View Full Version : Work Experience/Placement

14th April 2008, 23:11
Anyone here knowing of contacts or Teams able to offer a 6 month/12 month work placement. I've done alot of letter writing, and enquiring, and know how important an inside contact can be.

Im Currently taking A Levels, wishing to go on to University to Study motorsport.
Im looking for a placement to be able to take time out of education and get some hands on experience, preferably in the BTCC.

Any help or advice is appreciated! :)

15th April 2008, 00:03
Have you had a look at the MIA's site and read through their guide? Might be a worthwhile read.

15th April 2008, 08:30
I know where Robertshaw Racing is based and it isn't far from where I live.

In fact, and I know I can't force people to believe me because the last time I mentioned this I had someone who didn't believe me, but the land rises just a little where I live and the house is up a little from the bottom of it so I can see quite far and from where I was able to locate the team's unit on Google maps I can see the roof of the unit.

Is their anything in Data Entry, Administration Assistant or some other Clerical role in a racing team and what is the likelyhood of getting something in that are within a team?

I have job experience; just not many, and a fair few entry level qualifications. I am always getting rejection letters which always for some bizarre reason have similar things said in it. I am getting quite sick and tired; not to mention demoralised and it is time I had a little success.

Anyone care to help me?

15th April 2008, 09:24
I am always getting rejection letters which always for some bizarre reason have similar things said in it. I am getting quite sick and tired; not to mention demoralised and it is time I had a little success.

Happens to us all :(

15th April 2008, 10:16
I know where Robertshaw Racing is based and it isn't far from where I live.

In fact, and I know I can't force people to believe me because the last time I mentioned this I had someone who didn't believe me, but the land rises just a little where I live and the house is up a little from the bottom of it so I can see quite far and from where I was able to locate the team's unit on Google maps I can see the roof of the unit.

Is their anything in Data Entry, Administration Assistant or some other Clerical role in a racing team and what is the likelyhood of getting something in that are within a team?

I have job experience; just not many, and a fair few entry level qualifications. I am always getting rejection letters which always for some bizarre reason have similar things said in it. I am getting quite sick and tired; not to mention demoralised and it is time I had a little success.

Anyone care to help me?

Try them. They seem like a team willing to take on anybody to do odd jobs on the weekends. ;)

15th April 2008, 11:15
I know where Robertshaw Racing is based and it isn't far from where I live.

In fact, and I know I can't force people to believe me because the last time I mentioned this I had someone who didn't believe me, but the land rises just a little where I live and the house is up a little from the bottom of it so I can see quite far and from where I was able to locate the team's unit on Google maps I can see the roof of the unit.

Is their anything in Data Entry, Administration Assistant or some other Clerical role in a racing team and what is the likelyhood of getting something in that are within a team?

I have job experience; just not many, and a fair few entry level qualifications. I am always getting rejection letters which always for some bizarre reason have similar things said in it. I am getting quite sick and tired; not to mention demoralised and it is time I had a little success.

Anyone care to help me?

Robertshaw racing is in East Boldon isn't it?

Perhaps the best way into a team is to offer your services as a Gofer free of charge. Making tea, fetching the bacon sarnies...etc My friend wanted to break into the record industry, so he did this for a popular record label for a few months and he's now a highly-paid A&R man.

Worth a shot, I guess.

15th April 2008, 11:42
Definitely worth it. But remember that even 'working for free', they'll get a lot of offers, so you'll have to put as much effort into getting as as you would for a paid position.

Never knew there was a racing team in Boldon - of all places :p

15th April 2008, 13:39
Britcars at Snetterton this weekend would be a good start.

I remember last year I was at BritGTs at Snetterton. I was in the paddock wondering around the garages, a Mosler had an off and for a moment I was well tempted to help the team clean the gravel out of the car unitl I remembered I wasn't 17 anymore!

15th April 2008, 15:06
Robertshaw racing is in East Boldon isn't it?.

Never knew there was a racing team in Boldon - of all places :p

Hutton Street. Not far from ASDA.

In the pic the green arrow is where Robertshaw is based and the red dot to the top right is where I live.

Perhaps the best way into a team is to offer your services as a Gofer free of charge. Making tea, fetching the bacon sarnies...etc My friend wanted to break into the record industry, so he did this for a popular record label for a few months and he's now a highly-paid A&R man.

Worth a shot, I guess.

Definitely worth a shot. It is a cracking idea! I will write to them offering my services.

Do you reckon they would let me help load and unload materials too, aswell as making tea and getting sarnies?

Definitely worth it. But remember that even 'working for free', they'll get a lot of offers, so you'll have to put as much effort into getting as as you would for a paid position.

I am not workshy so effort isn't a problem.

How many people know of it's location though? I mean surely part of RR's appeal is the fact they compete in the country's top tintop series.

It only came to my attention because of an article in a free paper about 2 weeks ago.

15th April 2008, 16:03
If you can't get anywhere with the BTCC team I would try the SEAT and Clio cup teams as like the drivers you might have to start off in the lower formulae and work up.

Good luck searching

15th April 2008, 16:07
I've read the MIA guide, it's very useful actually, but now the rest is down to me.

I actually think I have a 2 week work experience with RobertshawRacing, hopefully, but this is only because of original contacts.

It is hard and even litterally being a gopher would be great!

Still if anyone has any connections and could help it is grately appreciated.

15th April 2008, 19:43
Hutton Street. Not far from ASDA.

Ah, right.

I know the area well. I used to visit the Big Club quite a lot.

16th April 2008, 08:19
Well, if you look on the Google maps and type in the searchbox "Hutton Street, Boldon" and zoom in quite close you will find something very interesting indeed. A van with the door open and next to it what looks like parts for something aligned quite neatly.

Anyway, back to matters in hand. OK, I have written the letter saying I would like to build up my work experience with you by being a gopher and are willing to offer my services for free. What would be the most likely course next? Would they invite me in to take a look at me and if so would the discussion over work pattern happen then or later?
Because I am not an official employee and I suppose I though I need to work a set number of hours, I am unsure as to whether free workers like gophers and volunteers are allowed to work the 38hr week (Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm) if they aren't being paid atleast the NMW.

16th April 2008, 11:36
I may be wrong but as you are not employed then employment regs do not apply at all... but on the other hand you are considered as working so you will not be entitled to benefits.

16th April 2008, 13:14
I... but on the other hand you are considered as working so you will not be entitled to benefits.

What kind of benefits do you mean? Actual DWP based benefits like JSA?

Because that is another thing. I had entertained the idea that as I am considered working, even though I am not earning a wage (not even the National Minimum Wage), I could be asked to sign off JSA.

Dave B
16th April 2008, 15:54
It's definately worth trying lower formulae or your local circuit's club meetings. While perhaps not as glamourous at the BTCC you can build up some useful experience and contacts and work your way up.

16th April 2008, 21:49
why not try BTC-Racing or Team KWR - They seem to need some help.......

(no offence by the way)............

16th April 2008, 22:52
why not try BTC-Racing or Team KWR - They seem to need some help.......

(no offence by the way)............

Will do! :p :

17th April 2008, 18:45
A friend of mine did a week's work experience with Lotus F1 in 1994, unfortunately they closed down soon after, something which I have blamed her for ever since! Think about it, they had been competing in F1 for almost 40 years, then she goes there for a single week and they fold before the next season - mere coincidence? I think not!