable of that.

I thought a lot of the anti-Schumacher stuff on here was equally intolerable, but this doesn't justify some or most of the comments being made on here about Hamilton. This would be the case if Schumacher had followed Hamilton into F1, rather than vice versa.

For the less partisan enthusiasts amongst us, the atmosphere continues to be made very unpleasant.

11th June 2008, 09:52
I hope you're wrong about Nico and the WDC too :) and it's good to see he's accepted the penalty imposed as well. Neither he nor Hamilton had any other option seeing as they were at fault.

However, he's apparently said to http://www.motorline.cc that: "In my whole career I have never watched the lights at the pit exit" which (if the translation I've seen is accurate) is a rather strange thing to admit.

He may never have had to before, of course.

11th June 2008, 12:10
Has anyone else seem various different news sources arguing that is Raikkonen didn't get a penalty for running into the back of Sutil, then Hamilton shouldn't either. How exactly are they the same?! One is a racing incident on track between two driver fighting over position (admittedly from a long way back in Raikkonens case!) and the other is in the pit lane caused by drivers ignoring a red light that is there for safety reasons.

11th June 2008, 12:51
So, James Allen, how Senna-esque was Hamilton in Montreal...? :laugh:

11th June 2008, 13:35
McLaren's top men will never ceasse to surprise us with their arrogance :

Haug said: "These things happen. I never was a friend of safety cars - it's a Mercedes but it doesn't bring us luck!

"As for the mistake, we win as a team and lose as a team. We could see Lewis had the speed, he was absolutely under control until the safety car took our advantage away.

"Anyway, two cars were stationary at the end of the pitlane, Lewis hit one, so it was our mistake at the end of the day. But I definitely will not blame him because he was so good, so special here, on this tricky circuit. He was in a class of his own in the first 20 laps.

"Everyone saw we had the speed to win it, but didn't do it. The good thing is the leader is only a few points ahead, so it's quite close together."

McLaren boss Ron Dennis said there was little point wasting time analysing what he feels was a simple accident.

"Nico ran into the back of Lewis, which showed what happened – it was a chain reaction as they were accelerating out of the pitlane," he explained. "Obviously the guys in front started to stop, Lewis was watching the back of the cars, driving off their actions, you know, we don't have brake lights.

"At the end of the day, he put himself out of the grand prix, as simple as that, and one that he was comfortably leading. We wanted to go longer, so our stop was long, and we wanted to cover off the outcome of what unfolded [with the safety car], those with long strategies took advantage, and that's where the race was turned around so dramatically by that safety car deployment."

Link: http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/68203

Arrogant team bosses, arrogant driver, arrogant cheats! :rolleyes:

11th June 2008, 13:41
What exactly is the problem with those specific comments ioan? What do you object to?

11th June 2008, 14:30
Lets see:
"we had the speed to win it"
""Obviously the guys in front started to stop, Lewis was watching the back of the cars, driving off their actions, you know, we don't have brake lights."
"he was comfortably leading"

Arrogance, arrogance and arrogance again! I'm yet to see a race where McLaren cock up but don't claim they could have won it! :rolleyes:

Big Ben
11th June 2008, 14:37
Lets see:
"we had the speed to win it"

this is a fact.

"Obviously the guys in front started to stop, Lewis was watching the back of the cars, driving off their actions, you know, we don't have brake lights." this is a an excuse. I don't see where is the arrogance

"he was comfortably leading"
he was... before the sc

Arrogance, arrogance and arrogance again! I'm yet to see a race where McLaren cock up but don't claim they could have won it! :rolleyes:

way off, off and off again. :rolleyes:

11th June 2008, 14:53
this is a fact.

No it isn't. Others were posting faster laps than him.

he was... before the sc

So was he in the warm up lap too. He was losing out to his closest rivals before the SC and he wasn't first anymore after his pit stop. How is that "comfortably"?!

11th June 2008, 14:54
ioan, I'm sorry, but I really think it's time to turn the record off.

11th June 2008, 14:56
Arrogance, arrogance and arrogance again!
Clearly you find most (all?) of what McLaren say offensive because it's McLaren, but the quotes you've highlighted are facts.

Another fact is, as Ron Dennis said, "At the end of the day, he put himself out of the grand prix, as simple as that".

11th June 2008, 14:58
So, James Allen, how Senna-esque was Hamilton in Montreal...? :laugh:

Oh, Hamilton was very Sennaesque and also Schumacheresque by taking his chief title rival out. ;) Let's look at the bright side - Lewis is matching the legends in every area! :D

11th June 2008, 15:04
Oh, Hamilton was very Sennaesque and also Schumacheresque by taking his chief title rival out. ;) Let's look at the bright side - Lewis is matching the legends in every area! :D

I think a Piquet/Salazar-style coming-together between Hamilton and, say, Piquet Jr should be next on his agenda.

11th June 2008, 15:04
ioan, I'm sorry, but I really think it's time to turn the record off.

Really? Poor Hamilton and McLaren fans are so sensible that 3 days of criticism is to much?!

It isn't my fault that he was daydreaming and run into Kimi's car. And Ron and Norbi come and say it's nothing, it happens, because F1 cars don't have rear lights he didn't see that they were stopped, and anyway he would have won the race if it wasn't for this, you all saw it how he was extraordinarily exceptional!


11th June 2008, 15:15
Really? Poor Hamilton and McLaren fans are so sensible that 3 days of criticism is to much?!

It isn't my fault that he was daydreaming and run into Kimi's car. And Ron and Norbi come and say it's nothing, it happens, because F1 cars don't have rear lights he didn't see that they were stopped, and anyway he would have won the race if it wasn't for this, you all saw it how he was extraordinarily exceptional!



I am no Hamilton, nor a McLaren, fan. I would have hoped this would now be clear to you - not everyone who doesn't like all the sniping is automatically a 'fan' of the team/driver being sniped at. Opinions don't work like that.

Anyway, life is too short to prolong this discussion, as far as I'm concerned.

11th June 2008, 15:15
Oh, and you mean sensitive, not sensible.

11th June 2008, 15:29
McLaren's top men will never ceasse to surprise us with their arrogance :

Link: http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/68203

Arrogant team bosses, arrogant driver, arrogant cheats! :rolleyes:

You conveniently ommitted to mention that both Norbert Haug and Martin Whitmarsh sought out and appologised to Stefano Dominicalli.

Never mind, I'm sure it wasn't important enough.... :dozey:

11th June 2008, 15:32
...Ron and Norbi come and say it's nothing.
Ron Dennis - "At the end of the day, he put himself out of the grand prix, as simple as that".

It really is as simple as that :s mokin:

11th June 2008, 15:33
Really? Poor Hamilton and McLaren fans are so sensible that 3 days of criticism is to much?!

It isn't my fault that he was daydreaming and run into Kimi's car. And Ron and Norbi come and say it's nothing, it happens, because F1 cars don't have rear lights he didn't see that they were stopped, and anyway he would have won the race if it wasn't for this, you all saw it how he was extraordinarily exceptional!


If anyone has seen any of the UK Big Brother, does ioan's attitude remind you of that gobby bird Alex at all?

I need to point out for any mentally challenged souls on here that that was not a personal insult, just an opinion, and a very valid one at that if I may be so bold as to say. The use of the word remind above is the clue here......

Shame I have to point it out, but there you go.

11th June 2008, 17:02
Having reviewed the video of that pitlane incident, it looks as though Kimi was first at the light and was at full stop for a full second before Lewis hit him. If it takes no more than one second for a F1 car to stop from 50mph(80kph) then it stands to reason Lewis had as little as two seconds to realize what was happening in front of him and react accordingly. He was probably paying more attention to Kubica as he (RK) was in line behind Kimi and in front of Hamilton so arguably even less time to react.

BUT, both Kimi and Kubica had time to bring their cars to a stop and not run the light, which leads me to believe Lewis should have had enough time to react accordingly, IF he wasn't busy with something in the car. So in the end, he and Nico can be slightly excused for the blunder (Nico would have had even less time to react as Lewis was already late). I guess that makes them Burros rather than Donkeys.

As for truefan's comments regarding racism, I still think he's way off base. I've read the comments posted in the two threads about this before truefan came in with his remark and I have to say, I've seen MUCH, MUCH worse about other drivers and other incidents. I'd even characterize the prior posts as generally VERY MILD and EVEN-HANDED with respect to calling out both Lewis and Nico. Sorry to beat a dead horse truefan, et. al., but IMO calling someone racist without eveidence is a lot worse than calling a F1 driver a git, friikin idiot or numbnuts for crashing in the pitlane.

11th June 2008, 17:48
Ron Dennis - "At the end of the day, he put himself out of the grand prix, as simple as that".

It really is as simple as that :s mokin:

Although he managed to take another guy with himself. Really, I think that the reason for people to bash Lewis is that he really talks a lot about how unstoppable he is etc. That makes other drivers more likable. I also might add that the Lewis bashing is hardly as severe as the hate fest, dedicated to Massa after round 2.

11th June 2008, 18:13
Ron Dennis - "At the end of the day, he put himself out of the grand prix, as simple as that".

It really is as simple as that :s mokin:

Not really, he also put a competitor out of the race, but that won't be found in Ron "Integrity" Denni's words cause it doesn't help his point!

Things aren't as simple as some want them to look! :p :

11th June 2008, 18:49
Not really, he also put a competitor out of the race, but that won't be found in Ron "Integrity" Denni's words cause it doesn't help his point!

Things aren't as simple as some want them to look! :p :Go find another forum to talk trash in, please.

11th June 2008, 19:06
Go find another forum to talk trash in, please.

What a wonderful addition to the discussion! And you talk about others. :rolleyes:

PS: Are you a Hamsandwich fan?! :p :

11th June 2008, 19:10
What a wonderful addition to the discussion! And you talk about others. :rolleyes:

PS: Are you a Hamsandwich fan?! :p :DC Fan, sorry.

11th June 2008, 19:12
DC Fan, sorry.

Even better, given that he'll be out of F1 by the end of the season! :D

11th June 2008, 19:33
I respect DC a lot more, BTW. Sure, he is not as talented and sometimes on and off track he was rubbish, yet he is a noble competitor and never looked arrogant to me. Unlike ioan, I will miss him when he leaves, even if I think that the time for this have come.

Garry Walker
11th June 2008, 21:50
it is pointless trying to discuss anything of substance about this matter, as some folks around here will only read what they want to or see what they want to.The issue is too complex or intricate for some here to graps or willing to look beyond their own dislikes so no matter what one says, it will always be percieved in the lens of that perception.

To those unable or unwilling to face certain realities in today's world or those who cannot detach their dislike of Hamilton from criticism of his performance then so be it. It may be asking too much from some of you here to leave out the added gusto of insults, bad nicknames, and downright silliniess when discussing LH. When the discussion deteriotes to the fact that his apology wasn't humble enough for some, or goes of into pointless insults, thats were I take issue.
not about the incident, or about the penalty

So its probably best to move on and discuss France and the upcoming race.


You first accuse many people here of being racists and then cry about deteriorating discussion. Clever. :up:

Give yourself an uppercut and think back of the abuse you used to dish out for Schumacher and how hypocritical accusations you made towards people here make you look.

11th June 2008, 23:41
I thought a lot of the anti-Schumacher stuff on here was equally intolerable, but this doesn't justify some or most of the comments being made on here about Hamilton. This would be the case if Schumacher had followed Hamilton into F1, rather than vice versa.

For the less partisan enthusiasts amongst us, the atmosphere continues to be made very unpleasant.

Thank you BDunnell andHawkmoon. And I agree. I've never been a particualr fan of Schumacher but respected him as the finest driver in F1 and as such always had my respect ( grudgingly). I don't expect impartiality from anyone out there and the occasional jibe adds banter to the forums. But the nature of some of the comments towards LH is at times waaay off base IMO. He seems to illicite genuine displeasure from some parts that on a normal circumstance simply don't make sense.

But its best to move on and see how things proceed or if other threads quickly degenrate into LH bashing, no matter the subject.

12th June 2008, 00:03
You first accuse many people here of being racists and then cry about deteriorating discussion. Clever. :up:

Give yourself an uppercut and think back of the abuse you used to dish out for Schumacher and how hypocritical accusations you made towards people here make you look.

That's just a load of nonsens, I've only been on this thread since May 28th 2005 and the bulk of my posts started with the 2006 season. I never used nicknames for MS, never called him an idiot, or "the chin" like others did, or made or hurled a slew of unsults his way. In fact, my one biggest gripe about him was the monaco park job he did and how a great driver like him tarnished his reputation with underhanded tactics like that, The second biggest gripe I had with him was when I refeferenced the fact that in the USA GP he should have gotten out of his car and figured out how serious the accident was with his own brother. Other than that, I have had the typical issues with MS others have had, without resorting to blatant insults. I've had a bigger issue with Ferrari than I've ever had with MS. The worst nickname I've ever given was calling Ferrari the FIArrari. So check all my posts and find a place where I've levied insults in the manner of which you speak of.

Now if you can't read my posts and intepret "some people" with many people then I suggest the issue is with you. If you personally feel offended by the fact that I suggest that "some" here are motivated by other factors that delve into race, then you might have to ask yourself why YOU feel your are being called out. The vast majority of folks on this forum argue contructuively and voice their opinions in decent manner. The few out there, whom I never mentioned by name, seem to take F1 as some sort of bloodsport or war and treat others in that regard. Then there are those who constantly hurl insults at a particular driver, some who simply come on to the forum to do so, and some who clearly have a problem with Lh that goes way beyond the bounds of driver preference. If you think that my purposly vague reference to those people speaks directly to you, then you might want to take a step back and examin why that is.

So please don't confuse those few I mention with the good many guys and gals on this forum that I enjoy communicationg with.

12th June 2008, 06:44
So, James Allen, how Senna-esque was Hamilton in Montreal...? :laugh:

I don't pay much attention to James Allen, after all, he's in love with Lewis! ;)

12th June 2008, 06:47
Not really, he also put a competitor out of the race, but that won't be found in Ron "Integrity" Denni's words cause it doesn't help his point!

Things aren't as simple as some want them to look! :p :

But if you aren't driving for Ron you don't count! Actually, only one driver on Ron's team counts - so that makes 1 driver and 19 monkeys!

12th June 2008, 09:58
Another good Season Strokes in Autosport Journal this week.


12th June 2008, 10:03
Another good Season Strokes in Autosport Journal this week.

12th June 2008, 11:27
:fasttalk: yes we know that lewis was leading the race and had made his one and only pitstop before he would go on to win the race :grenade:

lewis was leading the race BS
he was passed in pit lane that would have put him 3rd after all 1st pitstops and kimmi was faster before the pitstop

donKey jote
12th June 2008, 20:05
BUT, both Kimi and Kubica had time to bring their cars to a stop and not run the light, which leads me to believe Lewis should have had enough time to react accordingly, IF he wasn't busy with something in the car.

maybe he was too busy making sure he had his finger on the right button ;) :p


13th June 2008, 15:15
Thought it needed to be posted somewhere :p

14th June 2008, 08:16
I doesn't take a genius to stop for a red light and two parked cars...

Yuje Ide would have stopped - (after running over a mechanic or two)
Alex Yoong would have stopped - (actually crashed before reaching the pit exit)
Cristijan Albers would have stopped - (still trailing his fuel hose)

14th June 2008, 15:33
I doesn't take a genius to stop for a red light and two parked cars...

Yuje Ide would have stopped - (after running over a mechanic or two)
Alex Yoong would have stopped - (actually crashed before reaching the pit exit)
Cristijan Albers would have stopped - (still trailing his fuel hose)

14th June 2008, 15:50
Lewis - Made himself look a right tit with that incident in all honesty. And the "Sorry IF I ruined Kimi's race"... :rolleyes:

Can't really think of anyone else to nominate really.


For a change I was in awe of him after his amazing pole lap on saturday where he locked up at the hairpin but still managed to improve his time!

But yesterday was hilarious.

Ron Dennis saying "its difficult for drivers to look at other cars or lights at the same time" is even more hilarious.
They are in F1 for *** sake.
If they can't look at these things and judge it, they should be driving taxis.

ps : Racism has nothing to do with my dislike of Hamilton..I am black or brown if you prefer :)

All you have to do is compare the above stuff from hamilton to the comments below, and the reason many dislike him should be clear........

What does Nico say ?
“I think I deserve the penalty, the same as Hamilton. He didn't stop, and neither did I, so we deserve the same fate. I saw the red lights too late, so it is natural that there is a penalty. I made a mistake,”

“Of course, if Hamilton had slowed, I would have been able to better understand what was going on. But he kept going, and then suddenly ... "

14th June 2008, 16:05
Hamilton, but Alonso would come second. I don't know why he crashed out, but all I can say is, he had the chance to get a podium & some heavy points!

Garry Walker
15th June 2008, 14:06
That's just a load of nonsens, I've only been on this thread since May 28th 2005 and the bulk of my posts started with the 2006 season. I never used nicknames for MS, never called him an idiot, or "the chin" like others did, or made or hurled a slew of unsults his way. Did you ever show your displeasure at such nicknames though?

The second biggest gripe I had with him was when I refeferenced the fact that in the USA GP he should have gotten out of his car and figured out how serious the accident was with his own brother.
What else could he have done besides what he was told on radio? Absurd suggestion.

Now if you can't read my posts and intepret "some people" with many people then I suggest the issue is with you. If you personally feel offended by the fact that I suggest that "some" here are motivated by other factors that delve into race,
I am not offended by anything in life, especially not from insults coming from someone on the internet.

then you might have to ask yourself why YOU feel your are being called out.
I don`t feel like that at all, I just feel that someone was making idiotic attacks on other forum members and in such a case I will voice my opinion, strongly (the only way I know).

The vast majority of folks on this forum argue contructuively and voice their opinions in decent manner. A constructive discussion requires at least 2 sides, but when one side cries racism as the reason why someone is getting attacked, it makes intelligent debate very hard.