View Full Version : Sponsor News: Ferrari to lose AMD, Hamilton to sign personal $20m Reebok deal

Giuseppe F1
13th May 2008, 13:02
AMD to let Ferrari sponsorship lapse

A change in direction from the chip maker
13/05/08 11:41

The American computer company AMD will let its sponsorship of the Ferrari team lapse, according to reports.

The technology website fudzilla.com said the decision was made following the departure last September of AMD marketing officer Henry Richard, who was a motor racing fan and responsible for the Ferrari deal that began in 2002.

The most visible elements of Ferrari's AMD sponsorship are the logos on the rear wing endplates and on the drivers' helmets and overalls, which were still visible at the most recent Turkish Grand Prix.

Fudzilla reported that AMD has "already cancelled its Ferrari sponsorship and...
is waiting for the contract to expire", and also that AMD intends to severs its ties with the American stock car NASCAR scene.

The F1 deal was estimated at between $10-$20m per year.

Source: GMM
© CAPSIS International



Source: GMM
© CAPSIS International


Hamilton to sign $20m Reebok deal

Hamilton to sign $20m Reebok deal - Joining Henry, Shevchenko and Khan in marketing deal

13/05/08 11:38

Lewis Hamilton is to sign a lucrative personal sponsorship deal with Reebok.

The multi-million dollar deal, which is yet to be finalised or confirmed, is believed to be similar to the British sportswear brand's approximately $20m apiece 'global brand ambassador' agreements with footballers Thierry Henry and Andrei Shevchenko and boxer Amir Khan.

The marketing publication Brand Republic claims that McLaren, which does not usually allow its drivers to seek personal sponsors, has made an exception in this case because 23-year-old Hamilton is 'one of sport's most marketable stars'.

Reebok is owned by Adidas.

Source: GMM
© CAPSIS International


13th May 2008, 13:24
Ferrari loosing AMD.
That's got to be worth at least .6 secs. :p :

15th May 2008, 19:50
Well, I guess it looks better to discontinue the sponsorship than to have the AMD checks start bouncing.

On Lewis... in addition to the $20mil Reebok deal, he's apparently also close to a deal with Pepsi close to the same amount. Wow! Just wow!

16th May 2008, 00:04
AMD has in been trounced by Intel with their "core" architecture. Whilst they were once much faster then Intel, they are now badly trailing them. They have announced recently massive job cuts and it's no surprise that they are cutting on marketing as well.

Valve Bounce
16th May 2008, 00:15
Who are Intel sponsoring?

16th May 2008, 00:34
Who are Intel sponsoring?

Was that question rhetorical?

Last I paid attention, I thought there was big intel logo's on the BMW's... great now I gotta double check that :p :

BTW: didn't Ferrari have this strange deal with Phillipe Morris where PM paid X dollars and had control over all the sponsorship on the car?

edit: yup BMW, guess I'm not crazy



16th May 2008, 00:35
Who are Intel sponsoring?

Take a look at the engine cover of a blue and white liveried team.

16th May 2008, 07:40
That logo not working all that well for Intel, I didn't remember they sponsored anyone. :)

16th May 2008, 10:37
That logo not working all that well for Intel, I didn't remember they sponsored anyone. :)

Yeah not working for me either. Didn't remember them with the intel sign. Maybe they should try a picture of a chip alongside Intel and maybe put the "chip" on the shoulders of the drivers. That should generate a good few $M in discussion.

16th May 2008, 15:44
I wouldn't be surprised to see AMD hit the ditch or perhaps bought out. the new quad core intel chip is awesome.

16th May 2008, 17:11
BTW: didn't Ferrari have this strange deal with Phillipe Morris where PM paid X dollars and had control over all the sponsorship on the car?

I'm not sure. But I read that PM was responsible for Vodaphone leaving Ferrari.