View Full Version : DOTD

28th April 2008, 02:56
According to ITV (Brundle- http://www.itv-f1.com/Home.aspx) the DOTD was LH. I mean did we watch the same race? So, let me see:

Kimi: no one mistake - pole, fastest lap, victory= according to ITV not good enough.

Button: 6th place - passed 6 cars on the track- not to mention brought the Honda back to the garage

Fisichella did a pretty good job fending off - for as long as possible Heidfield attacks

And then Lewis: cut off Kovi at the start of the race, passed Kubica and then what?

28th April 2008, 03:09
Its ITV, who else are they going to nominate for driver of the day? Hamilton could have had an electrical problem in pit lane and not even make the grid, yet they will still nominate him for drive of the day.

28th April 2008, 03:13
Its ITV, who else are they going to nominate for driver of the day? Hamilton could have had an electrical problem in pit lane and not even make the grid, yet they will still nominate him for drive of the day.

It's also interesting to see how many of their own vievers actually complained about it. I mean what are they thinking? That they are the only ones who know something about F1? Good thing that they lost the F1 coverage to BBC.

28th April 2008, 03:15
I think for Hamilton fans he was the "breathe a sigh of relief" driver of the race! Back to good form.
No mistakes. But he only had the third best race ;)

Valve Bounce
28th April 2008, 03:19
According to ITV (Brundle- http://www.itv-f1.com/Home.aspx) the DOTD was LH. I mean did we watch the same race? So, let me see:

Kimi: no one mistake - pole, fastest lap, victory= according to ITV not good enough.

Button: 6th place - passed 6 cars on the track- not to mention brought the Honda back to the garage

Fisichella did a pretty good job fending off - for as long as possible Heidfield attacks

And then Lewis: cut off Kovi at the start of the race, passed Kubica and then what?

Actually, during the race, Martin reckoned that the lap of the race was some mysterious lap by bunsen - I did mention that in our chat last night during the race.

I think Martin has caught some bug from James Allen and has dihrohea of the mouth.

Valve Bounce
28th April 2008, 03:20
It's also interesting to see how many of their own vievers actually complained about it. I mean what are they thinking? That they are the only ones who know something about F1? Good thing that they lost the F1 coverage to BBC.

Well, they were always going to nominate a Pom - you didn't think they were going to nominate an Aussi, did you? :p :

28th April 2008, 03:27
Actually, during the race, Martin reckoned that the lap of the race was some mysterious lap by bunsen - I did mention that in our chat last night during the race.

I think Martin has caught some bug from James Allen and has dihrohea of the mouth.

Just what I thought :)

28th April 2008, 03:58
Actually, during the race, Martin reckoned that the lap of the race was some mysterious lap by bunsen - I did mention that in our chat last night during the race.
I think Martin has caught some bug from James Allen and has dihrohea of the mouth.
Despite possible lapses in judgment, Martin Brundle is still "the" class act when commentating on F1 races here in Canada. It has been announced that TSN will not carry the ITV feed next year, and I, for one, am going to sorely miss Martin's commentary.

Valve Bounce
28th April 2008, 04:09
Despite possible lapses in judgment, Martin Brundle is still "the" class act when commentating on F1 races here in Canada. It has been announced that TSN will not carry the ITV feed next year, and I, for one, am going to sorely miss Martin's commentary.

Once you use the Pommy filter to eliminate his nationalistic rambling stuff, he's OK. Certainly a helluva lot better than the guff that James Allen comes out with. The thing is, I frequent pino's chat forum during the races, and we manage to have a lot of fun, and just ignore the Pommy guff.

28th April 2008, 04:32
Windsor got the windbag of the day award. "Alonso is average in a great car"

28th April 2008, 04:54
Hamilton's drive was pretty good. He chased the Ferraris all the way. I know the safety cars closed things up a bit but he still kept the Reds honest.

Raikkonen and Massa did exactly as they should have done, they took the fastest car out there to a relatively easy 1-2.

Webber and Kubica kept their noses clean and Kubica probably would have kept his podium steak alive if he had a better start.

I think Button deseves DOTD though. The Honda is a lot better than it has been in a while but he definently put it to good use. It was a good drive that deserved the points it received.

Valve Bounce
28th April 2008, 04:55
Hamilton's drive was pretty good. He chased the Ferraris all the way. I know the safety cars closed things up a bit but he still kept the Reds honest.

Raikkonen and Massa did exactly as they should have done, they took the fastest car out there to a relatively easy 1-2.

Webber and Kubica kept their noses clean and Kubica probably would have kept his podium steak alive if he had a better start.

I think Button deseves DOTD though. The Honda is a lot better than it has been in a while but he definently put it to good use. It was a good drive that deserved the points it received.

...............ahead of Mark?? :rolleyes:

28th April 2008, 04:58
Windsor got the windbag of the day award. "Alonso is average in a great car"

Did he really say that? How could he draw that conclusion? :( !
I'd like to see a link to that quote! No a you tube link ;)
Fred is fast :p :

28th April 2008, 05:19
Did he really say that? How could he draw that conclusion? :( !
I'd like to see a link to that quote! No a you tube link ;)
Fred is fast :p :

He did say it on the phone-in to Channel Ten before the race. He was probably asked about the paddock concensus on Alonso's performance on Saturday and he said something like "well, Alonso is average in a great car and fantastic in an average car"

... um... 2 World Championships? Hello? Something missing in there Peter? :p :

28th April 2008, 06:58
He did say it on the phone-in to Channel Ten before the race. He was probably asked about the paddock concensus on Alonso's performance on Saturday and he said something like "well, Alonso is average in a great car and fantastic in an average car"

... um... 2 World Championships? Hello? Something missing in there Peter? :p :

Did you notice on the track that nobody at Ferrari (including Kimi and Massa) talks to Windsor?

28th April 2008, 07:12
He did say it on the phone-in to Channel Ten before the race. He was probably asked about the paddock concensus on Alonso's performance on Saturday and he said something like "well, Alonso is average in a great car and fantastic in an average car"

... um... 2 World Championships? Hello? Something missing in there Peter? :p :

I got to be honest: I hated Alonso's guts. I thought that he was a spoiled little brat whining all the time with no real talent. Now, after seeing him suffering at Renault, I am changing my mind about him. Especially after seeing that he rather drive for a less successfull team but being happy then working for a more successfull team and being miserable. So, for me Button, Alonso the best on the field today.
PS Windsor & Co. nationalistic comments are going to turn off a lot of people.
Actually, did you know that the ITV viewers were able to watch only Lewis talking in the post race interview? Viewers were unable to watch the initial part of it, where Kimi and Massa were talking? That's because ITV decided NOT to broadcast it. Is England turning like China or what?

Valve Bounce
28th April 2008, 07:37
He did say it on the phone-in to Channel Ten before the race. He was probably asked about the paddock concensus on Alonso's performance on Saturday and he said something like "well, Alonso is average in a great car and fantastic in an average car"

... um... 2 World Championships? Hello? Something missing in there Peter? :p :

You watched channel 10?? I was asleep by then, having watched it elsewhere while chatting with mates on pino's chat forum and also getting the splits from F1.com.

28th April 2008, 10:06
You watched channel 10?? I was asleep by then, having watched it elsewhere while chatting with mates on pino's chat forum and also getting the splits from F1.com.

some of us have no other choice. Personally I would like to see Rusty and McConnville take up commentary of the whole race. Sure the pit lane reporting wouldnt be accessable, but good god I wouldn't have to listen to James Allen's "Hamilton is perfect in every single way" commentary.

Valve Bounce
28th April 2008, 11:33
some of us have no other choice. Personally I would like to see Rusty and McConnville take up commentary of the whole race. Sure the pit lane reporting wouldnt be accessable, but good god I wouldn't have to listen to James Allen's "Hamilton is perfect in every single way" commentary.

You have mail!!

28th April 2008, 14:02
I got to be honest: I hated Alonso's guts. I thought that he was a spoiled little brat whining all the time with no real talent. Now, after seeing him suffering at Renault, I am changing my mind about him. Especially after seeing that he rather drive for a less successfull team but being happy then working for a more successfull team and being miserable. So, for me Button, Alonso the best on the field today.
PS Windsor & Co. nationalistic comments are going to turn off a lot of people.
Actually, did you know that the ITV viewers were able to watch only Lewis talking in the post race interview? Viewers were unable to watch the initial part of it, where Kimi and Massa were talking? That's because ITV decided NOT to broadcast it. Is England turning like China or what?

Ok but if Flavio had not dumped Heiki so he could put more dollars in his pocket by getting Renault to sign Piquet and if Heiki was fast as he is showing he is then I think that Alonso would still be being a spoilt brat so watch the u turn ! ITV Is truly downmarket where it is all about ratings and getting people to watch who know zip about F!. No bad thing if they wanted to learn more than just Lewis this and Lewis that. Lewis is a great driver but the media will create problems for him while the fact we did not hear from Kimi was a pain especially as he played some mind games, easy race etc ( which i am sure it was ) Massa though was on the limit a little more I felt and LEwwis did drive a good race. DOTD... the idea surprised me, could be but i feel MB meant it rather than being told to say it and MB is ok. Its Blundell who is dreadfull, embarrassing, says nothing and says it in the most bad english. Thank goodness the beeb are getting it next year.

For me the DOTD is a person I usually winge about, Nakajima. Not a bad performance but all we get is Lewis this and Lewis that..

28th April 2008, 14:15
Brundle mentioned Sato, Button and Fisi.

In his defence LH was again poor in free practice and looked like he was gonna burn up his tyres chasing the Ferraris again but to his his credit he got a cracking start and was only a few seconds behind the Scuderia which means he was about a tenth or two behind on outright speed alone.

That's a sign of top class - creating something from nothing.

I think Alonso deserves a mention. He was looking good till his engine let go.

Garry Walker
28th April 2008, 15:31
I think Button deseves DOTD though. The Honda is a lot better than it has been in a while but he definently put it to good use. It was a good drive that deserved the points it received.
Button lucked into the 6th place, due to many retirements. It also has to be said that his pace was slower compared to Rubens, both in qualifying and in the race.

Did you notice on the track that nobody at Ferrari (including Kimi and Massa) talks to Windsor?

That is because Windsor is the biggest idiot in f1.

my DOTD - Räikkönen and Webber.

28th April 2008, 15:49
Brundle mentioned Sato, Button and Fisi.

In his defence LH was again poor in free practice and looked like he was gonna burn up his tyres chasing the Ferraris again but to his his credit he got a cracking start and was only a few seconds behind the Scuderia which means he was about a tenth or two behind on outright speed alone.

That's a sign of top class - creating something from nothing.

I think Alonso deserves a mention. He was looking good till his engine let go.

Lewis was just a couple of seconds behind for two reasons:

1. The safety car (that came in twice) did allow everybody to get closer. So, it could be why Kubica was also a couple of seconds away from LH.

2. The Ferraris were not squeezing their engines. The race was in their hands. Lewis is a couple of seconds away? So, what? He was not posing any threat.

So, all this revving about LH being so close to the Ferraris is not totally justifiable. (Actually I am sure that at McLAren are very worried that all the promised improvements are not checking out - Ferrari improved, Renault too but not McLaren)

So, again he did not deserve to be the DOTD. Other people worked way harder than him.

28th April 2008, 16:05
Cant decide my driver of the day from Hamilton, Kubica, Webber and Button, four quality drives there.

28th April 2008, 17:01
I particularly like Steve Ryder's pre-race comment to Mark Blundell........

"Let's have just a few words on Lewis Hamilton"

If only, Steve, if only.

28th April 2008, 19:23
I normally think Webber is over-rated, but for me he was driver of the day this time.

28th April 2008, 19:57
Webber, Nakajima, BUtton and Sato deserve a mention for yesterdays race, other than that no one impressed.

Mickey T
29th April 2008, 00:16
i would have gone with button or webber.

nakajima did a good job as well.

yes, people will say that hamilton kept the ferraris honest but there are three points:

1. were it not for the safety car, hamilton wouldn't have been near them.

2. were hamilton not there, kubica would have kept them just as honest because they had similar race pace.

3. do you honestly think the ferraris didn't have another 0.5s a lap in them?

hamilton eased up on massa and there was one lap where massa just banged one lap that pulled back 0.6 seconds and went back to cruise mode.

29th April 2008, 00:38
The Ferrari drivers easily managed the gap for the whole race.
I believe they do not want to give away how much faster they could have been in race trim, and this way they also kept the engines in good shape for the next GP.

29th April 2008, 00:44
Lewis was just a couple of seconds behind for two reasons:

1. The safety car (that came in twice) did allow everybody to get closer. So, it could be why Kubica was also a couple of seconds away from LH.

2. The Ferraris were not squeezing their engines. The race was in their hands. Lewis is a couple of seconds away? So, what? He was not posing any threat.

So, all this revving about LH being so close to the Ferraris is not totally justifiable. (Actually I am sure that at McLAren are very worried that all the promised improvements are not checking out - Ferrari improved, Renault too but not McLaren)

So, again he did not deserve to be the DOTD. Other people worked way harder than him.

The second SC came out on lap 24, both RK & LH pitted on lap 21, with LH pit passing.

Ferrari were the class of the field in free practice - Ferrari being the only team to lap in the mid 1m22s consistantly; 3 weekends in a row where LH was struggling with set up.

During the second stint he maintains the gap just over 3s behind Massa.

So from being about 0.4s down on the Ferraris on Friday and then down to a matter of tenths is that not an improvement from LH?

29th April 2008, 13:26
...............ahead of Mark?? :rolleyes:

Yes. Button passed more cars and made up more places. Or shall we just give it to Webber for being Australian?

However, Hamilton wasn't DOTD, and it annoys me how they hype him every race. He qualified fifth, finished third, without passing anyone beyond the first corner.

Dave B
29th April 2008, 13:39
The top three did nothing more and nothing less than should be expected of them. Hamilton drove a good race, but that's what he's paid for.

DOTD should be reserved for someone who transcends the limitation of their equipment or overcomes setbacks to achieve an unexpectedly good result.

I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I'd actually give it to Alonso for his performance up until his engine failure.

29th April 2008, 13:54
The Ferrari drivers easily managed the gap for the whole race.
I believe they do not want to give away how much faster they could have been in race trim, and this way they also kept the engines in good shape for the next GP.

I believe Ferrari engines were on their 2nd race. New engines for Turkey.
My DOTD goes to Alonzo prior to engine failure. If not for poor Heikki's accident, maybe he could have done something. Who knows. Nobody really
punched above their weight. :(

29th April 2008, 14:11
I believe Ferrari engines were on their 2nd race. New engines for Turkey.
(You're mistaken dc'! Ferrari engines were on their first race in Spain.
KR, and FM blew engines in the first race! They had no other failiars!
Turkey is fifth race!

29th April 2008, 14:12
Or shall we just give it to Webber for being Australian?

Errrr YES of course! What other reason do you need? :p :

29th April 2008, 16:18
You're mistaken dc'! Ferrari engines were on their first race in Spain.
KR, and FM blew engines in the first race! They had no other failiars!
Turkey is fifth race!

Sorry, my mistake - missed out a race somewhere :dork:

29th April 2008, 21:48
The second SC came out on lap 24, both RK & LH pitted on lap 21, with LH pit passing.

Ferrari were the class of the field in free practice - Ferrari being the only team to lap in the mid 1m22s consistantly; 3 weekends in a row where LH was struggling with set up.

During the second stint he maintains the gap just over 3s behind Massa.

So from being about 0.4s down on the Ferraris on Friday and then down to a matter of tenths is that not an improvement from LH?

Not according to KR. I am sure you read it yourself Kimi saying that they were in control of the race and that there was no reason for him nor for Massa to force their engines. For Lewis was just the opposite, since he was trying to put pressure on Massa. So, IMO Kimi makes sense and besides, if Lewis was so fast how come he was NEVER able to pose any threats at all? But let me join you in your happy moment celebrating Lewis third place. Whishing him and all his fans as many 3rd spots as possible. :)

29th April 2008, 21:49
The top three did nothing more and nothing less than should be expected of them. Hamilton drove a good race, but that's what he's paid for.

DOTD should be reserved for someone who transcends the limitation of their equipment or overcomes setbacks to achieve an unexpectedly good result.

I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I'd actually give it to Alonso for his performance up until his engine failure.

Totally agree (even with Alonso part) :)

29th April 2008, 22:13
IMO Button's performance this weekend is overrated, because he was outpaced by Barrichello both in qualifying and in the race until the Brazilian's front wing was taken off. I think even Trulli was more impressive at Barcelona until the team destroyed his race.

Excellent performances throughout the weekend were shown by Räikkönen, Hamilton, Kubica, Webber, Fisichella and Alonso. Hard to choose between them.

29th April 2008, 23:51
Not according to KR. I am sure you read it yourself Kimi saying that they were in control of the race and that there was no reason for him nor for Massa to force their engines. For Lewis was just the opposite, since he was trying to put pressure on Massa. So, IMO Kimi makes sense and besides, if Lewis was so fast how come he was NEVER able to pose any threats at all? But let me join you in your happy moment celebrating Lewis third place. Whishing him and all his fans as many 3rd spots as possible. :)

I never said LH was extremely fast. In summary I said LH went from slow to fast.

It's all very well being dominant but sometimes the important races is when you have to create something nothing and not necessarily winning races eg. Alonso hold up Schumi to hold onto second place in Turkey was a pivotal moment in 2006, LH consistantly getting podiums last year was why he was WDC contender.

Yes Kimi likes a heavy car it's been a trend throughout his career and he's now in the fastest car and to an extent with a inferior team-mate. He does it week in week out to the extent that it's predictable.

LH has been under the kosh for last couple of races before Spain, BMW are almost near equal to McLaren, Kubica has been a dark horse, so LH doesn't to an extent deserve praise?

Valve Bounce
30th April 2008, 00:27
The top three did nothing more and nothing less than should be expected of them. Hamilton drove a good race, but that's what he's paid for.

DOTD should be reserved for someone who transcends the limitation of their equipment or overcomes setbacks to achieve an unexpectedly good result.

I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I'd actually give it to Alonso for his performance up until his engine failure.

Agreed! :up: This guy really tried his heart out.

Valve Bounce
30th April 2008, 00:28
IMO Button's performance this weekend is overrated, because he was outpaced by Barrichello both in qualifying and in the race until the Brazilian's front wing was taken off. I think even Trulli was more impressive at Barcelona until the team destroyed his race.


Yeah!! but they're not Poms, are they?? :rolleyes:

Valve Bounce
30th April 2008, 00:36
Actually, I'd be tempted to give it to poor Sato, who kept out of trouble, did very well until that last stint. These guys were so short of dough, they had to salvage a second hand set of tyres for the guy for that lst stint, which dropped his pace off to just idling, saving the car in case they got a donation to keep them going in Turkey :(

30th April 2008, 00:43
I think Taku would've done a better job of holding off DC if SA weren't in the financial that they're in now. He desperately needs that car kept in one piece for Turkey - gotta be careful when you're racing DC these days!

Valve Bounce
30th April 2008, 00:59
I think Taku would've done a better job of holding off DC if SA weren't in the financial that they're in now. He desperately needs that car kept in one piece for Turkey - gotta be careful when you're racing DC these days!

Rumour has it that the aero bits and wings on DC's car will be replaced with polystyrene.

30th April 2008, 05:24
so when Hamilton does an OK race and finishes 3rd and certainly lower than what he and the team wanted, plus other midfield drivers drive their hearts out to get a nice results, still Hamilton DOTD?

so when he wins a race he's man of the century? the British sport press is certainly nothing but a joke these days...

my vote goes to Webber and Button

Garry Walker
30th April 2008, 12:01
IMO Button's performance this weekend is overrated, because he was outpaced by Barrichello both in qualifying and in the race until the Brazilian's front wing was taken off. I think even Trulli was more impressive at Barcelona until the team destroyed his race.

Excellent performances throughout the weekend were shown by Räikkönen, Hamilton, Kubica, Webber, Fisichella and Alonso. Hard to choose between them.

Exactly, but some people prefer to overlook actual performance and instead rate the "luck" element.

30th April 2008, 14:19
Exactly, but some people prefer to overlook actual performance and instead rate the "luck" element.
How about the fact that he was just fueled longer than most of his competeters, which would be why he was slower than Rubens in the first stint (what did happen to his front wing anyway?).

30th April 2008, 14:46
The Finn posted the fastest times in both Friday practice sessions and on Saturday beat local hero Fernando Alonso to pole by a tenth of a second. But it was during Sunday’s race where he really showed his mettle, leading from the start line, and keeping a cool head despite the two safety car periods


"Many times I have won and afterwards still had the feeling that it could have gone better. This time I did not have that feeling: this was probably the best weekend I've ever had in my career.”

A strong arguement for Kimi :up:

30th April 2008, 15:30
The Finn posted the fastest times in both Friday practice sessions and on Saturday beat local hero Fernando Alonso to pole by a tenth of a second. But it was during Sunday’s race where he really showed his mettle, leading from the start line, and keeping a cool head despite the two safety car periods


"Many times I have won and afterwards still had the feeling that it could have gone better. This time I did not have that feeling: this was probably the best weekend I've ever had in my career.”

A strong arguement for Kimi :up:

And still not good enough, according to some press. Go figure......

1st May 2008, 12:37
The British media want to sell; not to tell an unbiased opinion. The important thing is that Kimi won. :)

Garry Walker
1st May 2008, 12:44
How about the fact that he was just fueled longer than most of his competeters, which would be why he was slower than Rubens in the first stint (what did happen to his front wing anyway?).

You don`t know if he was fuelled longer than RB or not (to brazilian press Rubens told he was actually heavier). Whatever the case, I am sure they were going to pit within 1 lap of eachother anyway, in which case the fuel difference doesn`t explain why Rubens had opened a gap of 5 seconds to Button by lap 22.

2nd May 2008, 05:04
Webber, Alonso, and *adopts look of pain* Button impressed this race for maximising what their car was capable of and slaughtering their teammates.

Any of those three would be worthy.

Hamilton cruised to third in the 2nd best car on the grid. Average day.

2nd May 2008, 06:58
Its ITV, who else are they going to nominate for driver of the day? Hamilton could have had an electrical problem in pit lane and not even make the grid, yet they will still nominate him for drive of the day.

That's why I prefer watching the races on Speed TV. Whenever I download a race from ITV, I feel it's more of a LH love-fest than a proper race!

2nd May 2008, 18:25
Speed TV are the best!

3rd May 2008, 01:15
Speed TV are the best!

I would agree if......it would not be for the costant Ferrari bashing and the LH biased comments. Granted I don't know anything about other non USA tv channels but I really like it when it's ABC showing F1. Strait comments, no commentator rooting for anyone just pure journalism. That's the way ought to be.

3rd May 2008, 03:01
...............ahead of Mark?? :rolleyes:

No doubt Mark put in a great race, but we kind of half expect him to do that kiind of thing, because he is consistent and in a car that on its day is good enough to be in the points. The fact is button really didnt look like getting points after qualifying but raced the honda out of its skin and did a superb job to get some points as well. The boost honda needed, i'd probably pick him or kimi for another faultless race.

4th May 2008, 21:30
And then Lewis: cut off Kovi at the start of the race, passed Kubica and then what?

Yes, I saw it happen and his unsportsmanlike behaviour didn't even surprise me any more :(

Kovalainen would show more respect.

4th May 2008, 21:37
Granted I don't know anything about other non USA tv channels but [...]

For those who can catch it and understand French : check the live-emissions by La Deux (Belgium). They emit every race and every saturday qualification. The commentator is absolutely the best : Gaetan Vigneron, he knows a lot, can tell it in an interesting way and is always polite and enthusiastic.

I am Flemish, but I've ALWAYS watched the emissions in French, just because of the commentary.

5th May 2008, 02:43
For those who can catch it and understand French : check the live-emissions by La Deux (Belgium). They emit every race and every saturday qualification. The commentator is absolutely the best : Gaetan Vigneron, he knows a lot, can tell it in an interesting way and is always polite and enthusiastic.

I am Flemish, but I've ALWAYS watched the emissions in French, just because of the commentary.

I'll check it out.

5th May 2008, 04:36
Kimi, without a doubt!