View Full Version : Lorenzo out for Le Mans?

5th May 2008, 19:07
Bad luck, Giorgio!

"Next Monday will make a new exploration and a more accurate assessment of injuries suffered in both ankles," said Dr. Mir after confirming that the injury of Jorge Lorenzo in the right foot is much more serious than it was diagnosed in the first instance.

Full news (sorry, in spanish)


6th May 2008, 07:02
I feel sorry for JL for the accident. It was bad. Hoping he has the soonest recovery, hence his probability challenging the title is not disturbed by having to be out for Le Mans, .

There were bunches of prediction he wouldn't be able to perform on qualifying and race of Shanghai, more than it there were strong doubt that he can race in the next and next two races.

There were a lot of people also disbelieve on the race result, being injured that worse he can still manage 4th. It's about size of the fight in the dog :)

6th May 2008, 13:29
There were a lot of people also disbelieve on the race result, being injured that worse he can still manage 4th. It's about size of the fight in the dog :)

Lorenzo has the fight of a rottweiler!

I think he'll be racing at Le Mans. Maybe his Spanish surgeon thinks he should stay away, but Doctor Costa will make sure he races. :)

6th May 2008, 14:24
Lorenzo has the fight of a rottweiler!

I think he'll be racing at Le Mans. Maybe his Spanish surgeon thinks he should stay away, but Doctor Costa will make sure he races. :)
Nothing surer than that. Dr Costa is a genius!

7th May 2008, 02:16
I think he will race. It seems as though he is very determined to not let the midget get too far in front :D

7th May 2008, 09:27
I think he will race. It seems as though he is very determined to not let the midget get too far in front :D

Hopefully if he does race he won't do any permanent damage to his leg/ ankle. He is only a young man.

Sometimes the thrill of racing must overpower the senses!

7th May 2008, 10:09
Yes, his health is more important even than racing IMO.

7th May 2008, 10:36
Yes, his health is more important even than racing IMO.

Yes, it is, but thats us saying it and not somenone who is doing this for a living! I bet its a hard choice at times.. Glad I don't have to make those sort of choices with my job!!

7th May 2008, 11:27
JL is fine, I doubt that it would be hard choice as long as he enjoys the job :)

7th May 2008, 13:08
He will race, or he won't get his lolliepop :D

7th May 2008, 21:59
He will race, or he won't get his lolliepop :D

I wonder if that Chupa Chupp contract came with Dental insurance!! :) I think he may be going to be in need of it...

7th May 2008, 22:23
Update on Lorenzo's ankle injuries......... Barcelona, Spain 07/05/2008 Yamaha News

Having flown straight back to Spain on Sunday night following his stunning ride to fourth place in Shanghai last weekend, Fiat Yamaha Team rider Jorge Lorenzo visited the Dexeus Institue in Barcelona on Monday morning for further examination by world-renowned specialist Dr. Xavier Mir.

Dr. Mir, who had only operated on Lorenzo two weeks ago to relieve compartmental syndrome in his right forearm, was keen to carry out his own diagnosis on the injuries sustained during free practice for the Grand Prix of China, which the Clinica Mobile had treated to great effect in Shanghai in order to allow Lorenzo to ride.

The injuries were confirmed to be slightly worse than first thought, especially to the right ankle, which was originally thought to have escaped fracture. A 3D CAT scan of both ankles revealed the following further injuries:
- Fracture of the Astragalus in the right ankle (no displacement)
- Torn lateral internal ligament in the left ankle

Treatment now consists of a solid cast for Lorenzo’s right ankle and an elastic support for his left, temporarily confining him to a wheelchair. "Next Monday we will carry out more tests and make a detailed evaluation of the injuries suffered to both ankles,” commented Doctor Mir.

Lorenzo lies second in the MotoGP World Championship after taking a victory, a second place, a third and a fourth from the opening four rounds. He now faces a battle to be fit for the next chapter of his incredible rookie story - the Grand Prix of France at Le Mans on 18th May.

7th May 2008, 23:15
If Heehaw can use the brake pedal with a cast, look out.

7th May 2008, 23:57
His fourth place in Shanghai - and the qualifying effort for the same place - was something special.

I'm well aware that he's not everyone's cup of tea - although personally I'm a fan, he's a young guy with a lot of talent, why not dress as a gladiator? - but you've got to be impressed with how hard he's been riding this year and the results he's been taking.

13th May 2008, 05:24
Horhay impressed me with his sheer tenacity to even race in China....
Maybe he should have a chat to Jerry about one of Mick's thumb break set ups for the intrim.... hope to see him race in France, we need Casey, Dani and Horhay in the game to make it an interesting battle for title.

13th May 2008, 05:30
Jorge impresses me more and more as time goes on and he is as hard as nails. He's a much needed personality in pitlane, polarising as he is. I'd be astounded if he missed the next race for anything short of amputating his leg! :o

13th May 2008, 08:24
Yeah agree, He inspires the team.
I am much impressed on him too, I can't deny that I like his favorite rider too ;)