View Full Version : D.C. is getting tiresome

21st May 2008, 08:45
Coulthard questions Webber's motives


please let them get rid of him before the end of the season so I don't have to read more about someone whop's produced nothing this year, but acts as if he is the voice of F1 and one we should listen too.

perhaps he's auditioning for a team principle role somewhere

...oh well

21st May 2008, 09:07
3 in to 2 will not go it is not as if mark it saying that they should sack Coulthard

Coulthard: I still have role to play
by Niamh O'Mahony, 27 April 2008


I've always been a team player," he added. "Now, I don't have the opportunity to challenge for pole position or to win this Grand Prix with the car we have. But with my experience and my commitment I can try and help the team achieve that in the future.

i think this sounds the same

21st May 2008, 09:30
Well, I guess he's paid by ITV (http://www.itv-f1.com/Feature.aspx?Type=David_Coulthard) to give his views and in one way it's refreshing to read someone who is still prepared to speak their mind rather than PR 'speak'. On the other hand, commenting on his teammate's contract may not help within the team, even though MW went public first.

21st May 2008, 09:36
Coulthard questions Webber's motives


please let them get rid of him before the end of the season so I don't have to read more about someone whop's produced nothing this year, but acts as if he is the voice of F1 and one we should listen too.

perhaps he's auditioning for a team principle role somewhere

...oh well

If DC was in ANY position to negotiate for next year he'd be doing exactly the same as Webber right now.

Though I like this comment:

"When you think about it logically, you do your private negotiations in private and then when you've reached an agreement you make an announcement. You don't normally say 'Er, I'm about to enter negotiations..."

Wasn't DC doing exactly that around this time last year?

21st May 2008, 10:10
in one way it's refreshing to read someone who is still prepared to speak their mind rather than PR 'speak'.

This is why I am a fan of DC, may not be the quickest driver out there but he has some sort of personality instead of, as you mention, 'pr speak' overload.

21st May 2008, 12:08
acts as if he is the voice of F1 and one we should listen too.

People mention how F1 drivers have become stale but then who else on the grid should we listen to who's prepared to give forthright opinions to the media?

21st May 2008, 13:56
Wedge I agree

But why does he have to question Mark's motives - if DC has paid attention in F1 he would know by now that if Mark is asked a question my media/in interviews he will give an honest answer. He doesnt play games or give you the same old cliche BS you would get normally in F1

21st May 2008, 16:48
This is why I am a fan of DC, may not be the quickest driver out there but he has some sort of personality instead of, as you mention, 'pr speak' overload.


21st May 2008, 20:43
It's been always like this.
It was always his year, and it was never his fault.
Not to mention the language he uses to characterize his peers! :s

21st May 2008, 20:49
Not to mention the language he uses to characterize his peers! :s

I remember you going on about how bad 'political correctness' is once. Surely you should approve of people voicing your opinions and not always using bland language to do so?

I see nothing wrong with Coulthard's comments at all, but if I were him I wouldn't have written a column about them. Presumably he realises that his RB career is over at the end of the season.

21st May 2008, 21:55
I remember you going on about how bad 'political correctness' is once.

There is however a difference between political correctness and outright swear language.

22nd May 2008, 01:03
It's been always like this.
It was always his year, and it was never his fault.
Not to mention the language he uses to characterize his peers! :s

I think the language he uses for his peers is fantastic! bring some spice back into F1, F1 needs a little hatred. What if it wasn't Massa he was going to kick 3 shades of Sh*t out of, would you still be complaining about his swearing?

It was fantastic, the day after the Oz Gp, people were talking about the race, the Glock crash... but mainly OH DID YOU HEAR WHAT COULTHARD SAID? Same can be said when Vettel took out Webber in Fuji and Mark vented his feeling on international tv using the ever versatile 'F word'. f1 needs a little more character

Valve Bounce
22nd May 2008, 01:32
Well, I guess he's paid by ITV (http://www.itv-f1.com/Feature.aspx?Type=David_Coulthard) to give his views and in one way it's refreshing to read someone who is still prepared to speak their mind rather than PR 'speak'. On the other hand, commenting on his teammate's contract may not help within the team, even though MW went public first.

Funny, but my impression was slightly different. My feeling was that Mark is greatly impressed by the car his team has produced this year, is confident of more improvements in the future and is very keen to remain in the team with its future prospects improving.

Then, of course, there is the obvious performance aspect where Mark has been fighting tooth and nail with Fernando in races all year. On the other hand, all DC has done is get into prangs with others, although it is not DC's fault; it's never DC's fault, NEVER!!

Give Mark a decent car that is reliable and Mark will score points. Give DC a decent car that is reliable and he will do what??

If there is the slightest chance of Fernando leaving Renault, then Flav should seriously consider putting Mark in the Renault seat.

22nd May 2008, 04:26
People mention how F1 drivers have become stale but then who else on the grid should we listen to who's prepared to give forthright opinions to the media?

beleive me I'm one for a firey personality in F1, but his comments were about contract negotiations about another driver, it would be one thing to feel thereatened by a driver from another team or elsewhere talking about coming to Red Bull, But this is his teammate for crying out loud.

And as someone duly noted, I do beleive he did the same thing last year and the year before that.

My problem isn't with F1 drivers and personality, it is with F1 drivers making needless comments just to be relevant. And DC has seemed to master that!

22nd May 2008, 04:32
Funny, but my impression was slightly different. My feeling was that Mark is greatly impressed by the car his team has produced this year, is confident of more improvements in the future and is very keen to remain in the team with its future prospects improving.

Then, of course, there is the obvious performance aspect where Mark has been fighting tooth and nail with Fernando in races all year. On the other hand, all DC has done is get into prangs with others, although it is not DC's fault; it's never DC's fault, NEVER!!

Give Mark a decent car that is reliable and Mark will score points. Give DC a decent car that is reliable and he will do what??

If there is the slightest chance of Fernando leaving Renault, then Flav should seriously consider putting Mark in the Renault seat.

well said

I think that Mark always had the Renault seat there for him,but due to timing and his own decisions has never manifested itself. He should have continued to perfrom well and then made an informed decision later ni the year. I think the Toyota, Renault and maybe even a Ferrari seat might open up. Commiting this early to a team is a sign of apprehension about one's own prospects.

22nd May 2008, 08:34
Mark Webber:
"If someone asks me what I think of a football match, or anything, I'd like to think that ... you know, I'm 31, and if someone asks if it is good or bad, why can't you say what you think? It's only an opinion. It's not earth-shattering." (link (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/67604))
Just as DC's is only an opinion ;)

22nd May 2008, 12:33
On the other hand, all DC has done is get into prangs with others, although it is not DC's fault; it's never DC's fault, NEVER!!

His moment with Alex Wurz at Melbourne last year, he took full responsibility for it.

He has blamed his qualy performances partly because he wanted to save the option tyres for the race.

Arguably his prangs this year were his fault with Massa at Melbourne, racing incident with Bunsen at Bahrain and Glocks fault in Barcelona.

22nd May 2008, 13:24
I think the language he uses for his peers is fantastic! bring some spice back into F1, F1 needs a little hatred. What if it wasn't Massa he was going to kick 3 shades of Sh*t out of, would you still be complaining about his swearing?

It was fantastic, the day after the Oz Gp, people were talking about the race, the Glock crash... but mainly OH DID YOU HEAR WHAT COULTHARD SAID? Same can be said when Vettel took out Webber in Fuji and Mark vented his feeling on international tv using the ever versatile 'F word'. f1 needs a little more character

If you get your kick with F1 from DC using the "F word" than that's your business.

I do not like to see sportsmen talking like that about their competitors, be it Massa, Alonso, Raikkonen or any of the other ones.
The problem is that some people think this is good because this isn't PCorrect, when in fact is plain rude and not worthy for being aired on TV.

In the end it boils down to ones education, and I start thinking that DC skipped that part.

22nd May 2008, 13:48
In the end it boils down to ones education, and I start thinking that DC skipped that part.

This comment lacks intelligence.

Because someone occasionally says **** then there is grounds to question an individuals education...

Interesting logic!

22nd May 2008, 14:43
This comment lacks intelligence.

Because someone occasionally says **** then there is grounds to question an individuals education...

Interesting logic!

I stand by my logic, thank you! In spite of your puerile attack.

22nd May 2008, 16:25
I stand by my logic, thank you! In spite of your puerile attack.

You should listen to some of the girls/boys coming out of Private School.
Swearing in any form does not indicate a lack of education.
Also DC didn't use the F word, it was Webber.

22nd May 2008, 16:37
You should listen to some of the girls/boys coming out of Private School.
Swearing in any form does not indicate a lack of education.
Also DC didn't use the F word, it was Webber.

F word, S word, B word and so on, there is little difference as long as it is bad language.

Comparing a 36 years old public person to girls or boys coming out of private school nowadays is pointless, as they are not giving interviews to World wide audience, plus they are adolescents. Let's see how they'll talk after the University.

22nd May 2008, 16:47
Surely DC would like to see Webber leaving RB, because... then the possibility would he higher in his view that he would be retained for the sake of continuity. :p : But I think regardless of Webber's next year's team DC chances are becoming slim.

23rd May 2008, 00:37
F word, S word, B word and so on, there is little difference as long as it is bad language.

Comparing a 36 years old public person to girls or boys coming out of private school nowadays is pointless, as they are not giving interviews to World wide audience, plus they are adolescents. Let's see how they'll talk after the University.

I've got news for you...people still cuss after university.

23rd May 2008, 04:11
I've got news for you...people still cuss after university.


23rd May 2008, 08:21
This comment lacks intelligence.

Because someone occasionally says **** then there is grounds to question an individuals education...

Interesting logic!

Don't bother mate. Even if it's the bleeding obvious, if it doesn't subscribe to some peoples opinion, then it's interpreted as a personal attack.

It's all getting very moronic and puerile to say the least.

Personally, I don't give a flying feck what drivers say most of the time. They are not politicians and I let their talking be heard on track. Not some cheap soundbites.

Valve Bounce
23rd May 2008, 09:48
Don't bother mate. Even if it's the bleeding obvious, if it doesn't subscribe to some peoples opinion, then it's interpreted as a personal attack.

It's all getting very moronic and puerile to say the least.

Personally, I don't give a flying feck what drivers say most of the time. They are not politicians and I let their talking be heard on track. Not some cheap soundbites.

Did anyone hear the driver picked up on the air just after the start at Turkey: "You bloddy fockwit" I wonder who it was. :p :

23rd May 2008, 10:06
Each forum member follows F1 for his/her own reasons.
I do it for the racing and the technology involved.
Others do it for their favorite driver (usually one that has the same nationality with the forum member).
Others seem to follow it because they like people who talk rude, and they associate that with freedom of speech.

Each to his/her own, but that doesn't matter that the others should be happy that DC is swearing when millions of people are watching. Nor it means that if someone thinks that swearing is not appropriate language than he should be targeted with all kind of cheap shot by fans of the swearing driver.

I'll stick to talking about F1, let's see if others can stick to it too instead of attacking fellow forum members (I doubt he can manage it).

23rd May 2008, 10:13
Did anyone hear the driver picked up on the air just after the start at Turkey: "You bloddy fockwit" I wonder who it was. :p :

PML. Mary Whitehouse will be turning in his, er, sorry, her grave ;)

23rd May 2008, 11:31
I've got news for you...people still cuss after university.

:eek: The devils. :laugh:

23rd May 2008, 15:11
I don't see what the hype is all about.

When you think about it, Mark Weber is simply looking to improve his bargining position. He isn't that old & while I wouldn't call him 'talented' I would say that he more than makes up for it with hard work & dedication. I think Renault should have given him a seat, even BMW Sauber should consider signing him up. He's an excellent driver.

Coulthard is an old hand, but his time is just around the corner, but his comments (while inapprorpriate for a team-mate to make) were not intended with malice or anything of the sort.

23rd May 2008, 16:37
I don't see what the hype is all about.

When you think about it, Mark Weber is simply looking to improve his bargining position. He isn't that old & while I wouldn't call him 'talented' I would say that he more than makes up for it with hard work & dedication. I think Renault should have given him a seat, even BMW Sauber should consider signing him up. He's an excellent driver.

Coulthard is an old hand, but his time is just around the corner, but his comments (while inapprorpriate for a team-mate to make) were not intended with malice or anything of the sort.

That's crazy talk.

Don't you come in here with your refreshing brand of logic and common sense, lording it about with rational, balanced arguements.

The sky is pink I tell you, PINK!!

ps. Welcome. I like your first few posts :D

23rd May 2008, 22:29
That's crazy talk.

Don't you come in here with your refreshing brand of logic and common sense, lording it about with rational, balanced arguements.

The sky is pink I tell you, PINK!!

ps. Welcome. I like your first few posts :D

Thanks a lot, but last time I checked the sky was blue.

24th May 2008, 12:57
Thanks a lot, but last time I checked the sky was blue.

:laugh: I must have been looking through my glass of Gin :D

24th May 2008, 13:11
:laugh: I must have been looking through my glass of Gin :D

That explains lots of things! :p ;)

cy bais
25th May 2008, 16:15
DC crashed saturday (qualifying) and sunday (race day).

25th May 2008, 22:30
Wow. It really is becoming ironic, how lately DC has been complaining about young drivers like they are not worth F1 seat, are not valuable for teams and crash too much. It seems DC himself likes crashing every day. :D It looks like he is desperate in trying to match Webber and is really overdriving the car (overdriving in the meaning of putting it into the wall).

26th May 2008, 04:34
I don't see what the hype is all about.

When you think about it, Mark Weber is simply looking to improve his bargining position. He isn't that old & while I wouldn't call him 'talented' I would say that he more than makes up for it with hard work & dedication. I think Renault should have given him a seat, even BMW Sauber should consider signing him up. He's an excellent driver.

they did offer mark a seat when bmw left williams but he still had a year left on his williams contract.