View Full Version : What would you want to take with you on the ultimate road trip,if you could make one?

15th May 2008, 10:31
If you got to make the ultimate road trip (and money, geographic location of the trip and the make / model of the desired car you'd most want to use wasn't a limitation), what things or person/s would you most want to take with you and please say why.
You can take any high profile person/s you admire, irrespective whether anyone named is living or is presently deceased.

Valve Bounce
15th May 2008, 10:43
I would take a Peugeot 207 to tour Europe, and a million dollars to pay the hotel bills. The reason I chose a Peugeot 207 is it is small enough to fit through the streets in the country villages.

15th May 2008, 10:46
It's not about what, it's about who. :)

15th May 2008, 11:02
My fianceé would do nicely :p .

15th May 2008, 11:03
Assistance of a navigator would be useful, we can drive the car alternately. I wouldn't take women in, they are usually fussy. If we need them we can call at somewhere. :)

15th May 2008, 11:05
The Devil. To remind me that despite having a lot of money, a luxury car and being in a nice location I'm still not in Paradise. :laugh:

15th May 2008, 11:29
I would like to tour Europe, in summer of course, on a Kawasaki ZZR1400. I think $1 million dollars would cover the hotels and meals etc. Riding through the French and Italian Alps would be the be the highlight I would think. I would take my wife, as she doesn't Whinge and Whine, (rare these days, I know) :D

15th May 2008, 12:11
Brandon Boyd (because Mr Depp will no doubt be on the road with Hazell) and I, driving across America in something convertable. I'm not too fussy as long as it's reliable. He's rich so he can pay for the hotels and I'll drive. :D

15th May 2008, 12:25
I would like to tour Europe, in summer of course, on a Kawasaki ZZR1400. I think $1 million dollars would cover the hotels and meals etc. Riding through the French and Italian Alps would be the be the highlight I would think. I would take my wife, as she doesn't Whinge and Whine, (rare these days, I know) :D

Ok, youre wife doesn´t whinge and whine....? Let me know when it´s over between you two ;)

What would i take with me on my roadtrip? My Clubman of curse, a tent.. öh... what more do you need? A huge mobile crane maybe, so you can lift differnt interesting objects here and there.
Who would acompany me? My best friend of course, but since he left us for some other interesting exictence two years ago I guess I have to go alone :(
I wouldn´t take my girlfriend since she doenst have the wonderful attributes of maxu05s wife...

15th May 2008, 12:53
I would take a large, 4 wheel drive, fully loaded, SUV through Mexico, Central America and South America.

I would take:

fousto-to handle negotiations with the locals.

HazellB-to lead the fighting withdrawl back to the SUV once negotiations broke down.

BDunnell-to keep an accurate record of the trip and also an editorial perspective journal of our journey.

Eki-to attempt to explain to fousto why the negotiations failed, again.

anthonyvop & SOD-in case we encounter an area where some form of human sacrifice is required before passage is allowed.

15th May 2008, 13:32
I would take a large, 4 wheel drive, fully loaded, SUV through Mexico, Central America and South America.

I would take:

fousto-to handle negotiations with the locals.

HazellB-to lead the fighting withdrawl back to the SUV once negotiations broke down.

BDunnell-to keep an accurate record of the trip and also an editorial perspective journal of our journey.

Eki-to attempt to explain to fousto why the negotiations failed, again.

anthonyvop & SOD-in case we encounter an area where some form of human sacrifice is required before passage is allowed.


I'll have the same thanks :D

Valve Bounce
15th May 2008, 13:43
I would take a large, 4 wheel drive, fully loaded, SUV through Mexico, Central America and South America.

I would take:

fousto-to handle negotiations with the locals.

HazellB-to lead the fighting withdrawl back to the SUV once negotiations broke down.

BDunnell-to keep an accurate record of the trip and also an editorial perspective journal of our journey.

Eki-to attempt to explain to fousto why the negotiations failed, again.

anthonyvop & SOD-in case we encounter an area where some form of human sacrifice is required before passage is allowed.

You forgot ioan!! :D

16th May 2008, 08:15
Don't forget if you have unforecasted weather as the result of global warming, to take the master to give guidance during the trip. ;)

Garry Walker
16th May 2008, 09:59
You forgot ioan!! :D

For human-sacrifice too you mean?

16th May 2008, 10:25
I would take a large, 4 wheel drive, fully loaded, SUV through Mexico, Central America and South America.

I would take:

fousto-to handle negotiations with the locals.

HazellB-to lead the fighting withdrawl back to the SUV once negotiations broke down.

BDunnell-to keep an accurate record of the trip and also an editorial perspective journal of our journey.

Eki-to attempt to explain to fousto why the negotiations failed, again.

anthonyvop & SOD-in case we encounter an area where some form of human sacrifice is required before passage is allowed.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I wouldn't take celebrities. I'd take friends and/or family members.

In a Citroen DS of course.

16th May 2008, 16:01
I would take a large, 4 wheel drive, fully loaded, SUV through Mexico, Central America and South America.

I would take:

fousto-to handle negotiations with the locals.

HazellB-to lead the fighting withdrawl back to the SUV once negotiations broke down.

BDunnell-to keep an accurate record of the trip and also an editorial perspective journal of our journey.

Eki-to attempt to explain to fousto why the negotiations failed, again.

anthonyvop & SOD-in case we encounter an area where some form of human sacrifice is required before passage is allowed.

I am in !! ;)

16th May 2008, 16:09
I would start out in Northern Italy headed south.
Ferrari Enzo
Jennifer Lopez
case of green label
box of cohiba maduros
4 pounds of viagra so the sun won't go down!!

16th May 2008, 16:16
I would take a large, 4 wheel drive, fully loaded, SUV through Mexico, Central America and South America.

I would take:

fousto-to handle negotiations with the locals.

HazellB-to lead the fighting withdrawl back to the SUV once negotiations broke down.

BDunnell-to keep an accurate record of the trip and also an editorial perspective journal of our journey.

Eki-to attempt to explain to fousto why the negotiations failed, again.

anthonyvop & SOD-in case we encounter an area where some form of human sacrifice is required before passage is allowed.

I'll wait for the movie to be released on this saga... :p :

21st May 2008, 04:00
^ Fiero, that's hilarious man. I don't know how you'd get fousto and Eki to be in the same car without the two of them beating the sludge out of each other all the time, but hey try anyways.

Gurl Racer
27th May 2008, 00:53

A motorbike, small amount of money (I prefer to talk to the locals, so tent or cheap hostel accomodation does me fine!) and a few language books!

Person I'd take with me... I'd take two. Mum and Dad... they deserve it :D They're the funniest people I know too :)