View Full Version : Is winter finally here?

21st January 2007, 10:13
The BBC website says the minimum for monday is going to be -5, tuesday -1 with snow, wednesday -6 and thursday -1.

So is winter finally here? :mark: I only ask because it's been disappointingly mild so far as temperature goes and I'm fed up of the wind constantly blowing and keeping the country warm! :bigcry:

21st January 2007, 11:37
Your winter seems to be lasting all the way till Friday so better enjoy all you can ;)

Ian McC
21st January 2007, 12:02
Yeah, a week seems to be about right these days

Not complaining too much though, snow causes havoc at work.

21st January 2007, 12:24
Yes, it's snowing hard here at the moment. :bounce:

Prof Yaffle
21st January 2007, 12:40
Was snowing on the m66 last night on my way back from Bury.
Maybe its about timeit was here.


21st January 2007, 13:18
Was a few inches of snow here on Thursday and forecast to be cold (2-3C) and icy all week.

No doubt I'll have to leave for work 30 mins early to get there on time :rolleyes:

But yes, looks as though it's starting to get colder. A thick frost on the car this morning and saw a car go into a field on the way up the road, lucky there wasn't a fence there.

21st January 2007, 13:50
Well with crystal clear blue skies, brilliant sunshine and 11 degrees outside at the moment, I don't see no sign of it arriving around here yet. Infact, the daffodill bulds I planted last Autumn seem to think it's Spring already because they're starting to make appearances all over my gardens.

21st January 2007, 14:17
Yes, it has been snowing for the whole day, but I'm a bit ill now, so I can't enjoy the coming of winter. :|

21st January 2007, 19:29
Its snowing just outside of Manchester!

21st January 2007, 19:42
It's snowing outside my window right now. :)

21st January 2007, 20:29
At least some 10 inches of snow came down today. :up:
One thing that winter has and other seasons don't is the very enjoyable quiet the snow padding provides. :up:

21st January 2007, 21:13
Oh god, a low of -4C up north. This will cause the roads to go mental, and I may get afew days off work.

21st January 2007, 21:15
Its snowing just outside of Manchester!
There were some quite venomous clouds over Liverpool way heading towards the Wirral. Perhaps I may get a look at some snow tomorrow morning on the way to work :)

22nd January 2007, 00:00


Mark in Oshawa
22nd January 2007, 00:17
you guys have no idea about winter, and thanks to global warming, neither do I much anymore. Texas has seen more snow this year than Southern Ontario around Toronto.

22nd January 2007, 05:10
Snow is awesome :up: I opened the window and what did I hear? Nothing! Everything was so quiet. I hope there's even more snow coming so they couldn't shovel it all away... :s mokin:

oily oaf
22nd January 2007, 06:22
(throws faggot onto roaring log fire and lights pipe)

Of course when I say faggot I'm referring to a piece of kindling and not an American gentleman with an inate fondness for men's bottoms.
No that would be a bit harsh really :(
Mind you I do think that that Rock Hudson should have been burned face down in his Bel Air mansion. He started Aids you know :eek:
Apparently he contracted it from Jonny Weismuller's monkey during a brief but intense relationship in 1963 and before you could say Chimp's Chuff half of Hollywood had gone down with it. FACT!

Next week:
How that Richard Burton started an outbreak of Foot And Mouth Disease in Llandudno :mad:

Brother John
22nd January 2007, 07:17
We have the first snow here in the South East of Sweden. I donīt know if it will remain it is now, however, -2 degrees, according the Forecast (http://www.smhi.se//weather/natvader_en/ntv_landvader.html) and It will be minus till Friday in this area. It is, however, much colder around Hagfors!
Hope It will stay that way for the next 3 weeks!

Mark in Oshawa
22nd January 2007, 07:22
After the OAF, what point is there to sayin anything more...

oily oaf
22nd January 2007, 07:31
I have to report that we London wallahs are rarely treated to the white stuff due to the greenhouse effect of the big city coupled with our being located in a type of bowl jobbie, so myself and Mrs Oaf greeted the forecast of snowfall with no small amount of excitement :(

In fact Mrs O became so enthused at the prospect that the meteorologically inflamed lummox began rubbing her hands together with glee and declared that she was hoping for at least 8 or 9 inches :eek:

(goes to junk mail and frantically orders Dr Biggun's Vacum Pump) :batman:

oily oaf
22nd January 2007, 07:36
After the OAF, what point is there to sayin anything more...

Mark I hope you don't mind me asking but what are you having for dinner tonite?
I was thinking about defrosting a nice bit of haddock.
Go down nice with some creamy mash and a big mess of mushy peas that will :)
Trouble is it's all them bloody bones innit? (quivers with pent up rage and consternation)

23rd January 2007, 01:13
There's snow on the mountains, but not in the towns. If that means anything to you :p :

23rd January 2007, 08:29
Foot and mouth in Llandudno? With all the old farts there it makes sense.

23rd January 2007, 09:01
For the first time since last march it is snowing in Dijon! :D
Well there is 1" of snow out there, not too much, but maybe on the mountain it's more and I could do some skiing this weekend.

23rd January 2007, 12:57
Well its proper snowing in Lincolnshire now, it was actually a bit of a blizzard earlier although its not more like sleet so a lot of the settled snow is being washed away. Still nice to look at though.

23rd January 2007, 13:02
I wanted it to snow today so that by the time I had to go back to work tomorrow it would have gone. But nope. It's just waiting until I have to dredge down to the bus stop for work. :( I like snow... to look at... but I hate it to walk on.. unless you have full length wellies or something!

23rd January 2007, 13:15
unless you have full length wellies or something!

........or thigh-length boots :cheese:

23rd January 2007, 14:29
I saw my first bit of black ice this morning! Luckily it was when I was walking and now when I was driving. Sleeeeeepery stuff :)

23rd January 2007, 17:25
Yes Ive just encountered my first back road full of black ice

Whilst driving :s

23rd January 2007, 19:18
I discovered some white hard(packed) snow on streets.

While walking. :s
In my ohohoh, so slippy trainers. :s
Holding hands in my pockets. :s

I didn't fall.
It was fun. :)

I hope there's more more more snow coming so they couldn't shovel all the white stuff away. :s pin:

tin-top fan
24th January 2007, 08:24
Theres snow in Guildford! ( a city just to the south west of London who doesn't know). Its amazing- especially at uni where we have all gotton up early to have a huge snowball fight.

24th January 2007, 08:40
Lots of snow at home in Easbourne, and the drive to work along the A27 was ssssslllllloooooowwwww. The roads themselves were ok, but caution was the way to go.

Now I'm at work there's a lovely snowy scene outside my window with the students of the nearby school making full use of the white stuff!!!!

More snow is likely to be sticking around for the day apparently so the journey home could be fun :eek:

24th January 2007, 08:48
Hmmmmph. Snow everywhere but here :hmh:

A small pond nearwork was frozen over last night so I decided to check if I was Jesus and saw if I could walk on water. was only a thin layer of ice about 1/2 a cm thick so my foot went through :p

24th January 2007, 08:51
Hmmmmph. Snow everywhere but here :hmh:

No snow here either. We had snow here yesterday and not one word. There's a slight dusting of snow near London and everyone is freaking out.

24th January 2007, 08:51
Black ice can be devilish, i once drove a MB Sprinter in November, no snow but lots of icy spots, almost lost the rear four or five times, twice on a straight bit when turbo kicked in at fourth gear, scary as hell. And the damn thing had studded winter tyres.

24th January 2007, 08:53
Black ice can be devilish, i once drove a MB Sprinter in November, no snow but lots of icy spots, almost lost the rear four or five times, twice on a straight bit when turbo kicked in at fourth gear, scary as hell. And the damn thing had studded winter tyres.

Only did that once, driving on a frosty road up Kielder a few months ago, I was pressing on at about 60mph when I got a bit of a tank slapper, managed to save it just fine but I didn't do 60mph any more!

24th January 2007, 08:57
Yep snow around here last night, only about 1" though. Still it's nice and sticky so my little snowman will be good :D

24th January 2007, 09:01
Black ice can be devilish, i once drove a MB Sprinter in November, no snow but lots of icy spots, almost lost the rear four or five times, twice on a straight bit when turbo kicked in at fourth gear, scary as hell. And the damn thing had studded winter tyres.

Even though it's not icy around here at the moment I've been pussyfooting it around in the car. The thought it the turbo kicking in while in 2nd on an icy bit of road doesn't bear thinking about :mark:

24th January 2007, 09:23
I don't know why they're all so dark, it's actually a whole lot brighter here, no clouds whatsoever and -11*C

http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/5562/talv53mh.th.jpg (http://img209.imageshack.us/my.php?image=talv53mh.jpg)http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/5163/talv40dn.th.jpg (http://img408.imageshack.us/my.php?image=talv40dn.jpg)http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3807/talv37my.th.jpg (http://img207.imageshack.us/my.php?image=talv37my.jpg)http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/8434/talv20dy.th.jpg (http://img408.imageshack.us/my.php?image=talv20dy.jpg)http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/6885/talv11ld.th.jpg (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=talv11ld.jpg)

24th January 2007, 10:30
15 centimeters of snow in Dijon this morning and a few degrees under 0!
Beautiful and very silent, just how I like winter!

Brown, Jon Brow
24th January 2007, 10:32
I had a severe case of shrinky winky at the bus stop this morning. But I'm fully defrosted now :)

24th January 2007, 15:22
Chinook weather here now. +, yes +, 12 deg. C :D

24th January 2007, 16:00
Theres snow in Guildford! ( a city just to the south west of London who doesn't know). Its amazing- especially at uni where we have all gotton up early to have a huge snowball fight.

I'm in Guildford as well. Snow has pretty much gone now but they are predicting severe weather conditions overnight.

Might be sledging tomorrow down at Newlands Corner :D

24th January 2007, 16:31
No snow here either. We had snow here yesterday and not one word. There's a slight dusting of snow near London and everyone is freaking out.

I agree. Surely people should be used to snow by now? I imagine the supermarkets of the South East are running low on bread and milk as people panic buy. Not to mention fuel. :p :

24th January 2007, 17:41
Snow is awesome.

Its still coming down here in Lincolnshire but not properly settled yet. Its jolly good fun though :D

Brown, Jon Brow
24th January 2007, 20:38
Snow looks pretty but to be honest with the transport problems it causes it's a pain in the arse :rolleyes:

I used to live at Shap in Cumbria and we used to get at least a foot of snow in the winter. We were essentially isolated for a week.

24th January 2007, 21:24
Been a beautiful day here :cool:

25th January 2007, 08:29
Weather man says it was -18C outside at 9am, my thermometer says only -12C.
It seems i have managed to get a small frostbite in my left big toe, i have bad habit of keeping it near open wentilation window when i'm doing stuff in my computer. :(

25th January 2007, 08:33
It was -14*C at 7am here. And now it's -12*C. :cool:

I just looked out of the window and gaaaaaaaaaa so much snow, roads look slippy too, I want to go and slide a bit :s pin: :burnout:

And I can't tell you how much I like 1) the sunny weather and 2) wintery silence. :up: (Am I getting old thatI like peace and quiet?)

25th January 2007, 08:58
+20cm new snow and -8°C this morning :D

25th January 2007, 09:02
+20cm new snow and -8°C this morning :D
Bar stud :mark:

I just got to de ice a car with a scraper for the first time :cheese:

25th January 2007, 09:07
I just got to de ice a car with a scraper for the first time :cheese:

Tell us how it felt ??? :D

25th January 2007, 09:07
I just got to de ice a car with a scraper for the first time :cheese:

Small things please small minds :p :

25th January 2007, 09:12
Where's it all gone :confused:

25th January 2007, 09:29
I just got to de ice a car with a scraper for the first time :cheese:
I hope you just scraped the windows and not the bodypanels. :p :

25th January 2007, 09:48
Like a little kid who got a new toy. :)
It's always good to see someone being genuinely happy for little things like scraping car windows clean of ice. :)
I, of course don't really fancy doing it, especially in -20C cold but hey, each to their own. :)

25th January 2007, 12:22
I was told in most definite terms, 'not to scrape his car!!' this morning. However Daniel only came out when I had just about finished scraping my car and was going to be late for work. :p :

You should have seen him beaming when he got the scraper in his hand!

25th January 2007, 12:40
I hope you just scraped the windows and not the bodypanels. :p :
Whoops!!!!!!!!!!!!! No really! :mark: Whoops.

It was fun. It really was. It was a new and strange concept for me. Unfortunately on the way to work I ran out of washer fluid. Was quite hard to see with the sun shining directly into my eyes on the motorway. Thankfully I had some foaming glass cleaner in the car so when I got to work I cleaned sprayed some on and used to wipers to wipe it clean. I love winter. At least while it's a novelty :p

Oh BTW Caroline. I was only joking about about scraping the bodywork :p

25th January 2007, 13:07
Snow, what snow, haven't seen any except on news and in the papers. In fact its a lovely sunny day, slightly frosty this morning. Because it snowed in London that means everybody got it, the news are so London-centric.

25th January 2007, 14:54
What, snow in Kent?

It's just not fair, is it?

25th January 2007, 19:16
It's been a gorgeous winter day today, plenty of snow in the morning and a beautiful sunshine in the afternoon.

Snowing on the way to work

25th January 2007, 19:17
And beautiful afternoon:

Ian McC
25th January 2007, 21:13
Well I guess that is winter over for another year then :D

25th January 2007, 22:09
I saw my first snowfall :D Sadly I was in the car at the time. I didn't think it was snow at first because there was a lorry out in front with amber lights on so I thought it might have been a gritting lorry :mark: Then I passed it and realised it was snow. Of course as I turned off the motorway it stopped snowing. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr