View Full Version : Turks/Jackson

16th April 2008, 10:52
Hi all,

I have been out of the UK and couldnt make the Rock :mad: so i recorded it on Sky+, but enough of me,

As we all know Race 3 at brands Turks forced Jackson onto grass at the exit of Clark Curve, ok not nice but its racing no harm done, Race 3 at the Rock Turks knocks Jackson off into gravel putting him out of race,

i am just interested if its just me that has noticed this pattern emerging?

Or is this going to be a case of handbags at dawn in races to come

Looking fwd to Donnington lets see what happens in Race 3


16th April 2008, 11:53
It was a wet race remember, and it could be that if a similar defensive move was made in the dry Jackson would have been alright. Ok, so Turkington went particularly wide, but maybe Jackson should have been more circumspect.

I think that Turkington is innocent. Many times drivers have got a little 'desperate' at the end of the race (a la Brands race 3) but not made the move stick. That said, I do remember Turks pulling one on Giovanardi at Donington 06...

16th April 2008, 12:09
Colin had serious visibility problems and didn't even know Jackson was there by that point.

Definitely not a pattern emerging, knowing Colin he'll be very disappointed that someone came to grief like that as a result of contact with him, as he's one of the cleanest drivers out there who does not enjoy the contact side of things, especially in a car as fragile and expensive as an S2000 BMW.

Good to see Jackson doesn't go pointing any fingers either, could do with more drivers like that instead of the publicity seekers who blame everyone under the sun except themselves for things that go wrong. :)

16th April 2008, 13:19
Turks took that very wide line into that corner every lap before, and from what Jackson actually said, he was caught out by Turks braking earlier than he'd expected and took avoiding action to the outside, which put him next to Colin whilst he took a wide line, i very much doubt he'd have seen he was there and did pretty much the same as every other lap.

no doubt that Brands was a justified albeit tough move by squeezing Jackson out wide on the last corner, but Rock i don't believe was anything sinister, justa case of 2 cars ending up on the same space

16th April 2008, 14:22
Indeed it is nice to hear people not pointing the finger of blame for once,

i have now read what Mat J said about it on BTCC.net now which is good,

16th April 2008, 18:25
The contact between Turkington and Jackson in race 3 seemed minimal, had it been in the dry Jackson would probably have stay on the track.

16th April 2008, 20:53
There were a lot of drivers who seemed unaware that people were behind them so I think it was largely a case of poor visibility in the mirrors.

Also if it had been dry Turkington wouldn'tr have moved out. In the wet the racing line is so different in the dry and Turkington was just staying off the slippery part.

16th April 2008, 21:46
I Think that Jackson was actually very unlucky because in those conditions, Turks would have been concerntrating more on keeping his car on the black stuff and he didn't notice Mat coming around the side.........

16th April 2008, 23:31
Nothing wrong with it at all, in my opinion. They're both hard, excellent, mature racers who don't go around knocking people (or each other) off if they can avoid it.