View Full Version : Do you know what you are getting for Christmas?

6th December 2006, 12:10
I'm getting a camera from Karen, and some clothes from my Mum. Both things which I specifically asked for!

6th December 2006, 12:13
It's no fun getting things you dont actually ask for lol!

6th December 2006, 12:14
I do have some idea, yes, but I have been a particular pain in the arse because I haven't asked for anything or mentioned anything at all...

6th December 2006, 12:19
haha, my wardrobe is getting so outdated.

I'm at the point where my good clothes are becoming my old work clothes, and i've got nothing coming in to replace the formerly new ones! Yeh, santa's bringing some clothes.

6th December 2006, 12:37
I am getting nothing :(

6th December 2006, 12:42
A digital camera or a Nintendo DS, hopefully!

6th December 2006, 13:21
From my sister, yes. But my brother and parents are the wild cards.

6th December 2006, 16:10
A couple albums and some clothes most likely.

6th December 2006, 16:15
If I don't get any jumpers, socks or shower gels I think I'll eat my stocking...

6th December 2006, 16:52
It will most likely be something music related. I'm thinking a new banjo but could be wrong. For all I know, an accordion or concertina could be waiting for me on the morning. I'm not too fussed about what I get really though. As long as there's something.

6th December 2006, 17:03
I don't know and I don't want to know untill the last minute, where's the fun if you know what you're getting?

6th December 2006, 18:03
I`ve already had mine last week. A new video camera so I can use a bullet camera `in car` with LANC control, and a new computer so I can burn it to DVD. :D

6th December 2006, 20:03
I am getting a wormery for Christmas. I know this because my Mum has asked me to order it and pay for it! I don't mind too much as I want one.
Have no idea as to what else is coming my way though.

6th December 2006, 20:04
Ooops! That was Caroline not Daniel posting.

Can't be bothered to log in, then out, then in again. Just too lazy :p :

6th December 2006, 20:47
I'm getting U2's ZooTV-dvd... I guess.

Hazell B
6th December 2006, 22:01
I am getting a wormery for Christmas. .

One of the big butt (no pun intended!) ones? They're good I'm told. Keep meaning to make one but never get around to it :mark:

No idea what I'd like yet, so no idea what I'll get. The dogs will have to skip 'giving' me the usual Johnny Depp calendar as I already had one given, which leaves a Johnny Depp poster or bobble head from them.

6th December 2006, 22:04
Looks like this. Caroline already has a wormery as school. I think she's a little too attached to it tbh. There will be words exchanged on Christmas Morning I suspect :mark:


6th December 2006, 22:08
I give my family a catalog (ouge) of things I want complete with photos and descriptions. Rarely works though.

6th December 2006, 22:15
I thing I am getting a new tv. My old tv doesn't have a scart socket. It was a cheap one bought for the 1998 World Cup.

Mp3 Astra
6th December 2006, 22:28
I'm getting a video camera at the start of the holidays so I can start work on my latest blockbuster that is already in the final stages of casting and script writing. Watch out for "EasyPass" in a YouTube near you! :D
Also, to edit it on I'm getting Sony Vegas 2 for some proper proper looking cuts and sequences.
FYI here's the camera I'm getting:
Sony DCR-DVD105E

6th December 2006, 22:33
I'm getting this - DAB/MP3 - takes SD cards so can hold up to 4GB at any one time, but it aint cheap at £200!!!:
http://www.argos.co.uk/wcsstore/argos/images/0490249SPA64UC195804M.jpg (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5004836/Trail/C%24cip%3D42492.Sound%2Band%2Bvision%3EC%24cip%3D4 2570.DAB%2Bdigital%2Bradio%3EC%24Brand%3DPURE.PURE .htm)

Thought I'd kill two birds with one stone!

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6th December 2006, 23:14
Shiny Macbook and the Vanishing Point Soundtrack, the only two things I wanted :D :D

Ian McC
6th December 2006, 23:23
Alas yes, at least one thing. Shopping today I decided to buy a new briefcase, the wife bless her said you don't want to buy that. I got the message....

6th December 2006, 23:43
I'm probably getting some clothes from the parents.

But there's always the room for a nice surprise and I don't wanna know what it is

7th December 2006, 01:57
So far Ive got some new running trainers, the Reebok Pump ones, they really are clever. A couple of pairs of tracksuit bottoms for going to the gym in, and some books.

My ma still insists on wrapping them all up and putting them under the tree though.

7th December 2006, 02:03
I know it won't happen, but I want...

Her! :arrow:

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.halle-berry-pictures.com/hb04.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.danieldrezner.com/archives/cat_culture.html&h=600&w=529&sz=53&hl=en&start=52&tbnid=TbrY7nahpbBFRM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=119&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhalle%2Bberry%2Bpictures%26start%3D40 %26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls% 3DGGLG,GGLG:2006-28,GGLG:en%26sa%3DN

7th December 2006, 02:06
Dont be so daft you cant have her for christmas!

But can I have http://www.jurassicpunk.com/stars/angelinajolie/angelina_jolie_7.jpg

7th December 2006, 04:35
I am getting nothing :(

I'm with you Storm.

If I can get through the accursed day without actually waking up and having to "celebrate" it with family, it will be a very good day.

I'm with Scrooge!

13th December 2006, 08:18
I know exactly what I'm getting because I picked out the couple of items I wanted last Wednesday and they were bought for me at the time. Kinda takes the fun out of it though.

13th December 2006, 14:57
I know what I getting from the wife because I went and brought it last week :rolleyes:

This year is the first year I have refused to write a list of 'I want.......', which is tradition in our family, so I'm ready for a few surprises.

Off my dads family it will be socks, shower gel and cheap aftershave. All of which make for cheap presents back to them next year :D

13th December 2006, 15:08
I'm getting a PS3 for Christmas in March :D

13th December 2006, 15:26
I have already received my Christmas presents.
I told my wife what I wanted for Christmas & I told her they aren't cheap.
She said, "Go pick them out if you want them."
That was all it took as I said, "Let's GO !", so we did. :laugh:
I now have a new digital camera & a new Sony home stereo system.
(No sense in wrapping them either as I know what they are because I picked them out.) :D

Merry Christmas to me & thanks to the wife for getting me just what I wanted. :laugh: :up:

Dave B
13th December 2006, 15:29
I've dropped a few hints over recent months, but it spoils the surprise if you know in advance.

13th December 2006, 15:37
I guess I'm selfish, I would rather be pleased than surprised. :D

13th December 2006, 16:12
I think I'm getting clothes mainly this year... for the last three years I've had boring stuff for uni and art materials so this year I took the oppurtunity to ask for some stuff I really wanted. I'm much more excited about giving out the pressies I've bought for people at the moment though...

13th December 2006, 16:32
A new mobile phone, at last.

Hopefully santa will bring me socks, underwear, shower gel etc etc :p :

suzy m
13th December 2006, 21:56
I'm getting a new printer. Have told my parents the make and model I want, where to get it from and how much it will cost. Apparently it has been purchased but I'll need to wait til Christmas Day to see if it's the right one. :s

My sister is buying me a book, again she's been told exactly which one, where to buy it and how much it would cost.

It's the easiest way to do it! :p :

jim mcglinchey
13th December 2006, 22:03
[the Vanishing Point Soundtrack, the only two things I wanted :D :D[/QUOTE]

Thats a classic film but the folky soundtrack was not my cuppa.

14th December 2006, 00:42
A job would be cool. :(

14th December 2006, 01:36
Hey, I think we should all chip in for a prezzie for Storm.

Here's 10 Bucks from me :bandit:

14th December 2006, 06:57
I know a couple of things I would like, but they're unrealistic and I probably won't get them. I may get a Jeremy Clarkson DVD, after all it's what I asked for, but I'm more concerned about what I'm getting other people. For example, I'll never be able to afford the thing I wanted to get my brother, and now I don't know what to get instead.

The Kitten Kat
15th December 2006, 00:08
I pretty much know what I am getting from my parents, as mum has shown me a lot of it so that I don't go and buy myself the same things.

What my sister has bought me, however, remains a mystery.

Other than that pressies aren't really a top priority this year - what is important is that the four of us are together.