View Full Version : Sudoku

Valve Bounce
1st June 2008, 11:03
I have been shunning this puzzle for months. Then when I saw this friend do the puzzle 3 weeks ago, I thought that if she could do it, then I could do it. ;)
Now I can't give it up :( I have progressed in three weeks from the easy ones to the difficult ones and I just solved the 5 star difficulty rating one from today's Sunday paper in less than half an hour.
I am now trying to do the fiendishly difficult ones.

Is anyone else doing SUDOKU puzzles here?

1st June 2008, 11:39
Yup, I'm totally addicted too and have been for about 4 years.
I love the really big one in the Sunday Express as it lasts longer than others.

1st June 2008, 21:57
Sudoku....that was so 3 years ago. :p I used to love them but I became slightly addicted and gave up when I started dreaming about potential number combinations. I play Sudoku only occassionaly now and prefer ones printed in The Times newspaper. I'm rarely successful at their fiendish one's but when I do solve them it really does make my day. :)

1st June 2008, 22:24
I was playing it for a while a few years back. Really sharpened my brain. Now I don't really read the paper or have the time (that's a lie but I have better things to do with spare time).

Occassioanlallyllsaally fill out one for fun to see if I can still do it but only every few weeks or so :)

1st June 2008, 23:08
Too difficult for me so I've never attempted it :up:

Valve Bounce
1st June 2008, 23:52
Too difficult for me so I've never attempted it :up:

Get an Irishman to show you how :p :

Dave B
2nd June 2008, 11:32
I just don't find them all that difficult - after all, it's only logic.

Dot-to-dot, on the other hand... :p

2nd June 2008, 17:39
I attempt the ones in the weekend newspaper but rarely get through the 5-star ones :(

Logic is highly over-rated :p :

2nd June 2008, 18:20
Occassioanlallyllsaally... :)

next up, cross word puzzles. ;) :p :

2nd June 2008, 20:18
Get an Irishman to show you how :p :

I am the kind of person that, failing to get the solution within a minute, I will be bored silly and off doing something else pronto :)

Valve Bounce
3rd June 2008, 03:16
I am the kind of person that, failing to get the solution within a minute, I will be bored silly and off doing something else pronto :)

By any chance, do you play Rugby?

3rd June 2008, 05:12
I can do the easy ones, but i always try and finish them quickly so bugger up the harder ones.

3rd June 2008, 10:49
I have solved them at times in the newspapers. It might become an addiction for one evening if already one sudoku has been solved and there are more (older) newspapers around... :p : After all have been solved, then there is just one thought - what a waste of time. In the future the task should be not to start dealing with any of the sudokus. :p :

3rd June 2008, 10:56
Is anyone else doing SUDOKU puzzles here?

Nope hate them, just not interested in numbers I guess. I hated Rubiks? cube thing too which could be due to that spatial ability thing again, or lack of it in my case. I do cryptic crosswords and I like the slider puzzles in some of my PC games.

3rd June 2008, 12:56
Love them, esp. in the morning when I stay on " throne ".

4th June 2008, 11:21
I have a calendar of sudoku puzzles to do one for every day of the year. I am addicted too, however, ive only managed to reach the 11th of march :p :

4th June 2008, 13:27
Not me. Can't fathom them. And they have been the death of the livelihoods of crossword compilers for local papers in the UK. Why pay someone to compile a crossword for you every day when you can get a computer-generated Sudoku puzzle far more cheaply?

Valve Bounce
8th June 2008, 02:32
Not me. Can't fathom them. And they have been the death of the livelihoods of crossword compilers for local papers in the UK. Why pay someone to compile a crossword for you every day when you can get a computer-generated Sudoku puzzle far more cheaply?

You can get them free online, with lessons and all sorts of guides. Basically, if you want to do the hard ones, a large piece of properly 9 square gridded paper where you can enter the candidates for each square helps greatly.

I tried doing a hard one straight from the newspaper during half time at the footy last night, but it was very difficult to see what I have entered in each square properly. Basically, for the difficult ones I enter the numbers from the puzzle into the computer and do the puzzle directly on my PC.

Valve Bounce
11th June 2008, 01:32
.....while jurors play Sudoku: http://www.theage.com.au/national/games-up-for-jurors-playing-sudoku-20080610-2ohy.html

While it's ok for Judges to sleep and snore during trials, playing Sudoku by jurors is frowned upon. :(