View Full Version : Cannabis to be re-classified

Powered by Cosworth
7th May 2008, 16:51
What a load of rubbish, a stupid government going against the advice of professionals. I am so outraged.

It's less harmful than Tobacco or Alcohol, the only reason it's going up is because they're not earning any tax from it.

It needs to be legalized so it can be sold from shops and allowed to be home grown, entirely cutting out any 'gateway drug' accusations and health risks. You know what goes in it, that it's not been contaminated. This entirely cuts out the black market and providing funding to criminals.

This isn't like alcohol where rowdy teens cause trouble on streets and in towns. I don't understand how it can be used medicinally legally in one state, yet 'bad for your health' here. The links to mental health have been debated for years. Truth is we'll never know if somebody was going to go off the rails with or without.

I suggest everybody writes to their MPs, if they use it or not, and please don't be brainwashed by the media about this 'skunk' weed which will make you go loopy after one joint. It's simply not true.

7th May 2008, 17:17
I must agree with you. This is a natural plant, and I see no reason why it should be illegal. I have said before to many people that the reason it is illegal, is that the governments will not get their tax dollars from it if you grow it at home.

7th May 2008, 18:56
Ban tobacco, alcohol and cannabis I say.

Actually no I don't. Let people get ****faced and kill themselves. It's called survival of the least idiotic :)

Powered by Cosworth
7th May 2008, 20:29
Ban tobacco, alcohol and cannabis I say.

Actually no I don't. Let people get ****faced and kill themselves. It's called survival of the least idiotic :)

Letting idiots over-do something and kill themselves applys to everything, weather it be driving fast or having a joint while listening to Pink Floyd.

Either way, the upping of the class is stupid. Surely even you can see that?

7th May 2008, 20:35
I'm not a big weed smoker so don't really mind either way but I do think that it is silly to differentiate it from alcohol and tobacco which are also bad for people's health.

At least with the class upped people will now know whether it's illegal or not whereas before everyone was a bit unsure.

Powered by Cosworth
7th May 2008, 22:34
I'm not a big weed smoker so don't really mind either way but I do think that it is silly to differentiate it from alcohol and tobacco which are also bad for people's health.

At least with the class upped people will now know whether it's illegal or not whereas before everyone was a bit unsure.

I think the fact you had to get it from a shady part of town let you know it was illegal ;)

7th May 2008, 22:41
What a load of rubbish, a stupid government going against the advice of professionals. I am so outraged.

It's less harmful than Tobacco or Alcohol, the only reason it's going up is because they're not earning any tax from it.

It needs to be legalized so it can be sold from shops and allowed to be home grown, entirely cutting out any 'gateway drug' accusations and health risks. You know what goes in it, that it's not been contaminated. This entirely cuts out the black market and providing funding to criminals.

This isn't like alcohol where rowdy teens cause trouble on streets and in towns. I don't understand how it can be used medicinally legally in one state, yet 'bad for your health' here. The links to mental health have been debated for years. Truth is we'll never know if somebody was going to go off the rails with or without.

I suggest everybody writes to their MPs, if they use it or not, and please don't be brainwashed by the media about this 'skunk' weed which will make you go loopy after one joint. It's simply not true.

Playing devil's advocate slightly here, but if what was actually conclusive evidence as to the adverse mental health effects of cannabis were to be presented, would you accept it? If not, why not?

7th May 2008, 22:59
I must agree with you. This is a natural plant, and I see no reason why it should be illegal. I have said before to many people that the reason it is illegal, is that the governments will not get their tax dollars from it if you grow it at home.

But can't you grow tobacco at home if you wish let alone make your own alcohol :D

7th May 2008, 23:04
I'm not using pot, but I agree that it probably isn't any more harmful to people than alcohol or tobacco are. Funny thing is also this over the world war on cigrattes. Compared to all the stupid, dangerous and violent things people do when drunk, smokers are pretty safe people (specially to other people).

7th May 2008, 23:17
Cannabis is extremely dangerous to people pre-disposed?? to Schizophrenia, my younger brother is living proof of that and I can tell you.. its not funny!
He smoked it for several years from his teens.. every day.. was too stoned to be bothered getting a job and wasted the prime of his life feeding his addiction.

We 1st became aware that something wasnt quite right up top when he started seeing flocks of UFO's, thought the TV was talking to him and God started giving prophetic messages to him in his dreams, he'd also see ghosts and balls of light or "orbs" flying around. Only strong medication was able to reduce the symptoms but which also had their own side effects

He came to stay with me for a year and it was the most difficult year of my life looking after a family member with this awefull mental illness.

The good news is... he met a girl, she managed to persuade him to get clean and although he is still on medication and his Caniboid psychosis symptoms have all but dissapeared, he has managed to turn his life around is engaged to be married and is back to the old personality we all knew and loved.

I dont want to preach to anyone.. but this is more than proof to me. Please be aware of the possible dangers, Cannabis can ruin peoples lives.

7th May 2008, 23:28
Cannabis is extremely dangerous to people pre-disposed?? to Schizophrenia, my younger brother is living proof of that and I can tell you.. its not funny!
He smoked it for several years from his teens.. every day.. was too stoned to be bothered getting a job and wasted the prime of his life feeding his addiction.

We 1st became aware that something wasnt quite right up top when he started seeing flocks of UFO's, thought the TV was talking to him and God started giving prophetic messages to him in his dreams, he'd also see ghosts and balls of light or "orbs" flying around. Only strong medication was able to reduce the symptoms but which also had their own side effects

He came to stay with me for a year and it was the most difficult year of my life looking after a family member with this awefull mental illness.

The good news is... he met a girl, she managed to persuade him to get clean and although he is still on medication and his Caniboid psychosis symptoms have all but dissapeared, he has managed to turn his life around is engaged to be married and is back to the old personality we all knew and loved.

I dont want to preach to anyone.. but this is more than proof to me. Please be aware of the possible dangers, Cannabis can ruin peoples lives.
For some reason people just don't get to hear stories like your brother's one often enough.

Sure some people can have an occasional toke and be fine. But some people take one toke and there's no turning back.

Part of me thinks we should stop people from trying to hurt themselves be it from cannabis, tobacco or alcohol. But part of me thinks if they want to do it then they should do it. But then there are people like Zico and his family who are caught up in the middle of it.....

P.S Cannabis also stays stored in your fatty tissue and can be slowly released over a period of up to 2 months so it's not as "clean" as some people say.

7th May 2008, 23:49
Part of me thinks we should stop people from trying to hurt themselves be it from cannabis, tobacco or alcohol. But part of me thinks if they want to do it then they should do it. But then there are people like Zico and his family who are caught up in the middle of it.....

Which renders this an impossible moral conundrum. Unfortunately, it will never, and should never, be possible to stop the nasty effects happening to some people while others get away with no effects whatsoever. On balance, I am not in favour of banning things on these grounds, but I am also a hypocrite because I am in favour of the smoking ban. I find it almost impossible to be consistent in my own mind on this sort of issue.

8th May 2008, 00:29
I think I am in favor of people smoking it for purposes such as pain relief, like cancer patients. Just like alcohol, it should be taken in moderation. People that smoke it every day and are constantly stoned, are just plain stupid. It is a natural medicine, used by many cultures as a medicinal remedy, but, some people abuse it. I smoked it on occasion when I was a teen, but, that was over 20 years ago. I still don't think it should be illegal though.

8th May 2008, 00:39
I think I am in favor of people smoking it for purposes such as pain relief, like cancer patients. Just like alcohol, it should be taken in moderation. People that smoke it every day and are constantly stoned, are just plain stupid. It is a natural medicine, used by many cultures as a medicinal remedy, but, some people abuse it. I smoked it on occasion when I was a teen, but, that was over 20 years ago. I still don't think it should be illegal though.

On balance with the bigger picture in mind, I agree with you.. I think if the government legalised it, people might be more inclined to listen, to be informed and educated to the dangers rather than dismissing the information as propoganda... as we have just witnessed on this thread.

8th May 2008, 01:12
and while we are pondering on the effects on the body, consider the issue of 'medical marijuana'.

As an alternative to the drugs prescribed to Radiation, Chemotherapy, and AIDS patients, which often have very nasty side-effects, Cannabis, when used in a smoking method, has been shown to have more tangible results than the Opiate-based treatments.

In the US, the question has always been framed around the need to do more study, but the preliminary results have seemed to come out in favor of medical use of cannabis. The opposition, mostly made up of Law Enforcement types and legislators, have never accepted the results and have constantly referred back to the abuse and illegality quotient of the argument.

more to consider on the topic here...

8th May 2008, 02:32
I've done weed at least a dozen times, but I dont know what the big deal is. It did nothing for me, really. I've had more fun after half a carton of local beer. Thats why I don't smoke it anymore.

The fact though that it's Illegal just acts as encouragement for teens to try it. As we all did, we go through that Rebellious stage, and what better way to rebel than lighting up a joint? It's Illegal but not THAT illegal.

Legalising it may be a smart move because people will open up to education more, but half of the 'fun' factor will be gone if its legal :p : No more running away from the imaginary cops

8th May 2008, 02:54
Just remember:
Reality is just a crutch for those that can't handle drugs.

8th May 2008, 02:54
Tell you what's rebellious.... not rebelling in a stereotypically rebellious fashion by smoking weed. If that's rebellious then I'm a bigass rebel :hot:

Valve Bounce
8th May 2008, 02:58
For some reason people just don't get to hear stories like your brother's one often enough.


It is very, very difficult for someone, who's family is affected in this way to tell anyone about this. When mixed with alcohol and possibly other drugs, .................................

I wouldn't know where to begin.

Valve Bounce
8th May 2008, 03:03
I think I am in favor of people smoking it for purposes such as pain relief, like cancer patients. .

I can agree with this, and I understand it will ease the pain from glaucoma. I would go as far as to agree that cancer patients should be provided with morphine if and when they need it.

But being just about totally ignorant of drugs myself, I can only see the effect it has had on someone very close to me.
That was why I posted in reply to Daniel about Zico's problems.

8th May 2008, 03:54
I can agree with this, and I understand it will ease the pain from glaucoma. I would go as far as to agree that cancer patients should be provided with morphine if and when they need it.

I would definitely advocate the use of medicinal marijuana. It's benefits over conventional painkillers are well documented. All medication has side effects. It just happens that marijuana has less side effects.

8th May 2008, 09:00
Could the marijuana as tobacco besides its benefit for better character than conventional painkiller, make the user get addicted? this is not good I think. It's hard struggling over something like tobacco addicted.

After all to ban tobacco altogether wouldn't seem nice, I need them sometimes. :D

8th May 2008, 09:23
When mixed with alcohol and possibly other drugs

Grass before beer in the clear,
Beer before grass, on your arse.

8th May 2008, 12:58
It is very, very difficult for someone, who's family is affected in this way to tell anyone about this. When mixed with alcohol and possibly other drugs, .................................

I wouldn't know where to begin.

Its good to talk about stuff that bothers you...
My brother wouldnt be mad at me at all for telling anyone the very toned down, tame version of what happened to him, so it wasnt very difficult for me to do just that.
There are many, many more details that I could never freely discuss on here tho..

How would the person react if they learned of you discussing it on a public forum?
If you protected their Identity or think they wouldnt mind... sounds like you'd like to get it off your chest?

8th May 2008, 14:34
I'm surprised the government hasn't legalised it totally and then put tax on it...

Powered by Cosworth
8th May 2008, 14:50
Playing devil's advocate slightly here, but if what was actually conclusive evidence as to the adverse mental health effects of cannabis were to be presented, would you accept it? If not, why not?

Depends on the conclusive evidences chances. All I know is that i've been doing it for 2 years or so now and I have noticed adverse permanent changes. It's done nothing but good for me. I'd also have to see it happening more often around me. I know many old men who's health is suffereing at the hands of 40 fags a day, yet I know others who have smoked weed regularly since the 70's and been perfectly fine. If the conclusive evidence came along from many different unbiased sources, and I started noticing my toker friends health suffer, then I may accept it and slow it down a bit.

Tell you what's rebellious.... not rebelling in a stereotypically rebellious fashion by smoking weed. If that's rebellious then I'm a bigass rebel :hot:

It's nothing to do with rebellion :rolleyes:
'Lets all rebel by getting really high, listening to some music and eating some cake'. I don't see the cool rebellious factor in that. If I wanted to be a 'rebel' i'd be out doing MDMA and getting completely ****ered every weekend. I prefer to just chill out and relax.

Grass before beer in the clear,
Beer before grass, on your arse.

Haha, i've always gone with 'Beer before Bong' :p

As for health concerns like Zicos brother, I can admit it may happen to a few people. Many times the cannabis is just an excuse. Nobody will really knows if these people would develop it later on without the cannabis. It's a grey area.

All I can say is more people smoke it than the general public think, and if everybody who did came out, many would be shunned by the do-gooders. Lose jobs, familys, etc... because the government has taught us that illegal drugs are the devils work, but more harmful legal drugs are perfectly fine.

8th May 2008, 15:41
It's nothing to do with rebellion :rolleyes:
'Lets all rebel by getting really high, listening to some music and eating some cake'. I don't see the cool rebellious factor in that. If I wanted to be a 'rebel' i'd be out doing MDMA and getting completely ****ered every weekend. I prefer to just chill out and relax.

I was replying to Millencolin.

8th May 2008, 15:52
As for health concerns like Zicos brother, I can admit it may happen to a few people. Many times the cannabis is just an excuse. Nobody will really knows if these people would develop it later on without the cannabis. It's a grey area.

?????? There are well documented cases.....

It's not a grey area. Marijuana induced mental issues are well documented but often denied by people who just want marijuana legalised.

The thing is I've never touched drugs and never will. My drinking experiences include a week away with friends after we finished school where I had a few drinks and stayed rather sober just to shut a few people up and then back in 2004 I had a few drinks one night when I was a bit unhappy.

But now I'm able to have fun without resorting to drink or drugs. If someone wants to take drugs or drink themselves silly then that's their thing. But I think a lot of people need to work on just having fun being themselves rather than needing to get ****faced to have fun.

I don't think Marijuana is evil. I just don't see why people need to take it. I think for medicinal purposes it's great as it's given in small enough dosages to have a good effect on the patient but not in such a high dose so as to give the person negative side effects.

If you're not able to have fun without drugs or drink then I think there are serious issues that you need to look into.

8th May 2008, 16:23
As for health concerns like Zicos brother, I can admit it may happen to a few people. Many times the cannabis is just an excuse. Nobody will really knows if these people would develop it later on without the cannabis. It's a grey area.

Why will 'nobody really know'? What about medical professionals who have investigated the link between cannabis and mental health?

8th May 2008, 17:25
As has been said, the link has been well documented, ie- http://www.schizophrenia.com/prevention/streetdrugs.html However there are also many conflicting studies... So if one has no personal experince, naturally they chooses the side that suits them.

All I know from personal experience is that my younger brothers mental health has improved massively since he detoxed, stayed clean and started taking his medication. He had become a very different person over a period of 5-6 years, his neurological connections rewired, non'sensical ramblings, a constant rapping as a self proclaimed "white nigga" and a delusional belief that he was a Rap superstar... His one and only chat-up line with the girls was "Hiya gorgeous, Can you dance?..... Wanna be in my videos?" :D

Now in this last year, with the aid of medication.. still adjusting/rewiring, but definately returing to the old level headed and lucid personality we all wanted back... and its a far greater relief than I could ever put into words.

8th May 2008, 20:02
Good to hear that your brother is doing well Zico. My older brother does quite a few drugs and is a regular smoker of cannabis but doesn't seem to be aware of the problems that may occur, as far as he's concerned he's fine now so there won't be any. The main one that scares me off is links to impotency which doesn't sound like much fun.

Daniel, you don't seem to be able to seperate people that occassionally drink or smoke the odd joint from those that are always off their t**s. I enjoy going to the pub with my mates and having 2 or 3 pints every now and then and just talking about whatever springs to mind. Besides enjoying lager I also find that if I order soft drinks then they don't last much more than 5 minutes and I spend a fortune. And in my experience (despite spending lots of time with friends away from the pub) this is one of the best ways to spend time with mates.

Also it is fantastic on a hot summers day to sit in the garden with the barbecue going and enjoying a nice G&T or a cool beer, in those situations soft drinks just don't cut it.

8th May 2008, 20:26
Good to hear that your brother is doing well Zico. My older brother does quite a few drugs and is a regular smoker of cannabis but doesn't seem to be aware of the problems that may occur, as far as he's concerned he's fine now so there won't be any. The main one that scares me off is links to impotency which doesn't sound like much fun.

Daniel, you don't seem to be able to seperate people that occassionally drink or smoke the odd joint from those that are always off their t**s. I enjoy going to the pub with my mates and having 2 or 3 pints every now and then and just talking about whatever springs to mind. Besides enjoying lager I also find that if I order soft drinks then they don't last much more than 5 minutes and I spend a fortune. And in my experience (despite spending lots of time with friends away from the pub) this is one of the best ways to spend time with mates.

Also it is fantastic on a hot summers day to sit in the garden with the barbecue going and enjoying a nice G&T or a cool beer, in those situations soft drinks just don't cut it.

I didn't say that. I'm talking about the people who can't go out and have fun without being intoxicated. I've worked with people who live for the weekend, get drunk Friday night and saturday night, spend Sunday recovering and come in on Monday and work till Friday and repeat the pattern and claim how boring the Monday-Friday grind is :)

8th May 2008, 20:36
The thing is I've never touched drugs and never will. My drinking experiences include a week away with friends after we finished school where I had a few drinks and stayed rather sober just to shut a few people up and then back in 2004 I had a few drinks one night when I was a bit unhappy.

But now I'm able to have fun without resorting to drink or drugs. If someone wants to take drugs or drink themselves silly then that's their thing. But I think a lot of people need to work on just having fun being themselves rather than needing to get ****faced to have fun.

From this quote I got the impression that you were very anti drink and that the whole idea of alcohol is pointless (I've come across this attitude many times). While I have fun sober I am also one of those people that enjoys a drink (not every weekend and not just because) and I have had some great times and great stories out of being drunk which are much easier to tell people than about that time that I saw Colin McRae for the first time or my trip to the Le Mans Classic. Purely because none of my mates are into motorsport but every single one of them can relate to having stolen some traffic furniture while giggling like a child. It's not big, it's not clever and you have to get rid of the bloody thing without looking like you're nicking it but you can tell the story and everyone knows what you mean because they've been in the same boat.

8th May 2008, 21:30
It's a fact that Cannabis can cause mental diseases, plus it's twice more adictive than alcohol or tobacco. so legalizing it might not be the smartest idea.
but it could work basing that most people who smokes weed does it cause it makes them "cooler" to do something ilegal, so if it becomes legal all idiotic stoners would move to something else(problem is they might move to something more harmful)
but best of all if it's legalized my region could become a very rich one :p

8th May 2008, 21:57
I've just been out for tea with my dad and he was just telling me about some two day course he is going on next week which is predominatly focussed on dealing with the mental health issues realting to smoking Canabis.

8th May 2008, 22:01
Didn't mean to post that and I can edit it... If the threads still going I'll post some of the information he get's next week.

8th May 2008, 22:53
From this quote I got the impression that you were very anti drink and that the whole idea of alcohol is pointless (I've come across this attitude many times). While I have fun sober I am also one of those people that enjoys a drink (not every weekend and not just because) and I have had some great times and great stories out of being drunk which are much easier to tell people than about that time that I saw Colin McRae for the first time or my trip to the Le Mans Classic. Purely because none of my mates are into motorsport but every single one of them can relate to having stolen some traffic furniture while giggling like a child. It's not big, it's not clever and you have to get rid of the bloody thing without looking like you're nicking it but you can tell the story and everyone knows what you mean because they've been in the same boat.

I guess I am anti-drink to a certain extent if I'm honest. But it's someone elses body so I'm not all that bothered :) I just feel sorry for some people who like I say do it every weekend and being ****faced all weekend is normal for them.

Powered by Cosworth
8th May 2008, 23:15
It's a fact that Cannabis can cause mental diseases, plus it's twice more adictive than alcohol or tobacco. so legalizing it might not be the smartest idea.
but it could work basing that most people who smokes weed does it cause it makes them "cooler" to do something ilegal, so if it becomes legal all idiotic stoners would move to something else(problem is they might move to something more harmful)
but best of all if it's legalized my region could become a very rich one :p

There are no addictive qualities to cannabis. It has the same psychological addictiveness as chocolate or drinking petrol, whereas the nicotine in tobacco makes your body dependent.

The thing is, for every 1 person who has mental health problems, thousands or so don't.

8th May 2008, 23:19
There are no addictive qualities to cannabis. It has the same psychological addictiveness as chocolate or drinking petrol, whereas the nicotine in tobacco makes your body dependent.

The thing is, for every 1 person who has mental health problems, thousands or so don't.

What makes you believe the people who have come to these conclusions over and above those who have made the link with mental health problems? If the latter were to explain to you why they believe there is a link, would you know enough to be confident to say to these medical professionals that they are wrong?

8th May 2008, 23:40
There are no addictive qualities to cannabis. It has the same psychological addictiveness as chocolate or drinking petrol, whereas the nicotine in tobacco makes your body dependent.

The thing is, for every 1 person who has mental health problems, thousands or so don't.
Man you have no clue. Just because something doesn't make you dependant doesn't mean it's not addictive.

9th May 2008, 00:08
Man you have no clue. Just because something doesn't make you dependant doesn't mean it's not addictive.

I think hes aware of that.. he mentioned psychological addictiveness. I also think hes partially correct that for every one person to suffer from mental problems there are many that dont.. I think the percentage issue ("thousands") is very unrealistic though..

306 Cosworth- How do you actually know it wont affect you personally, short or long term?... and if it did do you think you would be aware that you had mental issues?... I say this because my brother was adamant that he wasnt ill .. he totally believed 100% he had gifts that no-one else had.. a part of his brain had opened that gave special abilities to see and hear things that no-one else could. They were very real to him. Anyone who tried to explain.. just didnt have these extra dimensions in their minds opened. I sh1t u not...

9th May 2008, 00:11
I think hes aware of that.. he mentioned psychological addictiveness. I also think hes partially correct that for every one person to suffer from mental problems there are many that dont.. I think the percentage issue ("thousands") is very unrealistic though..

306 Cosworth- How do you actually know it wont affect you personally, short or long term?... and if it did do you think you would be aware that you had mental issues?... I say this because my brother was adamant that he wasnt ill .. he totally believed 100% he had gifts that no-one else had.. a part of his brain had opened that gave special abilities to see and hear things that no-one else could. They were very real to him. Anyone who tried to explain.. just didnt have these extra dimensions in their minds opened. I sh1t u not...
He's not 306 Cosworth. He's PbC.

Whether something is addictive in a different way is irrelevant. Addictive is addictive and he said it has "no addictive qualities" which is plainly wrong.

9th May 2008, 00:19
He's not 306 Cosworth. He's PbC.

Whether something is addictive in a different way is irrelevant. Addictive is addictive and he said it has "no addictive qualities" which is plainly wrong.

Ah.. got u now. sry!

9th May 2008, 00:23
It's considered as drug. Simple as that.

9th May 2008, 00:40
On a tangent I've recently discovered that I might have a touch of caffeine dependancy. At work I'll have many, many cups of coffee but during the weekend I tend not to drink so much. In the past few months I've realised that I've been getting quite nasty headaches during the weekend.

My Dad had a similar problem years back (although much worse and he would often be sick). Once he twigged what the problem was he slowly started to ween himself off (drinking decaf every now and then). Now he drinks maybe 1 cup of caffeinated coffee a day and has no problems during the weekend.

It's strange because although you are aware that caffeine is a stimulant you nevver really think it'll have a physical effect beyond keeping you from sleeping.

9th May 2008, 01:01
I think Cola is one of the worst drugs out there. This stuff makes kids go crazy. All that sugar and caffeine,(spelling) is not good for anyone. Why doesn't Cola have to have caution labels ?

9th May 2008, 01:12
But can't you grow tobacco at home if you wish let alone make your own alcohol :D

right.......................... sure you canNotaaaaantigenget can'...............t...................

sorry, too much to holmes pear alkihooooooooooooool to drankkkkkkkkkkkkk.........

9th May 2008, 01:17
I think Cola is one of the worst drugs out there. This stuff makes kids go crazy. All that sugar and caffeine,(spelling) is not good for anyone. Why doesn't Cola have to have caution labels ?

until 1903 the word "coke" had a meaning on them cans.......

the funny thing is today must be my lucky day or my "hey all that you've thought about in one day is on the internet day"...... my friend just posted that "into the wild" is one of his favorite movie so i was quick to reply that it's just about a stuck up middle class self centered jack ass who thinks the world revolves around his bellybutton....

now this thread and how i wanted to post something about i on this particular forum to find out how people thought about it......


so, zico, to "counter act" your story is the one of a friend who's father tried ONE drink in the 50's, just one, one beer while he was on leave at his army base before going to fight the Korean war, one beer and he was addicted to alcohol. his case has been admitted as one of many chemical addictions in the U.S. army (pre-Bush army that is!). one day he just "woke up" and realized what's been happening but not until many years into his addiction. he took many people with him on the road to recovery and his addiction has been the center of many of our family debates. my view is he knew from day 1, make that drink 1 that someone might "really get into" this booze thing, but ignored it because it's an insignificant number of people who are affected by the booze. it's the EXACT same thing as people with weed. it's a gateway drug to people who have the ability (chemically) to be addicted.

it's more of an addictive personality trait than an weed or alcohol adiction trait. AFF is right, it is a drug hence it IS illegal. so the real question ought to be "what is illegal?" and "why?"

the second part of that question is difficult to answer..... but if you look close enough you'll realize that there are so many people who need it, so many who want it and so many who should stay away.....

in the mean time, i'll agree with JVL and say that reality is for suckers and i'll enjoy my Pastis....

9th May 2008, 01:17
I think it's scary when people brew their own alcohol.

9th May 2008, 01:24
I think it's scary when people brew their own alcohol.

yeah..... let's ban thousands of years of "savoir faire" for a quick multi-million litter brews like heineken, budweiser and miller................please!!!!!!

Valve Bounce
9th May 2008, 02:44
"Nah!! it's not a drug - the government is just trying to create a police state.

Oh! I only use it now and then - I can take it or leave it.

Mix?? never, I never mix it with anything.

Wine? Yeah!! I have wine with it, doesn't affect me at all.

Look, I've gotta go for a swim right now!! (this was 4 minutes from the house when we were going out for the day)

None of my friends use drugs - but they are open minded about it.

Hey! can you lend me forty bucks, I'll pay you back when I get some cash from the ATM. "

I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

Valve Bounce
9th May 2008, 02:46
I think it's scary when people brew their own alcohol.

Actually, you could get these kits from the supermarket in Queensland to brew your own beer. My brother in law said it saved him heaps. Then one day, his wife poured all his booze down the sink and he doesn't touch the stuff anymore.

9th May 2008, 08:27
same deal here.... Doctors can't even do studies w/pot. If if were taxed and sold next to cigs. & liquor (get carded to buy) what would be the problem (and the govt. would make a killing!).

9th May 2008, 18:40
Actually, you could get these kits from the supermarket in Queensland to brew your own beer. My brother in law said it saved him heaps. ....

I used to brew my own beer at home :mark:

9th May 2008, 19:13
He's not 306 Cosworth. He's PbC.

Whether something is addictive in a different way is irrelevant. Addictive is addictive and he said it has "no addictive qualities" which is plainly wrong.

He clearly stated the difference between a physical and psychological addiction. A physical addiction possibility exists only certain times, where a psychological addiction can occur with almost anything. Obsessive compulsive behaviors, online gaming, gambling, and many other things not injested into your body can create psychological addictions. There is a huge difference between the two addictions.

Having smoked weed fairly heavily when young, drank, and still smoking cigarettes, I personally think that nicotine is the more addictive drug. I quit smoking weed a long time ago just because I was tired of it, quit drinking when my daughter was born, and still smoke even though I've tried to quit a number of times.

Having "been there, done that" I hope my daughter never abuses any legal drug, and never uses illegal drugs of any sort. However, I personally think weed is much less deadly in consequences to drinking or abuse of many legal drugs.

I also think many societies stay away from making certain drugs legal simply because they are hard to test for or detect easily in the way alcohol is. If they had a quick and accurate roadside test for pot or prescription drug abuse some of them might become legal.

In the case of the weed smokers, all they have to go by now is looking for vans carrying multiple passengers, driving very slowly, billowing smoke, and containing very large amounts of Doritos and Twinkies. :laugh:

9th May 2008, 21:29
I used to brew my own beer at home :mark:

so long as it's for your own consumption, and brew it in small quantities, it should be okay. :beer: :)

9th May 2008, 21:49
In the case of the weed smokers, all they have to go by now is looking for vans carrying multiple passengers, driving very slowly, billowing smoke, and containing very large amounts of Doritos and Twinkies. :laugh:

someone's been watching a little too much Cheech & Chong, if you ask me... ;) :p :

10th May 2008, 17:37
I guess I am anti-drink to a certain extent if I'm honest. But it's someone elses body so I'm not all that bothered :) I just feel sorry for some people who like I say do it every weekend and being ****faced all weekend is normal for them.
Agree with that

Im not a drinker and I pitty those who need to get drunk to have a good time - A couple of drinks with your mates after work or during dinner/party I get - drinking untill you are s_____faced and cant remember anything I dont!

As for Cannibis - If you dont believe prolonged usage is linked to mental illness your either niave or deluded........dont want to believe the studies thats fine but go and ask those who work with these people in the real word....you change your tune

I wouldnt mind if those who need it for medicinal purposes be proscribed it on the strictest of conditions

10th May 2008, 18:47
He clearly stated the difference between a physical and psychological addiction. A physical addiction possibility exists only certain times, where a psychological addiction can occur with almost anything. Obsessive compulsive behaviors, online gaming, gambling, and many other things not injested into your body can create psychological addictions. There is a huge difference between the two addictions.

True. But he said "there are no addictive qualities to cannabis". While it may not be addictive in the sense that nictotine is it's still addictive.

Having smoked weed fairly heavily when young, drank, and still smoking cigarettes, I personally think that nicotine is the more addictive drug. I quit smoking weed a long time ago just because I was tired of it, quit drinking when my daughter was born, and still smoke even though I've tried to quit a number of times.

Having "been there, done that" I hope my daughter never abuses any legal drug, and never uses illegal drugs of any sort. However, I personally think weed is much less deadly in consequences to drinking or abuse of many legal drugs.

I also think many societies stay away from making certain drugs legal simply because they are hard to test for or detect easily in the way alcohol is. If they had a quick and accurate roadside test for pot or prescription drug abuse some of them might become legal.

In the case of the weed smokers, all they have to go by now is looking for vans carrying multiple passengers, driving very slowly, billowing smoke, and containing very large amounts of Doritos and Twinkies. :laugh:

I do wonder if the "Do as I say not as I do" attitude ever works though. I don't mean that in a nasty way or anything. Just that if my parents had done drugs and told me not to perhaps I would have tried drugs because they came out OK. I guess I was a bit cautious because my parents came out OK and they didn't try drugs.

11th May 2008, 22:42
Cannabis DO cause physical dependance!, although accoding to some studies made here it's less adictive than nicotine yet it's still highly addictive and cannot be compared to chocolate, coke or any "regular" food.

It also causes changes on your behauvior while nicotine doesn't(that's why The Offspring are funnier than Frank Sinatra :p ), and the long-term damage to your body is also worse.

See with your own eyes someone addicted to cannabis and then talk about "how good it is"...
I know it has medical uses, but morphine does to, but that doesn mean morphine is sold anywhere? so the "medical" argument is not valid

16th May 2008, 04:21
There are worse things people can do... The law isnt effective and should probably be changed. Whats the point in criminalizing a large part of the population and then not punishing them...

16th May 2008, 07:01
I agree with Zico here.

I think I am in favor of people smoking it for purposes such as pain relief, like cancer patients. Just like alcohol, it should be taken in moderation. People that smoke it every day and are constantly stoned, are just plain stupid. It is a natural medicine, used by many cultures as a medicinal remedy, but, some people abuse it. I smoked it on occasion when I was a teen, but, that was over 20 years ago. I still don't think it should be illegal though.

Only if it has been administered by professional..in some ways. Even this method is not effective because Canadian patients owe up million dollars of prescribed cannibis. Sure you tell me it's not an addictive drug, but the way it feel good is risky to take on harder drugs and I 'lost' several friends this way. I see it part of the bigger criminal business than just a harmless drug. At the risk of making this too politic and getting flamed, the gov on the other hand deal drugs too, but in the form of pharmacy prescriptions.

Ofcourse I disagree with the ridiculous possession law in the US, but we have so many ridiculous ones that cost tax payers so much money.

21st May 2008, 15:39