View Full Version : Impreza WRC thread
19th January 2007, 20:16
Hi, I´m trying to make a list of all impreza wrc ever built, first I want to know how many cars and their register plates exists and then I will try to find the current owners and make the history of each car.
03001 ?
03002 S20 WRT
03003 S30 WRT
03004 S40 WRT
03005 S50 WRT
03006 S60 WRT
03007 S70 WRT
03008 S80 WRT
03009 S90 WRT
03010 S100 WRT
03011 S200 WRT
03012 S300 WRT
03014 S400 WRT
03015 S500 WRT
03016 S600 WRT
03017 S700 WRT
03018 S800 WRT
04001 ?
04002 ST53 SRT
04003 OT53 SRT
04004 CT53 SRT
04005 NT53 SRT
04006 LT53 SRT
04007 JT53 SRT
04008 555 WRC
04009 YT53 SRT
04010 MT53 SRT
04011 AT53 SRT
04012 RT53 SRT
In this list are the 03 and 04 versions and I´m trying to discover the plates from 03001 and 04001 . Any help?
19th January 2007, 20:27
Many people have the information you want. It was done a couple of times on the old forums so try having a look in the archive stuff.
19th January 2007, 20:29
Ok. Thanks!
19th January 2007, 21:11
P2 WRC - Gerard Moroney
P5 WRC - Steve Furzeland
P8 WRC - Bill Gwynne Motorsport???
P12 WRC - Martin Cairns
P18 WRC - Denis Biggerstaff
R7 WRC - Daragh Raftery
R10 WRC - Damian Cole (currently for sale)
R15 WRC - Jim Carty
R16 WRC - Alan Dickson
R19 WRC - Dave Turnbull???
R30 WRC - Raymond Johnson
S6 SRT - Pat Norris
S8 SRT - Hubert Deferm
S10 SRT - Raymond Munroe
T16 SRT - John Lloyd
T291 BFC - Jose Barbara
T1 SRT - James Vincent
T10 SRT - Peter Lloyd
V10 WRC - John Cope
W21 SRT - Peadar Hurson
W22 SRT - Ollie O'Donovan
W23 SRT - Roger Duckworth
W10 ALL - Kenny McKinstry
W10 SRT - John McGaffin
W12 WRC - Dirk Boers
W100 WRC - Denis Cronin
X20 WRC - Peter Lloyd
X200 WRC - Eian Pritchard
X30 WRC - Derek McGarrity
X50 WRT - Will Nicholls
X5 SRT - Gareth Jones??? (Has a new S10 now)
X8 SRT - Dave Turnbull
X10 SRT - Noel McCarrick
X12 SRT - Kenny McKinstry
X14 SRT - Steve Fleck
X15 SRT - Melvyn Evans
X16 SRT - Alexanda Dorosinsky
X18 SRT - Mark van Eldik
X20 SRT - Richard Burns Collection
X21 SRT - Steve Winter
X30 SRT - Herve Knapic
TM02 SRT - Hugh Martin Doherty
PS02 SRT - Graham Coffey
S20 WRT - Mads Ostberg
S50 WRT - Juan Luis Cruz
S60 WRT - Niall Maguire
S70 WRT - Barry Johnson
S90 WRT - George Cullen
S100 WRT - Kevin Barrett
S200 WRT - Martin Doherty
S300 WRT - Paddy White
S400 WRT - Kenny McKinstry
S500 WRT - Jack Sleator
S600 WRT - Tony Davies
S700 WRT - Kevin Lynch (maybe sold)???
S800 WRT - Sean Devine
UT53 SRT - Mads Östberg
OT53 SRT - Team Olsbergs
CT53 SRT - Team Olsbergs
NT53 SRT - Tim McNulty??? (Has a new S11 now)
LT53 SRT - Patrick Elliott
MT53 SRT - Gareth Jones
WT53 SRT - Anders Grondal
HC54 WRC - Noel Redmond
JC54 WRC - Chris Atkinson (2006 Tarmac car)
LC54 WRC -
MC54 WRC - Tim McNulty
NC54 WRC - Derek McGarrity
(the list is copied from the old forum and the owners may be outdated)
New cars not on the list:
AC54 WRC - Impreza S11
BC54 WRC - Impreza S11
CC54 WRC - Impreza S11
DC54 WRC - Impreza S11
EC54 WRC - Impreza S11
GC54 WRC - Impreza S11
OU04 XNZ - Impreza S11
FT55 SRT - Impreza S12
GT55 SRT - Impreza S12
HT55 SRT - Impreza S12
JT55 SRT - Impreza S12
AT06 SRT - Impreza S12
ST55 SRT - Impreza S12
BT06 SRT - Impreza S12
CT06 SRT - Impreza S12 sold to Eugene Donnelly
JT06 SRT - Impreza S12
Best of luck to you. What I can tell you is that making a proper history site for the Impreza WRC is something many have tried but failed. It is a lot of hard work trust me I know.
19th January 2007, 21:34
Hi and thanks! I saw the list in the old forum like simmi said. Give me time, first I want to know how many were made and then locate them, and after this 2 steps start making the history of each car. Will be hard but at leat in April I want the first two steps done!
19th January 2007, 23:09
P8 WRC - Bill Gwynne Motorsport???
This car was bought from Bill Gwynne Motorsport by an hungarian team: Husqvarna Racing Team ( )
And the HRT bought an S9 Impreza couple of weeks ago, but I don't know the registration number yet.
20th January 2007, 02:28
I know now that the plate from 03.001 chassis is S10 WRT, I read somewhere but I don´t remender where, I think it was in the forum´s archives. I have now completed almost all year 1997 and 1998 , I have just to discover from which chassis are P2 WRC and P3 WRC plates , maybe 97.003 and 97.004 ? Chassis 02.001 it´s still a mistery I read both topics in the archive and I do not have any info about this chassis... And finnaly I have here a plate WT53 SRT from a Subaru that belongs to Anders Grondal, but I don´t know the chassis number, the only one I have left without a plate is 04.001 but I don´t want to connect the unknown plate with the chassis without a minimum information...
20th January 2007, 13:39
WT53 SRT is chassis 04.014 and re-registered KF 81148
306 Cosworth
20th January 2007, 13:40
Peter Lloyd now owns S200 or S300 WRT I know he has an S9, it's the car Garry Jennings used on the Ulster Rally in 2006.
20th January 2007, 13:43
Peter Lloyd now owns S200 or S300 WRT I know he has an S9, it's the car Garry Jennings used on the Ulster Rally in 2006.
S500 WRT
306 Cosworth
20th January 2007, 13:46
Also X21 SRT is For Sale and Will Nicholls now owns X14 SRT :)
306 Cosworth
20th January 2007, 13:46
S500 WRT
Oh rite, thanks :)
20th January 2007, 14:02
New cars not on the list:
AC54 WRC - Impreza S11
BC54 WRC - Impreza S11
CC54 WRC - Impreza S11
DC54 WRC - Impreza S11
EC54 WRC - Impreza S11
GC54 WRC - Impreza S11
OU04 XNZ - Impreza S11
AC54 WRC - Stephen Murphy (Ire) ?
BC54 WRC - Derek McGarrity (Ire)
EC54 WRC - Was McGarrity, but think Martin Doherty (Ire) now owns it
GC54 WRC - Mike Oates (UK)
OU04 XNZ - test car - chassis 05.001
20th January 2007, 14:57
I know now that the plate from 03.001 chassis is S10 WRT, I read somewhere but I don´t remender where, I think it was in the forum´s archives. I have now completed almost all year 1997 and 1998 , I have just to discover from which chassis are P2 WRC and P3 WRC plates , maybe 97.003 and 97.004 ? Chassis 02.001 it´s still a mistery I read both topics in the archive and I do not have any info about this chassis...
Not sure if there is a S10 WRT to be honest.
The **.001 chassis could be the pre-season test cars such as OV51 JVW, TM52 SRT and PM04 ALM
20th January 2007, 16:24
Anyone know anything about the first S12 test car PM04 ALM? I remember it being a tarmac test car before the Monte last year. Has it possibly been re-registered?
20th January 2007, 16:39
There are roumors in Ireland that Derek McGarrity is planning to buy an S12 and run it in the ITRC along side Mark Higgins who will run one of his S11.
20th January 2007, 19:56
Not sure if there is a S10 WRT to be honest.
The **.001 chassis could be the pre-season test cars such as OV51 JVW, TM52 SRT and PM04 ALM
Hi, I have no time to reply to you proprely now, but I will try to find again the source in the old forum. I´ll tell you later. But one thing is sure, only one person had that information, so it could be wrong.
21st January 2007, 04:31
Not sure if there is a S10 WRT to be honest.
The **.001 chassis could be the pre-season test cars such as OV51 JVW, TM52 SRT and PM04 ALM
Hi again, as I said, I found the S10 WRT plate in a list of plates but the owner is unkown, so I will consider that 03.001 chassis has an unkown plate.
Any info about P2 WRC and P3 WRC, both 1997 chassis? In my list the 97.001 chassis started as P555 WRC and then re-registered P18 WRC, the chassis 97.002 started as P982 TWL and then re-registered P200 ALL, the chassis 97.005 has the plate P4 WRC, so maybe the chassis 97.003 was first P2 WRC and then P100 ALL, and chassis 97.004 is maybe P3 WRC.
24th January 2007, 09:31
OU04 XNZ - test car - chassis 05.001 :
In 2006 was in Italy Aimont Racing
New Reg Plate NM 04427
and in rally Monza DINDO W 05
24th January 2007, 09:34
T12 SRT was in Italy with Procar
Tobia Cavallini
Raffaello Fidanza
Marco Blanc
24th January 2007, 09:46
Aimont Racing has a
S10 with new red plate
NM557 P
ex JT53SRT.
24th January 2007, 09:50
4003 OT53SRT since 2005 Olsbergs with new reg plate XKT 860
4004 CT53SRT since 2005 Olsbergs with new reg plate XKS 870
24th January 2007, 09:57
There is a Subaru Impreza WRC '99 :
Team: G.Car Sport
new reg plate: CJ 229 XJ
ex P100 ALL
Driver Luigi Bianchi
24th January 2007, 10:23
also from my Photo collection in 2006
S9SRT Hubert Deferm (NL/B)
P11 WRC JL Roche/France Team EFJIE
X14 SRT Evans (ex Aimont Racing 2002-03)
X15 SRT Fleck (ex Aimont Racing 2002-03 )
X16 SRT Van Eldik (NL/B) (ex First Motorsport 2003-04)
X24 SRT Vauthier/France (ex First Motorsport 2003-04)
24th January 2007, 13:00
owner of the LC54WRC is Atolye Kazaz from Turkey.
P2 WRC - Gerard Moroney
P5 WRC - Steve Furzeland
P8 WRC - Bill Gwynne Motorsport???
P12 WRC - Martin Cairns
P18 WRC - Denis Biggerstaff
R7 WRC - Daragh Raftery
R10 WRC - Damian Cole (currently for sale)
R15 WRC - Jim Carty
R16 WRC - Alan Dickson
R19 WRC - Dave Turnbull???
R30 WRC - Raymond Johnson
S6 SRT - Pat Norris
S8 SRT - Hubert Deferm
S10 SRT - Raymond Munroe
T16 SRT - John Lloyd
T291 BFC - Jose Barbara
T1 SRT - James Vincent
T10 SRT - Peter Lloyd
V10 WRC - John Cope
W21 SRT - Peadar Hurson
W22 SRT - Ollie O'Donovan
W23 SRT - Roger Duckworth
W10 ALL - Kenny McKinstry
W10 SRT - John McGaffin
W12 WRC - Dirk Boers
W100 WRC - Denis Cronin
X20 WRC - Peter Lloyd
X200 WRC - Eian Pritchard
X30 WRC - Derek McGarrity
X50 WRT - Will Nicholls
X5 SRT - Gareth Jones??? (Has a new S10 now)
X8 SRT - Dave Turnbull
X10 SRT - Noel McCarrick
X12 SRT - Kenny McKinstry
X14 SRT - Steve Fleck
X15 SRT - Melvyn Evans
X16 SRT - Alexanda Dorosinsky
X18 SRT - Mark van Eldik
X20 SRT - Richard Burns Collection
X21 SRT - Steve Winter
X30 SRT - Herve Knapic
TM02 SRT - Hugh Martin Doherty
PS02 SRT - Graham Coffey
S20 WRT - Mads Ostberg
S50 WRT - Juan Luis Cruz
S60 WRT - Niall Maguire
S70 WRT - Barry Johnson
S90 WRT - George Cullen
S100 WRT - Kevin Barrett
S200 WRT - Martin Doherty
S300 WRT - Paddy White
S400 WRT - Kenny McKinstry
S500 WRT - Jack Sleator
S600 WRT - Tony Davies
S700 WRT - Kevin Lynch (maybe sold)???
S800 WRT - Sean Devine
UT53 SRT - Mads Östberg
OT53 SRT - Team Olsbergs
CT53 SRT - Team Olsbergs
NT53 SRT - Tim McNulty??? (Has a new S11 now)
LT53 SRT - Patrick Elliott
MT53 SRT - Gareth Jones
WT53 SRT - Anders Grondal
HC54 WRC - Noel Redmond
JC54 WRC - Chris Atkinson (2006 Tarmac car)
LC54 WRC - Atolye Kazaz
MC54 WRC - Tim McNulty
NC54 WRC - Derek McGarrity
(the list is copied from the old forum and the owners may be outdated)
New cars not on the list:
AC54 WRC - Impreza S11
BC54 WRC - Impreza S11
CC54 WRC - Impreza S11
DC54 WRC - Impreza S11
EC54 WRC - Impreza S11
GC54 WRC - Impreza S11
OU04 XNZ - Impreza S11
FT55 SRT - Impreza S12
GT55 SRT - Impreza S12
HT55 SRT - Impreza S12
JT55 SRT - Impreza S12
AT06 SRT - Impreza S12
ST55 SRT - Impreza S12
BT06 SRT - Impreza S12
CT06 SRT - Impreza S12 sold to Eugene Donnelly
JT06 SRT - Impreza S12
Best of luck to you. What I can tell you is that making a proper history site for the Impreza WRC is something many have tried but failed. It is a lot of hard work trust me I know.
24th January 2007, 13:50
P8WRC is at Husquarna Racing Team, Hungary and they bought another Impreza an S9, but reg number is not known yet.
24th January 2007, 13:52
padWRC you have X14 SRT and X15 SRT the wrong way round.
X14 SRT is ex Steve Fleck now in the hands of Will Nicholls, X15 RT is Melvyn Evans'
24th January 2007, 19:28
padWRC you have X14 SRT and X15 SRT the wrong way round.
X14 SRT is ex Steve Fleck now in the hands of Will Nicholls, X15 RT is Melvyn Evans'
X5SRT (ex Aimont Racing 2002-03)
24th January 2007, 23:34
No problem. Happy to share some info.
27th January 2007, 17:07
owner of the LC54WRC is Atolye Kazaz from Turkey.
I believe LC54 WRC is now in the hands of Kenny McKinstry
27th January 2007, 17:21
Any info about P2 WRC and P3 WRC, both 1997 chassis? In my list the 97.001 chassis started as P555 WRC and then re-registered P18 WRC, the chassis 97.002 started as P982 TWL and then re-registered P200 ALL, the chassis 97.005 has the plate P4 WRC, so maybe the chassis 97.003 was first P2 WRC and then P100 ALL, and chassis 97.004 is maybe P3 WRC.
97.003 - P2 WRC / P100 ALL / CJ 229 XJ
97.004 - P3 WRC
There is also a 'P2 WRC' currently being rallied in the UK. I think this car was originally R8 WRC (98.021) before having the registration changed and going to Schmidt Racing in Austria (Achim Mortl, Ferenc Kiss, Willi Steng)
27th January 2007, 17:24
Does anyone know the origins of the Russian ITERA cars - E 781 EM, E 809 KM and T 874 KT?
28th January 2007, 11:30
Currently P2 WRC is for sale I think. Belongs to Gerard Moroney originally registered as P2 WRC changed to P300 ALL and then back to P2 WRC I think.
Saying what you have though Pat about it being a re-registered 1998 car has made me doubt this. How sure are you on P2 WRC being a re-registered 1998 car.
29th January 2007, 16:47
MT53 SRT in Ostbergs garage!
Is it a Morgan Motorsport car?
31st January 2007, 10:59
AC54 WRC has been sold to Stephen Murphy. That is Petter Solberg winning car from Mexico 2005. The last Impreza WRC to win a rally(properly)!
5th February 2007, 20:53
New cars from Galway -
GC54 WRC - DMG (Mark Higgins)
JC54 WRC - Patrick Elliott
AC54 WRC - Stephen Murphy
BC54 WRC - Jon Ingram
S300 WRT - Seamus Devine
X40 SRT - Mike Bird
S200 WRT - PJ Dermott
7th February 2007, 16:44
Currently P2 WRC is for sale I think. Belongs to Gerard Moroney originally registered as P2 WRC changed to P300 ALL and then back to P2 WRC I think.
Saying what you have though Pat about it being a re-registered 1998 car has made me doubt this. How sure are you on P2 WRC being a re-registered 1998 car.
Hi, do you know the chassis number of P2 WRC?
8th February 2007, 10:18
The lists I have - taken from Martin Holmes' World Rallying books is that P 2 WRC was chassis 003 in 1997. For 1998 I have chassis 003 noted as P 100 ALL... I think many of the cars used in 1998 were just upspecced from the previous year....
8th February 2007, 16:50
Here is the list of the cars built during 97 and 98 :
P555 WRC / P18 WRC
P982 TWL / P200 ALL
P2 WRC / P100 ALL
R299 ABW
Any comments? :)
8th February 2007, 18:43
Subaru Impreza WRC '97
chassis nr 2 (P2WRC)
sold to SCHMIDT Racing
They run it in
1998 :Achim Moertl, Austria & Ferenc Kiss, Hungary
1999 :Achim Moertl, Austria & Ferenc Kiss, Hungary
2000 :Willi Stengg
2002 :St Fleck
Subaru Impreza WRC '97
chassis nr 3 (P100 ALL)
1998 : ALLSTARS Krsysztof Holowczyc
1999 : ALLSTARS Gilles Panizzi
1999 : Cilti Sport Marc Champeau, ,
1999 : Cilti Sport Bernard Munster
1999 : Cilti Sport Sylvain Polo
1999 : Aimont Bologna Show Driver?
2000 : Cilti Sport? Ercan Kazaz,
2000 : Cilti Sport Jean-Francois Mourgues
2000 : Team??? Derek McGarrity
2001 : Team??? Derek McGarrity
2003 : G Car Sport Italy Giacomo Ogliari
2004-06 : G Car Sport Italy
Subaru Impreza WRC '97
chassis nr 9 (P9WRC)
sold to Subaru Rally Team Deutschland
Armin Kremer/Fred Berssen
They run it in
1998 :Armin Kremer
1999 :Armin Kremer Re Reg AG 5
2000 :Armin Kremer Re Reg AG 5
8th February 2007, 21:23
Here is the list of the cars built during 97 and 98 :
Any comments? :)
R30 WRC was the car of Vitor Sá, Madeira Island... he used the car in 2000 and 20001.
At the end of 2001 season he sold the car... I think to Ireland... I'm not sure about that..
8th February 2007, 21:50
]R30 WRC was the car of Vitor Sá, Madeira Island... he used the car in 2000 and 20001.
At the end of 2001 season he sold the car... I think to Ireland... I'm not sure about that..
I friend of mine told some days ago that Vitor Sa still has an Impreza WRC in his garage, this is true?
8th February 2007, 22:28
I friend of mine told some days ago that Vitor Sa still has an Impreza WRC in his garage, this is true?
Hi.. I think no.. he sold his car when he bought the 306 Maxi.. ;)
8th February 2007, 23:34
P982 TWL / P200 ALL
P2 WRC / P100 ALL
My main doubts are abouts this plates. In Martin Holmes Book P200 ALL is chassis number two and this plate appeared in 1998, as well as P100 ALL that in 98 is chassis number 3. P982 TWL was used by Liatti in 1997 RAC, and I read somewhere that was re-registered to P200 ALL in 98. P3 WRC despite I do not have any info in the book I assume that is chassis number 4.
I´m not saying padwrc is wrong because he has more information and knowledge that I have, but is strange that the chassis number 2 is P2 WRC.
9th February 2007, 14:55
Oh rite, thanks :)
Jennings used s500wrt on the ulster 2006. S200wrt and s300wrt were both used in galway 2007 last week. Seamus devine used s300wrt, sold by paddy white. s200 wrt was sold by martin doherty and used in galway. cant remember who drove it.will check programme
9th February 2007, 14:58
]R30 WRC was the car of Vitor Sá, Madeira Island... he used the car in 2000 and 20001.
At the end of 2001 season he sold the car... I think to Ireland... I'm not sure about that..
r30wrc is in ireland and is used by raymond johnston on the n ireland rally championship
Paper Boy
10th February 2007, 00:11
R12 WRC - Barry Renwick UK
10th February 2007, 00:26
r30wrc is in ireland and is used by raymond johnston on the n ireland rally championship
Could you please post a picture of the car ?
10th February 2007, 15:24
Here is a picture from R30 WRC at Eurocable stages 2006.
11th February 2007, 14:28
Here is a picture from R30 WRC at Eurocable stages 2006.
Thanks ;)
11th February 2007, 18:04
P982 TWL / P200 ALL
P2 WRC / P100 ALL
I´m not saying padwrc is wrong because he has more information and knowledge that I have, but is strange that the chassis number 2 is P2 WRC.
I don't know more than you!
I think that patwalsh 13 is the expert,knows more!
11th February 2007, 21:37
Just been looking at pics from yesterday's Wyedean Rally - Car 30 was registered T 19 SRT - I'm guessing it's a 99 spec car....
12th February 2007, 01:17
Currently P2 WRC is for sale I think. Belongs to Gerard Moroney originally registered as P2 WRC changed to P300 ALL and then back to P2 WRC I think.
Saying what you have though Pat about it being a re-registered 1998 car has made me doubt this. How sure are you on P2 WRC being a re-registered 1998 car.
Most of the registrations are based on Martin Holmes' information in the Pirelli Rallying books, but do check with driver/team where possible.
Either Gerard or a member of the team that runs the car was asking about the history of P2 WRC on one of these forums about a year ago, but I couldn't get a definate answer out of them what the chassis number of the car was.
Unless someone sees the V5 documents, or FIA Passport for this car, you have to make your own mind up as to whether it is the original P2 WRC cause it has the same plates, or if they have been swapped around (as does happen).
Whatever car it is now, the original P2 WRC was involved in quite a large accident in 1997, so maybe it has been re-shelled into another chassis or it's identity has been used on another vehicle? (
12th February 2007, 17:25
New cars from Galway -
GC54 WRC - DMG (Mark Higgins)
JC54 WRC - Patrick Elliott
AC54 WRC - Stephen Murphy
BC54 WRC - Jon Ingram
S300 WRT - Seamus Devine
X40 SRT - Mike Bird
S200 WRT - PJ Dermott
What about the old cars?
Nr 20 :S17GGC is the ex Lynch S70WRT?
12th February 2007, 18:49
What about the old cars?
Nr 20 :S17GGC is the ex Lynch S70WRT?
No 7 - Tim McNulty - MC54 WRC
No 19 - Tony Davies - S100 WRT
No 20 - George Cullen - S17 GGC (S70 WRT)
No 30 - Noel McCarrick - X10 SRT
No 32 - Darragh Raftery - R7 WRC
Think while in Galway, one of the Prodrive engineers mentioned that all but 1 of the S11's are in Ireland.
13th February 2007, 01:32
Subaru Impreza WRC, that appeared in championships of the Czech Republic:
T291 BFC - driven in 2000 and 2001 by Tomas Hrdinka, chassis damaged at Rally Bohemia 2001
P18 WRC - driven by Tomas Hrdinka at Barum Rally 2001
P5 WRC - driven by Ken Skidmore at Barum Rally 2001
W21 SRT - driven by Tomas Hrdinka in the rest of 2001 and in 2002
X40 SRT - in 2002 driven in ERC by Alexander Lesnikov (in CZ appeared at Barum Rally 2002)
X16 SRT - driven by Lezsek Kuzaj at Rally Sumava and Barum Rally 2003
TM02 SRT - driven in 2003 by Tomas Hrdinka and later by Jozef Beres
S20 WRT - driven by Roman Kresta in 2004
13th February 2007, 09:24
Think while in Galway, one of the Prodrive engineers mentioned that all but 1 of the S11's are in Ireland.
OU04XNZ: 2007 Aimont (Re Reg NM 04427)
AC54WRC: 2007 Stepphen Murphy
BC54WRC : 2007 Jon Ingram
CC54WRC: 2005 Burned in CORSICA 2005
GC54WRC: 2007 DMG (Mark Higgins)
HC54WRC: 2007 Noel Redmond
JC54WRC : 2007 Patrick Elliott
MC54WRC: 2007 Tim McNulty
NC54WRC: 2007 DMG
Where are they?
13th February 2007, 09:31
OU04XNZ: 2007 Aimont (Re Reg NM 04427)
AC54WRC: 2007 Stepphen Murphy
BC54WRC : 2007 Jon Ingram
CC54WRC: 2005 Burned in CORSICA 2005
GC54WRC: 2007 DMG (Mark Higgins)
HC54WRC: 2007 Noel Redmond
JC54WRC : 2007 Patrick Elliott
MC54WRC: 2007 Tim McNulty
NC54WRC: 2007 DMG
Where are they?
BC54WRC : 2007 Jon Ingram (McKinstry Motorsport)
EC54WRC 2007 Martin Doherty
LC54WRC 2007 McKinstry Motorsport
13th February 2007, 11:15
Thanks patwalsh13!
I have some problems with Ostbergs S10 after Rally Sweden .
MT53 SRT was in his garage
The stolen car was UT53SRT(?)
Which car is re registrated in DL 51121!
13th February 2007, 12:26
[quote="padWRC"]What about the old cars?
Nr 20 :S17GGC is the ex Lynch S70WRT?[/
Lynch owned s90wrt not s70wrt.
S70wrt belongs to barry johnson in scotland. u mite be getting confused as lynch also owned s700wrt. it was his normally gravel spec car when he owned his 2 s9 imprezas.
But yes S17GGC is lynchs old s90wrt
Twin Pipe1
13th February 2007, 18:32
Andy Fenwick just bought R19 WRC this weekend, anyone have any info on that ? or Photo's
13th February 2007, 23:14
Thanks patwalsh13!
I have some problems with Ostbergs S10 after Rally Sweden .
MT53 SRT was in his garage
The stolen car was UT53SRT(?)
Which car is re registrated in DL 51121!
Mads used DL 51121 in Mountain Rally Norway. And if you look at the picture from the scrutineering you can see the plate being MT53 SRT so I guess the re-registration must have occured between scrutinnering and the start.
/ Swedeman
pic from scrutineering
pic from the rally
13th February 2007, 23:29
Bravo Swedeman and thanks!
15th February 2007, 13:41
Ex Ostberg S20WRT re Reg AX 90354 for Rune Dalsjø in NORWAY 2007!
15th February 2007, 16:52
Y10 SRT - Patricio González - Tenerife (Canary Island's)
15th February 2007, 19:17
So, until now I have this :
97.001 P555 WRC
97.002 P982 YWL
97.003 P2 WRC
97.004 P3 WRC
97.005 P4 WRC
97.006 P5 WRC
97.007 P6 WRC
97.008 P8 WRC
97.009 P9 WRC
97.010 P10 WRC
97.011 P11 WRC
97.012 P12 WRC
97.014 P14 WRC
97.015 P7 WRC
97.016 P16 WRC
97.017 R17 WRC
97.018 R18 WRC
97.019 R19 WRC
98.020 R7 WRC
98.021 R8 WRC
98.022 R9 WRC
98.023 R10 WRC
98.024 R11 WRC
98.025 R12 WRC
98.026 R14 WRC
98.027 R15 WRC
99.001 R16 WRC
99.002 R20 WRC
99.003 S6 SRT
99.004 S7 SRT
99.005 S8 SRT
99.006 S9 SRT
99.007 S10 SRT
99.008 T11 SRT
99.009 T12 SRT
99.010 T14 SRT
99.011 T15 SRT
99.012 T16 SRT
99.014 V863 TWL
99.015 V100 ALL
99.016 V10 ALL
99.017 W9 WRC
99.018 W10 ALL
99.019 W10 SRT
99.020 W100 WRC
99.021 X20 WRC
99.022 X200 WRC
99.023 Y10 SRT
00.001 V483 TWL
00.002 V41 RJO
00.003 W17 SRT
00.004 W18 SRT
00.005 W20 SRT
00.006 W19 SRT
00.007 W21 SRT
00.008 W22 SRT
00.009 W23 SRT
00.010 W24 SRT
00.011 W25 SRT
00.012 X506 OBF
00.014 X10 WRC
00.015 X30 WRC
00.016 X40 WRC
01.001 X361 OBF
01.002 X626 OBF
01.003 Show Cars
01.004 Show Cars
01.005 Show Cars
01.006 Show Cars
01.007 X1 SRT
01.008 X2 SRT
01.009 X3 SRT
01.010 X4 SRT
01.011 X5 SRT
01.012 X6 SRT
01.014 X7 SRT
01.015 X8 SRT
01.016 X9 SRT
01.017 X10 SRT
01.018 X11 SRT
01.019 X12 SRT
01.020 X14 SRT
01.021 X15 SRT
01.022 X16 SRT
01.023 X17 SRT
01.024 Show Cars
01.025 X19 SRT
01.026 X20 SRT
01.027 X21 SRT
01.028 X23 SRT
01.029 X24 SRT
01.030 Show Cars
01.031 X26 SRT
01.032 X27 SRT
02.001 Test Car
02.002 TM02 SRT
02.003 PT02 SRT
02.004 PS02 SRT
02.005 TM02 SSS
02.006 PS02 SSS
02.007 PR02 SRT
03.001 Test Car
03.002 S20 WRT
03.003 S30 WRT
03.004 S40 WRT
03.005 S50 WRT
03.006 S60 WRT
03.007 S70 WRT
03.008 S80 WRT
03.009 S90 WRT
03.010 S100 WRT
03.011 S200 WRT
03.012 S300 WRT
03.014 S400 WRT
03.015 S500 WRT
03.016 S600 WRT
03.017 S700 WRT
03.018 S800 WRT
04.001 Test Car
04.002 ST53 SRT
04.003 OT53 SRT
04.004 CT53 SRT
04.005 NT53 SRT
04.006 LT53 SRT
04.007 JT53 SRT
04.008 UT53 SRT
04.009 YT53 SRT
04.010 MT53 SRT
04.011 AT53 SRT
04.012 RT53 SRT
04.014 WT53 SRT
05 and 06´s cars, I did not make a list yet. R30 WRC and R299 ABW I don´t know to which chassis this plates belong.
15th February 2007, 23:00
98.028 - Development Car (became 99.001 - R16 WRC)
98.029 - Development Car (became 99.002 - R20 WRC)
98.030 - R299 ABW
98.031 - R30 WRC
98.032 - T291 BFC
98.033 - T223 BWL (T1 SRT)
98.034 - T10 SRT
00.002 V41 RJO (V10 SRT)
16th February 2007, 12:51
excellent work on the thread. I think you have missed v10 wrc.Its the car Andrew Nesbitt used to win the 2000 irish tarmac championship. I think its now in the isle of mull belonging to john cope.
I think also you have missed v10srt ,that car belongs to kevin lynch whose son drove on the dogleap rally in ireland in sept 2006.
16th February 2007, 17:48
Anyone could tell me who drove/owned AC54 WRC and BC54 WRC in 2006? I read in the old forum that LC54 WRC before Atoly Kazaz was sold to Auto Meca (France) this is true ? Thanks
16th February 2007, 17:59
Auto Meca run the car only in Sweden 2006 for Solowow (Nr 71)
16th February 2007, 18:07
And then sold it to Atolye Kazaz ?
16th February 2007, 18:22
WRC Sweden 08/02/06 Nr 71 AutomecaCERSANIT Rally team Michal Solowow/Maciej Baran Subaru Impreza WRC S11 LC54 WRC
WRC Italy Sardinia 21/05/06 Nr 27 Atolye KAZAZ RED DEVIL Kristian Sohlberg Subaru Impreza WRC S11 LC54 WRC
WRC Acropolis 04/06/06 Nr 19 Atolye KAZAZ EGNATIA Aris Vovos/'El-em' Subaru Impreza WRC S11 LC54 WRC
WRC Finland 20/08/06 Nr 19 Atolye KAZAZ RED DEVIL Kristian Sohlberg / R Rietilainen Subaru Impreza WRC S10 LC54 WRC
WRC Turkey 15/10/06 Nr 20 Atolye KAZAZ Ercan Kazaz / Serdar Kurbanzade Subaru Impreza WRC S11 LC54 WRC
TR Istambul(ex Pirrelli) 02/04/06 Nr 4 Atolye KAZAZ Ercan Kazaz Subaru Impreza WRC S11 LC54 WRC
TR Kuzey Kibris Rallisi 23/07/06 Nr 1 Atolye KAZAZ Ercan Kazaz / Serdar Kurbanzade Subaru Impreza WRC S11 LC54 WRC
Irl Rally 1000Entries 30/12/06 Nr 5 Kenny McKinstry CamillusO'Neill Subaru Impreza WRC S11 LC54 WRC
16th February 2007, 18:29
During the same year 3 owners :)
17th February 2007, 12:21
99.015 - V100 All (v10 Wrc)
17th February 2007, 23:37
Does anyone know what the 2001 Show Cars were registered as?
18th February 2007, 23:27
Anyone could tell me who drove/owned AC54 WRC and BC54 WRC in 2006? I read in the old forum that LC54 WRC before Atoly Kazaz was sold to Auto Meca (France) this is true ? Thanks
BC54 WRC was used by Prodrive/Pirelli for tyre testing. Photos from
18th February 2007, 23:29
18th February 2007, 23:35
Can anyone translate from the link attached? It is concerning an S10 that was used by Juan Pablo Raies in 2006.
19th February 2007, 01:14
Can't translate it for you Pat but the registration of the car is 04.012 RT53 SRT.
19th February 2007, 01:58
John Cope is not from Mull but does compete on the rally
19th February 2007, 01:59
Andy Fenwick just bought R19 WRC this weekend, anyone have any info on that ? or Photo's
Nice one, any testing at Langbaurgh then with this?
R19 WRC isnt that the White one Dave Turnbull had?
19th February 2007, 14:09
Anyone could tell me who drove/owned AC54 WRC and BC54 WRC in 2006? I read in the old forum that LC54 WRC before Atoly Kazaz was sold to Auto Meca (France) this is true ? Thanks
Eugene Donnelly drove BC54WRC on the Donegal Harvest Rally in oct 2006.
Guy Wilks then drove BC54WRC on the Cork 20 2006 rally in ireland also.
It belongs to Derek McGarrity and Mark Higgins is driving it on this years irish tarmac championship.
AC54WRC is also in Ireland now and is owned by Stephen Murphy.He used it in Galway last month.
19th February 2007, 15:43
Can't translate it for you Pat but the registration of the car is 04.012 RT53 SRT.
The car (Foto) is a S9, from Huancayo Rally in August 2005!
This is the his first Subaru WRC, S20WRT( M.Holmes)!
For the first time he run a S10, in Rally Santiago/Chile, Oktober 2005,
but i don t know the Reg Plate!
Are you sure about the Nr(RT53SRT)?
Twin Pipe1
19th February 2007, 21:37
Nice one, any testing at Langbaurgh then with this?
R19 WRC isnt that the White one Dave Turnbull had?
Was testing at stobbs on Sunday.
19th February 2007, 23:06
Eugene Donnelly drove BC54WRC on the Donegal Harvest Rally in oct 2006.
Guy Wilks then drove BC54WRC on the Cork 20 2006 rally in ireland also.
It belongs to Derek McGarrity and Mark Higgins is driving it on this years irish tarmac championship.
AC54WRC is also in Ireland now and is owned by Stephen Murphy.He used it in Galway last month.
Sorry made a mistake, higgins used GC54WRC in Galway as he will in the remainder of the irish championship.
John Ingram used BC54WRC in galway.
20th February 2007, 19:35
Here is my first versions of the current and previous locations of S12,S11,S10´s cars.
04.002 ST53 SRT
04.003 OT53 SRT
04.004 CT53 SRT
04.005 NT53 SRT
04.006 LT53 SRT
04.007 JT53 SRT
04.008 555 WRC
04.009 YT53 SRT
04.010 MT53 SRT
04.011 AT53 SRT
04.012 RT53 SRT
04.014 WT53 SRT
I will post s12 and s11 cars later, any help to fill the gaps? :) and if you spot a mistake please tell me.
20th February 2007, 21:48
RallyTeam Olsbergs are located in Eksjö, Sweden. Not in Norway.
/ Swedeman
20th February 2007, 22:05
Let me know if you spot anything wrong
20th February 2007, 22:16
The car (Foto) is a S9, from Huancayo Rally in August 2005!
This is the his first Subaru WRC, S20WRT( M.Holmes)!
For the first time he run a S10, in Rally Santiago/Chile, Oktober 2005,
but i don t know the Reg Plate!
Are you sure about the Nr(RT53SRT)?
Do you know which events Raies competed on in both S9 & S10?
20th February 2007, 22:42
Let me know if you spot anything wrong
Why don´t you publish this? I seems to know and have all info that I and you need to do it... :)
And about the mistake, thanks Swedeman
20th February 2007, 23:17
After analyse your data I have some questions
04.001 - What happened to this car?
04.003 - Aimont Racing rented or bought this chassis from SWRT?
04.008 - In 2006 the car was sold to DMG, and sold again to mads ostberg ou just rented to run in wales?
04.009 - I read somewhere that one of Atloye Kazaz´s cars is destroyed, I don´t if this is true, but could be this car?
04.012 - Anyone knows who owns this car?
21st February 2007, 00:33
Think I may have solved the problem over P2 WRC. The car that Gerard Moroney now drives must be the R reg version Pat mentioned earlier in the thread and the original P2 WRC is the one owned by G.Car Sport. I say this as Moroney competed in the car on the Longcross Anniversary Stages in May last year. Luigi Bianchi used the car from G.Car Sport on an event in July last year in Italy. Can't be the same car can it???
What are people's thoughts on this???
21st February 2007, 01:53
S11 Notes :
05.001 Ou04 Xnz
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Aimont Racing (italy) Re-registered To Nm 04227.
2007 Aimont Racing (italy)
05.002 Ac54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2007 Stephen Murphy (ireland)
05.003 Bc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Subaru World Rally Team
2007 Mckinstry Motorsport (ireland)
05.004 Cc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team (destroyed, Spain)
05.005 Ec54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Derek Mcgarrity (ireland)
2007 Martin Doherty (ireland)
05.006 Gc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Mike Oates (uk)
2007 Derek Mcgarrity (ireland)
05.007 Hc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Noel Redmond (ireland)
2007 Noel Redmond (ireland)
05.008 Jc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Subaru World Rally Team
2007 Patrick Elliot (ireland)
05.009 Lc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Auto Meca (france), Atolye Kazaz (turkey), Mckinstry Motorsport (ireland).
2007 Mckinstry Motorsport (ireland)
05.010 Mc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Tim Mcnulty (ireland)
2007 Tim Mcnulty (ireland)
05.011 Nc54 Wrc
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Derek Mcgarrity (ireland)
2007 Derek Mcgarrity (ireland)
Again, any comments or mistakes? :)
21st February 2007, 02:01
Think I may have solved the problem over P2 WRC. The car that Gerard Moroney now drives must be the R reg version Pat mentioned earlier in the thread and the original P2 WRC is the one owned by G.Car Sport. I say this as Moroney competed in the car on the Longcross Anniversary Stages in May last year. Luigi Bianchi used the car from G.Car Sport on an event in July last year in Italy. Can't be the same car can it???
What are people's thoughts on this???
Sorry to say, but Luigi Bianchi also competed with his Impreza in Rally del Taro, during April.
21st February 2007, 10:22
Thats my point.
Bianchi used G.Car Sports Impreza April and July last year
Moroney used his in May last year
Can't see the same car being used in Italy shipped England then back to Italy.
21st February 2007, 12:27
Aimont Racing
Re Reg NM 557 P
Ronde Monti Lepini (Angelo Proietti)
Ronde Colline di Cesena (Paolo Valli)
Rally Prealpi Trev. Terra (Pierlorenzo Zanchi)
Ronde Dolomiti Bellunesi (Riccardo Bigolin)
Re Reg NM873 R
Rally Coppa Liburna (Aris Vovos) Accident Back to Prodrive
Ronde Camuna (Eugenio Mannarino)
Beta Rally Oltrepò (Matteo Musti)
Rallysprint BiancoAzzurro (Paolo Valli)
Rally Val Varaita (Maurizio Ferrecchi)
Ronde dei Mille (Eugenio Mannarino)
Monza Rally Show (Eugenio Mannarino)
Ronde del Rubicone (Paolo Valli)
21st February 2007, 12:51
Do you know which events Raies competed on in both S9 & S10?
J have just this:
2005 ARG Río Ceballos - Córdoba 20/03/05 Nr 4 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S9 S20 WRT?
2005 BOL Santa Cruz (BOL) 1/5/2005?? Nr ? Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S9 S20 WRT?
2005 BRA BenitoGoncalves 1/6/2005?? Nr 102 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S9 S20 WRT?
2005 PER Huancayo (PER) 1/8/2005?? Nr 8 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S9 S20 WRT?
2005 CHI Pacifico Santiago(CHI) 1/10/2005?? Nr 1 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S10 RT 53 SRT?
2006 ARG Río Ceballos - Córdoba 19/03/06 Nr 1 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S10 RT 53 SRT? 2nd
2006 PY Trans Itapua 09/04/06 Nr 808 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S10 RT 53 SRT? 3rd
2006 BOL Santa Cruz (BOL) 28/05/06 Nr ? Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S10 RT 53 SRT?
2006 PER Valle del Mantaro 23/07/06 Nr 1 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S10 RT 53 SRT? 1st
2006 ARG ManzanaVuelta Gen.Roca 20/08/06 Nr 2 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S10 RT 53 SRT? 3rd
2006 CHI Pacifico Santiago(CHI) 22/10/06 Nr 1 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S10 RT 53 SRT?
21st February 2007, 13:21
2005 PY Del Guaira(PY) 24/04/05 Nr 811 Juan Pablo Raies/Jorce Perez Companc Subaru Impreza WRC S9 S20 WRT; 4th
21st February 2007, 13:34
Aimont car with more info
2006 Monte Lepini(I) 11/02/06 Nr 3 Aimont Racing Francesco Proietti Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 557 P 1st
2006 Collina Cesena(I) 12/03/06 Nr 1 Aimont Racing Paolo Valli/Silvio Stefanelli Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 557 P 1st
2006 Pre Alpi Trevigiane Terra (I) 25/03/06 Nr 3 Aimont Racing Pierlorenzo Zanchi Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 557 P 3rd
2006 Coppa Liburna Citta di Radicofani 30/04/06 Nr 3 Aimont Racing Aris Vovos/'El-em' Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R Rtd
2006 CAMUNA 23/07/06 Nr 15 Aimont Racing Eugenio Mannarino/Massimo Belelli Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R
2006 Oltrepo PaveseTerme di Salice 30/07/06 Nr 5 Aimont Racing Mateo Musti /Paolo Zanini Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R 2nd
2006 BiancoAzzuro 09/09/06 Nr 1 Aimont Racing Paolo Valli/Silvio Stefanelli Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R
2006 Valle Varaita (I) 30/09/06 Nr 2 Aimont Racing Maurizio Ferrecchi/M Armellino Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R
2006 CITTA' DEI MILLE 05/11/06 Nr 23 Aimont Racing Eugenio Mannarino/Massimo Belelli Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R
2006 Monza Mastershow(I) 26/11/06 Nr 8 Aimont Racing Eugenio Mannarino/Massimo Belelli Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R
2006 Rubicone 09/12/06 Nr 3 Aimont Racing Paolo Valli/Silvio Stefanelli Subaru Impreza WRC S10 JT53 SRT NM 873 R 2nd
306 Cosworth
21st February 2007, 15:28
Paul Bird will be using a new S9 Impreza WRC on this weekends Rallye Sunseeker. He is being sponsored by Stobart so expect to see an S9 WRC in Stobart Livery. Will find out the the Reg on Friday. :)
22nd February 2007, 14:06
Paul Bird will be using a new S9 Impreza WRC on this weekends Rallye Sunseeker. He is being sponsored by Stobart so expect to see an S9 WRC in Stobart Livery. Will find out the the Reg on Friday. :)
from what ive heard, Paul Bird in using a Derek McGarrity S9. Possibly S500WRT
22nd February 2007, 17:28
Not likely. Peter Lloyd has that car now. Heard that he was over in Ireland testing one of Sean Devine's cars.
306 Cosworth
22nd February 2007, 19:41
I believe Paul now owns the S9 Impreza though, as I think he's doing the full ANCRO championship.
22nd February 2007, 22:38
Jack Sleator now has NT53 SRT.
Using it in Birr this weekend, and has entry in for opening round of Dunlop National Rally Championship in Mayo.
22nd February 2007, 23:49
Very nice colour scheme on Sleator's new car...
23rd February 2007, 00:14
Rally Sunseeker Entry List :
2 Paul Bird Andy Richardson Subaru Impreza WRC 2000 A8 Penrith
3 Roger Duckworth Mark Broomfield Subaru Impreza WRC W23 SRT 1994 B13 Whittlebury
5 Stephen Harron Sean Mullally Subaru Impreza WRC 1998 A8 Enniskillen
7 Will Nicholls Nick Broom Subaru Impreza WRC X14 SRT 1994 B13 Shanklin
11 Bob Ceen Andy Bull Subaru Impreza WRC P12 WRC 1994 B13 Malvern
16 Ollie O'Donovan David Moynihan Subaru Impreza WRC Iver
23rd February 2007, 00:20
Jack Sleator now has NT53 SRT.
Using it in Birr this weekend, and has entry in for opening round of Dunlop National Rally Championship in Mayo.
Thanks for the info :)
23rd February 2007, 01:42
Does anyone knows the plate of Michael Mcclogan from Northern Ireland ?
At Eurocables Stages the #12 car, was an Impreza WRC? What was his plate?
23rd February 2007, 20:39
Believe Ollie O'D is using S 30 WRT on the Sunseeker...
306 Cosworth
23rd February 2007, 20:43
Yes he is, he said on the Emerald Stages he was shaking the car down for the Sunseeker.
24th February 2007, 00:50
Paul Bird's new S9 is S 40 WRT
24th February 2007, 21:36
Anyone knows who drove cars 12 and 80 at New Year Stages 2007 ?
24th February 2007, 21:44
Anyone knows who drove cars number 12 (2001 spec) and 80 at New Year Stages 2007 ?
24th February 2007, 21:55
New Year Stages Number 80 was Michael McColgan -- still trying to get a registration number for that car.
Number 12 - Seamus Devine - TM 02 SRT which I believe is actually a S8 (2002 model)
24th February 2007, 22:02
New Year Stages Number 80 was Michael McColgan -- still trying to get a registration number for that car.
Can't find entry list for even so can't id #12....
At you have a pic of #12. It´s very hard to find info of this event.
25th February 2007, 22:39
More questions :) . I was consulting the old forum and in the lists made by patwalsh and I have some plates with no chassis :)
2001 spec
X40 SRT - Charlie Payne (UK)
X307 OFC - unknown
X28 SRT - destroyed
X30 SRT - Herve Knapick (F)
2000 spec
X50 WRC - unknown - last used '01
1999 spec
T291 BFC - Jose Barbara - F
W12 WRC - Derk Boers - NL
W14 WRC - Harold Morley - UK
1998 spec
T1 SRT - Will Nicholls - UK
all this locations are from 2005, so what are the chassis number and/or the previous plates of this cars ?
27th February 2007, 09:58
Hi everyone. I am new here and registered to help you out a bit!!
The info I have is as follows:
T1 SRT now belongs to Jamie Vincent (used to be mine). Chassis number from memory is 98/033
X50 WRC is now back in Ireland (owner unknown). Since 2001 its ownnership being originally Gary Emmett. I bought it in 2005 and then traded it in with Steve Fleck in September 06 for X14 SRT. Steve has now sold it on again to a guy in Ireland. X50's chassis number was 00/012.
I now have X14 and cant remember the number but will have a look later (I think it is 01/021). What makes your task complicated is that when you trace the history back various cars identities have changed several times due to the practice that Prodrive had of swapping registrations about. As an example X14 used to be X1 SRT when first used in the World Championship, it then became X17 SRT before being sold by Prodrive as X14.
As for owners I can also help with the following:
S40 WRT is Paul Bird (bought the car a few weeks ago from Sean Devine)
S100 WRT and S600 WRT are Tony Davies (yes he has two!)
S400 WRT is Steven Harron
S90 WRT is Melvyn Evans (buts thats a complicated one as the original S90 WRT is in Ireland on S17 GGC!!)
S800 WRT is Niall Devine
X15 SRT is now with Steve Fleck
Hope that helps. Will update some more as and when.
p.s. happy to list my cars under Will Nicholls as he is the driver
27th February 2007, 10:00
27th February 2007, 15:15
Thanks a lot for the info. After read your post I think that after discover the location of the cars and his actual plates, we have to contact the owners/driver/teams to know the history and the chassis number, it will be fun :)
28th February 2007, 00:16
Hi everyone. I am new here and registered to help you out a bit!!
The info I have is as follows:
T1 SRT now belongs to Jamie Vincent (used to be mine). Chassis number from memory is 98/033
X50 WRC is now back in Ireland (owner unknown). Since 2001 its ownnership being originally Gary Emmett. I bought it in 2005 and then traded it in with Steve Fleck in September 06 for X14 SRT. Steve has now sold it on again to a guy in Ireland. X50's chassis number was 00/012.
I now have X14 and cant remember the number but will have a look later (I think it is 01/021). What makes your task complicated is that when you trace the history back various cars identities have changed several times due to the practice that Prodrive had of swapping registrations about. As an example X14 used to be X1 SRT when first used in the World Championship, it then became X17 SRT before being sold by Prodrive as X14.
As for owners I can also help with the following:
S40 WRT is Paul Bird (bought the car a few weeks ago from Sean Devine)
S100 WRT and S600 WRT are Tony Davies (yes he has two!)
S400 WRT is Steven Harron
S90 WRT is Melvyn Evans (buts thats a complicated one as the original S90 WRT is in Ireland on S17 GGC!!)
S800 WRT is Niall Devine
X15 SRT is now with Steve Fleck
Hope that helps. Will update some more as and when.
p.s. happy to list my cars under Will Nicholls as he is the driver
When did Kenny McKinstry sell s400wrt and s100wrt.I knew Tony davies used
s100 last year in donegal but didnt know he bought it.
U are correct about s90wrt being in ireland(original anyway)george cullen has it.
Just 1 correction .Its sean devine that owns s800wrt not niall devine,unless its a relation of his driving it
28th February 2007, 01:04
Steven used S400 on the Sunseeker at the weekend having bought it from Kenny (as far as I understand it)
As for S100 (Prodrive supplied in RHD) then yes Tony definately has it as it is in Morgan Motorsports workshop parked alongside S600. Tony used it for the first time on Ulster last year (he was servicing next to us)
As for Sean and Niall then they are brothers. Sean had S40 (LHD version) before selling to Paul Bird a few weeks ago and Niall has S800 (RHD) although it is up for sale at present. I might have Niall and Seans cars the wrong way round although it is Niall that I am talking to about S800 (hence the earlier statement).
I am thinking of going RHD S9 myself hence sudden burst of knowledge of where the RHD ones are !!!
Hope that helps
p.s. to confuse you even more there will also be another S9 on the scene soon which Steve Fleck has built (S200 WRC or S555 SRT is the planned number). It is in a Prodrive shell but has no chassis number as it was not a Prodrive build.
28th February 2007, 01:17
Also as for S8 cars then X21 SRT is with Steve Winter and X12 SRT is now with Philip Young.
Keep it going
28th February 2007, 01:30
Also as for S8 cars then X21 SRT is with Steve Winter and X12 SRT is now with Philip Young.
Keep it going
Nick98, you are a gold mine of information, precious information, thanks a lot. I already knew about X12. Phillip Young drove it las weekend on Rally Sunseeker, but didn´t know anything about X21 thanks :)
28th February 2007, 02:14
The chassis number 07.001 should be OU56 ECY at least this is the car that Subaru used during a test session in Catalunya in December.
28th February 2007, 08:10
Steven used S400 on the Sunseeker at the weekend having bought it from Kenny (as far as I understand it)
As for S100 (Prodrive supplied in RHD) then yes Tony definately has it as it is in Morgan Motorsports workshop parked alongside S600. Tony used it for the first time on Ulster last year (he was servicing next to us)
As for Sean and Niall then they are brothers. Sean had S40 (LHD version) before selling to Paul Bird a few weeks ago and Niall has S800 (RHD) although it is up for sale at present. I might have Niall and Seans cars the wrong way round although it is Niall that I am talking to about S800 (hence the earlier statement).
I am thinking of going RHD S9 myself hence sudden burst of knowledge of where the RHD ones are !!!
Hope that helps
p.s. to confuse you even more there will also be another S9 on the scene soon which Steve Fleck has built (S200 WRC or S555 SRT is the planned number). It is in a Prodrive shell but has no chassis number as it was not a Prodrive build.
Although Niall Devine owns S800 it's always been Sean I have seen driving it - I understood, can't remember from where I heard it, the car was bought as Sean couldn't get used to LHD.
IIRC S100 was purchased by Eamon Boland and run by Dom Buckley's team - sold to Tony Davies when Eamon moved to Fords.
Just assumed that Harron and Young had hired their respective Scoobs from Kenny...
Le NaRcX
28th February 2007, 14:13
This is the X23 SRT property of Joan Ollé for Catalunya's Championship.
28th February 2007, 14:21
More updates - T10 SRT (ex Peter Lloyd) is now with Andrew Orchard. Chassis number 98/034 IIRC.
Steve Furzeland now has X5 SRT
Both cars bright red !!!
28th February 2007, 16:42
05.001 Ou04 Xnz
2005 Subaru World Rally Team
2006 Aimont Racing (italy) Re-registered To Nm 04227.
2007 Aimont Racing (italy) Re-registered back to OU04XNZ
28th February 2007, 19:23
Nick what has happened to X19 SRT that Steve Furzeland had?
28th February 2007, 20:47
Oops :rolleyes: - bit early in the morning for me. That is what I meant to put (X19 is the right number). How that transpired into what I put baffles even me - and I wrote it !!
Sorry for any confusion. :confused:
p.s. P5 WRC is now Steve Snook
1st March 2007, 00:07
I wonder what John Marshall is using this year... Last year I had him noted at the end of the season in T 10 SRT.
Another question -- can someone confirm where P 12 WRC is at the moment...
1st March 2007, 00:16
I don´t know what you know, but reading the old forum in April´06, acording to what NoelCollings wrote, the car was in the hands of Martin Cairns.
1st March 2007, 00:36
I re-discovered to more Imprezas, NoelCollings discovered them and wrote it on the old forum.
98.032 - T291 BFC - Jose Barbara (France)
Picture from Rally Routes du Nord 2006
01.??? - X30 SRT - Herve Knapic (France)
Run in Rally Routed du Nord 2006 either
I´ll try to contact Herve Knapic to know the chassis number, will not be easy, but will be fun :)
Twin Pipe1
1st March 2007, 00:38
I wonder what John Marshall is using this year... Last year I had him noted at the end of the season in T 10 SRT.
Another question -- can someone confirm where P 12 WRC is at the moment...
John Marshall is having a new car built to WRC spec. Think he is just using one of MSP cars until it is finished.
Didnt T10 SRT get converted back to LHD after John sold it, did it not go to Holland ?
1st March 2007, 09:24
rwssport there is a problem with P12 WRC
Bob Ceen owns P12 WRC over in the UK but Martin Cairns owns P12 WRC over in Ireland. Think Ceen's is ex Roger Duckworth and I remember someone saying that it used to be P12 SRT, but don't hold me to that.
1st March 2007, 15:51
A Dane, Karl Aage Jensen has bought one of the newer cars
He will run it in the German championship.
1st March 2007, 19:56
The hungarian Budai Tean has bought Mark van Eldik's S8 Impreza from Holland, I don't know the regplate yet.
Another Impreza, an S9 was built by Prodrive for Husquarna Racing Team, it will be the Subaru Hungary backed car this year.
1st March 2007, 21:34
It seems that the S8 is X16 SRT.
1st March 2007, 22:30
Just let me know if you need any info on the S16XRT.
You can find the history of the car on and following pages.
Maurice (MenMrally webmaster)
2nd March 2007, 10:11
Just let me know if you need any info on the S16XRT.
You can find the history of the car on and following pages.
Maurice (MenMrally webmaster)
Thanks Maurice! It's a nice work with the car's history! :up:
2nd March 2007, 10:26
On Rally Hadeland, second round of the Norwegian Rally Championship, car number 24 was a subaru impreza wrc with Engil Bentzen driving it. Anyone knows the reg-plates of the car, could it be the old R299 ABW that was re-registered to AX 72602?
3rd March 2007, 22:29
On Rally Hadeland, second round of the Norwegian Rally Championship, car number 24 was a subaru impreza wrc with Engil Bentzen driving it. Anyone knows the reg-plates of the car, could it be the old R299 ABW that was re-registered to AX 72602?
Yes it is AX 72602
4th March 2007, 16:25
hi guys great thread. I was just wondering does anyone have any photos of a 2WD Impreza WRC. A mate of mine told me there was one in exsistence and i dont believe him. I would appreciate if anyone could put up some pictures. Thanks.!!!!
4th March 2007, 16:55
There isnt a 2WD Impreza WRC but there is a 2WD Impreza, it entered the Roger Albert Clark Rally.
4th March 2007, 18:12
alright then!!!!! does anyone have pictures of this car so i caould see it for real. :)
5th March 2007, 01:09
Does anyone know who drove car 78 during Eurocables stages 2007? and what was the reg-plates of the car?
Here is a picture of the car :
5th March 2007, 02:10
Does anyone know who drove car 78 during Eurocables stages 2007? and what was the reg-plates of the car?
Here is a picture of the car :
I think it's X 50 WRC and I have it noted against Brian McCloskey but I'll need to check driver - don't have access to the necessary spreadsheet at the moment...
5th March 2007, 02:12
alright then!!!!! does anyone have pictures of this car so i caould see it for real. :) (http://http//
Credit etc to the photographer Ian Hardy for this pic....
5th March 2007, 09:21
Brian McCloskey it is. The car is ex Will Nicholls and a re-registered X506 OBF.
On the subject of re-registered cars does anybody have an idea to what chassis' the following are:
- Steve Flecks that he drove on the Jim Clark National, Ulster National and the Mewla last year. It is registered as X14 SRT which is a S8 but it is on an S9 body. Could this be X14 SRT reshelled? Or the first of the S9's that was used by SWRT as a test/show car.
- James Kirtley's registered W635 XBA
5th March 2007, 14:05
does this help with you results sardalense,
tour of epynt, yesterday.
melvin evans: S90WRT
tony davies: S600WRT
damian cole: R10WRC
peter lloyd: S500WRT
lyndon barton: PT02SRT
5th March 2007, 14:21
does this help with you results sardalense,
tour of epynt, yesterday.
melvin evans: S90WRT
tony davies: S600WRT
damian cole: R10WRC
peter lloyd: S500WRT
lyndon barton: PT02SRT
Thanks a lot, scoobysnips! I was waiting for the pictures to discouver the plates ;)
5th March 2007, 19:36
I didn´t see yet a picture from philip young´s X12 SRT, and I´m quite sure that everyone is write, but during the first round of the Irish forestry championship 2007, Trevor Harding drove a X12 SRT, so could it be the same car, or it´s a situation like P12 WRC?
5th March 2007, 21:10
Brian McCloskey it is. The car is ex Will Nicholls and a re-registered X506 OBF.
On the subject of re-registered cars does anybody have an idea to what chassis' the following are:
- Steve Flecks that he drove on the Jim Clark National, Ulster National and the Mewla last year. It is registered as X14 SRT which is a S8 but it is on an S9 body. Could this be X14 SRT reshelled? Or the first of the S9's that was used by SWRT as a test/show car.
- James Kirtley's registered W635 XBA
I can help you out with that - but it's a long story. The plate on the car used last year was X14 SRT but it was 'borrowed' from his S8 whch I now have. When we bought the S8 from Steve the S9 needed its own identity (rather than a shared one) and so it ended up with S90 WRT. Steve has subsequently sold the car to Melvyn Evans and it was this car that Melvyn used yesterday to win the Mewla. Although S90 WRT is an ex works number it became free when the real S90 WRT was re-registered to S17 GGC by George Cullen. The 'new' S90 WRT that Melvyn has was the old Pirelli test car that was extensively damaged about 18 months ago (reg unknown - but maybe S10 WRT?)
Clear as mud?
p.s as for a chassis number then the 'new' S90 WRT doesn't have one as the original identity was destroyed by Prodrive - they then sold the mechanical bits along with a new S9 shell and hence there being a period when it shared its identity with X14 while its own identity was sought.
5th March 2007, 22:12
As for James Kirtleys then if it is the WR blue 98 WRC looking car with P2000 bonnet and boot spolier then although a real WRC in the true sense it has been built from a variety of bits and has no real identity that anyone would recognise. It was built by MSP out of spares hence the mix of 98, 99 and P2000 bits. I saw it at Abingdon last June and it does look the part but difficult to value given its history/pedigree
5th March 2007, 23:35
How many subarus ran in last week´s Malcom Wilson Rally? Only Bird´s car?
Willie Loughman Forestry Rally
3 Trevor Harding X12 SRT
4 Kevin O´Kane W20 SRT
14 Sean Devine S800 WRT
47? Damien Quinn W10 ALL
Tour of Epynt
1 Melvyn Evans S90 WRT
2 Tony Davies S600 WRT
4 Damien Cole R10 WRC
5 Peter Loyd S500 WRT
9 Lyndon Barton PT02 SRT
11 Bob Fowden ????
5th March 2007, 23:38
Mayo Stages Entry List
West Cork Entry List
1 Melvyn Evans Sean Mullally Llwandra Impreza WRC 1998 8
2 Tim McNulty Anthony Nestor Dublin Impreza WRC S11 2000 8
4 Donie O'Sullivan Paul Nagle Cullen Impreza WRC S11 2000 8
5 Liam McCarthy Kieran Murphy Dunmanway Impreza WRCS12 1998 8
6 Denis Cronin Helen O'Sullivan Ballylickey Impreza WRC 1998 8
8 Jon Ingram Ian Allsop Altrincham Impreza WRC S11 1998 8
14 Bob Fowden Llinos Jones-Edwards Burry Port Impreza WRC 2000 8
15 Noel Redmond Ger Healy Bunclody Impreza S12 2000 8
16 Tony Davies Brian Hardie Bedfordshire Impreza WRC S9 1998 8
17 PJ McGrath Killian Duffy New Ross Impreza WRC 1998 8
50 PJ McDermott Sean Harrison Donegal Impreza WRC S9 1998 8
62 Peter Egerton Dai Roberts Burley Impreza WRC 1998 15
184 Mike Bird Kevin Keane Oranmore Impreza WRC S8 1998 8
227 Jack Sleator Andrew Purcell Mullingar Impreza S10 2000 8
6th March 2007, 00:34
Bob Fowden's car is a N10 spec machine - guess runnig to Group A rather than Group N spec....
6th March 2007, 00:36
Thanks for the information Nick.
I believe that X12 SRT is a hire car from Kenny McKinstry thus why it seems to get about alot driven by different people.
6th March 2007, 00:36
Is Fowdens car not R12 WRC that he has?
6th March 2007, 01:51
When and who destroyed chassis #01.018 (X11 SRT), 02.007 (PR02 SRT), and X28 SRT (Chassis unkown) ?
6th March 2007, 08:06
Pics of Bob Fowden's car at the very top of this page.
Once again credit etc to Geoff Mayes for his pictures.....
6th March 2007, 11:22
So what has happened to the Impreza WRC that he has? Or does he just bring that out for the odd event.
6th March 2007, 11:43
Bob Fowden's car is a N10 spec machine - guess runnig to Group A rather than Group N spec....
Fowden's car is a higher spec than group A, and is running the same transmission as a '98 impreza WRC
6th March 2007, 18:13
Where is now S50 WRT, S60 WRT, S80 WRT, S90 WRT (S17 GGC) and S700 WRT ?
S70 WRT is with George Cullen or Barry Johnson ?
6th March 2007, 19:28
S60 WRT is in Ireland with Niall Maguire
S90 WRT (S17 GGC) is in Ireland with George Cullen and is not Melvyn Evans' car as Nick has explained
S700 WRT as far as I know is still with Kevin Lynch
S70 WRT has been Barry Johnsons since 2004
6th March 2007, 19:35
Thanks, it´s just missing S50 WRT that was in the hands of Juan Luis Cruz (and still is?) and S80 WRT that I do not have any information about his location.
6th March 2007, 20:47
Just to let you know, Damian Cole didnt use the Subaru on the Tour of Epynt, he used his Hyundai instead
6th March 2007, 22:52
LT53 SRT is still with Patrick Elliot? and YT53 SRT where is it? Is it in RED? And finaly RT53 SRT any idea about the whereabouts of this car?
6th March 2007, 23:56
Could somebody do me a favour and post up the information from the Martin Holmes books on the chassis numbers and WRC events that Impreza World Rally Cars have been used on since 1997.
7th March 2007, 00:00
1997 Chassis numbers
7th March 2007, 00:06
Thanks Sardalense. Its a bit small though. Any chance of a bigger copy?
Juan Luiz Cruz is down on the entry list for the XXIII Rallye Villa de Santa Brigida this weekend in an Impreza WRC so I would assume it is S50 WRT.
Also i think RT53 SRT was said to be the car that Juan Pablo Raies used in South America.
7th March 2007, 00:10
1997 :
1999 :
2000 :
2001 :
2005 :
2006 :
I will post 98,02,03 and 04 lists tomorrow.
7th March 2007, 00:12
S60 WRT is in Ireland with Niall Maguire
S90 WRT (S17 GGC) is in Ireland with George Cullen and is not Melvyn Evans' car as Nick has explained
S700 WRT as far as I know is still with Kevin Lynch
S70 WRT has been Barry Johnsons since 2004
Just to clear this up. The real S90 WRT has the number plate S17 GGC and belongs to George Cullen in Ireland. The plate S90 WRT was purchased to go on the car that Melvyn Evans has.
7th March 2007, 00:13
Thanks Sardalense
7th March 2007, 00:18
Thanks Sardalense
We are all searching for the same :)
7th March 2007, 09:53
Mark van Eldik bought a S12 WRC.
7th March 2007, 15:58
Last rally of S80 WRT was in Corsica 2003, Benoit Rousselot drove the car and had an accident on SS9, maybe the car is destroyed, I don´t know how bad was the accident...
7th March 2007, 16:00
Last rally of S80 WRT was in Corsica 2003, Benoit Rousselot drove the car and had an accident on SS9, maybe the car is destroyed, I don´t know how bad was the accident...
7th March 2007, 17:14
1998 :
2002 :
2003 :
2004 :
7th March 2007, 18:51
More questions :) . I was consulting the old forum and in the lists made by patwalsh and I have some plates with no chassis :)
2001 spec
X40 SRT - Charlie Payne (UK) - is currently 01.014 but not sure what it was becomre
X307 OFC - unknown
X28 SRT - destroyed
X30 SRT - Herve Knapick (F)
2000 spec
X50 WRC - unknown - last used '01
1999 spec
T291 BFC - Jose Barbara - F
W12 WRC - Derk Boers - NL
W14 WRC - Harold Morley - UK
1998 spec
T1 SRT - Will Nicholls - UK
all this locations are from 2005, so what are the chassis number and/or the previous plates of this cars ?
X40 SRT - is currently 01.014 but not sure what it was before
X28 SRT - 01.032
X50 WRC - 00.012
T291 BFC - 98.032
W12 / W14 WRC - are privately built cars by MSP
T1 SRT - 98.033
7th March 2007, 18:56
As for S100 (Prodrive supplied in RHD) then yes Tony definately has it as it is in Morgan Motorsports workshop parked alongside S600. Tony used it for the first time on Ulster last year (he was servicing next to us).
S100 WRT was bought prior to and used on Donegal 2006. The car is run by McKinstry Motorsport, and I don't think it was the car you saw next to S600 WRT.
7th March 2007, 19:08
On the subject of re-registered cars does anybody have an idea to what chassis' the following are:
- Steve Flecks that he drove on the Jim Clark National, Ulster National and the Mewla last year. It is registered as X14 SRT which is a S8 but it is on an S9 body. Could this be X14 SRT reshelled? Or the first of the S9's that was used by SWRT as a test/show car.
- James Kirtley's registered W635 XBA
The Fleck S7/9 car is chassis 01.002 (X626 OFC) - think it was a Prodive test car for S9 components.
Do you mean Paul Kirtley? Think Kirtley's are/were MSP, and am guessing W635 XBA is a non-Prodrive built car.
7th March 2007, 19:09
This is the X23 SRT property of Joan Ollé for Catalunya's Championship.
Do you know from what event(s) these photos were taken? Or which events Joan Olle has competed on in the car?
7th March 2007, 19:22
When and who destroyed chassis #01.018 (X11 SRT), 02.007 (PR02 SRT), and X28 SRT (Chassis unkown) ?
X11 SRT - Cyprus 2001 - Petter Solberg - fire
PR02 SRT - 2003 testing for Troodos Rally - Nasser Al Attiyah (I think) - fire
X28 SRT - Argentina 2002 - Tommi Makinen - rolled several times
(photos from
7th March 2007, 19:42
The Fleck S7/9 car is chassis 01.002 (X626 OFC) - think it was a Prodive test car for S9 components.
Do you mean Paul Kirtley? Think Kirtley's are/were MSP, and am guessing W635 XBA is a non-Prodrive built car.
First, thanks for your new informations.
Second, you are saying that the S90 WRT that is with Melvyn Evans now and was with Steve Fleck in 2006, is 01.002 but with S9 specifications?
8th March 2007, 01:26
The Fleck S7/9 car is chassis 01.002 (X626 OFC) - think it was a Prodive test car for S9 components.
Do you mean Paul Kirtley? Think Kirtley's are/were MSP, and am guessing W635 XBA is a non-Prodrive built car.
Steves S9 (now with Melvyn Evans) may have been this car but when he bought it from Prodrive it came as a box of bits along with a brand new S9 shell. However the new car has no ID or Prodrive Chassis number as that was retained by Prodrive after the testing accident in which the original shell was destroyed.
As for W635 XBA then yes agreed - it is a non Prodrive built car from MSP built from a 98 shell with various 98, 99 and 00 spec bits fitted to it. Again no Prodrive chassis number or ID.
Hope that helps
8th March 2007, 12:44
Thanks for posting those up for me Sardalense.
Can someone help me with a query I have on X8 SRT. Achim Mortl wrote it off on the Mont Blanc rally in 2001 yet it appeared on Corsica the following year in the hands of Benoit Rousselot. Is this the same car? I'm inclined to think that it isn't as X2 SRT was re-registered as S200 USA and then X8 SRT.
8th March 2007, 14:05
Carrick on Suir Forestry Rally 04/03/2007
trevor j harding x12srt
kevin o'kane w20srt
sean devine s800wrt
damian quin w10all
8th March 2007, 15:57
anyone know what s12's derek and liam mccarthy have?
9th March 2007, 10:16
2nd Ostbergs S10 / Rally Numendals:
I think that the ex stolen car UT53SRT
is re registrated in DL 51122!
11th March 2007, 20:01
sardalense hope this helps!
Rali Cwm Gwendraeth:- today.
P5WRC-andrew dark
he says he hasn't sold the car and still owns it???
14th March 2007, 01:38
Plates from this cars, please :)
Mayo Stages 07
05 - Niall Maguire
06 - Martin Doherty
10 - Kieram Shaw
12 - Noel Redmond
27 - David Mcnulty
Some of them I know the plates but I did not see yet a decent picture to confirm it. Thanks
14th March 2007, 14:02
According to the lists I have
Maguire - S 60 WRT
Doherty - EC 54 WRC
Redmond - HC 54 WRC
McNulty - I believe he now has X 30 WRC
No details for Snow.
14th March 2007, 16:46
Sorry not sure now if X30WRC is either David McNulty or Armstrong
14th March 2007, 17:28
X30WRC is David McNulty....finally
18th March 2007, 14:22
can anyone explain this one to me
wasn't this plate on an legacy?
306 Cosworth
18th March 2007, 17:23
Always been on that Scooby AFAIK
18th March 2007, 19:08
Look at this beautiful picture :) Portugal 2001
18th March 2007, 19:17
can anyone explain this one to me
wasn't this plate on an legacy?
K 555 BAT was on Ari's Legacy on the Acropolis in 1993. Thanks again to Martin Holmes' World Rallying Book for that season - brilliant picture of the car.
19th March 2007, 00:07
This weekend´s Tank S Rally in the Netherlands :
2 - Van Eldik - ST53 SRT
4 - Boers - X5 SRT
7 - David Mann - W9 WRC
8 - Dave Turnbul - X8 SRT
9 - Graham Coffey - PS02 SRT
19th March 2007, 00:16
This picture is from Ardenne Bleue East Belgian Rally 2007, and I have no information about the driver and the reg-plate, any help ?
19th March 2007, 06:46
Should be Hubert Deferm's S9 SRT?
19th March 2007, 09:33
Should be Hubert Deferm's S9 SRT?
Thanks, the driver´s last name is Defern, should be him.
19th March 2007, 09:44
No, it's really DeferM :-)
19th March 2007, 11:08
The M is for moustache ;)
19th March 2007, 14:54
3 S12 already sold:
2.Van Eldik
19th March 2007, 14:59
3 S12 already sold:
2.Van Eldik
19th March 2007, 15:16
Something with Stacey s T10SRT and Vitron rally team:
20th March 2007, 22:28
Sorry to ask this here, but I really want to know what "written off" means ?
20th March 2007, 23:32
Sorry to ask this here, but I really want to know what "written off" means ?
As far as normal road cars are concerned insurance companies "write off" a car if it's beyond economic repair. For example if the car is valued at £10,000 and it's going to cost say £8000 to repair it then the insurance company may decide to "write it off".
Hope this helps...
20th March 2007, 23:52
It helps for sure, thanks, at least now I do not consider "written off" as a car that was destroyed in an accident or something like that, like X11 SRT that burned in Cyprus 2001.
Does anybody knows what were the reg-plates from Martin and Solberg´s cars in Australia 2000 ? I´m asking because in the 2000 edition of World Rallying, Martin Holmes did not mention both cars in the WRC Countdown List...
21st March 2007, 20:12
See that the "555 WRC" reg is up for sale on ebay.
currentley just under £4000 with a week to go!
21st March 2007, 20:50
It helps for sure, thanks, at least now I do not consider "written off" as a car that was destroyed in an accident or something like that, like X11 SRT that burned in Cyprus 2001.
Does anybody knows what were the reg-plates from Martin and Solberg´s cars in Australia 2000 ? I´m asking because in the 2000 edition of World Rallying, Martin Holmes did not mention both cars in the WRC Countdown List...
Marko had W 21 SRT and Petter had W 22 SRT - both retired because of fire and accident respectively.
Richard Burns finished 3rd o/a in W 19 SRT
21st March 2007, 21:13
Thanks rwssport! How many P2000 cars were built? I have here a list of 15 cars, from 00.001 to 00.016 (00.013 was not built).
21st March 2007, 23:47
List of P2000 cars :
00.001 - V483 TWL - Test Car, location unkwon
00.002 - V10 SRT (ex. V41 RJO) - Test Car, Kevin Lynch ?
00.003 - W17 SRT - Used in 4 WRC events by SWRT, location unkown
00.004 - W18 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT (2 wins), DMG ?
00.005 - W20 SRT - Used in 2 WRC events by SWRT, Kevin O´Kane
00.006 - W19 SRT - Used in 4 WRC events by SWRT, Davy Armstrong ?
00.007 - W21 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT, Peadar Hurson ?
00.008 - W22 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT, Mckinstry MSport
00.009 - W23 SRT - Used in 2 WRC events by SWRT, Roger Duckworth
00.010 - W24 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT, Peter Stephenson ?
00.011 - W25 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT (1 win), 22 MSport col.
00.012 - X50 WRC (ex. X506 OFC) - Brian Mccloskey
00.014 - X10 WRC - Used by Dor, Mortl and Wahaibi w/o in Cyprus 2001.
00.015 - X30 WRC - David McNulty
00.016 - X22 WRC (ex. X40 WRC) - Dick Wicksell (Sweden)
21st March 2007, 23:57
Here is the story of 00.012 (X50 WRC) by Nick98 :
"X50 WRC is now back in Ireland (owner unknown). Since 2001 its ownnership being originally Gary Emmett. I bought it in 2005 and then traded it in with Steve Fleck in September 06 for X14 SRT. Steve has now sold it on again to a guy in Ireland. X50's chassis number was 00/012."
Dear Nick98, do you know how can I contact with Gary Emmett to know in which events he used this car? And you, how many events you made as the owner of this car?
22nd March 2007, 10:57
Something with Stacey s T10SRT and Vitron rally team:
This is Stacey's ex-Subaru Impreza, which will be driven by Martin van Iersel in the 2007 Dutch championship (from April on). He formely drove a 2006 spec Impreza WRX STI.
22nd March 2007, 21:25
I do have Gary Emmetts phone number which I can p.m. you but I do know that he used it in the Middle Eastern Rally Championship for two years (2003 and 2004 I think) He then brought the car home and did a bare shell rebuild on it but then didn't use it at all after that. It sat in his workshop for about a year until I bought it at the end of 2005. I then had it converted to RHD and we used it as follows:
Feb 06 Sunseeker (retired - radiator)
April 06 Astra (3rd o/a)
May 06 Monteberg Rallysprint (retired - accident)
May 06 Pirelli (3rd o/a)
June 06 Abingdon (1st o/a)
August 06 Fat Albert (retired - gearbox)
Traded in with Steve Fleck in September 06 with busted gearbox for X14 SRT. That having been said wish I had never sold it as it is still the best handling car of all of them (in my opinion)!
Hope that helps
22nd March 2007, 23:25
Thanks a lot for the info Nick98. About Gary Emmetts contact I prefer email, because a phone call to UK will cost me a fortune and I only want to know in which events he entered with the car and the results, just like you did.
Now I want to ask you 2/3 things. He used the car in 2003-2004, so I assume that he bought the car from another driver/co-driver and not from Prodrive, this is correct or not?
And finnaly, Monteberg Rallysprint is in Belgium isn´t it? And the event in Abingdon was Car-nival Stages...
Once again thanks a lot for your help
23rd March 2007, 22:44
I will try to find Garys e-mail for you. He will also be best placed to answer the question about where he bought the car from as that I do not know.
As for the other questions then yes Monteberg Rallysprint is in Belgium and Abingdon was the Car-nival Stages near Oxford.
24th March 2007, 20:09
List of P2000 cars :
00.001 - V483 TWL - Test Car, location unkwon
00.002 - V10 SRT (ex. V41 RJO) - Test Car, Kevin Lynch ?
00.003 - W17 SRT - Used in 4 WRC events by SWRT, location unkown
00.004 - W18 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT (2 wins), DMG ?
00.005 - W20 SRT - Used in 2 WRC events by SWRT, Kevin O´Kane
00.006 - W19 SRT - Used in 4 WRC events by SWRT, Davy Armstrong ?
00.007 - W21 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT, Peadar Hurson ?
00.008 - W22 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT, Mckinstry MSport
00.009 - W23 SRT - Used in 2 WRC events by SWRT, Roger Duckworth
00.010 - W24 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT, Peter Stephenson ?
00.011 - W25 SRT - Used in 3 WRC events by SWRT (1 win), 22 MSport col.
00.012 - X50 WRC (ex. X506 OFC) - Brian Mccloskey
00.014 - X10 WRC - Used by Dor, Mortl and Wahaibi w/o in Cyprus 2001.
00.015 - X30 WRC - David McNulty
00.016 - X22 WRC (ex. X40 WRC) - Dick Wicksell (Sweden)
hi just to let you know that w18srt is still in ireland. owned by daniel doherty in donegal ireland
Twin Pipe1
25th March 2007, 11:52
Has anyone the full History of R19 WRC ?
Twin Pipe1
26th March 2007, 18:59
and Also T11 SRT
26th March 2007, 19:48
Twin Pipe this is only a partial history, but I suppose its better than nothing.
Chassis Number: 97.019 originally registered as P19 WRC
P19 WRC Kenneth Eriksson Finland 1997 Retired
P19 WRC Kenneth Eriksson Great Britain 1997 Retired
R19 WRC Kenneth Eriksson Sweden 1998 4th
R19 WRC Colin McRae Portugal 1998 1st
The car was sold to Frederic Dor and was used in several WRC events in 1999
Mark Fisher used the car on Rally GB in 1999 and finished 17th
I don't have any information between the end of 1999 and 2004.
Dave Turnbull used the car on a number events in 2004 including the Jim Clark and Cheviot. He retired on the Jim Clark and came 4th on the Cheviot.
Chassis Number: 99.008
Bruno Thiry Catalunya and Corsica 1999 7th and accident
Juha Kankkunen Acropolis, Finland and Australia 1999 Retired, 1st, Retired
The car was sold to Mike Oates in 2000. I'm afraid I don't have any information as to what events he did with it. He seems to do the Prom Stages, North West Stages ever year so I'd assume those plus a few more.
I have Sean Devine driving it on the 2004 Ulster Rally but no information before and after that.
Hope that helps.
Who has bought T11 SRT? and am I right in saying that Andy Fenwick has bought R19 WRC?
26th March 2007, 19:58
Could someone help fill in the blanks for me. I am missing the registration numbers for the following.
Frederic Dor - Argentina and Great Britain
Frederic Dor - Safari, Portugal, Argentina, Acropolis, New Zealand, Finland and Australia
Rui Madeira - Portugal
Ioannis Papadimitriou - Portugal and Acropolis
Toshi Arai - Portugal and Catalunya
Mark Champeau - Catalunya
Krisztian Hideg - Corsica
Jean Pierre Richelmi - Acropolis
Possum Bourne - New Zealand and Australia (registered ROJ but what was the chassis number?)
Diego Oldrati - Sanremo
Michele Gregis - Sanremo
Paulo Andreucci - Sanremo
26th March 2007, 20:12
Frederic Dor - Argentina and Great Britain - L200 FDD (GpA) / P5 WRC
Frederic Dor - Safari, Portugal, Argentina, Acropolis, New Zealand, Finland and Australia - P5 WRC / R19 WRC / P5 WRC / R19 WRC / R19 WRC / R19 WRC / R19 WRC
Rui Madeira - Portugal - P162 EUD (GpA)
Ioannis Papadimitriou - Portugal and Acropolis - ?? / ??
Toshi Arai - Portugal and Catalunya - T291 BFC / T291 BFC
Mark Champeau - Catalunya - ??
Krisztian Hideg - Corsica - ??
Jean Pierre Richelmi - Acropolis - P18 WRC
Possum Bourne - New Zealand and Australia (registered ROJ but what was the chassis number?) - R10 WRC
Diego Oldrati - Sanremo - ??
Michele Gregis - Sanremo - ??
Paulo Andreucci - Sanremo - ??
I think it might be the registrations above
26th March 2007, 20:15
Chassis Number: 99.008
Bruno Thiry Catalunya and Corsica 1999 7th and accident
Juha Kankkunen Acropolis, Finland and Australia 1999 Retired, 1st, Retired
The car was sold to Mike Oates in 2000. I'm afraid I don't have any information as to what events he did with it. He seems to do the Prom Stages, North West Stages ever year so I'd assume those plus a few more.
I have Sean Devine driving it on the 2004 Ulster Rally but no information before and after that.
After Oates, Daniel Doherty in Ireland had it for a year or two, before heading over to Hungary (Intermedia Motorsport). Might have done a few events in France between Doherty-Intermedia, but it possibly could have been on hire from the Hungarian company.
26th March 2007, 20:19
Chassis Number: 97.019 originally registered as P19 WRC
P19 WRC Kenneth Eriksson Finland 1997 Retired
P19 WRC Kenneth Eriksson Great Britain 1997 Retired
R19 WRC Kenneth Eriksson Sweden 1998 4th
R19 WRC Colin McRae Portugal 1998 1st
The car was sold to Frederic Dor and was used in several WRC events in 1999
Mark Fisher used the car on Rally GB in 1999 and finished 17th
I don't have any information between the end of 1999 and 2004.
Dave Turnbull used the car on a number events in 2004 including the Jim Clark and Cheviot. He retired on the Jim Clark and came 4th on the Cheviot.
It was one of Phil Morgan's cars 2001-2002 - did a mixture of UK Forestry and Belgium Tarmac events.
Twin Pipe1
26th March 2007, 21:44
Thanks Noel and Pat,
R19 WRC is Andy Fenwick, Dave Turnbull had the car from late 2003 don't know exact date as just sent logbook off to 11/2/2007. MSA logbook still in Morgans name and photo dated 1/3/2001
T11 SRT is Barry Renwick his old car R12 WRC is now Morgan Motorsport,
Pat is right with Frederic Dor in 1999 car R19 WRC was used 5 times and also Dor used it on Safari in 2000, thats all thats in the Gold FIA book,
Nice to know the History, as when we bought it did'nt know McRae had won Portugal in it, and Just told Barry that Kankkunen won Finland in his :D
27th March 2007, 00:11
Do you know the chassis number of T291 BFC? I ask as I think this might have been the car that we used to own that is now T1 SRT. It certainly was on a strange number like that at some point it its life but unfortunately I binned the original of the V5 when I bought it as it was T1 by then.
27th March 2007, 00:25
Do you know the chassis number of T291 BFC? I ask as I think this might have been the car that we used to own that is now T1 SRT. It certainly was on a strange number like that at some point it its life but unfortunately I binned the original of the V5 when I bought it as it was T1 by then.
T291 BFC should be chassis 98.032 as seen on the Prodrive cars for sale leaflet --> (page 4, 4th car down)
I think T1 SRT used to be T223 BWL (chassis 98.033).
Hope the car is sorted after the hiccup on the Sunseeker, and I'll be keeping an eye in the mirrors for you this weekend (Tony hasn't been on gravel for a while) !!
27th March 2007, 00:32
I re-discovered to more Imprezas, NoelCollings discovered them and wrote it on the old forum.
98.032 - T291 BFC - Jose Barbara (France)
Picture from Rally Routes du Nord 2006
01.??? - X30 SRT - Herve Knapic (France)
Run in Rally Routed du Nord 2006 either
I´ll try to contact Herve Knapic to know the chassis number, will not be easy, but will be fun :)
Page 4 - 1st car
Think this might be X30 SRT - looks like it was built as an S8, but not sure of the chassis number given (02.000 ??)
29th March 2007, 00:25
No probs !! See you at the shakedown on Friday.
29th March 2007, 19:49
Thanks for the response to my registrations request. I'm now trying to find the registrations from the 2000 season for the following:
Ioannis Papadimitriou - Sweden, Portugal, Argentina, Acropolis, New Zealand, Cyprus, Sanremo, Australia and GB (Pirelli World Rallying 2000 Edition states that W9 WRC was bought by Papadimitriou, therefore was this the car that he used for the above events?)
Krzysztof Holowczyc - Sweden, Portugal, Argentina, Acropolis and Cyprus
Frederic Dor - Portugal, Argentina, Acropolis, Finland and Cyprus
Andrea Dallavilla - Catalunya
Francis Mariani - Catalunya
Armando Pereira - Corsica
Jean-Claude Torre - Corsica
Petter Solberg - Sanremo and Australia
Diego Oldrati - Sanremo
Michele de Luca - Sanremo
Franco Cunico - Sanremo
Paolo Andreucci - Sanremo
Nigel Heath - Australia
Markko Martin - Australia
Bert de Jong - GB
Glyn Jones - GB
29th March 2007, 20:19
I have photos from Swedish Rally 2000.
Papadimitriou drove his Impreza 555 and not his WRC. His reg number was L 555 SRT.
Holowczyc reg number was V 100 ALL.
29th March 2007, 20:22
Papadim drove P 16 WRC in Portugal Rally 2000.
29th March 2007, 21:28
2000 WRC Sweden 11/02/00 s 48 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza 555 WRX L555 SRT
2000 WRC Portugal 16/03/00 s 31 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza WRC P16 WRC
2000 WRC Catalunya 31/03/00 s 23 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza 555 WRX L555 SRT
2000 WRC Argentina 11/05/00 s 19 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 P16 WRC?not sure
2000 WRC Acropolis 09/06/00 s 18 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 W9 WRC
2000 WRC New Zealand 23/07/00 s 23 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza 555 WRX L555 SRT
2000 WRC Cyprus 08/09/00 s 23 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 W9 WRC
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 20/10/00 s 34 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 W9 WRC
2000 WRC Australia 09/11/00 s 24 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Chris Patterson (GR/GB) Subaru impreza wrc W9 WRC
29th March 2007, 21:33
2000 WRC Sweden 11/02/00 Krzysztof Holowczyc/Jean-Marc Fortin (PL/B) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 V10 WRC V100 ALL
2000 WRC Portugal 16/03/00 Krzysztof Holowczyc/Jean-Marc Fortin (Pl/B) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 V10 WRC V100 ALL
2000 WRC Argentina 11/05/00 Krzysztof Holowczyc/Jean-Marc Fortin (PL/B) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 R20 WRC *
2000 WRC Acropolis 09/06/00 Krzysztof Holowczyc/Jean-Marc Fortin (PL/B) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 R20 WRC *
2000 WRC Cyprus 08/09/00 Krzysztof Holowczyc/Jean-Marc Fortin (PL/B) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 R16 WRC *
29th March 2007, 21:37
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 3 Richard Burns/Robert Reid (GB) Subaru Impreza WRC S6 W25 SRT
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 4 Simon Jean-Joseph/Jack Boyere (F) Subaru Impreza WRC S6 W24 SRT
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 19 Peter Solberg/Phil Mills (N/GB) Subaru Impreza WRC S6 W17 SRT
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 23 Franco Cunico/Luigi Pirollo (I) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 S9 SRT
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 26 Paulo Andreucci/Giovanni Bernacchini (I) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 W10 SRT
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 27 Hamed Al Wahaibi/Tony Sircombe (Om/NZ) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 W10 ALL
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 28 Andrea Dallavilla/Danilo Fappani (I) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 S6 SRT
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 34 Ioannis Papadimitriou/Nik Petropoulos (GR) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 W9 WRC
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 47 Diego Oldrati/Alessandra Materazzetti (I) Subaru Impreza WRC S8 SRT
2000 WRC Italia San Remo 52 Michele de Luca/Gabriele Minzoni (I) Subaru Impreza WRC P8 WRC
29th March 2007, 21:39
2000 WRC Safari 18 Frederic Dor Rally Team Frederic Dor/Didier Breton (F) Subaru Impreza WRC '98 R19 WRC
2000 WRC Portugal 24 Frederic Dor Rally Team Frederic Dor/Didier Breton (F) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 V863 TWL
2000 WRC Acropolis 26 Frederic Dor Rally Team Frederic Dor/Didier Breton (F) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 V863 TWL
2000 WRC Finland 38 Frederic Dor Rally Team Frederic Dor/Didier Breton (F) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 V863 TWL
2000 WRC Cyprus 21 Frederic Dor Rally Team Frederic Dor/Didier Breton (F) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 V863 TWL
2000 WRC Great Britain 38 Frederic Dor Rally Team Frederic Dor/Didier Breton (F) Subaru Impreza WRC '99 X506 OFC
1st April 2007, 19:30
Thanks padWRC and harriswrc.
I'm now onto the 2001 season. Can anyone help with the following:
Riccardo Errani - Monte Carlo, Catalunya and Cyprus
Richard Hein - Monte Carlo
John Lloyd - Portugal and Acropolis
Roger Duckworth - Portugal
Mark Breijer - Sanremo (R12 WRC?)
Armando Pereira - Corsica
Jean-Claude Torre - Corsica
Henning Solberg - GB
Eamonn Boland - GB
Peter Stephenson - GB
Neil Wearden - GB
1st April 2007, 21:56
Thanks padWRC and harriswrc.
I'm now onto the 2001 season. Can anyone help with the following:
Riccardo Errani - Monte Carlo, Catalunya and Cyprus
Richard Hein - Monte Carlo
John Lloyd - Portugal and Acropolis
Roger Duckworth - Portugal
Mark Breijer - Sanremo (R12 WRC?)
Armando Pereira - Corsica
Jean-Claude Torre - Corsica
Henning Solberg - GB
Eamonn Boland - GB
Peter Stephenson - GB
Neil Wearden - GB
If I remember correctly Roger Duckworth was still using his 555 GpA (K 989 BFC) car in Portugal - I think he crashed it here and after than moved over to the WRC car.
Wearden used X 8 SRT on GB - Chassis 01008
Boland W 100 WRC - a 99 spec car I believe built new for him.
Stephenson possibly P 6 WRC - only one I've had him noted with.
Henning - AX 72602 - sorry dont know what model.
2nd April 2007, 00:37
ST 55 SRT - S12 (the first RHD one) - Noel Redmond in Ireland.
Sean Devine has bought the S11 that Noel had previously.
2nd April 2007, 14:16
Nigel Heath - Australia ???
Markko Martin - Australia w21 srt
Petter Solberg - Australia w22 srt
Bert de Jong - GB T10 srt
Glyn Jones - GB ????
2nd April 2007, 14:38
Riccardo Errani - Monte Carlo ???
Riccardo Errani - Cyprus ???
Riccardo Errani - Catalunya ????
Richard Hein - Monte Carlo P7WRC
John Lloyd - Acropolis ???
John Lloyd - Portugal ???
Roger Duckworth - Portugal P12WRC
Mark Breijer - Sanremo R12 WRC
Armando Pereira - Corsica T15 SRT
Jean-Claude Torre - Corsica ???
Henning Solberg - GB AX-72602
Eamonn Boland - GB W100 WRC
Peter Stephenson - P6WRC
Neil Wearden - GB X 8 SRT
3rd April 2007, 10:37
Jensen with a S12 (P 55 SRT)won the wikinger Rallye in Germany.
Is it a new car or a re registration ?
8th April 2007, 19:02
Ex Kremer P9 WRC:
9th April 2007, 00:18
S 300 WRT - Terry McGonigle - S9
X 12 SRT - Emma McKinstry - S8 (okay I know it's one of her dad's hire cars)
HC 54 WRC - Sean Devine - S11
ST 55 SRT - Noel Redmond S12
LC 54 WRC - Kris Meeke S11 - Kenny's hire car on this year's "circuit"
9th April 2007, 10:12
rwssport are you sure about McGonigle driving S300 WRT? Thought he'd bought Sean Devine's old S9 S800 WRT. Wasn't PJ McDermott driving S300 WRT?
9th April 2007, 10:28
Just to say that I´m not dead :) I´m only busy , but I´m still searching for the Imprezas, I still did not give up, but I have no time to post something, just to read ;)
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