View Full Version : Coolest commercial I've seen: what this weekend is about!

26th May 2008, 03:01
The coolest commercial I've seen on TV in a very, very long time: if you're watching the Coke 600, hopefully you've seen the Budweiser commercial. Some servicemen are walking through an airport and passengers take notice, and one by one, begin clapping for them.

Whether you agree with the politicians who send young people off to war or not, this commercial represents what this weekend is all about better than any I've seen in recent memory. :up:

Lee Roy
26th May 2008, 14:33
I didn't see it, but it sounds great, and appropriate for the Memorial Day Holiday.

You are right, no matter what you think politically about this current conflict we find ourselves in, you can't fault the young men a women who are serving our country in constant danger.

Hopefully, in January we will have someone in the White House who will have what it takes to bring this long conflict to a close and bring these incredible people home.

26th May 2008, 15:51
Yes, I agree the commercial is very good. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/thum/1ug.gif
Our people in the military are not getting the praise they deserve.

(Sadly some of the injured ones coming back aren't getting the care they need.) :s

I may rant against the Iraq war but I have nothing but praise for our military.
Our military people have a dangerous job in a violent place, they are the best ! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/thum/1ug.gif

27th May 2008, 04:51
Amen, guys!

My 23 year-old cousin is a 1st Lt. serving in Baghdad right now. Please keep good thoughts for him and all military members until they are all shipped home.

Haulin'AssAndTurnin Left
27th May 2008, 16:27
Gotta say the way you guys treat your military is top notch. Our troops are treated like crap by the public and the government.

27th May 2008, 17:02
i think the commercial was a fitting tribute to our brave troops
i am anti-war but our men and women in uniform are great
i hope they can come home soon with their mission completed

it can be done when the oilmans friend is out of the oval office :p