View Full Version : Can you sing?

Hazell B
13th May 2008, 23:23
I can't.

The sort of noise I make when attempting to sing is really rather nasty. Tom cats complain about it :mark:

Thing is, I quite like singing out loud at times. Just when alone.

This afternoon I was tootling along the M62 in fairly heavy traffic, bellowing at some Beach Boy track with the vehicle window down when somebody I know pulled in alongside. He found my voice somewhat hysterical :p :

A few years ago I was caught dancing about in my barn, clutching a spitting cat that had just been beating up my dog, badly singing the Shoop Shoop Song. The guy who saw me took that secret to the grave rather than have the entire pub disbelieve him. I fear today's lapse will already be in the public domain, though :mark:

Not sure the public's ready to hear about my singing.
Ears aren't evolving fast enough :p :

How bad's your voice?

14th May 2008, 00:44
I can sing in the meaning of 'blokes at football'. Otherwise it is strictly limited to in the car on me own as it would be unfair to unleash my voice on other people.

The trouble is that I think I sound okay but know that in reality it's awful....although still better than Leona Lewis.

14th May 2008, 01:31
I once got a standing ovation at my local pub for my karaoke rendition of 'Bohemian Rhapsody'

I do sing a lot in the car, but i don't know if i'm any good. I like to think I am :p :

14th May 2008, 04:23
I can make sure when I was singing at hall room, the visitors paid more attention to the table where was the singer sitting down. :)

14th May 2008, 08:37
Not only that I hee haw like a donkey but also I can't take the high/low notes.
Back in school I was obliged to be a part of the school choir. The coleagues who had the bad luck to stay beside me always complained about my noise because I really like to sing and tried to do my best. Then I started to mime which was a bit ridiculous although today most of the singers do it.
But the nightmare came when I was in the 5th form. I was excluded from the choir and at music classes the teacher asked me and my fellow tone-dead friends ( today I wonder if that disability to sing was the bond that still keeps us friends :laugh: ) every hour. I remember the class laugh because we were supposed to solfeggiate individually ( still remember the notes of Heroes' March from Nabucco by Verdi ) and to beat the measure. We used to forget the sound of the song until the next hour but as we were conscientious we played the notes at a small toy piano at home to remember it. The break before the music class was a hell of sounds as all the tone-deads repeated the solfeggio. In my case the repetition made me learn the notes by heart but the lazy ones used to write them on the book.

14th May 2008, 09:31
I would never sing in public but I do love to sing in my car. I must remember to stop singing when I'm on the cotra-flow on the M1 as people always notice and start to chuckle.

14th May 2008, 10:10
Probably to perform in front of public has relationship with self of confidence. I don't think that I like singing in car, it may somewhat disturb when we have to drive properly. Smoking is something I like when driving.

Singing in VIP room is nice, but I'd prefer hall room, we can interact each other among the visitors. This is now practically no time to go there since got married. At most currently along with some neighbors we play organ and sing along celebrating our independence day or to welcome new year's eve.

I like various music, if not English our own songs, my next choice would be songs from India and Arab :)

14th May 2008, 10:15
I can't.

Despite being in a culture where talent for singing above just about all other forms of talent has outgrown as a judge of character ones actual character (Britains Got Talent, X-Factor and West End talent search shows like I Can Do Anything, Any Dream Will Do & How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? etc.,) don't fret. You, me and several thousand others don't no dount have a great aptitude for it.

Humans were not race-prepared to have an in-built capabilty to sing epecially.

Not that I have ever sung a note of anything in my life, I mumbled for the most part "When the red, red robin goes bob-bob-bob'n along" in a school show as part of the mistrels, but I don't need to sing to know I cannot sing a bloody note. :)

Dave B
14th May 2008, 10:33
The YouTube video* of me banging out Don't Stop Me Now and I Believe In A Thing Called Love at a karaoke is all the evidence you need of my inability to hold a tune :D

(*Long-since deleted, don't bother searching! :p )

14th May 2008, 10:33
I think I can sing pretty well. Its everyone else who thinks I cant :p :

14th May 2008, 11:17
I'm supposed to be able to sing since I'm doing a music degree, but I really can't...

14th May 2008, 11:21
When I was a kid I was a great singer, and I 've won lot of song-competitions :p :

14th May 2008, 12:19
Im told Im fairly talented and have over 21 million views of my own song "Chocolate rain" on you tube.. A few of u may have already watched it.

Turn the lights down, crank up the volume, sit back, prepare yourself to be taken to another sonic dimension and enjoy...



14th May 2008, 12:37
I have to sing every day with my job. I teach many classes, and some are small children, they demand songs. I also won a Karaoke competition here in China, singing in Chinese, to my surprise, it took me about a month to learn all the words.

14th May 2008, 13:53
No I cannot :\

14th May 2008, 14:03
Can I sing?

Like a strangled cat! Not that that stops me as long as I dont think anyone esle is listening.

14th May 2008, 18:59
Yup, I can sing.

Unfortunately, I'm the only person who thinks its singing.
I've been likened to a female siamese cat in full season/call. Hence I only sing when on my own, especially in the car. Multi talented - can smoke at the same time :s mokin:

14th May 2008, 20:42
I like the occasional bit of singing, and am considering entering the next series of Britain's Got Talent with my la-la-la renditions of the theme tunes of various popular detective shows.

14th May 2008, 21:21
Before I start singing, I make sure that no-one else hears me, so that I won't scare anyone. :p : Maybe soon I'll start taping my singing to listen how does it sound like (it's hard to rate myself at the moment). :)

14th May 2008, 21:25
I like the occasional bit of singing, and am considering entering the next series of Britain's Got Talent with my la-la-la renditions of the theme tunes of various popular detective shows.

We have a similar "Estonia is seeking for a Superstar" series. I have thought about it too - that's why practising and taping would be needed. :p :

By the way, here comes a question. How much can singing be trained? It can be often heard about one or another person that (s)he either can sing or is horrible at it. How much of an improvement can be made with practising?

15th May 2008, 11:56
I'm not really sure how bad my voice is but I do wish it was better and stronger than it is. I only really sing when I'm alone or in the car... and I feel kinda vulnerable singing in front of other people. I guess it's a confidence thing... I do like singing though. Especially in the car on the motorway, preferably with the music loud enough to drown out any bad notes or lyric mistakes! :p :

Hazell B
15th May 2008, 19:41
jens, I'm told that the singing voice can be improved masses by the right training - but my best guess at how would be that a teacher improves your breathing, carriage and pitch more than anything. After all, no teacher would be able to make me sound good :p :

Glad I'm not the only in-car howler!

16th May 2008, 02:32
I think i can sing, some people have said i do have a good voice, but i dont particuarly pride myself in singing in front of people, just in the shower and in my room :p :

I did a few performances at my school when i was younger, which got generous receptions, so i cant be all that bad.

16th May 2008, 09:48
Incidentally are we also able to assertain on this thread why is there such a huge and passionate national facination with wanting to sing and hearing people sing?

The fact the BBC has devised three talent search shows aimed at finding the lead role for an Andrew Lloyd Webber West-End show and the X-Factor just seems to be as huge as the year before, and the fact almost immediately the people who go on the shows develop their own group of fans, surely indicates toward something. Seemingly a huge national fixation with wanting to sing and be sung to which aparrently grew very quickly.

Where though is the shows that teach people to sing to those that want to but cannot?

Garry Walker
16th May 2008, 09:57
I can`t, but I do when I am showering or driving.

16th May 2008, 10:48
Incidentally are we also able to assertain on this thread why is there such a huge and passionate national facination with wanting to sing and hearing people sing?

The fact the BBC has devised three talent search shows aimed at finding the lead role for an Andrew Lloyd Webber West-End show and the X-Factor just seems to be as huge as the year before, and the fact almost immediately the people who go on the shows develop their own group of fans, surely indicates toward something. Seemingly a huge national fixation with wanting to sing and be sung to which aparrently grew very quickly.

Very interesting point, though of course it could be that an awful lot of people will watch whatever is put on at prime time and trailled heavily.

I suppose there has always been a strong interest in music, and talent shows have always been popular even if they didn't appear that regularly on our screens for some time. Coupled with the fact that, to an extent, it's 'car crash TV', and there appears to be a liking for nasty figures like Simon Cowell telling contestants that they're crap, it's no real surprise that music-based shows such as these have taken off in a big way. They're not my cup of tea at all, but if others like them, fine. I've still got Radio 4.

Brown, Jon Brow
16th May 2008, 10:56
I sing all the time, driving, in the shower or if I'm playing guitar. However i never sing in front of people because chances are that I sound painfully awful (probably because I nearly always sing in falsetto). I think that I have potential in my voice if I had a very good and very patient voice coach.

16th May 2008, 11:32
We have a similar "Estonia is seeking for a Superstar" series. I have thought about it too - that's why practising and taping would be needed. :p :

By the way, here comes a question. How much can singing be trained? It can be often heard about one or another person that (s)he either can sing or is horrible at it. How much of an improvement can be made with practising?

Not just practicing but teaching, as with any musical instrument bad habits can develop if you try to teach yourself, which is why I would steer people away from the "teach yourself this instrument in 30 days" kind of thing that's quite popular these days.

Though not having had any singing training myself, I think what the training generally focusses on is the development of a good tone - vibrato etc, perhaps - and also the ability to sing from sheet music, and also the ability to sing any interval (any two notes, basically) at will. In addition you'd probably also have to learn to pronounce words properly. I remember when I was in a production of Oliver, rather than singing "Food, Glorious Food!" the child's choir sung "Foo, Glorious Foo!"

I think also things like confidence when performing comes just from performing in front of people and getting used to it. Some people just love to be the center of attention, but others sometimes need to gain experience. In the case of myself, I developed a mentality of "hey, something'll probably go catostrophically wrong anyway," which is actually quite calming if you're desperate.

16th May 2008, 11:58
Of course I can't sing, thats why Neil Young is my hero. If you turn your amp up, stay on the wah-wah pedal and play badly, most people won't notice you can't sing either.

16th May 2008, 17:58
I can't.

........., badly singing the Shoop Shoop Song. The guy who saw me took that secret to the grave rather than have the entire pub disbelieve him......................

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Please tell me he was old and disease ridden. Or is this post your way of exorcising your remorse for foul deeds done??!!!

16th May 2008, 18:00
Back on topic, I actually worked in a band for a few years before I had to be a RESPONSIBLE adult. Stuck to backup/harmony vocals as much as possible, and many a bar/restaurant patron are grateful for that!

Hazell B
16th May 2008, 22:47
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Please tell me he was old and disease ridden. Or is this post your way of exorcising your remorse for foul deeds done??!!!

Big C got him in his forties.
The small B wasn't to blame ... this time ;)