View Full Version : Trulli getting out of his box - GPDA

8th May 2008, 13:12

8th May 2008, 13:19
In short, Union member disparages non-union co-workers about their unwillingness to join, participate, or invest (union dues) in the organisation and are allowed to be in the market of employ.

Been there, done that... :rolleyes:

8th May 2008, 17:15
I just love the way Trulli feels that a couple of thousand Dollars contribution will make such a difference :laugh:

Perhaps we should all have a whip-round.

$1000 at todays exchange rate is approximatly £3.25. I think I have that down the back of the sofa :D

8th May 2008, 17:32
I just love the way Trulli feels that a couple of thousand Dollars contribution will make such a difference :laugh:

Perhaps we should all have a whip-round.

$1000 at todays exchange rate is approximatly £3.25. I think I have that down the back of the sofa :D


Not sure why you wouldn't believe him. There are a certain fees that are used to fund the organization. How do you know the money is not necessary?

As for you exchange rate, you got me puzzled on that :s

8th May 2008, 17:55
Let's say (undervaluing Euro) that €1,000 is U$1,500. There are (minimum) 20 drivers so that's U$30,000 only in entry fees.

Thsn, he says it's U$200 per point for each race, so considering that there are 8 point scorers this will net them U$7,800 per race. There are 18 races in the calendar which means U$140,400 per anum.

When you add these, it means the GPDA says it needs U$170,400 per anum. To do what? To sit around a table and talk for 20 minutes and issue a statement of two paragraphs length once every quarter?

I guess now I see why Kimi and Lewis are not interested...

Garry Walker
8th May 2008, 18:44
I guess now I see why Kimi and Lewis are not interested...


Trulli should give himself an uppercut for coming out with such embarrassing filth.

9th May 2008, 13:11
Massa has now left the GPDA.

9th May 2008, 14:04
All of this just makes it more difficult for the drivers to speak with one voice, and therefore have any influence.

9th May 2008, 16:19
I was a fan of Trulli until now.
I see nothing wrong with anyone who decides that they don't want to be a part of a Union.

9th May 2008, 18:43
Alonso sides with Trulli. (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/67271)

I'm a little confused over the GPDA. Can someone inform me of an instance when their organization benefitted F1? I'm not sure about the claims of the drivers on either side of the fence. I would just like some clarification.

9th May 2008, 19:17
I don't quite get the system. Why should those, who collect more points, pay more? Maybe they should pay according to their salaries?! :p :

9th May 2008, 19:29
I don't quite get the system. Why should those, who collect more points, pay more? Maybe they should pay according to their salaries?! :p :

That's a really good idea. Maybe 0.5 or 1% of their salaries could be contributed.

Trulli and Alonso are right in a way. Membership should be mandatory as they are all Grand Prix drivers, but taking action should be optional, except in extreme cases.

Valve Bounce
10th May 2008, 00:35
Before I can comment, I'd like to know where the money goes.

Valve Bounce
10th May 2008, 00:39
Let's say (undervaluing Euro) that €1,000 is U$1,500. There are (minimum) 20 drivers so that's U$30,000 only in entry fees.

Thsn, he says it's U$200 per point for each race, so considering that there are 8 point scorers this will net them U$7,800 per race. There are 18 races in the calendar which means U$140,400 per anum.

When you add these, it means the GPDA says it needs U$170,400 per anum. To do what? To sit around a table and talk for 20 minutes and issue a statement of two paragraphs length once every quarter?

Where would this money go?

10th May 2008, 16:32
Where would this money go?

probably the directors (Webber, Truli, is DC a director as well?) get a nominal fee for putting in their time and then there might be some admin costs as well and maybe a part time PA or two...

The thing is, if the money was used for anything useful I'm sure the GPDA directors would make a PR stunt out of it. As they aren't, it probably means that the money is not put to any good use.

Just to make myself clear, I have nothing against the GPDA and I know that their directors are elected. I also have nothing against unions in general, and in fact being a member of the Labor party, am a fervent proponent of the right to form unions. I am however, opposed to compulsory unionism, which is what
Truli and some member here, are supporting.

To me it seems like the GPDA suffers from lack of transparency and credibility issues. We, who are ardent F1 fans, don't exactly know what it does and what it stands for. I mean for pete's sake, it doesn't even have a website, which these days even my local grocery has. If they just put up a website with a mission statement, a copy of their constitution or by-laws, a list of their current activities --standard procedure among every organisation and NGO-- and perhaps also make the nomination and election process a bit more public and transparent, I'm sure they can elevate the GPDA to a status where non membership of it would become a public liability for any driver. As things stand, I can't really criticise the non members as I don't know what the organisation stands for. They keep saying "it's about safety"; well, a bit more elaboration perhaps??!!