View Full Version : Friends Reunited...

Azumanga Davo
22nd May 2008, 13:30
Not sure how long it has been a site policy, but I noticed a couple of days agao that their messaging service is now free (as it should have been in the first place).

As a result, I got some messages out to a few of my old school mates and lo and behold, instant results (just add water). Have had two people get in touch today. :) Over the moon I am.

Anyone still keep in contact with their classroom chums over the years?

22nd May 2008, 14:34
We do the usual class reunions. I hate to attend them cos we weren't very close and now everybody is becoming enthusiastic. The most annoying is a girl who tries to do the reunion every year. It's hard to invent a new lie to avoid it.
Occasionally I meet on the street a guy who was my colleague in the primary school and was a bit silly to say the least. Now he runs a business and amazes me with his hair styles, accessories and clothes - too weird for his age.
I also keep in touch with a girl from highschool who's insisting to visit me with all her family. Once I invited her and I was astonished to see her 3 little daughters enjoying a very technical sci-fi tv episode that was too much for my last left neuron while her husband did read the subtitles.
My best friend is also a colleague from primary school but the relationship has cooled for a few years mainly due to our different social status ( she's the one who has become rich ).

Hazell B
22nd May 2008, 16:19
As a result, I got some messages .....

Same here, backwards :up:

I too had no idea it had gone free, and in fact hadn't even visited the site in several years, until this week. Had a heap of messages this past few days.

What happened with my first message was that the site didn't send my reply, so in the end somebody who wanted to contact me found out my email and they've all just simply used that instead. No idea why I could only send a blank screen, but it didn't matter anyway. We just email each other.

Still in contact with some school mates at the age of 40. The new ones (this week) are people I've not heard from in years, though. Most are moved well away, like me, so don't really see any of them much.

22nd May 2008, 16:59
So Friends Reunited has finally realised that it can't compete with Facebook, Myspace et al.

Haven't even given FR a second thought since I joined Facebook, a far easier way of keeping in touch but to be honest anyone that I really want to speak to I'm friends with anyway and don't need tinternet.

Dave B
22nd May 2008, 17:50
As above. I gave up with FR about 2 years ago when I joined MySpace, then gave up on MySpace and all it's garish graphics and frequent crashes when I joined Facebook.

I'm already in contact with pretty much everybody I want to be, so Friends Reunited is no longer relevant to me.

What's the crack with the forum's Facebook group? No new members recently. Linky's here if anybody wants to join: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5230723306

Azumanga Davo
22nd May 2008, 18:25
I find Facebook and the like more complex really. Plus I find I can target specific people I wanted to send a message to rather than find 261 random people I've never met before.

Just a convenience thing I reckon.

22nd May 2008, 18:43
You can target specific people on facebook too.

22nd May 2008, 19:34
I removed my facebook account. I just did not like it! Have you seen the report on facebook security on "Click"?

22nd May 2008, 22:03
There is nothing of any interest on Facebook worth stealing. Sure people can find out that I live in Exeter and see some photos but they can do that on FR too.

I have had no problems as a result of using Facebook except maybe a rise in junk mail to my second e-mail account.

22nd May 2008, 22:36
Not used friends reunited in years... although no plans to cos I don't want to ever speak to anyone I went to school with :p : Anyone know how I can remove myself from there? :s

28th September 2009, 06:45
I just had a fruitful reunion couple days ago. Some of friends seem to run decent business and came there on new cars. However I'd pay attention more at exotic ride of a friend's jeep to be in comparison with classic sedan of mine (Proud of it as didn't see it on the road of 1k km trip nor being around in my hometown ...)

Except I feel sorry for one I was wishing to come couldn't attend, the party was fine. At least friends urged me to give some short speech and to introduce my crack at handling vocal ...