View Full Version : Fox is showing F1 (Canada Grand Prix)

2nd June 2008, 15:55
Well the furry little network just let go of their half of NASCAR and are plunging right into a Formula 1 race. Pretty cool to have a big network company showing another grand prix in the states. I'm just curious about the ratings as well. :)


N. Jones
2nd June 2008, 16:04
Really?? I don't remember the SpeedTV guys mentioning that they were...

N. Jones
2nd June 2008, 16:08
I guess they are... their site doesn't really say. BUT, I do not see it on Speedtv.com so I am guessing they must be.

Also, it's a pretty bad sign if Foxsports lists the European Grand Prix as being held in Valencia, Italy. http://msn.foxsports.com/motor/f1/schedule

2nd June 2008, 16:34
I guess they are... their site doesn't really say. BUT, I do not see it on Speedtv.com so I am guessing they must be.

Also, it's a pretty bad sign if Foxsports lists the European Grand Prix as being held in Valencia, Italy. http://msn.foxsports.com/motor/f1/schedule

Hey, hows about a race round the streets of.....

....Venice, Italy? That'd be interesting! ;)

2nd June 2008, 17:20
Hey, hows about a race round the streets of.....

....Venice, Italy? That'd be interesting! ;) http://adiadrian.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/sport-27s20-kimmi-12_368.jpg


2nd June 2008, 18:12
Hey, hows about a race round the streets of.....

....Venice, Italy? That'd be interesting! ;)

Might be a bit wet :eek:

Yankee Racer
2nd June 2008, 23:10
There's two things about the races being on FOX that I dislike:

1: Last year, David Hobbs didn't talk much during these races. Was FOX scared a "furriner" would scare away their Conservative audience? I think they felt Hobbs' humor would be lost on the Americans. Shame.

2: Overdramatic intros? You bet. Like everything with FOX, something pointless is made to look like the most important thing in the world. It's a sporting event; please treat it like one.

I don't really see the point. The four races on FOX drew around 0.3 ratings. The other races on SPEEDTV that weren't on at 1 AM drew around 0.3 ratings. So why bother tape-delaying, shortening, and decreasing the quality of the coverage when no one else is really watching?

N. Jones
2nd June 2008, 23:54
Short answer - they believe showing it on Fox gives F1 more exposure and thus more viewer ship.

Long Answer hoping not to start an argument - They believe this is what Americans either want or are used to.

3rd June 2008, 16:32
There's two things about the races being on FOX that I dislike:

1: Last year, David Hobbs didn't talk much during these races. Was FOX scared a "furriner" would scare away their Conservative audience? I think they felt Hobbs' humor would be lost on the Americans. Shame.

2: Overdramatic intros? You bet. Like everything with FOX, something pointless is made to look like the most important thing in the world. It's a sporting event; please treat it like one.

I don't really see the point. The four races on FOX drew around 0.3 ratings. The other races on SPEEDTV that weren't on at 1 AM drew around 0.3 ratings. So why bother tape-delaying, shortening, and decreasing the quality of the coverage when no one else is really watching?

I can't stand the fox coverage, they completely butcher the way F1 needs to be covered. Useless intro's. dumb human interest stories, and a shorterned broadcast. To do F1 justice, they need to do like an hour intro before the race, explaining who the main protagonist are, the cars, the series, what has happened to date, some of the exciting aspects, then lead inot the race with at least some knowledge of whatsgoing on.
They give nascar a 90 minutel lead in with as much (superflous) information as the brain can manage.
although Canada is live, the other races they show are tape delayed, so I won't be watching them on TV in French ( thank god for the internet)
Perhaps this year they can open up their coffers and actually send the guys to Montreal.

N. Jones
3rd June 2008, 20:16
I know... It looks like they are going to show the French & British GP's too. While we will get Canada live they will tape delay the other two. I ask, why? They will cut out something that may interesting or important if they do that.