View Full Version : Commercials

1st May 2008, 15:58
Just a question for those in Europe or Asia. Are there a lot of commercials on TV using F1 drivers? I've seen commercials on YouTube before, but don't remember seeing any such ads during race broadcasts or other programs here in the US.

During Nascar broadcasts there are many, many commercials featuring drivers and some during the IRL broadcasts as well.

Just read an article about Juan Pablo being on QVC which is a television shopping channel. Apparently they have a racing products segment every week and often have a Nascar driver in the studio to sell his products directly. I've never seen the show, but apparently Montoya sold out of the replica cars he was hawking at $70 per model. Montoya is a funny, personable guy and I wondered what other F1 driver would do that sort of thing.

1st May 2008, 16:29
Yes, in England we have LH advertising Vodaphone (I think - dont pay too much attention to ads) and we have had Kimi & Alonzo in an ad and I think DC and Jensen Button in the past.

1st May 2008, 19:04
Dunno, don't watch adverts - Thanks TiVo!

Powered by Cosworth
1st May 2008, 21:37
The best one is the Murray Walker/Damon Hill Pizza Hut commercial.

I was glad to find out the Pepperoni + Cheese stuffed crust which they advertised is back too!

1st May 2008, 22:25
Hamilton has been in adverts for Vodafone and Santander. Both of course are McLaren sponsors.

Earlier last year Alonso, Hamilton and Hakkinen appeared in an advert together but I can't remember the product.

1st May 2008, 22:31
There have been some appalling ones in Germany — Häkkinen for Mercedes, Michael Schumacher for Fiat, L'Oreal and Tic-Tac, and my favourite, Heinz-Harald Frentzen's Deutsche Post commercial.

2nd May 2008, 00:27
In Poland we used to have Allianz ones with Monty and Ralf. Now they broadcast lots of ING adverts - with Kovalainen last year, Alonso&Piquet this year; also Schumacher for Fiat and Shell and Robert Kubica's dad advertises Husquarna. :P

2nd May 2008, 01:32
Alonso for ING. Which, while still awful, was better than last years ad :p :
Hamilton for Vodafone, where he is darting between the footpaths in another terrible ad.
And finally theres a Honda ad, where the kid is in the pram and occassionally cutting to JB.

2nd May 2008, 03:25
I'd like to see a form of the Alonso ad here in the US airing on the business channels. ING's a great sponsor (I have an ING account for what they call in the UK a retirement ISA) and I think those ads would be great to air as part of a global ad campaign.

Azumanga Davo
2nd May 2008, 11:47
Alonso for ING. Which, while still awful, was better than last years ad :p :
Hamilton for Vodafone, where he is darting between the footpaths in another terrible ad.
And finally theres a Honda ad, where the kid is in the pram and occassionally cutting to JB.

Missed opportunity that. I would have been very happy to see Alonso in the Honda ad, but reverse the positions. Alonso sitting in the pram chucking his toys out, toddler in a single seater driving round merrily on his way without complaint.