View Full Version : O/T Rfactor anyone?

7th June 2008, 14:30
Just wondered if anyone here plays Rfactor.. the on-line racing sim? There is now a great Rockingham mod, with all infield tracks as well as the oval. Nascar and Craftsman trucks are great fun!
Let me know and i'll set up a race meeting one night.

7th June 2008, 15:52
I do play rfactor. FPS is pretty bad on this aging machine. In the process of getting a new one.

8th June 2008, 14:20
rFactor is a great sim. I have not downloaded any new series or track's for a acouple of months now - thank's for the Rock uppdate, gonna check it out now..

9th June 2008, 13:58
I do play rfactor. FPS is pretty bad on this aging machine.


The Rockingham mod is quite good considering it is from codemasters code... Also, need to reduce the number of people in T4 stands :D .

I am waiting for the iRacing service to launch. I've already bought my G25 wheel. Hope I don't need a new computer just yet...

10th June 2008, 15:12
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12th June 2008, 12:44
I've got rfactor. I'd be up for a race on it. Haven't got any stock car mods though. I've got the open wheel (Indycar) mod.

Have you got a link to the rockingham mod?

Slightly O/T but have you heard about this? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7440658.stm Real Time Racing

"It's clear that the next trend in gaming is going to be bringing real objects into the virtual world; playing not against other gamers but people doing the real thing," said Andy Lurling, founder of iOpener Media.

The patented system his company is developing sucks in real-time GPS data from racing events and pumps it out to compatible games consoles and PCs.

The idea is that you could pit yourself against the top drivers in the world, as it happens, from the comfort of your living room.

How cool will that be when it comes out???!!!

12th June 2008, 14:23
I play regularly :)

Rockingham - might have tried the oval with F188s with somewhat destructive consequences. Never got the nascar mods working properly :(

Its great to see the BTCC layout at last though.

12th June 2008, 16:42
I've got rfactor. I'd be up for a race on it. Haven't got any stock car mods though. I've got the open wheel (Indycar) mod.

Have you got a link to the rockingham mod?

Slightly O/T but have you heard about this? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7440658.stm Real Time Racing

How cool will that be when it comes out???!!!

It sounds a bit pants to me; there can be no interaction with the real world cars. For example, say they're running one of these races for the Daytona 500; you're running up the front and your actions, while they don't damage your own car cause a big one behind you, how's that going to work? Clearly there won't be a huge wreck on the track and the race would be running normally in reality, but in the game there'd be a yellow or a red and a bunch of cars missing or damaged. How would that link back to what was going on in reality? It couldn't happen. Ok, a NASCAR big one is an extreme example, but even in something as stretched out as F1, if you caused the P2 guy to crash and retire then the game and reality have diverged.

IMHO it would be better to push online racing with players only. I could see a market for a WOW style MMORL; imagine a monthly subscription (yeah, some may not like this but WOW works), and an explorable world with race tracks spread around it. There could be a whole bunch of race series contained within the game, from something like T-cars for 'low level' players up to Sprint cup or F1 for the top guys. You'd have to level up by racing and gaining experience just as you do in the real world. Winnings go toward upgrading your car, buying new vehicles, Gran Tourismo style. You could even have 'duels' as they do in WOW, with entrants throwing money into the pot in winner takes all 'illegal' races around the roads of the explorable world, avoiding NPC traffic and the cops.

Hmm, anyone got a few million quid, I see an idea for a game here...

13th June 2008, 09:17
Yeah I have rfactor & the Rockingham tracks would be good to have a race with some guys off the forum some time