View Full Version : Looks like rain ....

Hazell B
2nd June 2008, 19:24
Another UK summer and another flood warning :mark:

Last weekend, over the Bank Holliday, the south of England got rain. This weekend we ooop north got rain. This morning I opened my stock trailer after yesterday's market and about four or five gallons of water tipped out ..... which was nice :p : Tomorrow and wednesday I'm at a large outdoor series of auctions, both buying and selling goods.

At least the flood water's warm this time of year :p :
Anyone looking forward to being flooded soon? :s

3rd June 2008, 00:57
Yup, Spain is suffering at the moment. Not in my region (where it rains all the time anyway ;) ) but more to the east. There's flooding over there, especially along the Ebro river. So much so that a month or so ago reservoirs in Catalunya were just at 21% capacity and at dangerously low levels and I think they are saying they are now at around 51%...

Valve Bounce
3rd June 2008, 03:23
WE have flooding in Souther Queensland - really heavy stuff, over 200mm.

But in Melbourne, where we really need rain, we're not getting any.

Dave B
3rd June 2008, 08:40
I managed to be in the North-East while Kent was suffering storms last week, and now I'm back down south it looks like the in-laws are in for a torrid few days of rain and floods. Couldn't have timed it better, really.

Remind me, what does "BST" stand for? :s

3rd June 2008, 09:37
Burst Streams and Torrents?
It was nice yesterday to be fair but I remember that it was this time last year when everything went bad. Really don't need another summer like last year. It feels like 2 years since we have seen any sunshine.

3rd June 2008, 10:37
Feels like the southerly that's blowing tonight is coming straight from Antarctica, rain isn't far behind and temps dropping to -2C overnight. Now, where did I put those travel brochures for the Pacific islands.

3rd June 2008, 12:21
I managed to be in the North-East while Kent was suffering storms last week, and now I'm back down south it looks like the in-laws are in for a torrid few days of rain and floods. Couldn't have timed it better, really.

Remind me, what does "BST" stand for? :s
I managed to be in Scotland then as well :D Got a few spots of rain but that was about it :) Weather's not been bad here in Wales though :)

3rd June 2008, 13:46
First real pre-monsoon thunder storm of the season here right now :D

Amazing lightning and thunder claps with howling winds and rain :up:
Monsoon season is underway already in Kerala so should be here in a week or so :)

3rd June 2008, 14:04
There were flood warnings for several communities around here about a week ago. The hard rain has ebbed although it has been overcast and drizzely since :s

3rd June 2008, 14:17
I'm happy I've just left England for Sweden a couple of weeks now. 25-30 degrees here and sun, lots of it. Lovely. Hope I bring some back for the MotoGP race later in June though....

3rd June 2008, 20:43
Yup, Spain is suffering at the moment. Not in my region (where it rains all the time anyway ;) )
So your region in Spain is mainly plains?

Hazell, if it looks like rain, sounds like rain and feels like rain, I'm quite sure it is rain.

3rd June 2008, 21:10
In Marstrand we have not had any rain for a month. The temperature is around 25c day after day. Crasy... Especially when you know how it can be here on the swedish west coast.

3rd June 2008, 21:12
Yup, Spain is suffering at the moment. Not in my region (where it rains all the time anyway ;) ) but more to the east. There's flooding over there, especially along the Ebro river. So much so that a month or so ago reservoirs in Catalunya were just at 21% capacity and at dangerously low levels and I think they are saying they are now at around 51%...

It's more in the Basque country where they're suffering. Here in Barcelona we've had the most wonderful thing happen - Spring! Right now it's like Summer in The British Isles, a bit of hot sun, then a bit of rain. It's been the wettest May for ages, and people are happy about it. Things were looking very serious there for a while, with the prospect of water rationing and forest fires looking very likely.

3rd June 2008, 21:13
So your region in Spain is mainly plains?

Thank you, Prof. Higgins. :p :

Hazell B
4th June 2008, 20:02
So your region in Spain is mainly plains?

You beat me to that one :)

Hazell, if it looks like rain, sounds like rain and feels like rain, I'm quite sure it is rain.

Thanks for the advice, Eki.
I guess it was rain then ;)

Today at the auction I was walking about the fields of mud and sale lots wearing mucker boots, Equator outdoorsy waterproof trousers and carrying a Tula handbag. Talk about mixing your wardrobe :p :
All the townies in their white trainers went home barefoot :laugh:

Almost, and I stress almost, got the Range Rover bogged down. Somebody got a tractor stuck, so I was lucky.

5th June 2008, 11:09
Been having some major storms here. :eek: Yesterday, heavy storms and winds knocked out power to much of the area. Didn't get power back until 3:05 AM, the same as what happened back on Saturday. :s

9th June 2008, 17:45
now, we've gone from heavy storms to sweltering heat. :hot:
and it's not even officially summer. :cool: :p :

10th June 2008, 06:02
Its officially monsoon here though :cool:

Temperature went from 35/6 deg C to 29 in a day and yesterday even lower.
It will be green everywhere now..time for a trek/hike :)

10th June 2008, 06:35
It's basically crazy everywhere right now. China earthquake/landslide due to flood. Myanmar cyclone. Here in Ohio, several tornados. When you heat up the pot, things boils.

10th June 2008, 08:49
It's been lovely here for the past few days. I drove home rather than staying over just so we could sit out in the garden :D

It's a pity my job involves going in the machine room too much, it has no windows and is air conditioned to be very cold all the time :(

Dave B
10th June 2008, 08:58
I'm having a mixed grill this evening, the first time my BBQ has seen daylight this year. It had to be today, apparently it's going to rain tomorrow and for the rest of the week. Looks like being one of those on-off summers which never quite gets going.

10th June 2008, 09:07
Your only just getting your BBQ out? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

The slightest ray of sun in March and we get our BBQ out. All you need is a chimnea, good lighting and a hottub and your set for BBQing all year round. ;)

10th June 2008, 09:10
Yep it's going to be nasty towards the end of the week. I just hope that it comes back again. Summers normally do that, I remember years ago I came up with the three day rule, i.e. you can't have more than three consective days of very nice weather without it turning nasty on the fourth :p .

As long as it doesn't keep raining for 4 months like it did last year. I want to have a proper summer this year with proper days out and holidays, not sitting in watching the rain :mad:

10th June 2008, 09:13
There was hailstorm here yesterday morning, I woke up with the sound grape sized hails(?) hitting the metal windowsill, the sound was pretty lood because the window was partly open. :)

10th June 2008, 14:06
Raining here again :s . I think we've had more rain than sun so far this spring.
Methinks the planned jaunt amongst the meadows may be cancelled this evening :bigcry:

We BBQ all year round :mark:

Dave B
10th June 2008, 15:31
Your only just getting your BBQ out? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

The slightest ray of sun in March and we get our BBQ out. All you need is a chimnea, good lighting and a hottub and your set for BBQing all year round. ;)

We had a lovely BBQ in March. Just not here :p

Hot tub? I just eat beans and sit in the bath... :D

10th June 2008, 15:32
We had a lovely BBQ in March. Just not here :p

Hot tub? I just eat beans and sit in the bath... :D
Scary...... :p