View Full Version : When MotoGP was still exciting:)

14th April 2008, 12:46
Made a video of the Sachsenring race of 2006. This might be a good topic to talk about the golden moments or so? :)


14th April 2008, 18:42
I miss the way the racing went on for most of the race rather than the first few laps

14th April 2008, 20:34
I started a thread last year with, somewhat over the top, title 'Who Killed MotoGP' and it was races like this that I was on about that don't seem to be happening. I love that even on the straight to the flag it is still not decided who will finish where and that for the whole race there were 4 guys that could have won.

We don't even see two horse races like this anymore http://youtube.com/watch?v=oCJkWbwoA2g

I liked this battle too but can't find a decent video of it

Seem to remember thinking that Mugello in o5 and 06 were immense but can't find much more than this

14th April 2008, 20:46
and how about Assen 06.. Aii what a season did we have in 2006... :D

I remember Randy Mamola telling 100 times in 2006; with the 800 the field will even get closer, or 'there'll be even more winners on the 800'
Sure his predictions came out :p

15th April 2008, 03:03

A greater power to grip ratio makes the spectacle better. This applies to most motorsport.

The lap times with the 800s are lower than the 990s, which means theres higher cornering speeds, and hence, less braking into corners and hence less passing. MotoGP shouldn'tve tried to fix what wasnt broken.

Having said that, my favourite motoGP race besides Estoril '06 has been Catalunya '07.

15th April 2008, 03:53
800 cc looks too small for Colin Edwards, he suits more for the 990 cc. :)

15th April 2008, 11:01
Lets go back to 500cc with no rider aids....... then we see who has the balls to match the skill, the ambition to match the ability.....

15th April 2008, 12:05
Lets go back to 500cc with no rider aids....... then we see who has the balls to match the skill, the ambition to match the ability.....

That's weird, I was thinking that just after the race. Imagine that,.....FANTASTIC!!
I still think 500cc 2 strokes are the ultimate Racing bike.

15th April 2008, 12:18
Lets go back to 500cc with no rider aids....... then we see who has the balls to match the skill, the ambition to match the ability.....

I agree on your traction control part... TC has no place in motorsport!

15th April 2008, 12:49
Lets go back to 500cc with no rider aids....... then we see who has the balls to match the skill, the ambition to match the ability.....

Back to 990cc 4 strokes OK, back to the 2 stroke chainsaws, forget that. That is old tech IMO. 2 strokes will be replaced in 125cc and 250cc in the near future. Why go back in time ?

15th April 2008, 12:50
I agree on your traction control part... TC has no place in motorsport!

Without TC...KC..would not be the.... WC!!! ;)

15th April 2008, 13:22
I think that all motor sport fans agree that TC is rubbish. Even Formula 1 has got rid of it. Personally I can't understant why (apart from costs) the format was changed because it was perfect. Now we have a MotoGP that is getting closer to F1 in terms of entertainment which I just don't want to see. Booooooooooooooooooooo

15th April 2008, 13:34
Back to 990cc 4 strokes OK, back to the 2 stroke chainsaws, forget that. That is old tech IMO. 2 strokes will be replaced in 125cc and 250cc in the near future. Why go back in time ?

Next to that; the sounds of the bikes..

jim mcglinchey
15th April 2008, 14:11

turn your speakers up to 11 to get the full effect!

15th April 2008, 15:20
That's brilliant Jim. I remember seeing that a while ago and it sounds fanstastic. I'd love to be a neighbour of his. How many people have a Grand Prix race bike parked in their neighbours garage?! :D

15th April 2008, 23:04
I forgot how good that Germany race from 06 was.

Hopefully we see something even half that exciting this year

16th April 2008, 09:44
Having said that, my favourite motoGP race besides Estoril '06 has been Catalunya '07.
No way, this one was far better ;)

Aii I was sooo stupid to book my holiday on the day of the GP in Assen..

20th April 2008, 01:05
Without TC...KC..would not be the.... WC!!! ;)

We'll see when TC is banned ;)

22nd April 2008, 03:59
When Moto GP was exciting????? er that would be before it existed actually back in the heady olden days of Grand Prix 500cc screamers when men were men and the kids all rode the 80cc class.

Cant remember much that excieted me since Doohan retired.....
Phillip Island 89 was the best race I have ever seen, been nothing really since that could match the real GP legends Rainey, Doohan, Gardner, Sarron and the rest of the old guard :s mokin:

22nd April 2008, 04:02
Yer ban TC, 4 strokes, Big Bangers and bring back the 500 screamers that will quickly sort out the pretenders... can you imagine 99% of todays field when faced with punting a 500 screamer around a wet track :dozey:

22nd April 2008, 06:03
OH, you must be kidding. Bring back the chainsaws ? Sure they were brutal, and harder to ride. Why don't we just bring back Drum Brakes, that will sort em out. lets make them ride with solid rear ends, and really shake their teeth out. How many 2 strokes do you see on the road these days ? Why would a manufacturer bother with 2 stroke tech, when it is so out of date. I remember the first year of the 4 stroke era, when 2 strokes were still able to enter, they couldn't keep up with the 4 strokes, so why go back in time ? Perhaps we should get the riders to wear the old pudding helmets and goggles too.

22nd April 2008, 12:25
Bring back the dustbins!

22nd April 2008, 13:38
When Moto GP was exciting????? er that would be before it existed actually back in the heady olden days of Grand Prix 500cc screamers when men were men and the kids all rode the 80cc class.

Cant remember much that excieted me since Doohan retired.....
Phillip Island 89 was the best race I have ever seen, been nothing really since that could match the real GP legends Rainey, Doohan, Gardner, Sarron and the rest of the old guard :s mokin:

Firstly 2-stroke sucks the big one, noisy and irritating. Secondly I never saw the 500s but that Sachsenring race that Corny started the thread with was undeniably exciting.

22nd April 2008, 14:29
Must admit I loved the 2-strokes. Something about the noise, smoke, power, etc
2000 Italian GP at Mugello was a classic; Rossi took the lead with 2 laps remaining and promptly fell off, leaving Biaggi for the win, who himself fell off on the last lap. Capirossi won follwed by Checa and McWilliams.
Remember reading in MCN last year that there could be a future for 2-strokes due to modern technology.

23rd April 2008, 01:13
"Anyone" who knocks the 500 screamer era.... quite obviously has never seen them race! ;)

I feel sorry for em actually, you missed the best riders on the wildest machines ever to take to the race track.... :p

23rd April 2008, 05:14
I have watched the bikes since around 1985, and must say that I do not miss the 500cc bikes. Sure, it was great racing, but, the racing should somehow relate to the street IMO. Superbikes are great, as the bikes directly relate to what you can buy in the showroom. Motogp, though not related to street bikes, has an impact on road bike technology, and future products. I can't think of a 2 stroke road bike available in the showroom, apart from 50cc 2 stroke scooters. Why are Honda struggling with 250cc 2 stroke racing, because they have stopped developing the bike, as they consider it a waste of time. 4 strokes are the way to go.

23rd April 2008, 05:16
I wish I was watching back when it was just the 500cc championship. While I've always loved motorcycles you can thank the Faster documentary for turning me onto street bikes and motorcycle racing in general. So my ability to judge "when racing was exciting" is a very narrow view.

Give me any race, in any class, riding any type of machinery where you still have no idea who is going to win on the last lap and I call that an exciting race. We had lots of that in recent years and I'm sure we will see it soon, but I can't remember the last race where that was the case.

With any luck it will be a Pedrosa vs Lorenzo end to the season with the results decided in the last round. With even more luck Rossi or Stoner will have a chance at stealing the glory from both Spanish riders.

23rd April 2008, 07:27
Well relating Moto GP to the street is like saying F1 should be similar to the street? 500's may not be the same as production machinery but the topic here I believe was more to do with when racing was exciting? Anyway since I started watching bike GP in the mid 80's nothing has come remotely close to being as exciting as the screamer 500's.... And to think I thought it was getting boring/easy with the big bangers, let alone the 4 stroke era! Its been totaly lame since 2000 and a one horse race. 06 was the first sign of things starting to turn around actually with the tyre rules being finally addressed, 07 and so was great for the thrashing Casey dished up great to see and well deserved, 08 will be better still with Horhay, Pedrosa and Casey so far looking like fighting for the title and glory....

23rd April 2008, 08:17
I have watched the bikes since around 1985, and must say that I do not miss the 500cc bikes. Sure, it was great racing, but, the racing should somehow relate to the street IMO. Superbikes are great, as the bikes directly relate to what you can buy in the showroom. Motogp, though not related to street bikes, has an impact on road bike technology, and future products. I can't think of a 2 stroke road bike available in the showroom, apart from 50cc 2 stroke scooters. Why are Honda struggling with 250cc 2 stroke racing, because they have stopped developing the bike, as they consider it a waste of time. 4 strokes are the way to go.

While I understand your point, I always thought the 500's/Moto GP class were prototypes - similar to F1. If you want showroom, Superbikes is for you - as are Touring Cars, Rallying ,etc

23rd April 2008, 08:43
"Anyone" who knocks the 500 screamer era.... quite obviously has never seen them race! ;)

I feel sorry for em actually, you missed the best riders on the wildest machines ever to take to the race track.... :p

What gave it away? Was it when I said that I never saw 500s? :p : ;)

I've seen 500s at Goodwood and the like and while the racing may have been fantastic the noise really gets on my t**s.

23rd April 2008, 08:58
Bring back the dustbins!
good idea, so rider can ride bike while smoking! :)

23rd April 2008, 13:17
I don't think I made my point too well. What I meant by the Motogp bikes being related to road bikes, is that the technology that is created for the gp bikes, will filter down to production bikes in the future. The same way F1 technology filters down to production cars etc. I think the racing this year has been great, and three winners from three races. Who will win next time out, nobody can say, that makes it exciting IMO. It was a little bit predictable before 2006, but I think there are 5 or 6 riders who could lead the pack across the finish line this year. Heehaw is doing well, but, I can't see him getting it all his way. There are a few riders that would like to take him down a peg for sure.

24th April 2008, 02:10
Heehaw is doing well, but, I can't see him getting it all his way. There are a few riders that would like to take him down a peg for sure.

Hmmm I can think of a certain Spainard and an Italian that immediately spring to mind :D

I can see the Horhay V Pedrosa rivalry being a lot of fun to watch...

24th April 2008, 11:27
I'm glad to see the back of the ol' 2-bangers though they smelt great! :up: They sound vastly inferior to the four strokes and are now obsolete technology, basically being phased out by emissions laws.
As for the actual racing, well that goes in cycles and generations - ages if you will. Superbike racing during the 90's was brilliant and it had nothing to do with the bikes being 2 or 4-stroke. Currently Grand Prix Motorcycle racing is entering a definate golden age, the best since the late 80's and early 90's after experiencing a couple of eras of domination. I really think that the racing will tighten up as this year goes on and we will be very fortunate to witness what is to come over the next few years.
All is not lost people!
On the topic of TC, I don't quite know where I stand on it really. It is possibly better for the racing without it but, as a motorcyclist, the development of it through racing benefits us on the road.

24th April 2008, 11:41
Schwantz vs Rainey Suzuka 1989! Lead changes several times in the last lap, and on a fantastic flowing circuit!

I just can't fathom how stupid the switch to 800s was. There was absolutely no need. To say the speeds are too high without getting rid of TC first was stupid.

3rd May 2008, 23:12
Yes Corn,, you prooved my point, Rossi needs to win now or i't over. He has the machine to do it. Nicky only won the tittle because of problems with the M1. Casey Casey had an engine with at least 25 more HP then the Yamaha. Done,,, past
Today the bikes are all almost the same except the Duc can't turn (Your video also prooved that Melandri is too good for the Duc) The Kaw has a mistake called the "chassis" (Hopper is too good for the Kaw)
Back to the point,, Rossi needs to win now to prove he is still the best. No one is more dissapointed in, or cheers more louder for Rossi than me and I will always do so. but when Dovizioso passes him (Qatar) there is definately a problem,,, GO Rossi GO

BTW Great Video, I remember the race well,, Now go have another drink

13th May 2008, 05:40
Although I reckon the 500's were always "MUCH" more entertaining it may also partially have to do with the current circuits also. It would be very interesting to see how the new crop would go at Hockenhiem etc.
I honestly think the riders during the mid 80's through mid/late 90's were a tougher breed and it showed with how they rode those screamers at the limit, lots of high sides and race drama back then also.... we have been getting much closer to F1 predictability in recent years with the relatively easier to ride 4 strokes. Thank god the last couple of seasons at least have seen a turn around and added a little interest back into the sport (tyre parity) and made it actually worth watching again. :dozey:

13th May 2008, 05:58
Although I reckon the 500's were always "MUCH" more entertaining it may also partially have to do with the current circuits also. It would be very interesting to see how the new crop would go at Hockenhiem etc.
I honestly think the riders during the mid 80's through mid/late 90's were a tougher breed and it showed with how they rode those screamers at the limit, lots of high sides and race drama back then also.... we have been getting much closer to F1 predictability in recent years with the relatively easier to ride 4 strokes. Thank god the last couple of seasons at least have seen a turn around and added a little interest back into the sport (tyre parity) and made it actually worth watching again. :dozey:
Hockenheim! Thanks for reminding me Jet, I was remembering about that track the other day when WSB were going there during the 90's. What a circuit. Imagine how fast the current MotoGP machines would be going around there.
I reckon that as this year goes on the racing will get tighter as things settle down. Especially as the series bunkers down in Europe at the more neutral tracks.

13th May 2008, 09:15
Hockenheim! Thanks for reminding me Jet, I was remembering about that track the other day when WSB were going there during the 90's. What a circuit. Imagine how fast the current MotoGP machines would be going around there.
I reckon that as this year goes on the racing will get tighter as things settle down. Especially as the series bunkers down in Europe at the more neutral tracks.

Yeah, that was the old Hockenheim before they destroyed it. Now it's another Tilke-drom.
I was trying to think last night are there any Moto GP circuits with ultra long straights like the old Hockenheim - personally I like to see a variety of circuits - fast, slow, long, short, flowing, tight & twisty, etc Imagine Moto GP at Spa - not possible, but imagine it.

13th May 2008, 11:39
After seeing WSB on the weekend, I reckon it's time to see MotoGP at Monza! You know you want it as well. :up: ;)

13th May 2008, 11:58

REAL old school Brno ;)

13th May 2008, 12:23
After seeing WSB on the weekend, I reckon it's time to see MotoGP at Monza! You know you want it as well. :up: ;)

Mmm, yeah, instead of Misano??

14th May 2008, 04:16
Probably we have to consider safety factor, distance of the fence to the track worries me.

15th May 2008, 01:01
Brno ah yes, Monza most definetely!!! Donnington still makes for some good racing as does Phillip Island. They have all but destroyed Assen now though also...
Most of the circuits are looking more and more like go-kart tracks these days. The safety logic does not apply to slowing top speeds? the 500's were pushing over 300 kph back in the 80's and there was more highsides coming out of the tighter or slower corners than ever at speed on long straight away! always has been that way. Its all in the power delivery, not top speed....