View Full Version : CMR2 Jordan Rally WRC

23rd April 2008, 21:48
Time for the first visit ever the WRC does to the middle east

The rally will be run with the following format:
Game Rally: Australia(MIRRORED)
Shakedown stage: SS3
Day 1: Single rally expert level
Day 2: Single rally intermediate level

deadline for submissions is on Wednesday 30th 15:59 GMT

for any other questions, ask them here, newcomers always welcome

have fun and good luck!

24th April 2008, 04:50

Hit the mirrored Oz stages for the first time this AM and had an embarassing run :D

Will try and get shakdown done tonight, and perhaps modify our settings a bit. Something just doesn't seem right...


24th April 2008, 11:48
settle down Tannat! I've got no wheel and had to resort to the keyboard last rally. Hey what the hell! I'm not battling for the lead so I just enjoy myself and I have Pawprint as a Team Member.

24th April 2008, 12:15
2 35 98 Suspension at 0
2 31 80 Suspension at 2-this is more like it!
2 31 91
2 33 78 Steering at +5-made some errors
2 30 25 New PB. Steering +5

May incorporate our findings into our overall rally setup. Just have to be ver delicate with input at steering +5.

Hoping for a points finish, and to finish ahead of NOR (you are my friend, but also a strong competitor :beer: )

Best of luck to all.....

Suzuki Motorsports

24th April 2008, 19:50
I would like compete also if you don't mind :)

24th April 2008, 20:22
I would like compete also if you don't mind :)

Not at all! Everybody is welcome!!

24th April 2008, 21:50
Not at all! Everybody is welcome!!

I offer my place in the team to other drivers. I have no time for this game. In A.RT Ford UK is one seat free.

27th April 2008, 21:39
you're always welcome to comeback dumb!
forum's back guys, deadline will stay the same as we still have 3 days to do the rally

27th April 2008, 21:42
Reporter: forst things first new SKoda FAbia her for you hows it going
M.F: yeah with the help of NOR and Skoda motorsports we've been given the keys to a new Fabia S2000 car for Testing and Development perposes but hey we've had some hopefully competive times out of her this weekend.

Reporter: so how were the new stages for you they seemed pretty trickey.

M.F: yeah dor sure they were fast flowing stages much like Finland with some huge jumps in the stages it was a beast of a time getting the perfect set ups though.

reporter: relistcally what postion are you looking for here?

M>F: well we hope to have some good individual stage times but as for overall we have no idea 10th maybe or higher but really the main aim was to sort the car out and hope to get a set up for when we get to Italy as thats at te moment the rally were looking forward to the most

Reporter: will we still see you in the Skoda then or will it be back in the last generation WRC?

M.F: well hopefully we'll get the go ahead to compete in the S2000 but then again it all depends on this weekends results to be honest with you

REPORTER: on a quick note have you seen J.Linstroem Lately?
M.F: well we know he also missed the last round but hopefully he'll be here we hope he had a great first two rounds to the championship.

REPORTER: thanks a lot Frozzy best of luck

28th April 2008, 06:17
we have finished our shakedown
2:52.66 rolled
2:43.22 PB
2:56.16 hit tree
I doubt if we are a threat to the championship. It is a very challenging Rally. Good luck to all!

28th April 2008, 13:14
We'll be a bit more cautious here than in Argentina- haven't recce'd enough....

Good interview, frozz! :up:

I am evil Homer
28th April 2008, 15:59
Eurosport catches up with Homer :)

E: How did shakedown go?

H: Good, we have a good set up on the car and the C4 is definitely going well so far perhaps even better than we expected at this stage of the season. We've had a great start and w hope to continue that here in the Middle East.

E: What do you expect from the rally?

H: It will tough for sure...lots of loose gravel on the stages and real mix of fast flowing section and then much tighter areas where you have to be accurate. Any drifting wide here and it's so easy to lose many, many seconds. Being accurate here is crucial with the way roads can suddenly tighten up on you without much warning.

E: Any predictions?

H: Well hopefully we'll have no issues on the road sections ;) So hard to call though as there are many top drivers in the championship and just one mistake and you can easily drop a few places. Suzuki are definitely on the up and of course you have the Fords and also the other Citroens to contend with. A podium would be ideal to keep the pressure on Marcel but he's going so well that I think a win might be too much to ask for. We've been close many times so far and I hope we can push him close here in Jordan!

Shakedown times:


28th April 2008, 17:11
Eurosport catches up with Homer :)

E: Any predictions?

H: Well hopefully we'll have no issues on the road sections ;) So hard to call though as there are many top drivers in the championship and just one mistake and you can easily drop a few places. Suzuki are definitely on the up and of course you have the Fords and also the other Citroens to contend with. A podium would be ideal to keep the pressure on Marcel but he's going so well that I think a win might be too much to ask for. We've been close many times so far and I hope we can push him close here in Jordan!

Shakedown times:


You'll be no threat to anyone with SS3 times in the 3 minute range :rotflmao:

28th April 2008, 18:37
"The Suzuki team reports that there is little chance that their Belgian driver Juha will make to the start of the event, after having a collision on a road section with Zimbabwean driver Raul Conradenbach. The car is heavily damaged an Suzuki's restricted might force him to attend the rally as a spectator."

The real reason is that I won't be able to practice enough because of a lack of time. I probably won't make it into the top 8 so it doesn't make sense to me to do the rally.

28th April 2008, 19:06
"The Suzuki team reports that there is little chance that their Belgian driver Juha will make to the start of the event, after having a collision on a road section with Zimbabwean driver Raul Conradenbach. The car is heavily damaged an Suzuki's restricted might force him to attend the rally as a spectator."

The real reason is that I won't be able to practice enough because of a lack of time. I probably won't make it into the top 8 so it doesn't make sense to me to do the rally.

Drive sensibly and think through the stages. You'll do well teammate :up:

28th April 2008, 19:09
Not much chance I'll do it. ;)

28th April 2008, 19:21
Not much chance I'll do it. ;)

Cheers-I think our 3rd in manufacturers is somewhat solid, and there is plenty of rallies left..

29th April 2008, 22:23
Reporter walks up to Tannat after completion of SS10:

Reporter: "Hi there, Tannat. You had a good run in shakedown, what's your impression of the surface here in Jordan?"

Tannat: "Remarkably like Argentina. No setup changes whatsoever."

Reporter: "To your liking or against?"

Tannat: "This surface is okay. If it has to be something other than tarmac we prefer Finland or Greece."

Reporter: "Was it a good start for you today?"

Tannat: "Yes. We are satisfied with our pace. We think the car should be softer, but we'll make no changes now as we are halfway through the rally and need no suprises."

Reporter: "So caution is the mantra?"

Tannat: "Indeed, but we have set many respectable times today. A top 6 is expected."

Reporter: "Cheers, Tannat. Here's luck for a good outing tomorrow."

Tannat: "Thank you"

30th April 2008, 12:14
rally is now completed
really did't have much time to recce this rally.
good luck all

30th April 2008, 13:51
Unfortunately haven't been able to do the rally yet. Are we already past the deadline? I might have time to do the rally this evening, but if I'm too late, I'll accept that and concentrate on the next BRC round. Otherwise I'll have a go (mainly to let others feel good that they've beaten one driver more as I didn't have time to recce properly) tonight.

30th April 2008, 15:49
I had no time for any practice or Recceing, just straight onto the stages in order to submit my timecard at 15.56 GMT..

All in all a horrible rally, most times were way off my PBs, and I hit pretty much every solid object..

30th April 2008, 19:15
Reporter: “Here is Suzuki Motorsports driver Tannat coming off the final stage. Not satisfied with the design of your WRC, Tannat?”

Tannat: (laughs) “It would seem so. We bumped a tree after the final service, but no ill effects, except to the body men.”

Reporter: “Push a bit today, did you?”

Tannat: “When things felt good we did. We were a bit slow on SS16 (SS6), and are not certain why, but felt quite good on SS14 (SS4) and recorded a very good time.”

Reporter: “So you have confidence of a good finish?”

Tannat: “Yes-it has been a good rally.”

Reporter: “I hear a plane is waiting for you at the airport.”

Tannat: “Yes. We must do tarmac testing for the next BRC round. We have yet to prove the car on tarmac. It wil be an interesting time…”

Reporter: “sounds as if so. Well happy testing, Tannat. We’ll see you in Sardinia.”

Tannat: “Thank you”

I am evil Homer
30th April 2008, 19:45
Timecard will be in shortly....after i've eaten my pizza :D

Had a good rally all in all...pace seemed good so i'm hoping for a decent result.

30th April 2008, 21:22
Sorry guys.I didn't have time to run the rally.

1st May 2008, 00:58
I know it sounds odd but I have to ask for an extension on the deadline! been really busy again(and will be also tomorrow) so I haven't been able to run day 2 yet.
results should be up on Friday so anyone who hasn't rallied yet, you have a new chance now

thanks for understanding

1st May 2008, 07:22
I'll see if I can get the rally done tonight in that case then, been busy this time I've just done my GCSE in German. 0_o

1st May 2008, 12:26
I know it sounds odd but I have to ask for an extension on the deadline! been really busy again(and will be also tomorrow) so I haven't been able to run day 2 yet.
results should be up on Friday so anyone who hasn't rallied yet, you have a new chance now

thanks for understanding




1st May 2008, 15:51
It looks like I'm not the only one to be a bit late with completing the rally ;)

After experimenting with a radical setup change (much stiffer suspension) during shakedown, we decided to revert to the gravel setup we used in Argentina. Not having recced the stages, the first day was always going to be a struggle. We hit a few trees, and lost some time ploughing through the undergrowth but found a decent rhythm near the end. The second day was better. No major forestal excursions and a pace similar to the one we managed in Argentina. It was nice competing in the first CMR2WC Jordan Rally and we are looking forward to the challenges awaiting us around the Mediterranean in the coming months. Hopefully there will be more time for testing.

Something else: our charismatic and flamboyant team leader Magnus has gone missing again. He was last seen floating in the Dead Sea pretending to be a whale. Rumour has it he hi-jacked Rautenbach's car and managed to crash it into the World Champion, something hushed up by the authorities, after which he was sent by FIA to a secret camp where punishment was to be inflicted on him by a certain Max M., involving an unspecified amount of leather...

1st May 2008, 16:07
after which he was sent by FIA to a secret camp where punishment was to be inflicted on him by a certain Max M., involving an unspecified amount of leather...


1st May 2008, 16:45
In that case, I'll do it tomorrow morning!

1st May 2008, 17:51
In that case, I'll do it tomorrow morning!

Glad to hear it, teammate :up:

Marcel Haenen
2nd May 2008, 10:27
Damm, totally forgot to do the rally as well. I did a quick and dirty run, without any recce, this morning....hope I can still be included...

2nd May 2008, 12:12
I haven't had time yet, was too busy with school work so it'll probably be nothing for me.

2nd May 2008, 13:55
In ten minutes I'll be leaving and I won't be back until Sunday evening so no Jordan rally for me. Sorry. :(

My excuse is that I'll be codriving in this on Sunday: http://www.rallyfoto.be/uploads/6r4/07.JPG

2nd May 2008, 14:11
In ten minutes I'll be leaving and I won't be back until Sunday evening so no Jordan rally for me. Sorry. :(

My excuse is that I'll be codriving in this on Sunday: http://www.rallyfoto.be/uploads/6r4/07.JPG


Cheers, Juha :up:

2nd May 2008, 14:22
That's the second best excuse possible for missing a round of the championship :) Good luck on Sunday!

2nd May 2008, 15:28
hehe with every one either having bad stage results or not eompeting i may be in with a podium chance ;-)

3rd May 2008, 20:49
WARNING! post below this one maybe spoilers

rally results are now available at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/cmr2wc/files/Rally%20Results/ thanks for the patience

final results and championship standings will be published soon here

3rd May 2008, 22:03
Congratulations to Homer for beating Marcel by such a narrow margin! Marcel came back strongly on the second leg, but Homer had built just enough of a lead on the first Leg. This is a good result for the championship, with only 4 points between our two leading drivers of the season :D

And I'm very happy to give Curtans RallyBase Motorsport its best ever finish, but I'm also a bit disappointed to just miss out on a first point. With a proper recce it could have been really close... But well done to Zes, he was too quick for us this time.

3rd May 2008, 22:42
i'm happy with that. good rally overall.

well done to the winner and all others that entered

4th May 2008, 09:49
Sorry Guys!

I forgot the rally too.
Although it was not the ML Motorsport's weekend, i'm happy with Marcel's result .

4th May 2008, 13:38
WOW! What a great rally! It's fun looking at the results this way..

TIGHT battle for 3rd thru 6th. We got lucky and came out on top and netted a podium at the same time :up:

Cheers to steve, NOR, and Ramore for a good run :beer:

Less than 3 clicks between Homer and Marcel-good rally ! :up:

Only 13 competitors this round :down:

Hoping to keep up the pace in Sardinia

Suzuki should be a solid third in Manufacturers :D

4th May 2008, 15:58
E.S: so after the rally a little dissapointing for you?

M.F: a little but hey at least we were having a great battle with Rat in the toyota on some stages and you know we put in some good times for a reletively new car for us

E.S: how do you feel being the only Frozz Motors Europe drivewr there?

M.F : yeah we were a little dissapointed Lindstrom couldnt be here but we heard he had some financial problems and it wasnt logistically possible for him to transport his Fabia to Jordan from Sweden.

E.S what are the plans for Italy?

M.F well hopefully we'll be able to enter a small italian rally that closely resembles the stages and do some pre rally Testing and development in the new S2000

E.S: many thanks for the Interview Frozz :)

4th May 2008, 23:25
cant open the groups results..anyone know the final standings?

4th May 2008, 23:34
whoopsie I forgot to post the results here!

1.- I am evil Homer Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 41:27,27
2.- Marcel Haenen ML Motorsports Citroën 41:29,84
3.- Tannat Suzuki Motorsport 43:26,17
4.- Steve0302 ARB Racers 43:35,49
5.- NOR Two Basses Team Ford Europe 43:38,28
6.- Jso1985 Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 43:49,58
7.- Ramore Subaru World Rally Team 44:02,48
8.- Zes Peugeot Sport Finland 45:24,50
9.- Kabouter Curtans RallyBase Motorsports 45:47,78
10.- JTLarsen Two Basses Team Ford Europe 46:56,98
11.- Rat Red Bull Toyota 48:33,86
12.- Tuomo Peugeot Sport Finland 48:45,10
13.- Frozzy Frozz Motors Europe 49:49,57

Drivers Championship
1.- Marcel Haenen 46
2.- I Am Evil Homer 42
2.- Tannat 18
3.- Cyborg_hun 17
4.- NOR 15
5.- Juha 14
6.- Steve0302 11
7.- J.Lindstroem 10
8.- Ramore 10
9.- Zes 5
11.- Jso1985 4
12.- JTLarsen 2
13.- PetterSolberg29 1

Teams Championship
1.- ML Motorsports Citroën 63
2.- Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 46
3.- Suzuki Motorsport 32
4.- Two Basses Team Ford Europe 17
5.- ARB Racers 11
6.- Frozz Motors Europe 10
7.- Subaru World Rally Team 10
8.- Peugeot Sport Finland 5
9.- Expert Sport WRT 1

see you in Italy!

5th May 2008, 06:39
Yesss, a point!! I've done only one mirrored run in Australia, and it was this event. I wasn't happy at all with my driving, but looks like others had some problems too. I hope I can practise a bit before Italy. Otherwise there are those steep ditches waiting for me behind tight corners...

5th May 2008, 07:02
thanks for the help Jso!
Lets get back to familiar territory for next Rally.

Marcel Haenen
5th May 2008, 07:34
Nice run, Homer! I only got up to speed in the second leg as I had no time to recce, which I really need for these kind of rallies. Championship is really close, there is a nice fight going on this year!

5th May 2008, 12:11
Drivers Championship
1.- Marcel Haenen 46
2.- I Am Evil Homer 42
2.- Tannat 18

HOLY LEAPFROG, BATMAN! Some fortuitous absences and a sound showing on this rally has taken us to third in the overall standings :up:

Will enjoy this probably until the end of the next rally as it is certain not to last....

5th May 2008, 14:16
Hi everybody! I am now back from a long period without a computer that have made me unable to participade in the competition. This is something that really is a pity, since my rally of Mexico was really bad and i really had to to a great result in this rallies to make up for that. I was after my great results in Monte and Sweden aiming for the top three position in the overall standings, but after this i don't know if that will be possible. Anyhow, i hope that everybody has had a great time, now when i am back i hope for a nice fight in the future!

Cheers! / Joel

I am evil Homer
7th May 2008, 13:19
Wow i'm shocked by the win...I thought I'd done well but wasn't sure it was enough to win after the second day was slower. Seems like I did just enough on 1 or 2 stages to ensure I had a cushion from the charging Marcel!

Congrats Tannat on the podium :)

7th May 2008, 14:25
Congrats Tannat on the podium :)

Cheers, mate :up:

Your giving Marcel a good run-keep it up. I know he appreicates it as well. :up:

7th May 2008, 19:22
Congrats guys! :)

I'll try to compete next time. :)

8th May 2008, 08:55
Yeah well done guys ;) Hopefully I'll find time to compete in the next one.

Sorry Ramore... :(