View Full Version : Gareth MacHale

21st January 2007, 12:43
Top private Ford on the Monte in an 03 car.... Surely one of the performances of the weekend... Wait till we see him in the 06 Focus... A young driver going places...

Buzz Lightyear
21st January 2007, 12:52
He has a certain amount of talent... but 5 minutes behind the guy infront, and11 minutes of the pace in 14 proper stages. Better than Wilson... but still a long long.. long way to go.

21st January 2007, 13:05
I'll agree with Buzz. Damn good effort which proves he's got something. One to watch methinks.

21st January 2007, 13:19
He has a certain amount of talent... but 5 minutes behind the guy infront, and11 minutes of the pace in 14 proper stages. Better than Wilson... but still a long long.. long way to go

I take it that you would ,of course, have done much much better?

306 Cosworth
21st January 2007, 13:19
I'd like to see you do better Buzz considering he's not a Pro.

21st January 2007, 13:26
A pro? LOL, He'll be back out on the sites on tuesday morning. This kid works for a living.

21st January 2007, 13:28
He was a long way off d outright pace. But he ran his own rally. Considering that car is arguably closer in terms of pace to a Production car than a WRC at this stage it was a fair effort.

21st January 2007, 13:36
He was a long way off d outright pace.

Ahhhh, now I see, If he can't match Loeb, then he is no good? Yes?

21st January 2007, 13:36
He had his share of fun

21st January 2007, 13:40
Ahhhh, now I see, If he can't match Loeb, then he is no good? Yes?

By dat logic so their is only really one pilot in the WRC

21st January 2007, 13:41
Outright pace is set by winner, No?

21st January 2007, 13:55
Yes it is, but each pilot can only go as quickly as his equipment will allow him... Therefore, Gareth can feel very proud of himself...

21st January 2007, 13:56
I agree with Buzz. Good performance, but a long way behind. Don't see why you guys have a problem with that? :s

21st January 2007, 14:02
He was a long way off d outright pace. But he ran his own rally. Considering that car is arguably closer in terms of pace to a Production car than a WRC at this stage it was a fair effort.

Come on get your facts straight. The 03 Focus was leading a rally and winning stages just 2 years ago and is still a car that can be in top 8 in any rally especially on tarmac. It is nothing like a group N car. I would say even a Corolla WRC is much much faster than any top group N car.
11th place and 11 minutes off the pace without major technical problems is not a very good result. Look at what Mikko Hirvonen did in a similar car 2 years ago.

21st January 2007, 14:35
Come on get your facts straight. The 03 Focus was leading a rally and winning stages just 2 years ago and is still a car that can be in top 8 in any rally especially on tarmac. It is nothing like a group N car. I would say even a Corolla WRC is much much faster than any top group N car.
11th place and 11 minutes off the pace without major technical problems is not a very good result. Look at what Mikko Hirvonen did in a similar car 2 years ago.

What rally are you refering to????
And was that after SWRT spent a year developing him????

21st January 2007, 15:01
I think he's talking about Hirvonen, Greece 2005, leading in the '03 Focus.

21st January 2007, 15:13
I heard him on Rally Radio, the first 3-4 words I understood and then he started speaking faster and faster and I just started laughing, he's be asked something again 3-4 words and then faster and faster it was funny just before the SSS but good drive I think and I know everyone else would understand him, I understand that accent but found it funny. Not to be mean to anyone.

21st January 2007, 16:02
Why do still people come up with arguments such as: "I'd like to see you do it better" here? Only a minimal percentage of the forum members are active in the sport, and the whole point of discussion is to submit your point of view, active or not. If someone feels a driver hasn't lived up to his/her expectations, they should be able to conclude, without being replied with comments that ask you to but on a better show. Because, if not, why even bother to discuss?

21st January 2007, 16:13
Why do still people come up with arguments such as: "I'd like to see you do it better" here? Only a minimal percentage of the forum members are active in the sport, and the whole point of discussion is to submit your point of view, active or not. If someone feels a driver hasn't lived up to his/her expectations, they should be able to conclude, without being replied with comments that ask you to but on a better show. Because, if not, why even bother to discuss?

That's most stupid thing to me too!! Drivers are compared to other drivers, not to the fans, right?!? Damned! Its not healthy for me to read such comments, not good for blood pressure.

Buzz Lightyear
21st January 2007, 16:33
He has a certain amount of talent... but 5 minutes behind the guy infront, and11 minutes of the pace in 14 proper stages. Better than Wilson... but still a long long.. long way to go

I take it that you would ,of course, have done much much better?

Im not a rally driver.

21st January 2007, 16:34
What rally are you refering to????
And was that after SWRT spent a year developing him????

Why do you have problems with the fact that MacHale is not world champion? Come on - people have told that he has got a long way to go - and he has. Many people has been where he is and got stuck their, a few have gotten longer but not to the top, and one out of maybe 30-40 has got to the top. MacHale is not better or worse than someone else I think. He has got plenty of sponsors and tries if he is the guy that can impress on everyone. From what I've seen so far, he is not - but he is certainly not the only one in the WRC at the moment in that position. You seem to consider him like a god, and I have no idea why.

Actually I know that he puts himself on quite "high horses" too, so he shouldn't be too mad if some pressure is put on him. That's life. If you're good talking - then you better be good walking or people get pissed. So far, I'm pissed :)

21st January 2007, 16:51
Its not healthy for me to read such comments, not good for blood pressure.

Reading is not unhealthy, it's your reaction that is unhealthy. Try to work on it not to get so worked up. :)

21st January 2007, 17:22
look Machale is a good driver yesbut not a brilliant one and i dont think he will be one. look at him wilson and latvala id be betting on latvala.
and apart from that he cant beat the best in Ireland on tarmac and if he cant do that first he shouldnt be trying on the world stage yet......

21st January 2007, 20:17
This forum has turned into just another knocking shop.
Fair play to the young fella, first privateer Ford home is some result no matter how the begrudgers here slice it up. And as far as National Championships go, how many of the current crop rallied in their respective championships?

21st January 2007, 20:26
This forum has turned into just another knocking shop.
Fair play to the young fella, first privateer Ford home is some result no matter how the begrudgers here slice it up. And as far as National Championships go, how many of the current crop rallied in their respective championships?

All the finns at least

21st January 2007, 21:24
This forum has turned into just another knocking shop.
Fair play to the young fella, first privateer Ford home is some result no matter how the begrudgers here slice it up. And as far as National Championships go, how many of the current crop rallied in their respective championships?

Your signature says enough. I´m afraid you can´t have a propper discussion about this with you.

To turn back on the subject, I think MacHale did fine. Not stunning, but fine. I do rate him higher than Matthew Wilson. I don´t know what his amibitions are, but if he wants a works seat, I agree with most of the people that he still has a long way to go.

To just put some of the current WRC drivers and their other championships in perspective:

Loeb: French national champion, S1600 world champion
Grönholm: Many times Finnish champion
Gardemeister: Finnish F2 champion
Stohl: Group N world champion
Sordo: Spanish Junior champion
P Solberg: Norwegian national champion
H Solberg: Many times Norwegian national champion

But let´s be honest, you don´t need a national championship in your pocket to be on the highest level of rallying.

21st January 2007, 21:43
The big question here is, do you serve your apprenticship in national and or junior series first then progress to a full WRC car and drive, or if you have the chance get into the WRc as soon as possible?

Leave the personalities out of this and look at the principle.............

22nd January 2007, 15:37
Wilson better on gravel

22nd January 2007, 21:16
He's probably the most amateur driver among the ones who competed in Monte.
he did well enough, he's not gonna be a world champion but still did much much better than Wilson or H.Solberg

23rd January 2007, 12:45
Why do still people come up with arguments such as: "I'd like to see you do it better" here? Only a minimal percentage of the forum members are active in the sport, and the whole point of discussion is to submit your point of view, active or not. If someone feels a driver hasn't lived up to his/her expectations, they should be able to conclude, without being replied with comments that ask you to but on a better show. Because, if not, why even bother to discuss?

Ignore them. Is the best you do. With minds like that is dificult to have a decent discussion. If you ignore them and continue your discussion they stay talkin alone between them.

The point is that McHale made a good rally, because with that Focus (is 03 or 04?!?) he was faster than two of the Stobart boys. By the way... is Henning having lessons from Wilson jr? Looking at his pace in Monte it seems that with the Peugeot he would had done really better. I understand that he was cautious and didn't wanted to take any risks, but was not needed so much lack of speed.

But Mchale still has a very long way to go and don't expect a Colin McRae from there :) . He could be an average WRC driver.

25th January 2007, 18:47
Your signature says enough. I´m afraid you can´t have a propper discussion about this with you.

To turn back on the subject, I think MacHale did fine. Not stunning, but fine. I do rate him higher than Matthew Wilson. I don´t know what his amibitions are, but if he wants a works seat, I agree with most of the people that he still has a long way to go.

To just put some of the current WRC drivers and their other championships in perspective:

Loeb: French national champion, S1600 world champion
Grönholm: Many times Finnish champion
Gardemeister: Finnish F2 champion
Stohl: Group N world champion
Sordo: Spanish Junior champion
P Solberg: Norwegian national champion
H Solberg: Many times Norwegian national champion

But let´s be honest, you don´t need a national championship in your pocket to be on the highest level of rallying.

Gareth Mac Hale: Irish forestry champion 2005. Toyota Corolla WRC

26th January 2007, 02:13
now forestry champion no disrespect to it but there wasnt that much competition in the forests winning that to the boys in it is a big achivment but no offence to anyone its not an amazing championship if he wanted to prove himself on gravel in 05 why didnt he go up against lynch in the north or do the british any time lynch and machale meet lynch clean the floor..

26th January 2007, 11:04
I thought i'd pitch in on this. I doubt either MacHale or Wilson will ever be World Champion. I hope they do, but I certainly wont be putting any money on it yet. There have only been two champions from these parts, of course messrs McRae and Burns, and they were lighting up the stages from early on. The only similarity is that they grew up with the machinery, and that I can see it is. McRae spent a couple of years with the Legacy RS before competing with the same car in the WRC, and although Richard drove FWD initially, he then went to a Grp N legacy and was beating Grp A cars, and then he too drove the Legacy before stepping up to the Impreza. The other thing these guys did that MacHale and Wilson havent, is to do the Asia Pacific Championship.

The thing that makes it harder today, is that there arent many championships around that use modern WRC machinery, and so the best way for them to get experience is within the WRC. Ok, they may not be the best out there, but they are trying and its great having a few more WRC cars there.

My only other thing to say is that since watching the early days of McRae and Burns, only one person has impressed me to a similar level, and that was latvala when I saw him in the Focus in 03. I immediately thought he would be a future World Champion.

27th January 2007, 13:26
As one of Gareth`s sponsors. I have to say that some of the comments on here are so far off, please take up roundy roundy racing as you have absoluty no idea of what it takes to get to an event, and to the level that he is at now.

You have no idea or concept of the cr@p that you are talking about, you judge from a warm room, probabaly never competed at a reasonable level. Here are a few facts

Gareth is not a professional driver unlike a number who he has beaten in the past including on Monte, indeed I speak to him at 23.00 some nights and he is still working to make up for the time he has off.

The family own the car if he `rights it off` no more events, again unlike some of the other so called pro`s mentioned in this thread.

The car that he used, was indeed the car that I rode in before the Rally WalesGB and was told that it is some 4 secs a km off the 06 version.

A set of 4 tyres are now 1900E a set, if you put them on the car and drop the car off the jacks and they go on the ground you pay for them event if there are 0kms done hence tyre choice is made and stuck to, he does not have the budget to change compunds at the last minute.

These are a few of many points that I could raise, so please stop having a go, he is out there competing, you would be the first to bitch and moan if there were only 10 cars to watch in a WRC round.

27th January 2007, 14:31
As one of Gareth`s sponsors. I have to say that some of the comments on here are so far off, please take up roundy roundy racing as you have absoluty no idea of what it takes to get to an event, and to the level that he is at now.

You have no idea or concept of the cr@p that you are talking about, you judge from a warm room, probabaly never competed at a reasonable level. Here are a few facts

Gareth is not a professional driver unlike a number who he has beaten in the past including on Monte, indeed I speak to him at 23.00 some nights and he is still working to make up for the time he has off.

The family own the car if he `rights it off` no more events, again unlike some of the other so called pro`s mentioned in this thread.

The car that he used, was indeed the car that I rode in before the Rally WalesGB and was told that it is some 4 secs a km off the 06 version.

A set of 4 tyres are now 1900E a set, if you put them on the car and drop the car off the jacks and they go on the ground you pay for them event if there are 0kms done hence tyre choice is made and stuck to, he does not have the budget to change compunds at the last minute.

These are a few of many points that I could raise, so please stop having a go, he is out there competing, you would be the first to bitch and moan if there were only 10 cars to watch in a WRC round.
Well said !

cut the b.s.
27th January 2007, 16:10
As one of Gareth`s sponsors. I have to say that some of the comments on here are so far off, please take up roundy roundy racing as you have absoluty no idea of what it takes to get to an event, and to the level that he is at now.

You have no idea or concept of the cr@p that you are talking about, you judge from a warm room, probabaly never competed at a reasonable level. Here are a few facts

Gareth is not a professional driver unlike a number who he has beaten in the past including on Monte, indeed I speak to him at 23.00 some nights and he is still working to make up for the time he has off.

The family own the car if he `rights it off` no more events, again unlike some of the other so called pro`s mentioned in this thread.

The car that he used, was indeed the car that I rode in before the Rally WalesGB and was told that it is some 4 secs a km off the 06 version.

A set of 4 tyres are now 1900E a set, if you put them on the car and drop the car off the jacks and they go on the ground you pay for them event if there are 0kms done hence tyre choice is made and stuck to, he does not have the budget to change compunds at the last minute.

These are a few of many points that I could raise, so please stop having a go, he is out there competing, you would be the first to bitch and moan if there were only 10 cars to watch in a WRC round.

Well said

27th January 2007, 17:36
As one of Gareth`s sponsors. I have to say that some of the comments on here are so far off, please take up roundy roundy racing as you have absoluty no idea of what it takes to get to an event, and to the level that he is at now.

You have no idea or concept of the cr@p that you are talking about, you judge from a warm room, probabaly never competed at a reasonable level. Here are a few facts

Gareth is not a professional driver unlike a number who he has beaten in the past including on Monte, indeed I speak to him at 23.00 some nights and he is still working to make up for the time he has off.

The family own the car if he `rights it off` no more events, again unlike some of the other so called pro`s mentioned in this thread.

The car that he used, was indeed the car that I rode in before the Rally WalesGB and was told that it is some 4 secs a km off the 06 version.

A set of 4 tyres are now 1900E a set, if you put them on the car and drop the car off the jacks and they go on the ground you pay for them event if there are 0kms done hence tyre choice is made and stuck to, he does not have the budget to change compunds at the last minute.

These are a few of many points that I could raise, so please stop having a go, he is out there competing, you would be the first to bitch and moan if there were only 10 cars to watch in a WRC round.

Well said Sir, well said.

27th January 2007, 19:23
The car that he used, was indeed the car that I rode in before the Rally WalesGB and was told that it is some 4 secs a km off the 06 version.

So he would have been 22mins quicker with 06 beating Loeb by 11mins?

28th January 2007, 08:52
This forum has turned into just another knocking shop.

To my mum, a knocking shop is a brothel :laugh:

The big question here is, do you serve your apprenticship in national and or junior series first then progress to a full WRC car and drive, or if you have the chance get into the WRc as soon as possible?

There is no proper ladder to the top, and this is a problem.

So he would have been 22mins quicker with 06 beating Loeb by 11mins?

Good point ;)

Buzz Lightyear
28th January 2007, 18:49
Correct me if im wrong, but was it Mr McHale himself who said he would be able to give 'the big boys a run for their money in Rally Ireland'? There is no envy or anamosity, its simple facts. He has alot of catching up to do, even on his perferred surface, to be even within the top 8 in Rally Ireland. Best of luck to him all the same.

28th January 2007, 23:27
To my mum, a knocking shop is a brothel :laugh:

Does she charge much?

31st January 2007, 09:42
Gareth MacHale's new Ford Focus WRC 2006.

Driver:.............Gareth MacHale
Co Driver:.........Paul nagle
Car:.................Ford Focus WRC06
Preperation:......Tom Gahan/M-Sport
Tyres:..............BF Goodrich

31st January 2007, 09:46
Does she charge much?

You ******* :p :

31st January 2007, 09:50
Gareth MacHale's new Ford Focus WRC 2006.

Driver:.............Gareth MacHale
Co Driver:.........Paul nagle
Car:.................Ford Focus WRC06
Preperation:......Tom Gahan/M-Sport
Tyres:..............BF Goodrich

Looks good

31st January 2007, 11:02
As one of Gareth`s sponsors. I have to say that some of the comments on here are so far off, please take up roundy roundy racing as you have absoluty no idea of what it takes to get to an event, and to the level that he is at now.

You have no idea or concept of the cr@p that you are talking about, you judge from a warm room, probabaly never competed at a reasonable level. Here are a few facts

Gareth is not a professional driver unlike a number who he has beaten in the past including on Monte, indeed I speak to him at 23.00 some nights and he is still working to make up for the time he has off.

The family own the car if he `rights it off` no more events, again unlike some of the other so called pro`s mentioned in this thread.

The car that he used, was indeed the car that I rode in before the Rally WalesGB and was told that it is some 4 secs a km off the 06 version.

A set of 4 tyres are now 1900E a set, if you put them on the car and drop the car off the jacks and they go on the ground you pay for them event if there are 0kms done hence tyre choice is made and stuck to, he does not have the budget to change compunds at the last minute.

These are a few of many points that I could raise, so please stop having a go, he is out there competing, you would be the first to bitch and moan if there were only 10 cars to watch in a WRC round.

Everybody loves to see WRC cars, but everybody has the right to judge if a driver made well or not and if a driver reached the expected level or not. I don't see him and his family as poor people, as you wanted to show.

The guy is on WRC , ok, good, one ore WRC to see wich is positive. But that don't make him a super driver. He is a ordinary driver that didn't show talent to be a Colin Mcrae or even a Richard Burns. That's what all said and i don't know what's your problem.

I'm tired of the idea that a driver that come to WRC must be seen as a excelent driver. The excelent drivers are less than the good drivers on WRC. On WRC we have the excelent to very good, the good to average, and the average to bad.

31st January 2007, 14:16
I may be wrong but I believe that Gareth's new car was used on the Monte by Matt W although it was registered 1 ES there...

31st January 2007, 14:55
He is a ordinary driver that didn't show talent to be a Colin Mcrae or even a Richard Burns. That's what all said and i don't know what's your problem.

Jam - I think you'll find that in Mcrae and Burns's early days, they were running as works drivers, hence their ability to fing cars off the road as they pleased. I don't remember either of these lads ever having a proper job.

Mchale is not a works driver, holds down a job, and is a privateer true and true.

So stop talking nonsence. You obviously have no experiance of competing, or not a very strong memory of how many of the current drivers started.

31st January 2007, 15:18
Jam - I think you'll find that in Mcrae and Burns's early days, they were running as works drivers, hence their ability to fing cars off the road as they pleased. I don't remember either of these lads ever having a proper job.

Mchale is not a works driver, holds down a job, and is a privateer true and true.

So stop talking nonsence. You obviously have no experiance of competing, or not a very strong memory of how many of the current drivers started.

All the drivers started from the bottom, but all of them needed an important thing to go anywhere: MONEY. If you have a lot you can reach a WRC car, if you haven't you can't reach a WRC car. There's nothing to do with be an average driver or an excelent driver.

My opinion mantains untouchable, is good to have one more WRC car on WRC, is good to MacHale to be able to be on WRC rallyes as a private driver, but this don't make him an excelent driver.

And you my dear cannyboy, open your eyes and try to be honest, and specially respect the others opinion. Many thanks.

31st January 2007, 15:29
And you my dear cannyboy, open your eyes and try to be honest, and specially respect the others opinion. Many thanks.

You'll find that your opinion will be respected if you base it on facts.
You stated that Mchale hasn't show the promise of a mcrae or burns.
Mccrae wouldn't have got near a car without his father's help in getting him a works seat at a very young age.
I saw him crash often enough in his early days on various irish championship rounds, which he could do, due to his works drive. It took him a long time to develop as a driver.

Also, Richard burns had massive backing from Elonex, which bought him a works subaru seat.

In both these drivers cases, they had works seats at a young age thanks to contacts and money.

Thus, they could develop their driving style with out worry of damaging their own car.

Neither spent much time as a privateer, and neither ever had a proper job.

So don't make statements comparing drivers until at least you have looked at the facts involved.

31st January 2007, 17:29
McRae and Burns are not the whole world, it may be true they got it easy but there are several others who have had to fight to get up there, McHale is not an exception among the drivers and if he is good enough he will make it to works seat but as my opinion he has lot to show and proof before that happens.

31st January 2007, 18:02
So don't make statements comparing drivers until at least you have looked at the facts involved.

I said that he will never be a Colin McRae or a Richard Burns, wich means that he will never be (in normal conditions) world rally champion. I didn't know that you're problem about me was in these words...

I could be wrong in my apreciation, but is my opinion at the moment.

To be as good as you try to show that he is, we need to see a lot... and if his problem is money... why to come to WRChampionship to earn experience and learn WRC rallyes on a 1st year driving a WRCar?

We have a portuguese that will have the first WRC season, and as money is not much he decided to start in PWRC. At least he could run as fast as possible without thinking in risks, learn WRC rallyes, and if he is really fast then will have something to prove the speed. Is better than say "I'm fast, but as I haven't money I couldn't take risks with my WRC car and never shown my real speed."

Options that i respect, but please... no complaints. Garreth Machale could be a excelent driver, but has to show and improve a lot, because until now we saw almost nothing.

31st January 2007, 18:02
Double post

31st January 2007, 19:37
The morale of this is to not open a thread celebrating an 11th place lol.

cut the b.s.
31st January 2007, 20:30
The morale of this is to not open a thread celebrating an 11th place lol.

no, the moral is that there are a lot of members posting here who are somewhat ignorant about the sport they follow, McHale did a good job on Monte for a privateer, is he the next big thing? Time alone can tell, will be interesting to see later in the season when he hopefully gets more comfortable with LHD how he does.

31st January 2007, 20:34
no, the moral is that there are a lot of members posting here who are somewhat ignorant about the sport they follow, McHale did a good job on Monte for a privateer, is he the next big thing? Time alone can tell, will be interesting to see later in the season when he hopefully gets more comfortable with LHD how he does.

LHD? :confused: can you explain please?

31st January 2007, 20:50
LHD = Left Hand Drive. As I've understood, so far he has only driven RHD=Right Hand Drive cars. Y'know, they drive on the left side of the road in Ireland. ;)

If he's so concerned about damaging the car because he is short on money, why has he bought a Focus 06? Damaging that car could dent his wallet even more.

1st February 2007, 00:46
He Was Still First Privateer Ford Home!!!!!

1st February 2007, 09:56
Well, i was on the stages in Ardeche and in Monte Carlo for the SSS. No one there was saying Mc Hale wasn't good and as far as driving style is concerned i found his to be very efficient on a visual respect, smooth and precise.

By far more efficient than Wilson (Ok, his 1st tarmac rally in the car blah blah ...) who's 'flicking' in nearly every corners, even on straights.

On the other hand, from the human eye, camera and eventually the chrono, he clearly appeared to be slower than the big Boys ahead of him.

"He has talent but for some reason doesn't push" were the words from many spectators. Hence he got his share of cheerings from the crowd just like Hirvonen, Loeb, P.Solberg, Garde, Kopecki, Cuoq, Atko, Sordo, Grönholm, etc... while some others i won't mention got their load of whistles, Hou, hou, pffff, donkey ears and so on...

Not crashing the car and building his experience with the car are somewhat major factors.
Ok, he didn't put the Monte on fire but overall acheived a good performance with average speed.

I don't think time has come to go bashing him. He just landed in the sport and has average speed for the moment. Give him some time then we'll see if he's another "Fast Gareth" or a serious driver.

1st February 2007, 10:50
LHD = Left Hand Drive. As I've understood, so far he has only driven RHD=Right Hand Drive cars. Y'know, they drive on the left side of the road in Ireland. ;)

If he's so concerned about damaging the car because he is short on money, why has he bought a Focus 06? Damaging that car could dent his wallet even more.

Thanks :up:

As i said nack, to be short of money (and can't take risks) and run in a WRC or upgarde to a 06 WRC... there are options that we should respect, as the others should respect the opinions.

1st February 2007, 21:09
EU55BMV I believe is an ex Gronholm car he guided to victory on the 2006 Rally Sweden

Gave Gareth a break. judge the man this after he competes on for the second time this will give a fairer reflection to his pace to his pace before ye cast judgement. Monte was a highly respectable result ill stick my head out on this and state he'll score a top 6 finnish again this year.

2nd February 2007, 00:56
ill stick my head out on this and state he'll score a top 6 finnish again this year.

Hope you do yes a top 6 finish n wrc is a good result but in Mexico I this agree as there were what 11 12 wrc cars out there, He may have talent but to prove that talent is not doing wrc's with small entry list, look at all the other rallies he did last year, no dis-respect but he scored a 6th out in Mexico last year look at his results for rallies with desent entry lists, 6th was a good finish but a small entry played a good part in it...

2nd February 2007, 01:07
Hope you do yes a top 6 finish n wrc is a good result but in Mexico I this agree as there were what 11 12 wrc cars out there, He may have talent but to prove that talent is not doing wrc's with small entry list, look at all the other rallies he did last year, no dis-respect but he scored a 6th out in Mexico last year look at his results for rallies with desent entry lists, 6th was a good finish but a small entry played a good part in it...

How many WRCs were there in New Zealand last year? 11. And where did Matthew Wilson finish? 13th. Where did Henning Solberg finish? 12th. (if I remember right). Rossi finished 11th.

There were Group N drivers who did better, including a driver who's never (to my knowlege) done a round of the PWRC outside New Zealand.

So it's really easy to get good results when there's a small number of WRCs, right? :p :

2nd February 2007, 01:26
How many WRCs were there in New Zealand last year? 11. And where did Matthew Wilson finish? 13th. Where did Henning Solberg finish? 12th. (if I remember right). Rossi finished 11th.

There were Group N drivers who did better, including a driver who's never (to my knowlege) done a round of the PWRC outside New Zealand.

So it's really easy to get good results when there's a small number of WRCs, right? :p :

Yep spot on it is easy if the retirments that happened in mexico happened in NZ im sure wilson would of been up there aswell, yeah rossi finished 11th in a wrc rally and hes a person who has been in rally cars alot less than MacHale remember that just watch the space nd we shall see if he improves i hope he dose but cant see it to much, and if you ask me this years monte was easyer than last years New Zealand rossi on gravel 11th novice driver machale tarmac 11th i wouldnt call him a novice hes far from it

2nd February 2007, 13:56
Here is MacHales new Focus


2nd February 2007, 14:39
Looks nice but I still prefer the Munchis car. I wish Gareth well for the season and hope he gets some great results, he's certainly going to have a massive crowd behind him come November...

4th February 2007, 08:41
It looks great :D

4th February 2007, 10:40
very nice indeed, is that an american flag by the side? why is it there?

4th February 2007, 13:19
His sponsor is an Irish owned US golf course I believe.

5th February 2007, 04:56
never gonna make it

5th February 2007, 13:18
Top private Ford on the Monte


5th February 2007, 13:31
never gonna make it

Define "make it"

cut the b.s.
5th February 2007, 15:33
never gonna make it

It could be argued that he already has ;-)

5th February 2007, 16:32
Nope hasnt made it, Donnelly has made it even though it was on an Irish rally machale may ahve finished 6th last year but that wasnt making it. Im giving him a chance but he will not make it till he is getting consistent top 6-10 stage times and finishing rallies in the region of 5th to 9th consistentley

cut the b.s.
5th February 2007, 17:10
Nope hasnt made it, Donnelly has made it even though it was on an Irish rally machale may ahve finished 6th last year but that wasnt making it. Im giving him a chance but he will not make it till he is getting consistent top 6-10 stage times and finishing rallies in the region of 5th to 9th consistentley

He has a successful business, he has several events lined up in a 06 Focus, I think he's doing alright

5th February 2007, 17:29
He has a successful business, he has several events lined up in a 06 Focus, I think he's doing alright

Alright not good v good or excellent just alright I am delighted to see an irish man on the wrc stage dont get me wrong there im just saying he is just at his limit and isnt going much further the media have blow him up to much I dnt know but I think owen murphy will be beter driver than gareth, I would love to see gareth winning rallies and consist wrc points but if he is so good like so many people are saying he should nt of been so far of the pace

Captain VXR
5th February 2007, 18:47
Here is MacHales new Focus


Very nice :s mokin:

5th February 2007, 20:39
Nice car!

How come has hasn't made it yet? :s you don't expect him to win a rally, right? he's a truly amateur privateer, and in Monte he beated Wilson in his "works" car so I think he's has "made it"

5th February 2007, 21:19
Nice car!

How come has hasn't made it yet? :s you don't expect him to win a rally, right? he's a truly amateur privateer, and in Monte he beated Wilson in his "works" car so I think he's has "made it"

All depends on what your interpertation of made it is...

To me making it is showing pace worthy of a true factory ride. To me making it is being a legitimate contender for the podium in most of the events. To me making it is different than other people.

If you mean to say he has made it, in terms of he has proven that he can be a fast privateer then you are certainly correct, that he has made. I have nothing against Gareth, but I don't expect him to ever fight for anything more than the low points at some events. He has proven however that he isn't just a rich kid playing, that he has some ability, and should be able to compete and put on a show.

But made it? To me? Sorry. To me he is just another Antony Warmbold or maybe one day a Manfred Stohl...

5th February 2007, 21:40
he can drive fast but not near fast enough and for beating wilson in monte gareth is better than wilson for sure wilson is another that wont be that hi up but try taking this he wouldnt be near latvala and thats for sure, I've no problems with Machale competeing but hes just at his limit if he wasnt he would be driveing for the stobart team on selected events like Latvala hes making it when he starts getting this and scoreing points from that drive thats it

5th February 2007, 21:55
sills you dont think Gareth can improve at all? It's like you're saying he isn't going to learn and get faster. How can he be at his very limit this early into his rallying career? No one is saying he is going to be a world champion or even on the pace of a Hirvonen/Atkinson. I dont think you are really thinking.

6th February 2007, 03:54
sills you dont think Gareth can improve at all? It's like you're saying he isn't going to learn and get faster. How can he be at his very limit this early into his rallying career? No one is saying he is going to be a world champion or even on the pace of a Hirvonen/Atkinson. I dont think you are really thinking.

I think you miss read what i said he is nearley at his limit is what I said look he will improve to be good enough to be Irish national champ and may be Irish international champ I would like to think he could be world champ but he will not be look latvala if he can match him at this stage he could make it but he cant he is average International

6th February 2007, 10:56
In other words, Sills talks a lot of arse!!!!

6th February 2007, 11:14
...if he wasnt he would be driveing for the stobart team on selected events like Latvala...

Maybe is cheaper to buy a WRC and run with it than rent a car from Stobart. I think that if Garreth wanted to rent a Stobart Focus we would had done it, because on this team (as in all the others) is a question of money, not a question of skills.

6th February 2007, 13:47
Maybe is cheaper to buy a WRC and run with it than rent a car from Stobart. I think that if Garreth wanted to rent a Stobart Focus we would had done it, because on this team (as in all the others) is a question of money, not a question of skills.

Thats a good point none of them have much talent apart from Latvala, wilson is there because of his father, And Im no talkin bull bazza if you look at it hes average driver, Im gettin feed up of people sayin hes not and alot of people in Ireland know that all he is and will ever be until gronholm loeb solberg atkinson hiroven gailli gardimister kopeky and alot more retire from the sport

6th February 2007, 14:28
Sills is still talking arse.

McHale was first privateer Ford home in Monte. FACT.
He was quickest of all non-works Fords. FACT.

All else is speculation and opinions.
I do not see why he has to be knocked for what is an amazing achievement.

6th February 2007, 14:43
Sills is still talking arse.

McHale was first privateer Ford home in Monte. FACT.
He was quickest of all non-works Fords. FACT.

All else is speculation and opinions.
I do not see why he has to be knocked for what is an amazing achievement.

you call 11th in monte amazing he was brought up on tarmac if you people are all going to say hes an amazing driver for finishing 11th your fu*ked,
Fact he cant Beat Donnelly
Fact he cant beat Nesbitt
Fact he cant beat Lynch (give kev his impreza back)
Fact he was getting beat by Jones in Donegal last year
Fact I dont know what happened higgins in galway but he cant beat him normally either.

This chap has a long way to go a very long way fact the only people that are talking arse are people like you who think because he was first private driver home on the monte that he is a great driver tats arse its the same old bull hes the same as austin was whe he was off the pace there ere always problems, Gareth head is to big for himself and its people like you that are giving him such a big head, He said he was delighted to be on the pace of Donnelly in galway If you call nearley 3 minutes behind on the pace fair fu*ks
fact :)

cut the b.s.
6th February 2007, 15:50
you call 11th in monte amazing he was brought up on tarmac if you people are all going to say hes an amazing driver for finishing 11th your fu*ked,
Fact he cant Beat Donnelly
Fact he cant beat Nesbitt
Fact he cant beat Lynch (give kev his impreza back)
Fact he was getting beat by Jones in Donegal last year
Fact I dont know what happened higgins in galway but he cant beat him normally either.

This chap has a long way to go a very long way fact the only people that are talking arse are people like you who think because he was first private driver home on the monte that he is a great driver tats arse its the same old bull hes the same as austin was whe he was off the pace there ere always problems, Gareth head is to big for himself and its people like you that are giving him such a big head, He said he was delighted to be on the pace of Donnelly in galway If you call nearley 3 minutes behind on the pace fair fu*ks
fact :)

Gareth spent more time on the loose in Ireland than on the tar

6th February 2007, 16:09
And Sills is still talking arse.

6th February 2007, 18:34
Gareth spent more time on the loose in Ireland than on the tar

That may be true still he wouldnt go up snd try best lynch or donnelly on gravel in the northern champ or higgins in th brc your the one talking arse he be wiped of the table, look at the facts he won the rish national lynch did a couple of events and mckinstery did some aswell and they wiped him simple as that, neither of us are going to agree but he is anational level and may-be international level but not close on wrc top 8 consistency, I'll bring this back up again after another 5 rallies he does and at the end of the season and i'll be the one that was rite im not going to even comment on mexico cause he probley will finish in the points because of such a crap entry

cut the b.s.
6th February 2007, 19:19
That may be true still he wouldnt go up snd try best lynch or donnelly on gravel in the northern champ or higgins in th brc your the one talking arse he be wiped of the table, look at the facts he won the rish national lynch did a couple of events and mckinstery did some aswell and they wiped him simple as that, neither of us are going to agree but he is anational level and may-be international level but not close on wrc top 8 consistency, I'll bring this back up again after another 5 rallies he does and at the end of the season and i'll be the one that was rite im not going to even comment on mexico cause he probley will finish in the points because of such a crap entry

why the insults kid? I have only pointed out facts here, I've not given opinions or made rash statements. I have my own thoughts on Gareths ability, everyone else is entitles to theirs, we are all also entitled to a forum free of abusive members like yourself

6th February 2007, 19:37
why the insults kid? I have only pointed out facts here, I've not given opinions or made rash statements. I have my own thoughts on Gareths ability, everyone else is entitles to theirs, we are all also entitled to a forum free of abusive members like yourself

Im not the one that started being abusive, I know well your entitled to your opinion and at the end of this year after rally ireland i'll brig this back up and trust me I'll be rite it takes alot of drivers to retire for him to have good resultsRallyireland i where Gareth said he should be challenging the big boys (on tarmac) no chance, he is big headed if he lost his big head he would have more of a chance.
I respect your opinion dont think I dont, but so many pople go on about him like he will be world champ and as good as the lkes of Donnelly hes in at the deep end and hes jumped feet first and is sinking fast and needs to prove him self in the rallies after mexico
Sorry if I offended you

6th February 2007, 20:14
The only person to benefit from all this thread is probably Matt Wilson lol!

6th February 2007, 20:20
The only person to benefit from all this thread is probably Matt Wilson lol!

Read some peoples comments closer he hasnt benfited one bit think we should start one on him everyone might agree how bad he is

6th February 2007, 21:14
Read some peoples comments closer he hasnt benfited one bit think we should start one on him everyone might agree how bad he is

been there, done that, look soon for the commemorative T-Shirt...

6th February 2007, 21:53
The only person to benefit from all this thread is probably Matt Wilson lol!

Severely doubt it....

7th February 2007, 03:27
you call 11th in monte amazing he was brought up on tarmac if you people are all going to say hes an amazing driver for finishing 11th your fu*ked,
Fact he cant Beat Donnelly
Fact he cant beat Nesbitt
Fact he cant beat Lynch (give kev his impreza back)
Fact he was getting beat by Jones in Donegal last year
Fact I dont know what happened higgins in galway but he cant beat him normally either.

Sorry now to let 'facts' get in the way of a good argument, but of the 5 points above, only one would actually qualify as a 'fact' (beating Jones in Donegal) and even that is somewhat tenuous seeing as MacHale finished 3rd and Jones had a DNF.

The rest I'm afraid are merely opinions. What are facts however are:-
He beat Lynch in Galway
He beat Jones in Galway
He beat Higgins in Galway.

And of course you're only as good as your last result, isn't that right??

7th February 2007, 04:15
At Galway, Gareth was more impressive than Donnelly, I think. Did Donnelly finish? No. Did Gareth? Yes.

Duval proved that speed counts for nothing if you cannot keep the car on the road.

7th February 2007, 07:11
Sorry, Cosmo, but I prefer a fast guy in ditch on a slow guy in finish. At least Donnelly had real desire to win.

Not bashing anyone here.

7th February 2007, 10:52
This is a discussion between the local ones... a way to promote Garreth MacHale :D

Im not the one that started being abusive, I know well your entitled to your opinion and at the end of this year after rally ireland i'll brig this back up and trust me I'll be rite it takes alot of drivers to retire for him to have good resultsRallyireland...

Forget the "at the end of this year" Sills... I felt the same in 2006 about Matthew Wilson. At that time after the first rallyes i blamed the boy and everybody started to call me jealeous and other things. But when the evidences where obvious i don't saw that fools comming here to recognize whatever was. This lack of respect, and worst, lack of vision, sometimes put me aware of these forum.

But at least you some members have a consolation: MacHale is better than Wilson, but you have to take in account the age and experience of MacHale comparing to Wilson. Machale started earlyer with litlle cars, and Wilson later with top cars.

7th February 2007, 12:47
At Galway, Gareth was more impressive than Donnelly, I think. Did Donnelly finish? No. Did Gareth? Yes.

Duval proved that speed counts for nothing if you cannot keep the car on the road.

u must be the only one tht thinks that, Eugene had top points well wraped up at the end of day one in galway, But the fact is the genie is a racer a true competitior and when a win is on he will go for it.
It was Eugenes first rally in this dream machine that is not ment to be as good a rally car as ford so yeah before the rally started I said there would be excuses flying about gareth useing left hand drive. I think it was a bigger step to move to a 2006 imp from that Toyota 8 year old car.

"Duval proved speed counts for nothing if you cant keep it on the road"
eugene has showed lots of incredaible speed over the last four years and to have one crash in the last four year since his last one (excludeing sabatoge in cork) if you ask me thats an excellent driver at th limit all the time and winning and not crashing i think the Speed counts for nothing if you cant keep it on the road doesnt count for donnelly for some reason, look at the wrc drivers over the past four years they have had more crashes than eugene so cant say much there, hope you are all here at the end of the year to apologise.