View Full Version : UK Car Insurance

20th January 2007, 14:14
If at some point in there life someone has made a can insurance claim, in the future when getting cover for a different car would they simply be able to 'forget' that they made a previous claim, so as to keep insurance down?

20th January 2007, 18:57
you could lie, but if you got caught (after a crash) and were found out, you would have no cover. could be expensive.

jim mcglinchey
20th January 2007, 18:59
Nah, those buggers have it covered every way. I think they have a data base with your insurance history on it, and while you may get away with a little fib to keep your premium down, what you really need to worry about is if you have an accident and they investigate your details to find a way for them to avoid having to pay up.

jim mcglinchey
20th January 2007, 19:01
Bowler, you just beat me to the draw there!

21st January 2007, 20:38
With any form of insurance, it's always best to be 100% honest.

22nd January 2007, 01:25
With any form of insurance, it's always best to be 100% honest.

Yep, I'd agree with that too.

I a bloke I used to work with 'forgot' to tell his insurance company that he had collected 6 points on his licence for two minor speeding offences. He then had a minorish prang and went to make a claim which was rejected because they had checked his licence details. He also had real problems in getting further insurance due to his policy being cancelled.

22nd January 2007, 08:11
Yup, they don't bother to check when you are giving them your money. But you can bet your life they'll try any tactic possible to get out of making a payout. Any little detail on your application, even if it didn't affect the price, would be reason for them to withhold payment. So don't do it!

22nd January 2007, 11:42
I don't how it works there but here there's a databese called CICOS SYSTEM where all your insurance history is kept so the companies always check your license and your cars before giving you a price. On the other hand you have to be guilty of two accidents before they rise your price or considere you not "insurable"