View Full Version : Tom Cruise think's he's Christ

23rd January 2007, 13:59
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Tom Cruise has been named the new "Christ" of Scientology, according to the leaders of the religion.

The Mission: Impossible star has reportedly been told that he has been chosen to spread the word of his faith throughout the world.

Leader David Miscavige believes that in the future Cruise will be revered like Jesus for his work in propagating the religion.

A source told The Sun, "Tom has been told he is Scientology's Christ-like figure. Like Christ, he's been criticised for his views. But future generations will realise he was right."

Cruise joined the Church of Scientology in the 1980s and has recently risen to one of the Church's top levels.

23rd January 2007, 14:04
Talk to me Goose!

23rd January 2007, 15:12
I think this proves once and for all that he, and they, are bonkers.

23rd January 2007, 15:27
perhaops he could be a better christ than he is an actor... i mean tahts not hard, look at the mission impossible series

23rd January 2007, 18:26
Jesus Christ!

23rd January 2007, 19:03
Surely he's too short....?

23rd January 2007, 19:05
Where are the Romans when you need them?

23rd January 2007, 19:09
At least he doesn't think he's Mel Gibson.

23rd January 2007, 19:19
I don't see why the factual assertions of Scientology are considered so laughable. Christians assert that Jesus was born of a virgin, Jews claim that the world was created in six days (followed by a day off for the Creator), and Muslims probably believe in the truth of equally absurd propositions, yet nobody laughs at those mainstream faiths. Why are the propositions of Scientology any more ridiculous? I don't get it. I think all religious factual assertions (e.g. that God is a published author, who managed it without a decent literary agent) are preposterous, but, because decent people believe in them, I accord them respect.

23rd January 2007, 19:39
nobody laughs at those mainstream faiths.

Nobody laughs at them because being burned at the stake for heresy tends to suggest that none of the major organised religions have much in the way of a sense of humour.

Except for Buddhists, who are quite chilled in comparison to the others...but then their bound to be since the essential message of their faith appears to be 'relax'.

23rd January 2007, 19:54
Help me to help you Tom.

23rd January 2007, 20:20
I don't see why the factual assertions of Scientology are considered so laughable. Christians assert that Jesus was born of a virgin, Jews claim that the world was created in six days (followed by a day off for the Creator), and Muslims probably believe in the truth of equally absurd propositions, yet nobody laughs at those mainstream faiths. Why are the propositions of Scientology any more ridiculous? I don't get it. I think all religious factual assertions (e.g. that God is a published author, who managed it without a decent literary agent) are preposterous, but, because decent people believe in them, I accord them respect.

I laugh at all religions with an equal amount of heartiness to ensure none is discriminated against.

However the Scientologists get more laughter at the moment because Tom Cruise IS NOT THE MESSIAH!! HE'S A VERY NAUGHTY BOY!!!!!

23rd January 2007, 20:43
However the Scientologists get more laughter at the moment because Tom Cruise IS NOT THE MESSIAH!! HE'S A VERY NAUGHTY BOY!!!!!

Perhaps one of the principles of scientology is being naughty?

race aficionado
23rd January 2007, 21:55
I don't see why the factual assertions of Scientology are considered so laughable. Christians assert that Jesus was born of a virgin, Jews claim that the world was created in six days (followed by a day off for the Creator), and Muslims probably believe in the truth of equally absurd propositions, yet nobody laughs at those mainstream faiths. Why are the propositions of Scientology any more ridiculous? I don't get it. I think all religious factual assertions (e.g. that God is a published author, who managed it without a decent literary agent) are preposterous, but, because decent people believe in them, I accord them respect.

I agree Gannex.
To each his own.
they believe him to be their main spokesperson, their shining example, their beacon . . . whatever. . . just another religion trying to "save" lives . . .
just please don't knock on my door, I've been saved already.

:s mokin:

Mark in Oshawa
23rd January 2007, 23:03
I make fun of Tom because most of the assertions that Scientology make are extremely unreal, and while I realize most ancient religions have hard to believe ideas, Tom seems to be so enthused with this idea, that he forgets to be taken seriously, one must a)sound serious, and b) not have a frivolous role in life such as being an actor. I notice a lot of his Scientology outbursts occur when he not promoting a movie, so he is keeping his name in the press. Not to doubt his sincerity, but that loon that was dancing around on Oprah's couch is somehow undignified, and not worthy of a serious discussion.

You want to be taken Seriously Tom, give up the acting and act like you believe you would be this way if no one paid attention to you.....

23rd January 2007, 23:07
He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy! :D

Sonic :)

Ian McC
23rd January 2007, 23:31
The thing about established reglions is that we don't know for certain what happened, of course logic dictates that a lot of the events that are supposed to have happened have easy scientific answers, but without the aid of a time machine we can't know for sure.

So Tom, we are going to take some convincing here............... :D

Mark in Oshawa
23rd January 2007, 23:34
Of course...if Tom wants to claim to be the next messiah, iam sure someone will get the hammer and nails if we can find a cross or something...

Ian McC
23rd January 2007, 23:36
To be fair to Tom though, it does not actually say what he thinks.

24th January 2007, 00:07
I don't see why the factual assertions of Scientology are considered so laughable. Christians assert that Jesus was born of a virgin, Jews claim that the world was created in six days (followed by a day off for the Creator), and Muslims probably believe in the truth of equally absurd propositions, yet nobody laughs at those mainstream faiths. Why are the propositions of Scientology any more ridiculous? I don't get it. I think all religious factual assertions (e.g. that God is a published author, who managed it without a decent literary agent) are preposterous, but, because decent people believe in them, I accord them respect.

That's an interesting point Gannex, and I tend to agree with you. Are the beliefs of Scientology any more believable/absurd (delete as appropriate) than those of the estabished "traditional" religions?

I think time is the only thing that seperates Scientology from, say, Catholicism. The Catholic religion was founded at a time when the world was pretty ignorant and it's dogma was unquestionably accepted as 'gospel', as it were.

Who knows, in 500 years time people may be talking about L. Ron Hubbard or Tom Cruise the same way people talk about Jesus Christ today.


24th January 2007, 00:24
I feel the need,
the need to throw up!!

24th January 2007, 00:55
I think it's rather foolish. Does Cruise want to really be like the Christian messiah? He'd find it painful.

And it's interesting that they use Christian terminology to describe their religion... sounds a bit lazy to me.

24th January 2007, 02:29
Well, it's not like he has a reputable acting career to fall back on now.

I had no idea he started quite as early as the 80s!

24th January 2007, 07:05
And it's interesting that they use Christian terminology to describe their religion...

What, like "Christ"? :p :

Hazell B
24th January 2007, 19:18
To be fair to Tom though, it does not actually say what he thinks.

It also says somebody called him Christ like not Christ, but who's going to bother with details like the truth when there's a chance to have a go at Tom Cruise again? :mark:

If he was called Allah like, I'm pretty sure some tunes would change on here ;)

Anyhow, he's not anything but an annoying actor with a rather large fortune, skeletons in his closet and too many worthy spoutings. I'm just embarrassed to have made an effort to see his past films these days.

24th January 2007, 19:45
:laugh: :laugh: :rotflmao: :laugh:

Surely many things that the established big religions in the world claim as true sounds stupid, but take count they were made hundreds of years ago when you didn't have scientific facts to prove anything.
And Xenu and DC-8-like starships sounds sillier than any other thing I have heard from other religions :laugh:
and most of all I hate bloody cults like Scientology who offers you happiness and salvation in exchange of money.

24th January 2007, 20:16
Who knows, in 500 years time people may be talking about L. Ron Hubbard or Tom Cruise the same way people talk about Jesus Christ today.


Nah! Jesus paid his taxes. :laugh:

Ian McC
24th January 2007, 20:21
Who knows, in 500 years time people may be talking about L. Ron Hubbard or Tom Cruise the same way people talk about Jesus Christ today.

Hardly, everything is recorded these days, especially big stars, not as if they can make all these big claims later about what he did.

Hazell B
24th January 2007, 22:00
You mean to say we already know for fact everything there is to know about some stars?

So they couldn't hide their god-like deeds in the same way as, say, being gay? ;)

Ian McC
24th January 2007, 23:22
So they couldn't hide their god-like deeds in the same way as, say, being gay? ;)

What you trying to say then? :D