View Full Version : Driving Standards....

1st June 2008, 23:30
While driving to and from the Severn Valley Rally yesterday I was apalled by the standard of driving. I do wonder whether people are aware of the Highway Code, and road markings, etc. Is it me, or are things getting worse. People overtaking in ridiculous situations, not seeing bikers, roundabout positioning.
It wasn't the odd occasion either, it was fairly consistently happening.

306 Cosworth
2nd June 2008, 13:16
I know how you feel Andy, I know i'm a relatively new driver (well nearly a year now!) but some of the driving by much more experienced motorists is just appalling, and guess what most of the time it's bloody women :mad:

2nd June 2008, 18:42
It always seems that everybody is a perfect driver and that everybody else is absolutely rubbish!

2nd June 2008, 21:08
Driving standards are decreasing at a rate proportional to the increase in vehicle safety.

We're no longer thining the herd, there's no "fear" anymore requiring people to pay frickin attention!!

Disclaimer : This is IMO, I have no data to support my comments. :p :

3rd June 2008, 00:00
I'll admit that I have a tendancy to occasionally drive too aggressively but I try to recognise those around me and not cause them undue risk.

Some people are just knobs. Take a bloke today who followed me home from work right on my rear bumper even though we were in traffic doing 20mph. When we got to a roundabout he whoosed up the inside of me and then cut right across in front of the bloke ahead of me even though there was only just enough space for my car. Yet when he reached the duel carriageway he pretty much stayed at the same speed as me and was no further ahead when he turned off, so why the desperation to get past?

What made it worse is that in the 15 -20 minutes I was following, overtaking cars on the duel carriageway ec. etc. He didn't indicate once. Just pulled out in front of people (incluing me) without bothering to let us know.

It's not just one case either. Since I drive about 200 miles per week for work I keep seeing all these tw*nts pulling out in front of me when I'm doing 20 mph more than them and I end up slamming on the brakes. Mirrors are put on a car for a reason and it isn't to apply your sodding make up :angryfire