View Full Version : LBGP - Show off your freakin' pictures!

19th April 2008, 03:10
I'll be there tomorrow with my point and shoot.

Let's see what you've got. :)

19th April 2008, 04:49
These are from Thursday. I took over 1000 photos Thursday and Friday. It's a pain trying to find keepers. I haven't even transferred the Friday pics to my computer yet.

Andy Hope. Someone needs to get this guy into sports cars.


19th April 2008, 05:43
The evidence. These are grandstands 17 and 18 from 21. Shoreline was more sporatic but consider there are 8 grand stands. 24 was about 20% but they got more populated as they headed to 30 & 31,

19th April 2008, 05:54


Jimmy Vasser's livery is my favorite. Also, a lot of the drivers have Honda sunstrips on their visors, including Jimmy. Hmmm...I wonder what Jimmy's doing in May.

19th April 2008, 07:47
AAR Reynard

Overcooking turn 8.

Uh, yeah...

19th April 2008, 08:24


Dr. Krogshöj
19th April 2008, 09:42
Excellent photos, cool T-shirts and beautiful racing machines. Thank you.

19th April 2008, 14:45
Thanks for the pics Civic. Looking forward to seeing what else you post. :)

19th April 2008, 15:29
Here's a link to some photos I took, Theyll be updated as the weekend goes along...


19th April 2008, 16:02


Shouldn't the shirts say "I am..........not going to have a series anymore and blind by hatred."

19th April 2008, 19:21
Well, I'm sending this to all Indycar fans who never saw a Champcar race.


These cars are the most beautiful and edgy cars in open wheel!!

It's a terrible shame for the DP01 to just fade away......

Gonna be a perfect day for the final tomorrow.

Hope to see you here.

Tony George needs to be at this race, not to be heckled, but to experience these awesome cars.

Hope you can make it!! Hope these cars return!!!

19th April 2008, 20:10
Hey, post some "babe" pictures too! :p

19th April 2008, 20:49
Will Indycar "embrace" the "Grid Girls", "Tecate Girls" and "Miss Indy Long Beach/Australia/???

They keep a fresh face on the weekend!!!

19th April 2008, 21:15
Shouldn't the shirts say "I am..........not going to have a series anymore and blind by hatred."

I'll take blind by hatred over blind by a ten year teabagging from Tony George.

Get some real cars/engines and legitimize this series, please.

19th April 2008, 21:37
Shouldn't the shirts say "I am..........not going to have a series anymore and blind by hatred."

No ... I am not Indy. I am principled. My last aowr is tomorrow. Sorry .. just can't support what is left of Champcar.

19th April 2008, 22:12
OK....I'm guilty of hijacking this thread.........let's get back to some awesome pics!!!!

20th April 2008, 01:37
Thanks Civic. Nice pics! Looks like you're in the pits. That AAR Eagle looked a whole helluva lot better than it ran... :(

tkg26 96789
20th April 2008, 04:44
C :\ Documents and Settings\Bart Maeda\Desktop\champcar 080419

20th April 2008, 09:50



20th April 2008, 09:51
I want Graham to win.


20th April 2008, 10:19
I hope that Justin will win, he deserves it, IMO.

Dr. Krogshöj
20th April 2008, 14:04
I hope that Justin will win, he deserves it, IMO.

He definitely would, but I hope the history of Champ Car ends with Paul Tracy's win.

20th April 2008, 14:47
He definitely would, but I hope the history of Champ Car ends with Paul Tracy's win.

As much as that theroy makes sense... I'm too damn patriotic to think otherwise


20th April 2008, 15:11
spot the joker...


20th April 2008, 15:24
spot the joker...


damn............... ;(


20th April 2008, 15:46
spot the joker...


The joker would be Nelson P, would it not? What's my prize BobGarage? ;)

I'd like to see PT win the last CC race. Just would seem fitting. Servia,Bruno,Tags,Jimmy or Justin would be great to see win too. I just hope this race kicks ass.

20th April 2008, 15:51
The joker would be Nelson P, would it not? What's my prize BobGarage? ;)

I'd like to see PT win the last CC race. Just would seem fitting. Servia,Bruno,Tags,Jimmy or Justin would be great to see win too. I just hope this race kicks ass.

no prize, sorry. ;)

I would like to see bruno win. Would be nice for DCR to get their first win in the final race.

don hodgdon
20th April 2008, 19:22
Here's a few snapshots from yesterday, I have mixed emotions about this weekend, but I'm trying to remain optimistic.

This pic sums it up...

One of the cool things about Long Beach is how close fans can get to the cars. There is plenty of fencing, and I've never felt unsafe, but there are some spots were you are no more than 15 feet from the cars.


Today's race cars, tomorrows relics...


Hoping for a good, safe race today.

20th April 2008, 20:46
El Chuey? Chuey? Es mi carnal! Vatos Locos forever ese.




20th April 2008, 20:54
I'd like to see PT win the last CC race. Just would seem fitting. Servia,Bruno,Tags,Jimmy or Justin would be great to see win too. I just hope this race kicks ass.

Seabass should've run this race for one last time and finish off what he dominated in Champ Car

don hodgdon
20th April 2008, 21:06
AAR Reynard

Civic, great shots! I especially liked the one above. Are all your on track shots from strictly spectator areas? It's hard to find spots at the track without fencing blocking your view. Good stuff!

20th April 2008, 21:18
Sorry, but the DP-01 still doesn't impress me. I don't get the big deal.

In fact it probably has the ugliest nose of any open-wheeler I've ever seen. Typical European ladder series look. Meh.

Anyway, it'll be nice to get this race over and done with and we can move onto the bright future. This is the first time I've been excited for a Champ Car race since.. well.. since it was CART.

It's nice to have a feeling of "better things to come" than a feeling of waiting for a slow and inevitable death and clinging to something that shouldn't still be around.

20th April 2008, 22:39
Sorry, but the DP-01 still doesn't impress me. I don't get the big deal.

In fact it probably has the ugliest nose of any open-wheeler I've ever seen. Typical European ladder series look. Meh.

Anyway, it'll be nice to get this race over and done with and we can move onto the bright future. This is the first time I've been excited for a Champ Car race since.. well.. since it was CART.

It's nice to have a feeling of "better things to come" than a feeling of waiting for a slow and inevitable death and clinging to something that shouldn't still be around.

What will be real nice is that you won't have any more chances to take a shot at the DP01. The ugliest nose in open wheel today has to be the Dallara. But I will be happy to watch it. Why? Because behind the wheel will be some of my favorite drivers from BOTH series. Some of us already moved on some of us from BOTH sides still haven't. (Right Helix?)


21st April 2008, 01:03
What will be real nice is that you won't have any more chances to take a shot at the DP01. The ugliest nose in open wheel today has to be the Dallara. But I will be happy to watch it. Why? Because behind the wheel will be some of my favorite drivers from BOTH series. Some of us already moved on some of us from BOTH sides still haven't. (Right Helix?)


Because I'm not obsessed with a mostly subpar and unimpressive car like the fanatics are for some reason means I haven't moved on? Ok there, chief.

21st April 2008, 02:16
spot the joker...


Vasser is obviously up to something. Servia looks like he's trying not to laugh and Bruno is wathcing what ever he was doing.

21st April 2008, 02:24
that is a great pic :D

you can tell only the guys in the back know whats going on and can't help but laugh

21st April 2008, 03:54
Because I'm not obsessed with a mostly subpar and unimpressive car like the fanatics are for some reason means I haven't moved on? Ok there, chief.

Fanatics indeed. An open wheel realist is more like it. The one question I heard around Long Beach was how poor the Dallara's would likely handle and perform. And that from DRIVERS WHO HAVE DRIVEN BOTH!!!!

21st April 2008, 05:02
Because I'm not obsessed with a mostly subpar and unimpressive car like the fanatics are for some reason means I haven't moved on? Ok there, chief.

No, because on the weekend of the final race of the Champ Car series you still can't resist the need to stick your finger in the eyes of the remaining Champ Car fans who have embraced the combined series. No, you just couldn't let it go. You had to post in a thread about the LBGP a comment that you could just as easily kept to yourself. So what if you don't like the DP01? What did that have to do with the ongoing thread? Nothing. As near as I can tell, yours was the very first mention of the DP01 in the entire thread. But you knew it would rile up some of the Champ Car fans and so you took your last pot shot. I too am glad this weekend is over, you won't have an excuse to continue taking such pot shots. Although, having said that, I am pretty sure you'll do your level best to find some rationale to do so.


21st April 2008, 05:08
Sorry, but the DP-01 still doesn't impress me. I don't get the big deal.

In fact it probably has the ugliest nose of any open-wheeler I've ever seen. Typical European ladder series look. Meh.

Anyway, it'll be nice to get this race over and done with and we can move onto the bright future. This is the first time I've been excited for a Champ Car race since.. well.. since it was CART.

It's nice to have a feeling of "better things to come" than a feeling of waiting for a slow and inevitable death and clinging to something that shouldn't still be around.

You'd rather be watching fire trucks? What a load of bull-shyte. You must be confusing the Dallara with the DP01 again. Your jealousy of CC's accomplishments amazes me.

21st April 2008, 06:11
All my vantage points are from spectator areas except for one spot which is actually outside the event. It's where the runoff by turn 8 is (which is actually Pine Avenue).

21st April 2008, 06:36


22nd April 2008, 04:02
Sorry, but the DP-01 still doesn't impress me. I don't get the big deal.

In fact it probably has the ugliest nose of any open-wheeler I've ever seen. Typical European ladder series look. Meh.

Anyway, it'll be nice to get this race over and done with and we can move onto the bright future. This is the first time I've been excited for a Champ Car race since.. well.. since it was CART.

It's nice to have a feeling of "better things to come" than a feeling of waiting for a slow and inevitable death and clinging to something that shouldn't still be around.

Amazing, the things we can convince ourselves of.

Only when they improve the formula by adopting a decent-looking chassis and adding turbos to legitimize the series will this be considered a marketable product. Until then it's just a band-aid covering a gaping wound.

See? I can do it, too. Except I think more people believe my version.

It's unfortunate that you or anyone else could sit there and honestly think that one series was in better condition than the other. No one wants to watch lawn darts with wheels run around in circles any more than they want to watch lot of unsponsored cars race on road and street courses. At least Champcar wasn't relying on its engine manufacturers to prop it up. It did that on its own. What was going to do when Honda and Toyota left to destroy some other series? Was Tony going to start building his own motors?

See you guys in a couple of years when/if they start running real cars.

22nd April 2008, 04:09
Amazing, the things we can convince ourselves of.

Only when they improve the formula by adopting a decent-looking chassis and adding turbos to legitimize the series will this be considered a marketable product. Until then it's just a band-aid covering a gaping wound.

See? I can do it, too. Except I think more people believe my version.

It's unfortunate that you or anyone else could sit there and honestly think that one series was in better condition than the other. No one wants to watch lawn darts with wheels run around in circles any more than they want to watch lot of unsponsored cars race on road and street courses. At least Champcar wasn't relying on its engine manufacturers to prop it up. It did that on its own. What was going to do when Honda and Toyota left to destroy some other series? Was Tony going to start building his own motors?

See you guys in a couple of years when/if they start running real cars.

You are right, you had KK and GF to leach off of. One series was in better condition than the other, that is why one series bought out the other and shut it down. There is still no proof nor has there ever been that Honda was leaving, it was mostly made up by CCL's, kinda like PT's Indy 500 win...

22nd April 2008, 04:20
One series was in better condition than the other, that is why one series bought out the other and shut it down.




Many of which were/are financially assisted by TG or Honda. Indycar powerhouse, baby.

22nd April 2008, 04:29
"COME ON, I CAN TAKE A WHOLE ENGINE!!! Wait... Not the turbo, please. "

22nd April 2008, 04:36
As I see Nelson Phillipe giving the finger, all I can think of is that perhaps it is a simple and poingnant attack on the Champ Car. Surely, it is not but I will believe that that is his way of demonstrating his distaste with the Amigos.

How were the crowds on Saturday and Sunday? Can not wait to return to Long Beach next year since I have missed the race the past two years. Hopefully, it does not fall on the Rosarito to Ensenada Bike race again.

22nd April 2008, 04:41
No offense, but.. Rosarito to Ensenada isn't actually a race.

22nd April 2008, 04:41
Is it just me, or was this race the most A.D.D. race I have ever seen?

Cosworth power, scoring points in a series that runs Honda's exclusively, sponsored by Toyota with a Mazda pace car?

22nd April 2008, 04:46
No offense, but.. Rosarito to Ensenada isn't actually a race.

Riding a bike for 7 hours and drinking beverages the whole day and night before constitues as an endurance race to me. This year I rode on the SAG Wagon for the first time and I was proud to have failed finishing the race. Hey, that is a race in my book. It is fun time and one of the best weekends around. As the years go by the race gets tougher and tougher.

22nd April 2008, 04:52
Haha. Ok, you win =) I wanted to do it this year, but i was *ahem* racing for real up in Torrance.

Huge crowds friday and saturday at Long Beach, BTW.

22nd April 2008, 08:24



Many of which were/are financially assisted by TG or Honda. Indycar powerhouse, baby.

Oh, so you know that for a fact and can prove it? See company financials? Or is this just more CCL's on the internet.

And if TG was subsidizing the cars, don't you think he would have a lot more than 18?

22nd April 2008, 09:09

Tony George = Pink and Purple unicorns.

Champcar = Charlie.

Tony George: "Come on, Charlie! Let's go to Candy Mountain!"

Champcar: "AWWW, they took my freakin' kidney!"

23rd April 2008, 00:19
Huge crowds friday and saturday at Long Beach, BTW.
Wasn't there Friday this year, so I cannot comment. But the Saturday morning crowd was so light it was a little disconcerting. It was thinner than most Fridays I can recall from the last 10 years. Once the sun came out (noon-ish) the crowds started pouring in, tho. By the time of CC qualies, there was a very good crowd that seemed to get a bit larger by the start of the ALMS race. Not quite on par with last year, I reckon, but extremely solid nonetheless. Sunday was about the same as last year, with thinner crowds on the ground but more people in the grandstands at the west end of the track. (didn't get up around the turns 9-11 section this year)

23rd April 2008, 00:54
So no more pictures? Just more complaining.

23rd April 2008, 02:33
I didn't have a good angle but one of the Long Beach municipal street sweepers had a windshield sticker on the sunstrip "CHAMP CAR THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!"

23rd April 2008, 14:55
Is it just me, or was this race the most A.D.D. race I have ever seen?

Cosworth power, scoring points in a series that runs Honda's exclusively, sponsored by Toyota with a Mazda pace car?

You left out Ford. At each break, it was a high gloss, beautiful Ford truck that zoomed around the track replacing the Toyota banners.

23rd April 2008, 18:42
Hope this works, just added video at my turn as there going to the grid, sorry about my hand but they asked for them to get close so was waving them up.


23rd April 2008, 19:53
There is still no proof nor has there ever been that Honda was leaving, it was mostly made up by CCL's, kinda like PT's Indy 500 win...

There's plenty of proof, remeber when people pointed out Toyota was leaving and Red Bull was leaving. You asked for proof. I don't think you understand what proof looks like sometimes. The old saying "can't see the forest for the trees" . Reading Matthew 7:5 may help clarify it for you.

Scott Sharp figured out where the Honda money was going, talked to Patron and just put his car on the podium at Long Beach. And won LMP2.

Others also following the money include Adrian Fernadez, Michael Andretti and this past weekend the Ex Honda man himself: Gil DeFerran made his announcement. PLAN B at its finest.

23rd April 2008, 21:48
There's plenty of proof, remeber when people pointed out Toyota was leaving and Red Bull was leaving. You asked for proof. I don't think you understand what proof looks like sometimes. The old saying "can't see the forest for the trees" . Reading Matthew 7:5 may help clarify it for you.

Scott Sharp figured out where the Honda money was going, talked to Patron and just put his car on the podium at Long Beach. And won LMP2.

Others also following the money include Adrian Fernadez, Michael Andretti and this past weekend the Ex Honda man himself: Gil DeFerran made his announcement. PLAN B at its finest.

Oh please, all of the talk in the off season was about how would CC get 13-14 cars on the grid, on top of what races not on the FIA schedule and most of European races not having a contract and the awful pay TV contract for highlights & tape delay broadcasts. And how many canceled events? on top of Rusport & CDW, perhaps the last real CC sponsor leaving, the round-robin of pay drivers, the the failure of the DP-01 to garner any extra fans or teams.

If it was in so much better shape, why didn't KK buy out TG? I didn't watch Homestead being run under CC rules, did you? This may be the first time in history for a company to declare bankruptcy (the 2nd for Champ car) and the followers claim it was in better shape than the company that bought it out.

23rd April 2008, 22:11
I thought this was a show your Long Beach GP Pictures thread???

24th April 2008, 00:00



24th April 2008, 00:25
Love the "goodbe" on the wing, but whats the "HELLO CANDY MOUNTAIN" on the back refer too?

24th April 2008, 02:23
Love the "goodbe" on the wing, but whats the "HELLO CANDY MOUNTAIN" on the back refer too?

See Page 2 (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showpost.php?p=463823&postcount=40)

24th April 2008, 02:27
Got a PM Explaining it.

I do like the original picture, shows respect to both old and new.