View Full Version : The adventures of Chris Amon.

7th June 2008, 22:01
Finally got my hands on the latest edition of Motorsport (June) and while reading about an interview with Chris Amon, I couldn’t help but crack up when I came across the story of his trials and tribulations at the 1967 Le Mans while driving for Ferrari;

“Just before midnight I was passing the pits when I felt the right rear tyre go flat… on the Mulsanne there were sparks coming out the back, and I though ‘I’m going to have to change this tyre.’ The Ferraris carried a spare wheel and a tool kit with jack, hammer and torch, so halfway down the straight I pulled onto the verge. I was crawling about at the back with cars coming past at 200+ mph.

I got the back door open, found the torch-and the battery was dead. So I just had the passing headlights to see by. I got the hammer and waited for some lights and then took a swipe at the knock-off hubcap- and the head came off the hammer and disappeared. So I thought I’d get the thing jacked up and try to get the wheel off with one of the spanners (wrenches). Then I found that they forgot to put the jack in… so I had to drive it back.”


I couldn’t help but bust up on this story, as I experienced similar scenario at night while driving a company truck, after the passenger mirror fell off, on a major highway. No professional racers passed by at 200 mph. The drunks, late-night meth-heads and other sleepy truck drivers (like myself) were enough.

12th June 2008, 09:11
Finally got my hands on the latest edition of Motorsport (June) and while reading about an interview with Chris Amon, I couldn’t help but crack up when I came across the story of his trials and tribulations at the 1967 Le Mans while driving for Ferrari.
Different days indeed, and great to see another fascinating "Lunch with..." article :up:

Mind how you go on those roads AAR :D

20th June 2008, 20:48
Different days indeed, and great to see another fascinating "Lunch with..." article :up:

Absolutely. Quite a nice refreshment from some of today's media reports centered around controversy.

One other humerous item I read years ago about Amon in Jackie Stewart's biography, "Faster! A Racer's Diary", was when Stewart was mentioning the quality and personality of his competitors.

On the subject of Amon, he of course cited how good a driver he was, however Stewart mentioned that his personality perhaps got the best of him at times. On occassion, Stewart noted during practices and qualifying sessions that if Amon came into the pits dissatified with the handing of a car, he would stomp out of it and scream towards the sky "%@#king car!".

Stewart referred to these special moments as Amon's "Rainbow moods." :laugh:

23rd June 2008, 08:24
2. Description of errors in students’ English writing “An error can be defined as a deviation from the norms of the target language”. It takes place as a result of lack of knowledge. It represents a lack of linguistic competence .A mistakes occurs when learners fail to perform their competence.Shaiya gold (http://www.fast-wowgold.com/shaiya-gold.htm)3. Problems involved in students’ writing 3.1 Improper choices of words In writing, quite a number of students fail to choose and use the correct and appropriate English words. They could not discriminate the synonyms. The following examples are taken from students’ writings:fly for fun gold (http://www.fast-wowgold.com/flyff-gold.htm)(1) In area, China is the third largest state in the world.(2) The program has won the support of the whole land.(3) China is my native nation.(4) The company is of country-owned enterprise.(5) They lived in a little town.(6) I can never forget the small town where I spent my happy childhood.The above sentences are unacceptable. Students mingle the meaning of words. Country, nation, state and land have more or less the same denotation and may all be translated into guojia in Chinese, but their connotations are quite different. Country refers to an area of land and its population and government, nation emphasizes the people of a country, state refers to the government or political organization of country, and land is less precise but more literary and emotive than country. Small and little are often interchangeable, but there is some difference in emotional coloring between them. Small is objective, while little may imply a feeling of fondness. Therefore, the above sentences could be revised as the following :( 1) In area, China is the third largest country in the world.(2) The program has won the support of the whole nation.(3) China is my native land.(4) The company is of state-owned enterprises.(5) They lived in a small town.(6) I can never forget the little town where I spent my happy childhood.EVE ISK (http://www.just4gold.com)3.2 Problems involved in collocation of words Wrongly collocating words is very common in English writing. Students have little awareness of the collocation of words. Just look at the following examples selected from students’ writings :( 1) Nowadays, the traffic in big cities is getting more and more crowed.In this sentence, heavy should replace the word traffic. In English, crowed could not be used to modify “traffic”, although we may guess the meaning, it is wrong to English-speaking people.(2) For some students, the tuition feesare so expensive that they cannot afford them.age of Conan gold (http://www.fast-wowgold.com/age-of-conan-gold.htm)In English speaking country, they used to say high or fees rather than expensive or cheap fees. So expensive should be replaced by high.(3) Some university graduates find that the opportunities to get a good job are becoming smaller and smaller. Opportunity usually used along with the word such as rare, scanty, and poor. The word smaller should be replaced by poorer.twelve sky gold (http://www.fast-wowgold.com/twelve-sky-gold.htm)

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22nd September 2008, 21:04
When Amon was not in a "rainbow mood", however, he had one of the most sublime talents of anyone who ever sat in a racing car. How he never won a World Championship GP is beyond me.

Azumanga Davo
23rd September 2008, 10:45
Strewth, talk about unlucky man. Didn't similar silly little failings happen whilst in the lead of a race at Monza in a Ferrari F1 car?

23rd September 2008, 11:07
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23rd September 2008, 12:56
When Amon was not in a "rainbow mood", however, he had one of the most sublime talents of anyone who ever sat in a racing car. How he never won a World Championship GP is beyond me.

Didn't he win one with March before Max Mosley managed to get him out?

23rd September 2008, 13:03
Amon did win eight non-championship GPs.

23rd September 2008, 13:09
Amon did win eight non-championship GPs.

Ahhh, my mistake.

Azumanga Davo
23rd September 2008, 15:37
北京守道商标代理有限公司专业代理商标注册 (http://www.21zhongguo.com/),驰名商标认定 (http://www.21zhongguo.com/chiming.htm),商标设计 (http://www.21zhongguo.com/sheji.htm),国际商标注册 (http://www.21zhongguo.com/guoji.htm),马德里国际注册 (http://www.21zhongguo.com/guojifeiyong.htm)。

Go away

23rd September 2008, 20:48
Strewth, talk about unlucky man. Didn't similar silly little failings happen whilst in the lead of a race at Monza in a Ferrari F1 car?

Ironically, he won at Le Mans, which arguably places a great emphasis on luck!

He was in the leading bunch at Monza in '71 when he had problems with his visor. He would have won at Clermont-Ferrand in '72 but for a puncture. He also had several good chances to win with Ferrari from 1967-69.

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15th November 2008, 20:24
When Amon was not in a "rainbow mood", however, he had one of the most sublime talents of anyone who ever sat in a racing car. How he never won a World Championship GP is beyond me.

A terrible case of (career) misfortune, perhaps the worst of any well-known driver.

Which quite understandibly, when Motorsport dispatched another article on Amon (back in 2003 I believe), they appropriately titled it:

"There are lies, damn lies and then there's Chris Amon's race record."

As much as I feel a sense of pity for him, I do have to agree with article about him in this year's Motorsport, stating that not only did he survive racing during a dangerous era, but that he competed during a time when the 3-liter cars were still going over the 'yumps' on the Nurburgring, Monza & Spa were flat-out courses to feast upon, along with a not-so-close-under-the-microscope attention from the media that most drivers suffer from nowadays.

And of course, when drivers back then weren't so self-swerving. Ooops... I mean 'serving'. ;)