View Full Version : This is the B.S. that gets me heated.

22nd April 2008, 01:14

So now NASCAR all of a sudden has their own Danica. Good old Fox Sports has to jump in with an article for NASCAR that trumps Danica. Jesus, even after a historical event, again Indy Car is placed below NASCAR.

I am suprised ESPN didnt post something similar.

22nd April 2008, 01:29
And this surprises you?!?

NASCAR is all about personalities...the racing is almost an afterthought...

...this plan has served them well, for over a decade...

...and now some little chicky from that OW series is grabbing headlines...

...you can bet that NASCAR will have the guns blazing...

22nd April 2008, 03:03

So now NASCAR all of a sudden has their own Danica. Good old Fox Sports has to jump in with an article for NASCAR that trumps Danica. Jesus, even after a historical event, again Indy Car is placed below NASCAR.

I am suprised ESPN didnt post something similar.

You have to remember that Fox has a business relationship with NASCAR, but none with IndyCar. Fox will promote their product. You weren't expecting them to be "fair and balanced", were you?

22nd April 2008, 03:06
Who Cares! At least Chrissy Wallace is wining races on a repeated basis and not running around mid pack.

Question: Besides this past weekend what is the last "CAR" race that Danica won? Wait For it!................

Still thinking about it arent you? of course you are, that is because she HASNT ever won a car race! the last race Danica won was in a Freakin Go kart, yep, thats right, she couldnt win in formula feeder series, she couldnt win in Atlantics and yet she has a ride in Indy Car!

She only has that ride for one reason, Shes HOT! thats it, she doesnt even deserve to be in that car what so ever. There are FAR much better talented drivers out there, but they just dont have *****, ***** and long hair to go along with the marketing.

Unbelieveable, she has never won a race since being in a go kart, that is what 10 yrs ago!

I am not a big fan of Chrissy either, but at least she is competing and winning races in CARS, not just go karts......

Danica got lucky and won the race by being the slowest car on the track.. Yes you can say Jimmie Johnson did tha same thing last weekend, but he led over half the race, at least he deserved to win. Danica barley cracked the top 10 all day and won because Helio thought she was a lap down...... Yeah for Danica....

22nd April 2008, 03:43
Who Cares! At least Chrissy Wallace is wining races on a repeated basis and not running around mid pack.

Question: Besides this past weekend what is the last "CAR" race that Danica won? Wait For it!................

Still thinking about it arent you? of course you are, that is because she HASNT ever won a car race! the last race Danica won was in a Freakin Go kart, yep, thats right, she couldnt win in formula feeder series, she couldnt win in Atlantics and yet she has a ride in Indy Car!

She only has that ride for one reason, Shes HOT! thats it, she doesnt even deserve to be in that car what so ever. There are FAR much better talented drivers out there, but they just dont have *****, ***** and long hair to go along with the marketing.

Unbelieveable, she has never won a race since being in a go kart, that is what 10 yrs ago!

I am not a big fan of Chrissy either, but at least she is competing and winning races in CARS, not just go karts......

Danica got lucky and won the race by being the slowest car on the track.. Yes you can say Jimmie Johnson did tha same thing last weekend, but he led over half the race, at least he deserved to win. Danica barley cracked the top 10 all day and won because Helio thought she was a lap down...... Yeah for Danica....

Umm, yes, we know that Danica is at best a mid-pack driver, and yes, we know she won on strategy and not speed. However, that is the first time a woman has won an Indycar race and it is a historic occasion. When a woman first wins a NASCAR Cup race, it will also be a historic occasion. So, the media hoopla is deserved. Let's just hope that ABC/ESPN turns it down a notch so that those who tune into the Kansas race won't be subject to the "Danica and 25 Other Guys Who Happened to Show Up Show".

22nd April 2008, 04:02
Who Cares! At least Chrissy Wallace is wining races on a repeated basis and not running around mid pack.

Question: Besides this past weekend what is the last "CAR" race that Danica won? Wait For it!................

Still thinking about it arent you? of course you are, that is because she HASNT ever won a car race! the last race Danica won was in a Freakin Go kart, yep, thats right, she couldnt win in formula feeder series, she couldnt win in Atlantics and yet she has a ride in Indy Car!

She only has that ride for one reason, Shes HOT! thats it, she doesnt even deserve to be in that car what so ever. There are FAR much better talented drivers out there, but they just dont have *****, ***** and long hair to go along with the marketing.

Unbelieveable, she has never won a race since being in a go kart, that is what 10 yrs ago!

I am not a big fan of Chrissy either, but at least she is competing and winning races in CARS, not just go karts......

Danica got lucky and won the race by being the slowest car on the track.. Yes you can say Jimmie Johnson did tha same thing last weekend, but he led over half the race, at least he deserved to win. Danica barley cracked the top 10 all day and won because Helio thought she was a lap down...... Yeah for Danica....

Actually I can think of it right off of the top of my head, that was beating Tom Kendall at Long Beach in the Toyota Celebrity/Pro race. Oh, but what, Tom Kendall, what a hack he was...

Did you even watch the race? Danica was never out of the top 10 ALL RACE. I just went back to my DVR to confirm that. Then 3 drivers (Helio, Carpenter & Danica) come in for fuel and 2 of them, including a 2 time Indy 500 winner, were unable to pace themselves, but she was.

Go back to CCF...

Rudy Tamasz
22nd April 2008, 07:58
Top 10? Alonso is regularly in top 10 in F1 and he's not quite happy about it. He's mad, in fact. ;)

22nd April 2008, 13:54
Top 10? Alonso is regularly in top 10 in F1 and he's not quite happy about it. He's mad, in fact. ;)

I'm with you. Who gives a rat's *** about top 10's and top 20's. Only those who go along with the Nascarization of racing.

Incidentally GFAW, I don't believe him to be a CCF, but a Nascar fan. They seemed to be making an effort to trivialize this as quickly as they can. Funny how a Nascar driver can win on strategy, then it's brilliant thinking by the crew, but when Danica does it, it's a lucky, undeserved win.

No matter how bad AOW has been over the last dozen years, I could take solace in that it's still racing. When a series can have a driver go 5 laps down at a road course like Watkins Glen and then end up finishing 7th on the lead lap, like Kyle Busch did, then it ceases to be a racing series to me. Purely entertainment by that point.

22nd April 2008, 14:01
On the positive side, at least IndyCar got themselves a headline that made Fox/NASCAR scrambling to find a retaliation.

Keep it up :up:

22nd April 2008, 15:38
Top 10? Alonso is regularly in top 10 in F1 and he's not quite happy about it. He's mad, in fact. ;)

2nd = 1st loser.

23rd April 2008, 00:05
Top 10? Alonso is regularly in top 10 in F1 and he's not quite happy about it. He's mad, in fact. ;)

He also wouldn't be marketable in a bikini ;)

23rd April 2008, 00:28
The Christy Wallace announcement was heard, but not the headliner of the Patrick victory. Go to http://www.indycar.com and look at all the network appearances she has lined up this week. Wallace sure doesn't have those.

Dave Brock
23rd April 2008, 01:58
And this surprises you?!?

NASCAR is all about personalities...the racing is almost an afterthought...

...this plan has served them well, for over a decade...

...and now some little chicky from that OW series is grabbing headlines...

...you can bet that NASCAR will have the guns blazing...

Thius statement was made w/o regard to the history of the IRL and Sarah Fisher. Once they caught the presses eye then along came Kate Legge, whom I migh ask, where is she today (either of them?).

Racing since WWII has been ALL ABOUT "monkey see - monkey do"... every team wants to appear as polished as Penske's and every series wants a new headliner, be it a woman or a sugar daddy (think Joe Gibbs) any gimmick is fodder for the suits to consider as a vehicle to put more dry butts in seats (as opposed to "wet" ones...the returning customers).

Danica-mania has just hit its stride, from last w/e until the forseeable future ALL women drivers or prospects will be compared to DANICA, just as all prospects and women drivers in NHRA were compared to Shirley Muldowney.

Comparrisons to media darings ain't nuthin new in racing, it is just SOP and a continuation of the same ol stuff that has gone on in racing since 72,00 people watched a midget race in L.A. in 1934 on a Wednsday night.

All you have to do to avoid it is pay a lot less attention to the media mouths and MORE on the actual event.

23rd April 2008, 02:36

So now NASCAR all of a sudden has their own Danica. Good old Fox Sports has to jump in with an article for NASCAR that trumps Danica. Jesus, even after a historical event, again Indy Car is placed below NASCAR.

I am suprised ESPN didnt post something similar.

Um, I'm not sure whats there to be angry about there, it seems the article was rather critical of the fact that depsite being a much larger (in terms of # of drivers) Nascar still doesn't have a winning minority driver, or capable woman racer.

BTW: I viewed the article more as an answer to a question that was going to be asked but hadn't yet by the Nascar fans "where is our Danica Patrick?" Don't think the intent was to steal her thunder.

Actually I can think of it right off of the top of my head, that was beating Tom Kendall at Long Beach in the Toyota Celebrity/Pro race. Oh, but what, Tom Kendall, what a hack he was...

Tried looking this up on Danica's wikipedia, guess no-body who submits for wikipedia thinks of this as something worht putting down in her bio...

but wait, the overall winner of that celebrity/pro race was Dara Torres, wonder why no-one stuck her in a race car yet? :p :

Did you even watch the race? Danica was never out of the top 10 ALL RACE. I just went back to my DVR to confirm that.

Sorry, had a chuckle over that comment to. The race I watched only had 10 cars on the lead lap for about 1/2 the race (I went back to my DVR to confirm that too :p : )

But off topic a little, how long was the original broadcast of the race? TSN squeezed it into 2hrs (25-30 mins of it was post race) and it seemed that alot of commercial breaks lasted about 20 laps, so I want to confirm if they really did cut out some of the early parts of the race, or I'm just going nuts here...

23rd April 2008, 06:44
Sorry, had a chuckle over that comment to. The race I watched only had 10 cars on the lead lap for about 1/2 the race (I went back to my DVR to confirm that too :p : )

I noticed that too, at about the half way point only the top ten were on the lead lap, but for some troll to say she "barley cracked the top 10 all day" shows how full of BS he is

23rd April 2008, 08:20
I noticed that too, at about the half way point only the top ten were on the lead lap, but for some troll to say she "barley cracked the top 10 all day" shows how full of BS he is

Well, the fact that the poster in question has 2 posts, and both of them are, well, Danica related also speaks volumes... However, while "barley cracked the top 10 all day" maybe an exageration, there where times (around lap 55 - I don't know, commercial break on lap 77 returned on lap 106 :( ) where barely in the 10 top, running 8th in front of Carpenter and Meira may be applicable. So potentionally she was barely in the top ten for about 1/4 of the race :p :

23rd April 2008, 16:49
Well, the fact that the poster in question has 2 posts, and both of them are, well, Danica related also speaks volumes... However, while "barley cracked the top 10 all day" maybe an exageration, there where times (around lap 55 - I don't know, commercial break on lap 77 returned on lap 106 :( ) where barely in the 10 top, running 8th in front of Carpenter and Meira may be applicable. So potentionally she was barely in the top ten for about 1/4 of the race :p :

But in the top 5 for 3/4 of the race...

23rd April 2008, 19:47
But in the top 5 for 3/4 of the race...

Well, now that statement would be almost as accurate as fowler's "barley all day" gem... :p :

for the first 50 or so, she was running 6th
2nd 50 or so 8th
and of course most of the last 50 she was also outside the top 5...

So, from the race I have on DVR... she was outside the top 5 for 3/4s of the race. and she was "barley" in the top 5 most of whats left :p :

23rd April 2008, 20:12
The Christy Wallace announcement was heard, but not the headliner of the Patrick victory. Go to http://www.indycar.com and look at all the network appearances she has lined up this week. Wallace sure doesn't have those.

Same process as the young lady that lost a wing at Road America. If DP was as good at public speaking as KL, there would be great momentum.

24th April 2008, 03:08
Wow, I didnt know you guys would get so worked up over my opinion, but its nice to see. Yeah, I usually dont post much on the internet, but really what I said is true and it was just something I had to say, you know get it off of my chest.....

For me as a struggling race car driver spending every dime I have to make it to racing only to see some girl in a car because she is hot, just really, really sucks. Racing is the only sport where its all about business and nothing else, its the only sport where you can buy your way into a car, or as long as your marketable it doesnt matter how well you can drive, its what you can do to generate more money for the team......

Shes with one of the top and most funded teams in the IRL and she just now won a race being the slowest car on the track, when being in an AGR car, she should be the fastest car on track and shes not. She does nothing but whine on the radio, she wrecks on outlaps and almost hit the medical truck, she cries when drivers dont give her "ROOM" LMAO. Its racing, you dont just move over cause your a girl!

so yeah, she hasnt won in a car, her last win was in a go kart, so if you look at statistics after her go kart career, what has she done to deserve to be where she is?

My big point, is there are way more talented drivers in the world that deserve an opportunity to race. Dont give the ride to the hot female or the minority, but give it to the person who deserves it, I dont care who you are, what color you are, what gender you are, but Gosh Dangit, give the ride to somebody who deserves to be there.....

yes, this happens alot in NASCAR as well, anyone heard of Paul Menard??? talk about buying your way into a ride!

anyway, enough for me for one night...... ive said what I needed to say....

24th April 2008, 03:27
We certainly differ on which is the best public speaker, weefly....and probably which is the best driver.

AutoWeek took a different tack......


24th April 2008, 05:30
Wow, I didnt know you guys would get so worked up over my opinion, but its nice to see. Yeah, I usually dont post much on the internet, but really what I said is true and it was just something I had to say, you know get it off of my chest.....

For me as a struggling race car driver spending every dime I have to make it to racing only to see some girl in a car because she is hot, just really, really sucks. Racing is the only sport where its all about business and nothing else, its the only sport where you can buy your way into a car, or as long as your marketable it doesnt matter how well you can drive, its what you can do to generate more money for the team......

Shes with one of the top and most funded teams in the IRL and she just now won a race being the slowest car on the track, when being in an AGR car, she should be the fastest car on track and shes not. She does nothing but whine on the radio, she wrecks on outlaps and almost hit the medical truck, she cries when drivers dont give her "ROOM" LMAO. Its racing, you dont just move over cause your a girl!

so yeah, she hasnt won in a car, her last win was in a go kart, so if you look at statistics after her go kart career, what has she done to deserve to be where she is?

My big point, is there are way more talented drivers in the world that deserve an opportunity to race. Dont give the ride to the hot female or the minority, but give it to the person who deserves it, I dont care who you are, what color you are, what gender you are, but Gosh Dangit, give the ride to somebody who deserves to be there.....

yes, this happens alot in NASCAR as well, anyone heard of Paul Menard??? talk about buying your way into a ride!

anyway, enough for me for one night...... ive said what I needed to say....
I think that is an excellent way to put it. I have a good buddy that is a better driver than her, he did more with much less, and now he is out of a ride. Sucks how some suceed and others dont, and it has nothing to do with them as drivers.

24th April 2008, 05:52
Not to be cold, but ever since Madison Ave. started footing the bills, this has been a harsh reality for all drivers. Their concerns are with driving skill ONLY as it relates to marketability. Every driver entering into the professional ranks knows this fact. It is not something new. The rankings of who "deserves to be there" encompass more than skill as a driver. In the pro ranks the person who "deserves" to be there is the person who has driving skills AND the ability to deport themselves well on camera as well as in the board room. You have to have the combination.


24th April 2008, 06:29
For me as a struggling race car driver spending every dime I have to make it to racing only to see some girl in a car because she is hot, just really, really sucks. Racing is the only sport where its all about business and nothing else, its the only sport where you can buy your way into a car, or as long as your marketable it doesnt matter how well you can drive, its what you can do to generate more money for the team......

Shes with one of the top and most funded teams in the IRL and she just now won a race being the slowest car on the track, when being in an AGR car, she should be the fastest car on track and shes not. She does nothing but whine on the radio, she wrecks on outlaps and almost hit the medical truck, she cries when drivers dont give her "ROOM" LMAO. Its racing, you dont just move over cause your a girl!

Like it or not, drivers are selected just as much for their marketability as they are for their talent. Racing is not like other sports. In baseball, a team has 81 home games to collect revenue from their own fans, plus stadium advertising, concessions, merchandise, and a television contract. Race teams don't get a cut of the ticket sales, concessions and television contract. And their annual winnings are typically less than their annual budget. Unless you can find a way to fix that, accept it and move on.

Hit the medical truck? She had a blown tire! I find it more impressive that she DIDN'T hit the medical truck when in all likelyness she should have.

24th April 2008, 07:26
Shes with one of the top and most funded teams in the IRL and she just now won a race being the slowest car on the track, when being in an AGR car, she should be the fastest car on track and shes not. She does nothing but whine on the radio, she wrecks on outlaps and almost hit the medical truck,

Yea, it must take a real hack to hit the medical truck... :rolleyes:


24th April 2008, 14:26
Well, Fowler, I wish you well in your career and hope you can stop whining long enough to get to work to get to where you want to go in racing.

She was NOT the slowest car on the race track. Earlier in the race, she was running 195s, same as the group at the front. She was just slower when it counted in order to HAVE A CHANCE to win the race.

As Gary said, you hafta have a whole package to get a looksee as a race car driver. That's not all bad. Baseball has its steroids scandal and other sports have their own issues, but it's been a long time since I recall a race driver being accused of being a USER.

Living in a town with the Indiana Pacers right now, you get the opposite. Long a stellar franchise with class and good players and personnel, the past three years have torn the franchise apart....players getting arrested, some multiple times, while being paid millions of dollars, shooting off guns in strip club parking lots, bar fights, being in cars with dope, etc.

And you know what? The people aren't coming to watch as much, they missed the playoffs and the franchise loses all that ticket money and its "clean heritage" which will take years to rebuild, both in faith and following and in dollars to keep the franchise going.