View Full Version : CMR2 Rally d'Italia Sardegna

14th May 2008, 02:42
Keep on your personal battles as the slow-gravel rallyes tour continues.

The rally will be run with the following format:

Game Rally: Greece(MIRRORED)
Shakedown stage: SS3
Day 1: Single rally expert level
Day 2: Single rally intermediate level

Deadline for timecards submissions is on Wednesday 21st 11:59 GMT.

for any questions, ask them here, newcomers always welcome.

have fun and good luck!

14th May 2008, 09:35
hwo much more dust do I have to choke on?? Can you front runners give us backmarkers a break...Slow down, please....

I am evil Homer
14th May 2008, 13:38
Oh wow another event already....time to fire up the PS2!

14th May 2008, 14:22

1:24.14 SLOPPY!!!

(Couldn't break the 1:28s with my PC :( )

We're no huge fan of these stages, but they seem to like us :D
Close to PBs during the recce, so we're ready for this one.

Hoping our teammate will make the trip to Italy and score some points this round....

I am evil Homer
14th May 2008, 16:20
Done the Shakedown (working from home :D )


Not sure what set up to go with here...I left the brakes and suspension on default and shortened the gearbox -1. Steering also -1. Think I might need to play around with this before the rally starts proper.

14th May 2008, 21:43
I did shakedown this evening, and thanks to Tannat's tips I think I've got a nice setup for these stages. That does not translate straight into great shakedown times though...

1.29,22 (went seriously wide about three times, and you cannot do that on this stage...)
no time (crashed into advertising boarding and overturned the car as a result)
1.26,33 (somehow I clipped the inside of every corner pushing me wide)
1.24,56 (still not the right lines, but no more contact)
1.22,75 (getting somewhere now, if only I could manage times like this the first time I run a stage)

At least I have the satisfaction of being much quicker than Tannat on PC ;)

14th May 2008, 22:40
1.22,75 (getting somewhere now, if only I could manage times like this the first time I run a stage)

At least I have the satisfaction of being much quicker than Tannat on PC ;)

And I am applauding your efforts-GOOD RUN MATE :up:

Are you keyboarding, wingpad, or wheel?

I'm taking a survey upon completion of this rally....

14th May 2008, 23:16
Car 1, Rat has completed the recce. With some input from a previous team mate we pressed on to attain some good times:
1:23.76 PB!
My usual steering rack has a few problems( needs replacing the POT inside the wheel) so the times were done via a keyboard link.
I had the suspension set at -5, steering +4, and the drive(?) set at +1 to the front. It gave us a great neutral car to drive.
Now where is Pawprint? He hasnt surfaced since his ski trip last month.

15th May 2008, 06:40
And I will parcitipicate in this rally, very sorry for missing previous rallyes, I am playing RBR, and it tooks time. Today i will drive shakedown :)

15th May 2008, 11:49
That's a very decent time, Rat. You're using almost the same setup as I did during shakedown, and it's working fine for me as well.

I'm using keyboard as well - I don't have any other controllers available.

15th May 2008, 12:14
Car 1, Rat has completed the recce. With some input from a previous team mate we pressed on to attain some good times:
1:23.76 PB!

Good run, Rat :up:

15th May 2008, 12:16
I'm using keyboard as well - I don't have any other controllers available.

I'm thinking I need to trash my wingpad and start keyboarding.

Note the wheel again in the above photo (full lock). It's either this or nothing with the wingpad. I can't seem to get it programmed correctly..

15th May 2008, 12:50
My shakedown times :
Maybe to slow on hairpins

16th May 2008, 03:56
thanks all! yep the keyboard has it's advantages!

16th May 2008, 21:12
My shakedown times


17th May 2008, 13:12
Tannat relaxes in the service area having just ran a 1:XX.XX on the superspecial...

Reporter: "Tannat- a quick word? Good run on the superspecial. I expect that opened a few eyes."

Tannat-"Yes-it was a good time, but here you gain only a second or two on the rally. It is the stages where it counts most."

Reporter: "Quite. The aerial cam showed a hairy moment for you on SS7. Pushing too hard?"

Tannat: "No. In fact the opposite. We know this turn is difficult, and we did not give it the respect it deserved. We went over the ledge a bit but staed on the power. Perhaps lost 3-4 seconds."

Reporter: "An other incidents today?"

Tannat: "The beginning of SS3 is quite loose and tricky, we could have done much better, but otherwise a good day. We like these stages."

Reporter: "And what's the agenda for the final day?"

Tannat: "Much the same as today. Here we are quite comfortable with the stages-we just go, no push, no caution, and we can make good time."

Reporter: "A fortunate situation in which to be. best of luck to you tomorrow."

Tannat: "Thank you."

17th May 2008, 17:20


18th May 2008, 11:31
this should be a good Rally!

18th May 2008, 18:59
Reporter: so overall how was the rally?
M.F: well it was not too great to say the least

Reporter: what was wrong you sound dissapointed

M.F: yeah the rally was not a good experience the car was Ok but i hated the stages :mad:

Reporter: any reasons why if i may ask?
M.F: the stages are too hot too dusty the roads are too narrow there are huge drops on the edges just overall horrible

Reporter: so you expect to be out of the the top ten then?
M.F: yeah it wouldnt surprise us if we were last judging on these roads

Reporter: your next rally is the Jim Clark in the BRC what are your plans for that?
M.F we plan to lock the opposition in their hotels so we're the only runners there ;)

Reporter: we'll thanks for the otherwise intriguing interveiw frozz

I am evil Homer
19th May 2008, 11:03
Finished the rally :)

Day 1 it felt like we underperformed....looking at my times they were a good few seconds off my PBs on many of them and I have no idea why. The flow wasn't the same as the last rally for sure. I think we set competitive (ie top 5) times just not the sort of times we could have.

Day 2 was a mix....some very good stages near PBs a few others that were again a few seconds off. Not convinced we ever found the perfect set ups for this event or that or recce wasn't good enough to really get on top of these stages.

Looking forward to seeing the results...for sure things have tightened up over the last few events.

19th May 2008, 11:42
To Homer: Most of us will be a few seconds off PBs, because drive through mirrored track is more tricky, I guess :)

19th May 2008, 12:47
WRC Press Reports:

In a statement to the press, Suzuki Motorsports driver Tannat claimed to have a final day much like the first.

"We were just a tick slower on each stage-perhaps pushing a bit too had. But we had some good times in the afternoon to balance the morning's errors. This was a good rally and we expect to finish well."

Upon completion of Sardinia Tannat immediately hopped aboard Ralliart's team jet bound for England and practice for next weekend's Jim Clarke Memorial Rallye...

19th May 2008, 17:53
Would each of you who submit times please let me know what patform and what controller (i.e. wingpad, keyboard, wheel etc) you are using?

Going to put together some data at the completion of the rally :D



19th May 2008, 18:09
And a battered Peugeot 206 by lunchtime tomorrow. :D

19th May 2008, 19:52
And a battered Peugeot 206 by lunchtime tomorrow. :D

Leave those Oz V8s alone and get in some recce...

Our car's have enough reliability problems as things are :p

19th May 2008, 19:56
That's why I'm driving those ozzie cars, I can finish events in those cars. :p :

I can only do a rally when I have 2 hours of spare time. Racing's easier because you can stop driving for a week, resume and do just as well if you can remember where to brake, because there's only a dozen corners. Rallying takes up sightly more time in that way with hundreds of corners. :D

19th May 2008, 20:10
That's why I'm driving those ozzie cars, I can finish events in those cars. :p :

I can only do a rally when I have 2 hours of spare time. Racing's easier because you can stop driving for a week, resume and do just as well if you can remember where to brake, because there's only a dozen corners. Rallying takes up sightly more time in that way with hundreds of corners. :D

Can't argue with that..
I can't drive the TRD3 V8s worth a damn. I'm somwhat better with the DTM

Someinteretsing findings on PC versus X Box and profound understeer

19th May 2008, 20:12
I use looooooooooooads of toe out, that helps. ;)

I like them because they go sideways and they sound nice. :D

19th May 2008, 22:30
Keyboard (although I have a wheel but it is not working for me, because I don't have time to get used to it, and I guess I will need a lot of time to do times closer to what I am doing with the keyboard now)

19th May 2008, 23:11
Red Bull Toyota Coralla WRC

19th May 2008, 23:31
Rat has finished the Rally:
Day 1:
After a great lead up to the Rally, we started with cobwebs in the intercom! No really... Couldn't hear a thing. Although we set some good times, setting PB's all day, we were off the pace a bit..Lost a bit of time after hitting the wall hard on my side and rolled. It even gave the co-driver a chuckle saying "it was about time we hit my side!" Cheeky bugger..The SS shook us both us when I spun the Corolla the 1st time through the tunnel then rolled it on the 2nd time. OOPS.
Day 2:
This is better! Faster today and setting more PB's! No real problems apart going wide on some of the looser stages and getting lost on stage 7. We just got down to business and went hard. Found some great tyres in the back of the truck and stuck them on for the SS and went heaps better and finally found some needed traction!
The 1st day was plagued by the loose surface and getting wide on some corners. Getting all crossed up on the SS didnt help matter either. I still am wondering where the extra speed came from for day 2 it just was a magic day! No major damage! The mechanics were a happy bunch afterwards.

20th May 2008, 06:40
Me and Tuomo, PC and a wheel. I know keyboard is more accurate, but wheel is so much more realistic.

I am evil Homer
20th May 2008, 09:17
Wingpad (sometimes a wheel!)

20th May 2008, 09:17

Can't find the extra speed. :confused:

20th May 2008, 10:10
Wingpad (sometimes a wheel!)

Do you note any differences in your times between using the wheel and the wingpad, Homer?

20th May 2008, 11:16
My drive was quite decent. The only stages where it wouldn't go well were 1 and 3. I smashed into something on SS4, PB on SS5, went wide on SS6 but still a good time. I threw it off again on SS 4 of day two, again a PB on 5, wide on SS7 and 8, but in all a very good drive as I avoided crashing into trees when I ran wide.

I am evil Homer
20th May 2008, 13:01
Do you note any differences in your times between using the wheel and the wingpad, Homer?

Not especially....you can drift better with a wheel and do decent scandinavian flicks but I can make stupid mistakes with both -knowing the stages is more important than the controller.

20th May 2008, 14:17
knowing the stages is more important than the controller.

I fully agree :up:

20th May 2008, 23:24
I prefer the wheel over the keyboard, but until it's fixed I'm stuck playiing with the keys..

21st May 2008, 07:22
Peugeot Sport Finland has finished the rally. I had a decent rally, few minor offs, but I managed to avoid the cliffs. Times were not excellent, but not bad either. I hope I could score a point again.

Tuomo had more difficulties. He was so frustrated with his cars behaviour (nothing wrong with his driving ofcourse) so he refused to continue after SS8: "I'm fed up with this car!" He also pointed that he will move to Ford, if things are not getting better... Maybe I'll let him do the next BRC event with Ford to calm him down.

Marcel Haenen
21st May 2008, 07:54
Marcel finishes rally Italia. This was a very good rally for us. For the first time this year we got some descent recce and got ourselves familiar with the mirrored stages again. We could really attack on the stages of the rally and found a good rhythm within a few stages. We made only one big mistake on day 1 and some minor ones on both days as it is easy to overshoot a corner and loose a lot of time getting the car around the corner when missing the apex. After all, it was a good rally and we hope to extend the lead in the WC again. We're looking forward for the next rally which will take place on somehow comparable stages and surface type.

21st May 2008, 13:27
I planned to do the rally yesterday evening but after a few test runs I got cramp in my left hand (the one I use for accelerating, braking and shifting up) and could not drive more than one sector of any stage before having to stop because of the pain. I'll try again tonight and hope my times will still be accepted if I manage to complete the rally. Maybe I should try a different keyboard layout...

21st May 2008, 13:53
..so he refused to continue after SS8: "I'm fed up with this car!" He also pointed that he will move to Ford, if things are not getting better...

A future Marcus Grönholm in the making perhaps :D

21st May 2008, 15:23
Would each of you who submit times please let me know what patform and what controller (i.e. wingpad, keyboard, wheel etc) you are using?
i use a PC with regulation spec keyboard

21st May 2008, 15:53
I have now finished the rally for Frozz Motors Europe! I made an interview directly after the finish, here it is!

J.Lindstroem, Where have you been?
In the rally of Mexico i was injured by a cactus, i managed to finish the rally with a very bad result and i had to withdraw from Argentina and Jordan! The cactus was actually stuck in my ass for two months, it still hurts a bit but i'm ok!

How does it feel to be back?
It feels really good to be back behind the wheel. After two missed rallies i thought i was going to be a little bit off my own pace so to say, but i found the speed and it felt like i was back directly after the Shakedown. But yeah, it feels good off course!

What are you hopes for this rally and the future?
Now after not scoring points in a while i hope for a points finish, just to try to be in touch. In the comming rallies off course i will try to raise the pace and try to push even more, i think i havn't seen my own limits now. I want to be on the podium!

Thank you J.Lindstroem and good luck!
Thank you too, have a great day!

22nd May 2008, 10:18
A future Marcus Grönholm in the making perhaps :D

Yeah. I can see some similarities...

22nd May 2008, 11:00
to Tannat: I'm driving with laptop's keyboard (aut. gearshift, left hand braking)

22nd May 2008, 11:43
I completed the rally yesterday, paying extra attention to keeping my hand as relaxed as possible paid off. Unfortunately when doing a full rally my PC has problems with maintaining frame rate, even at lowest detail levels. This is especially the case on stages with lots of trees and because the frame rate changes from stage to stage it's always difficult to adapt to it at the beginning of each stage. Very annoying because the problem is much less severe when choosing a single stage.

Overall I'm quite happy with my rally, except for the performance on the second stage of both days. On the first day I was just sloppy (but I can at least partly blame it on the PC related lag issues at the start of the stage causing me to go very wide a few times) but on the second day I went off on a straight totally unnecessarily sending me into the bushes. That incident apart I only clipped a tree hard on stage 8. I managed to stay away from trees and ravines for the remainder of the rally and on the stage I didn't like most, stage 4, I set a personal best on both days.

I am confident I am closer to the drivers fighting for the final points positions than on previous rallies. Maybe I can even improve on my best single stage result of 7th that I managed once in Argentina. But because of the strength of the other competitors I doubt that elusive first point for Curtans RallyBase Motorsport will arrive on this rally.

Next stop the Jim Clark International for the BRC, and then it's time for Greece :)

By the way, has anyone seen our beloved but sorely missed team principal Magnus lately? The mechanics are really starting to miss his sudden outbursts of swearing when things didn't go his way and his juicy stories of the times he went 'clubbing' with his good friend Max.

22nd May 2008, 11:47
And to complete tannat's survey: I'm on PC with keyboard (using both left-hand braking and left-hand accelerating, and fully right-hand steering) and manual gearbox.

Is there anyone else using manual gearbox on PC and having problems with shifting gears on the superspecials? I usually have to press the shift up button twice or even three times before the change actually takes place...

Marcel Haenen
22nd May 2008, 12:03
Is there anyone else using manual gearbox on PC and having problems with shifting gears on the superspecials? I usually have to press the shift up button twice or even three times before the change actually takes place...
Yes, i have this problem as well. It is a problem every PC player has when driving the SSS in rally mode (in single stage or time trial there is no problem at all). Unfortunately, I don't know of any solution for this problem...

22nd May 2008, 21:12
slight problem guys...

I haven't received Homer's timecard and there's a problem with J.Lindstroem one, basically the rules stays the same, they have 24 hours from now to solve the problem, but I won't have time to work on the resuls tomorrow and on Saturday so results will be up on Sunday.
sorry for the inconvienence

22nd May 2008, 21:16
Jso1985 has finished the rally

"Once again the lack of recce gave us lots of problems, tuning-up the car on day 1 doesn't do any good with the times we set, still we feel we did a decent job and we're hoping to get on the points again"

23rd May 2008, 06:23
slight problem guys...

I haven't received Homer's timecard and there's a problem with J.Lindstroem one, basically the rules stays the same, they have 24 hours from now to solve the problem, but I won't have time to work on the resuls tomorrow and on Saturday so results will be up on Sunday.
sorry for the inconvienence

sorry for this guys, i will fix me timecard at once!!

23rd May 2008, 06:35
sorry i dont know whats wrong with the timecard so i can't fix it. and i can't get a new one cause i lost my password. i really don't know what i should do, jso1985, can i send you a list with the times instead or something?

Marcel Haenen
23rd May 2008, 07:54
maybe its just a excel version problem. which version are you running, J.Lindstroem?

I am evil Homer
23rd May 2008, 08:53
Hmm....I did email it. Let me try again!!

23rd May 2008, 11:59
sorry i dont know whats wrong with the timecard so i can't fix it. and i can't get a new one cause i lost my password. i really don't know what i should do, jso1985, can i send you a list with the times instead or something?

Feels free to send your times to me and I'll submit them for you..

No worries-I submitted on Monday ;)


24th May 2008, 08:39
Feels free to send your times to me and I'll submit them for you..

No worries-I submitted on Monday ;)


Thank you very much, but it should be sorted out by now! Looking forward to see the results on sunday!

25th May 2008, 04:32
still haven't received times from you Joel!
to avoid any further problem please send me your times(just a list of the stage times no need for a timecard) to a private message here, do it as soon as possible please.

26th May 2008, 21:17
Thanks everybody for your patience.
stage-by-stage results are now available at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/cmr2wc/files/Rally%20Results/

final results and standings will be posted here soon.

26th May 2008, 21:36
1.- Marcel Haenen ML Motorsports Citroën 46:28,11
2.- I am evil Homer Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 46:48,96
3.- Juha Suzuki Motorsport 47:17,26
4.- Tannat Suzuki Motorsport 47:50,52
5.- NOR Two Basses Team Ford Europe 47:59,47
6.- Ramore Subaru World Rally Team 48:34,49
7.- .Lindstroem Frozz Motors Europe 48:48,06
8.- Kabouter Curtans RallyBase Motorsports 49:01,49
9.- Jso1985 Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 49:06,68
10.- Zes Peugeot Sport Finland 50:10,49
11.- DarkArchon Ford Lietuva 50:14,82
12.- Dumb Ford Lietuva 50:32,14
13.- JTLarsen Two Basses Team Ford Europe 50:47,88
14.- Rat Red Bull Toyota 51:35,28
15.- Frozzy Frozz Motors Europe 54:49,54
16.- Tuomo Peugeot Sport Finland DNF

Drivers standings
1.- Marcel Haenen 56
2.- I Am Evil Homer 50
3.- Tannat 23
4.- Juha 20
5.- NOR 19
6.- Cyborg_hun 17
7.- Ramore 13
8.- J.Lindstroem 12
9.- Steve0302 11
10.- Zes 5
11.- Jso1985 4
12.- JTLarsen 2
13.- PetterSolberg29 1
14.- Kabouter 1

Teams Standings
1.- ML Motorsports Citroën 73
2.- Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 54
3.- Suzuki Motorsport 43
4.- Two Basses Team Ford Europe 21
5.- Subaru World Rally Team 13
6.- Frozz Motors Europe 12
7.- ARB Racers 11
8.- Peugeot Sport Finland 5
9.- Expert Sport WRT 1
10.- Curtans RallyBase Motorsports 1

thanks for participating, see you in Greece!

26th May 2008, 21:37
damn, can I stil disqualify J.Lindstroem for submitting late? :p

26th May 2008, 21:42
Thanks for posting the results. It was worth the wait, I scored my first point :D And congratulations to Marcel for bringing the victory to The Netherlands once again :up:

Curtans RallyBase Motorsport driver Kabouter was ecstatic after scoring the first ever point for the team: "We are really happy with this result. It was an excellent job getting our old Peugeot 206 up to speed. All our efforts in testing for this event paid off. We knew we would be much closer to the leading cars than on previous events, the Mediterranean gravel is really to our liking. But to set a 4th time on SS 10, beating even the respected Tannat who has been so helpful with his advice leading up to this event, exceeds even our wildest expectations. We admit this does add some pressure for the Acropolis Rally. We are sure that our rivals will want to strike back. The redoubtable Jso was only a few seconds behind us and he finished 4th in last year's Acropolis! But for now we are just going to party. If only our beloved team leader Magnus could be here to celebrate with us. Our thoughts go out to him, whereever he may be at this moment."

26th May 2008, 21:43
damn, can I stil disqualify J.Lindstroem for submitting late? :p

Can't you give him a 10 second penalty for every day he was late? ;)

26th May 2008, 22:23
Juha, could you please check your times on SS4,15 and specially SS9. You beat Group B world record there by 3sec, WRC record by 14sec. With respect to your skills, it seems strange. Btw in comparing with your other stages in this rally are these three times so outstanding. I don't want to blame you, just have a few years experience from different championships and possibly drive stage times, these three looks wrong little bit.

27th May 2008, 04:11
Juha, could you please check your times on SS4,15 and specially SS9.

I have to agree, teammate. The times on these stages are a bit surrelaistic. Would be nice to see some sector times for these stages...

A good rally for us, inclusing one scratch time on SS14 :D

Where is cyborg_hun?

Suzuki Motorsport might be able to makje it into the top two if things continue in this fashion....

27th May 2008, 04:28
Juha, could you please check your times on SS4,15 and specially SS9.

It's the Kilkis stage (ss4) and Kilkis reversed (ss9).

27th May 2008, 04:35
4.- Tannat Suzuki Motorsport 47:50,52
5.- NOR Two Basses Team Ford Europe 47:59,47

Another close one, friend :up: :beer:

27th May 2008, 06:09
Result is similar to driving.

27th May 2008, 06:27
Congrats to Kabouter, you were the fastest Peugeot :) Looks like I have lot to do before Acropolis... Wish there were more snow rallies with rain tyres...

27th May 2008, 06:37
damn, can I stil disqualify J.Lindstroem for submitting late? :p

yes you can haha! =)

27th May 2008, 06:38
Happy that I finish not last. Driving was with many mistakes and off's, so result is as it should be. I will try to improve my skills before Greece. Thanks for rally :)

Marcel Haenen
27th May 2008, 07:59
Another close rally for some of us! I am really glad to win again after a series of wins for Homer. I needed this to release some of the pressure he was building. I hope te repeat this performance next week!

@Juha: stage times on ss4/ss9/ss15 are a bit fast. There is a certain point in that stage if you go off, you get 'teleported' to the roadsection just accross the valley gaining several seconds. Perhaps you went off there by accident (It is a very tricky corner)?

27th May 2008, 08:29
JSO said the same thing yesterday. Maybe I've mistyped it, I'll drive them again this afternoon to see if I can get near them again. :)

I am evil Homer
27th May 2008, 09:58
Congrats to Marcel :up: def the class of the field on nearly every stage. Hope to be challenging a bit more on the next event to keep that gap close!!!

Even with extra recce i'm not sure we could have even come close to Marcel though on those times he was just too good. Also nice to see the Suzuki's up there again!

27th May 2008, 10:23
sorry i didn't make this rally been really busy with uni work.
i've already started the recce for the next rally and hoping for a good points haul.
well done everyone that took part

27th May 2008, 11:49
OK, problem found. :D

I found my time sheet in the garbage box, the time on SS9 should be 2.52, not 2.32. When I write things down in a hurry, my 5's look like 3's and vice versa. That'll teach me to take care of my writing. :rolleyes:

The same thing happened on SS 4, it's not 39, it's 59. As I said in my report, I crashed off into something so I was slow on that stage. When I typed the times in excel, I had this:
That looked a bit stupid, knowing I crashed off on the first stage. So I presumed I had made a mistake with the SS 15 time, and made the 5 into a 4. It would have been a better idea to run it again and be sure what it should have been, or check the hotlaps site, instead of gambling with it. :dozey: And I never write my total time down, but that would have helped me here, so from now on I'll be doing that.

So this adds:
- 20 seconds on SS 4
- 20 seconds on SS 9
- 10 seconds on SS 15

That makes me 5th, behind tannat (damn :p ) and NOR.

4.- Tannat, Suzuki Motorsport, 47:50,52
5.- NOR, Two Basses Team Ford Europe, 47:59,47
3.- Juha, Suzuki Motorsport, 48:07,26

Sorry for the commotion. :o

27th May 2008, 15:18
OK, problem found. :D

That makes me 5th, behind tannat (damn :p ) and NOR.

4.- Tannat, Suzuki Motorsport, 47:50,52
5.- NOR, Two Basses Team Ford Europe, 47:59,47
3.- Juha, Suzuki Motorsport, 48:07,26

Sorry for the commotion. :o

Still a fine run, Juha, especially in light of the amount of recce you put into it...

Driving V8s around Zandvoort won't improve your Greece times :p

27th May 2008, 15:36
Well I found a way to improve my times but you all say it's unreal. :p

But I'll make sure I finish in front of you in Greece. ;)

27th May 2008, 15:54
Well I found a way to improve my times but you all say it's unreal. :p

But I'll make sure I finish in front of you in Greece. ;)

That's the team spirit :p

Scandi Navian Flick
27th May 2008, 19:55
I've been watching from the sidelines for awhile now, have joined the forum and am ready to have fun with you guys. I am on PC and not too fast (I think I would have been inside the top 10 for this round).

Anyone need a teammate?


27th May 2008, 23:28
some very good times there! Unfortunately I won't post any points in the Competition this year if this keeps up...

28th May 2008, 14:19
I've been watching from the sidelines for awhile now, have joined the forum and am ready to have fun with you guys. I am on PC and not too fast (I think I would have been inside the top 10 for this round).

Anyone need a teammate?


Welcome to the forum :) My team mate Magnus has been missing for a couple of months now. I'm tempted to offer you the second Peugeot 206 of Curtans RallyBase Motorsport. But I don't know if you want to compete with the Peugeot or if you prefer other cars. If you're interested I'll try to contact Magnus to see if he plans to return to competition or has retired from the sport for good.

Scandi Navian Flick
28th May 2008, 16:32
If you're interested I'll try to contact Magnus to see if he plans to return to competition or has retired from the sport for good.

Thank you for your kind offer..

Yes, do contact your friend and let me know if the seat is avilable.

Thank you,

Scandi Navian Flick

28th May 2008, 17:01
Welcome to the championship, Scandi Navian Flick!, there's a free seat at ARB Racers(Subaru) and Expert WRT(Subaru), you can join any of those teams without needing to ask your team-mates, or you can start your own team too.
you can see full rules, entry list and other stuff at

Amended results and standings for Sardegna

1.- Marcel Haenen ML Motorsports Citroën 46:28,11
2.- I am evil Homer Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 46:48,96
3.- Tannat Suzuki Motorsport 47:50,52
4.- NOR Two Basses Team Ford Europe 47:59,47
5.- Juha Suzuki Motorsport 48:07,26
6.- Ramore Subaru World Rally Team 48:34,49
7.- J.Lindstroem Frozz Motors Europe 48:48,06
8.- Kabouter Curtans RallyBase Motorsports 49:01,49
9.- Jso1985 Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 49:06,68
10.- Zes Peugeot Sport Finland 50:10,49
11.- DarkArchon Ford Lietuva 50:14,82
12.- Dumb Ford Lietuva 50:32,14
13.- JTLarsen Two Basses Team Ford Europe 50:47,88
14.- Rat Red Bull Toyota 51:35,28
15.- Frozzy Frozz Motors Europe 54:49,54
16.- Tuomo Peugeot Sport Finland DNF

Drivers standings
1.- Marcel Haenen 56
2.- I Am Evil Homer 50
3.- Tannat 24
4.- NOR 20
5.- Juha 18
6.- Cyborg_hun 17
7.- Ramore 13
8.- J.Lindstroem 12
9.- Steve0302 11
10.- Zes 5
11.- Jso1985 4
12.- JTLarsen 2
13.- PetterSolberg29 1
14.- Kabouter 1

Teams Standings
1.- ML Motorsports Citroën 73
2.- Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 54
3.- Suzuki Motorsport 42
4.- Two Basses Team Ford Europe 22
5.- Subaru World Rally Team 13
6.- Frozz Motors Europe 12
7.- ARB Racers 11
8.- Peugeot Sport Finland 5
9.- Expert Sport WRT 1
10.- Curtans RallyBase Motorsports 1

stage-by-stage results to be amended soon

28th May 2008, 17:33
1.- Marcel Haenen ML Motorsports Citroën 46:28,11
2.- I am evil Homer Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 46:48,96
3.- Tannat Suzuki Motorsport 47:50,52

PODIUM! :up:

Scandi Navian Flick
28th May 2008, 20:59
Welcome to the championship, Scandi Navian Flick!, there's a free seat at ARB Racers(Subaru) and Expert WRT(Subaru), you can join any of those teams without needing to ask your team-mates, or you can start your own team too.
you can see full rules, entry list and other stuff at

Thank you jso1985. As kabouter was kind enough to extend an invite I will accept if his teammate no longer is interested.

If he is still interested I will take a Subaru seat.

Thank you

Scandi Navian Flick

29th May 2008, 01:31
Slow down Tannat! Enough already, you are making me look bad...Good result though.

29th May 2008, 09:39
Slow down Tannat! Enough already, you are making me look bad...Good result though.

I'm not getting faster, Rat, but thanks.

The front runners are just getting thinner...

If Luffield, cyborg_hun, and rgc204 were here I'd be down in 5th...

You're looking good this year, mate :up:

29th May 2008, 11:59
got to don't I? you lot are keeping me honest! haha

29th May 2008, 14:33
I'm not getting faster, Rat, but thanks.

I'm afraid I have to correct you there, you ARE getting faster, Tannat ;)
I took a look at the results of rallies held on the in-game Greek stages in the past two seasons. In 2006 on the Acropolis you had a time of 48.28,17 on the first two legs combined, in 2007 you took 48.21,76 (in both years you were slower on the mirrored events) and now in Sardegna you set 47.50,52. That's over 30 seconds faster for the event!

But it's true that there have been several faster drivers that have stopped competing. However, compared to last year this stage of the season the competition looks a lot healthier. Then only 6 drivers, now 16. Marcel and Homer are in a class of their own, but it looks like the group behind is bunching up and getting bigger by the rally. And you were quickest of that bunch in Sardegna :)

29th May 2008, 14:47
I'm afraid I have to correct you there, you ARE getting faster, Tannat ;)
I took a look at the results of rallies held on the in-game Greek stages in the past two seasons. In 2006 on the Acropolis you had a time of 48.28,17 on the first two legs combined, in 2007 you took 48.21,76 (in both years you were slower on the mirrored events) and now in Sardegna you set 47.50,52. That's over 30 seconds faster for the event!

But it's true that there have been several faster drivers that have stopped competing. However, compared to last year this stage of the season the competition looks a lot healthier. Then only 6 drivers, now 16. Marcel and Homer are in a class of their own, but it looks like the group behind is bunching up and getting bigger by the rally. And you were quickest of that bunch in Sardegna :)

Cheers on the fine research (how on earth did you get that skill? :laugh :)

This is the first year I went really softon the susopension-and it made a difference!

Last year I drove with a manual tranny-mistake. Could have been faster.

Think I had a big off the previous year (ah memories).

yes-I was top of the midfield, but just barely. NOR is doing a fine job of keeping me honest :D

Cheers, kabouter!


29th May 2008, 15:14
Last year I drove with a manual tranny-mistake. Could have been faster.

I tried a few runs with auto transmission and really didn't like it. So I stuck with using manual transmission. On these gravel rallies I like to keep the revs low, and the computer clearly doesn't agree with me on when to shift up or down. Maybe that says my driving style is wrong though...

Scandi Navian Flick
29th May 2008, 16:28
Welcome to the forum :) My team mate Magnus has been missing for a couple of months now. I'm tempted to offer you the second Peugeot 206 of Curtans RallyBase Motorsport. But I don't know if you want to compete with the Peugeot or if you prefer other cars. If you're interested I'll try to contact Magnus to see if he plans to return to competition or has retired from the sport for good.

Kabouter-any word from your teammate?

29th May 2008, 17:10
Kabouter-any word from your teammate?

No reply to my PM yet. Magnus, are you out there?

Scandi Navian Flick
29th May 2008, 17:26
No reply to my PM yet. Magnus, are you out there?

I will do my shakedown using the 206 on the premise I hope to be in your team before the rally end.

Thanks you, kabouter.

Scandi Navian Flick