View Full Version : PS3 or not.

1st June 2008, 11:46
I'm trying the same tactic as Puddlejumper here. I just won in lottery and got I permission from my wife to buy a PS3. Oddly, now I'm allowed to do so, PS3 doesn't tempt me as much anymore :confused: ( must be that forbidden fruit syndrome )

I would like to know is it worth it and what are the good sides of it? I'm adding that I'd might have a chance to get myself the 60GB version with PS2 support.

Cheers in advance folks :)

1st June 2008, 12:02
Wait until Daniel gets here :s :p :

1st June 2008, 12:43
I'm thinking about getting one myself. I'm mainly looking to buy one for GTA IV and Gran Tourismo 5 (when it comes out).

1st June 2008, 13:28
Wait until Daniel gets here :s :p :

Daniel's opinion is like an ice stick up in someone's arse. It's irritating when it's in but when it has melted, you kinda miss it :p :

1st June 2008, 13:40
Daniel's opinion is like an ice stick up in someone's arse. It's irritating when it's in but when it has melted, you kinda miss it :p :

:laugh: :p :

1st June 2008, 13:59
As long as it plays Richard Burns Rally I don't care what you get :D

1st June 2008, 15:22
I've got a PS3 (60GB version) and I love it. My friend has a 360, and personally I prefer the PS3, having tested the 360. GT5 seems to be a big improvement over GT4, so that should be fun when it comes out. And you won't have to worry as much about technical problems, such as the red ring of death with the 360.

1st June 2008, 22:47
I think they are quite over priced. You have to think to youself whether you would play it enough to justify the price tag whether you've won money on the lottery or not.

2nd June 2008, 07:06
My PS3 was stolen during my xmas holiday, but will buy it again as soon as GT5 comes out...meanwhile I use my son's one :p :

2nd June 2008, 11:18
Yes... for one reason

Gran Turismo 5!

306 Cosworth
2nd June 2008, 12:05
Yes they are abit overpriced but i'm sure you won't regret it, however the only thing is, you only get 1 controller and no HD cable :(

But do it... do it.

2nd June 2008, 12:18
Yes they are abit overpriced but i'm sure you won't regret it, however the only thing is, you only get 1 controller and no HD cable :(

But do it... do it.
HDMI cables can be had for a pound or two.

or nearly 200 if you want a monster cable HDMI cable :D


Dave B
2nd June 2008, 12:29
Got to love Monster, haven't you? :s I used to sell their analogue audio and video connectors and they were utterly rubbish, poorly constructed and prone to dry joints.

Digital. It's either there or it's not. My LAN functions perfectly well on twisted copper cable, and there's at least 20m of crappy thin non-OFC cable buried outside taking my internet connection out to the street where about three miles of cable takes it back to Virgin's exchange. Yes I know there's less scope for error-correction on HDMI, but provided there's no manufacturing faults in the cable the signal should get through.

Monster are rip-off merchants. But more fool the suckers who buy their overpriced rubbish.

2nd June 2008, 12:35
Wait until Daniel gets here :s :p :
Eh? :p

AFF. I would personally reccomend that you get a Wii. Firstly it's cheaper and secondly just about everything on the 360 and PS3 can be played better on your PC. From what I've seen the Wii is the only console that really offers anything different. I would put the 360 second because it's got a more established online gaming base and it can be used as a media extender so you can stream video from your PC to your TV. Gran Turismo is great IMHO

If you're 5 years old and have never driven a car!!!!!!!!! Seriously they call it "The Real Driving Simulator"?!?!?!?!?! I was driving home from Scotland on Saturday and managed to go around lots of corners at more than 20kph without understeering off like you do in Gran Turismo. I exaggerate of course but that's what it feels like.

Seriously though. Buy the PS3 and brag to your friends about how the Cell architecture is so fricking great or if you really need to spend that money on something useful that will make for a kickarse gaming experience buy a 24" monitor and 2 Ati HD3870's or 2 nVidia 8800 gt's and run your games at 1920x1200 (HD TV's run at 1920x1080). Now that's the **** :D

2nd June 2008, 12:47
Got to love Monster, haven't you? :s I used to sell their analogue audio and video connectors and they were utterly rubbish, poorly constructed and prone to dry joints.

Digital. It's either there or it's not. My LAN functions perfectly well on twisted copper cable, and there's at least 20m of crappy thin non-OFC cable buried outside taking my internet connection out to the street where about three miles of cable takes it back to Virgin's exchange. Yes I know there's less scope for error-correction on HDMI, but provided there's no manufacturing faults in the cable the signal should get through.

Monster are rip-off merchants. But more fool the suckers who buy their overpriced rubbish.

Cables are horrendously overpriced on the high street even without Monster Cables taking their share :( Go into PC world and look at the price of CAT6 cables. I got myself a 20m Belkin CAT6 cable online for about £8 shipped and in PC world, Comet and Currys they're trying to a 2m Belkin Cat6 cable for £25 plus £6 shipping. Doesn't even have gold plated connectors :p

2nd June 2008, 13:09
Is two graphic cards really necessary? I just bought Radeon HD 3850 512Mb and it runs like e three legged moose in a bathtub. :up:

2nd June 2008, 13:10
Is two graphic cards really necessary? I just bought Radeon HD 3850 512Mb and it runs like e three legged moose in a bathtub. :up:
If you want to have a 24" high resolution monitor it is :D Buy another 3850 if your motherboard supports crossfire and feel the powaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

2nd June 2008, 14:23
I have to agree with you Dan. Every game is more playable with PC. GT5 is neat but I can stand the fact it doesn't have damage modelling. (<-- is that a proper word ? )

3rd June 2008, 22:33
Eh? :p

AFF. I would personally reccomend that you get a Wii. Firstly it's cheaper and secondly just about everything on the 360 and PS3 can be played better on your PC. From what I've seen the Wii is the only console that really offers anything different. I would put the 360 second because it's got a more established online gaming base and it can be used as a media extender so you can stream video from your PC to your TV. Gran Turismo is great IMHO

If you're 5 years old and have never driven a car!!!!!!!!! Seriously they call it "The Real Driving Simulator"?!?!?!?!?! I was driving home from Scotland on Saturday and managed to go around lots of corners at more than 20kph without understeering off like you do in Gran Turismo. I exaggerate of course but that's what it feels like.

Seriously though. Buy the PS3 and brag to your friends about how the Cell architecture is so fricking great or if you really need to spend that money on something useful that will make for a kickarse gaming experience buy a 24" monitor and 2 Ati HD3870's or 2 nVidia 8800 gt's and run your games at 1920x1200 (HD TV's run at 1920x1080). Now that's the **** :D

So let's see, £300 for a 40B PS3. 2x8800GTs = £260ish, 2*HD3870s = £260ish again, decent 24" TFT @ 1920x1200 = £240, so that's £500 before you even build up your system. Bung in a 3GHz C2D and some decent storage/RAM and you're looking at the thick end of £800 to build a gaming machine. Granted it can do more that just play games, but it'll get even pricier if you want to put a Blu-Ray drive into the PC. The difference in price between the PS3 and that PC can buy you a pretty decent HD TV, or a laptop if yo want computery stuff as well as games.

I've played a lot of Wii games with my mates and granted it's a fun console. And that's about it. Fun, quirky, interesting, call it what you will - it's the control system that gives it the intuitive feeling for games and appeals to a broader range of people than just hardcore gamers. Hence why lots of girls/families play games on it. As far as machine power goes the Wii isn't really that hot and its limitations in that area will be shown up as more complex titles are released on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Of course it's horses for courses, but I'm leaning towards the PS3 side of things.

2nd January 2009, 19:31
Alright, I've gone this far in about half of year. However, now I'm seriously considering on bying PS3. The fact is that I won't be playing it much. I'm more interested how it works with divx and AVI files and does it support subtitles (sub or srt.)?? I usually watch the movies from memorystick and it would be kinda a neat to have it work with everything?

2nd January 2009, 23:06
Alright, I've gone this far in about half of year. However, now I'm seriously considering on bying PS3. The fact is that I won't be playing it much. I'm more interested how it works with divx and AVI files and does it support subtitles (sub or srt.)?? I usually watch the movies from memorystick and it would be kinda a neat to have it work with everything?

I'm not really into my AV and I may be wrong buy I think a 360 will do all those things plus it can actually stream stuff from your PC as it can be used as a media extender. As for subtitle support a quick google suggests it doesn't do it as standard but you can get 3rd party stuff for it.

Subtitles seem to be easier on the PS3 though.

2nd January 2009, 23:31

I have both the PS3 and the XBox 360 and on balance would go down the 360 route if its purely for gaming. In fact when there is a duel platform release on games I always for for the latter as I think the online content that you get with the XBox is far better. Ok, I know that you have to pay £38 a year for XBox Live but I really think its superior to the free online gaming that you get with PS3.



3rd January 2009, 01:22
The PS3 lacks games at the moment. There is GTA IV and will be Gran Turismo 5, but that's about it so far. Even then, GT5 will have poor AI, like all Gran Turismo games. If you have cars equal to your opposition you will win with relative ease.

Valve Bounce
3rd January 2009, 02:24
This guy won the lottery and he is worrying about a PS3? If I won the lottery, I'd be in the Ferrari showroom so fast you wouldn't see me for dust. Then I'd be driving all over Melbourne, wearing a Volvo jacket and Volvo cap.

3rd January 2009, 03:00
Sorry. Nothing to contribute here. I just find it interesting which Google ads are generated here as certain topics or keywords are present.

This one is funny (IMO):

GP Manager Pro

Because your girlfriend bores you.
http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/imgad?id=CPeA-sXGs8nfrQEQ2AUYTzII3M-Fv68DsQc (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BGoLcf8heSfzJH6LwaPHEsbYPpfCIjAGB4PCQC-nG-_wFsNsGEAEYASDylPwBOABQhtKx8QZgydbljOSk8BOgAf_K0_s DsgEYd3d3Lm1vdG9yc3BvcnRmb3J1bXMuY29tugEJNzI4eDkwX 2FzyAEC2gFHaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tb3RvcnNwb3J0Zm9ydW1zLmN vbS9mb3J1bXMvc2hvd3RocmVhZC5waHA_cD01NzAyMzUmcG9zd GVkPTHgAQOpAqxHjjLqc7g-wAIBqAMByAMF9QMAAQAEmAQA&num=1&adurl=http://www.GPManagerPro.com/&client=ca-pub-4215769602597401&nm=5)

So A.F.F., I wonder if your wife is still OK with you buying a gaming console? :D

3rd January 2009, 03:41
AFF, I was in the same predicament a few weeks ago.

The day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) I was literally staring at two consoles and could only choose one. Xbox 360 or PS3! Blu-ray is an advantage for PS3, but after that it was all Xbox 360.

File sharing, Xbox Live, controllers, games, a better price, etc. made the Xbox 360 the choice for myself. Everything is compatible through your Xbox and syncing it with your computer is easy. I hope you make the right choice...

4th January 2009, 07:27
I made a decision. Because the gaming will be only a minor thing for me, I'll choose PS3, mainly because Blue Ray. I got a nice bargain containing remote control and HDMI wire so.....

Thanks all for hints :up:

4th January 2009, 18:55
I made a decision. Because the gaming will be only a minor thing for me, I'll choose PS3, mainly because Blue Ray. I got a nice bargain containing remote control and HDMI wire so.....

Thanks all for hints :up: Bust! I was looking forward to playing online with you.

Enjoy your PS3.

4th January 2009, 20:01
I made a decision. Because the gaming will be only a minor thing for me, I'll choose PS3, mainly because Blue Ray. I got a nice bargain containing remote control and HDMI wire so.....

Thanks all for hints :up:

Great choice mate :up: I've just got the new version (80GB) myself :D

5th January 2009, 08:07
I'm trying the same tactic as Puddlejumper here. I just won in lottery and got I permission from my wife to buy a PS3. Oddly, now I'm allowed to do so, PS3 doesn't tempt me as much anymore :confused: ( must be that forbidden fruit syndrome )

I would like to know is it worth it and what are the good sides of it? I'm adding that I'd might have a chance to get myself the 60GB version with PS2 support.

Cheers in advance folks :)

I've got a PS3 and an Xbox 360. While the Xbox is a great machine (especially at the price) the PS3 is plainly better in virtually all areas (except price of course), has Blu-ray (so you dont have to buy a seperate Blu-ray player and Blu-ray is the future people) and in my opinion has more blockbuster platform exclusive games (games that I prefer anyway).

Daniel, take it easy on me mate ;)

BTW AFF, if you won the lottery, why dont you just buy the whole factory :p :

5th January 2009, 10:22

End of discussion. It's just better, by far, online or offline.

5th January 2009, 13:59
I've got a PS3 and an Xbox 360. While the Xbox is a great machine (especially at the price) the PS3 is plainly better in virtually all areas (except price of course), has Blu-ray (so you dont have to buy a seperate Blu-ray player and Blu-ray is the future people) and in my opinion has more blockbuster platform exclusive games (games that I prefer anyway).

Daniel, take it easy on me mate

BTW AFF, if you won the lottery, why dont you just buy the whole factory :p :

Hey I'm not going to criticise anyone who justifies their opinion :up: :s mokin: Not sure if I agree that it's better in all ways but perhaps that's down to personal preference.

Personally I prefer goats as a gaming console.

End of discussion. They're just better, by far, online or offline.

Now I'm going to play Left 4 Dead on my PC :D When it comes out for PS3 you should get it :up:

Dave B
5th January 2009, 14:03
Cables are horrendously overpriced on the high street even without Monster Cables taking their share :( Go into PC world and look at the price of CAT6 cables. I got myself a 20m Belkin CAT6 cable online for about £8 shipped and in PC world, Comet and Currys they're trying to a 2m Belkin Cat6 cable for £25 plus £6 shipping. Doesn't even have gold plated connectors :p
Even Maplin, who used to know better, have now got gold-plated high-speed super-duper RJ45 cables to get the best speed out of your broadband. Only £20. :rolleyes:

5th January 2009, 14:09
Even Maplin, who used to know better, have now got gold-plated high-speed super-duper RJ45 cables to get the best speed out of your broadband. Only £20. :rolleyes:

So this 2m Belkin cable from PC World is a steal at just 19.56

http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1417054387.123116109 9@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccciadegdkkllehcflgceggdhhmdfon.0&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&sku=971032&category_oid=

I got my 15m CAT6 cable for about a third of the price :rolleyes:

PC world £10/m
Everywhere else? about 50p/m


5th January 2009, 23:42

I finally got it. With a voucher for two movies and two games. Unfortunately selection wasn't too good so I got I Am Legend and The Dark Knight and Grid and Star Wars The Force Unleashed which is total s***.

But I have to admit, Blue Ray movies look unbelievably good :up: And that Race Driver doesn't feel too bad either. I would have wanted Dirt but it wasn't available.

Oh, and I got the remote :D

7th January 2009, 06:50
Now I'm going to play Left 4 Dead on my PC :D When it comes out for PS3 you should get it :up:

Thanks for the tip :up: I'll check it out :)