View Full Version : Identity Fraud

14th April 2008, 07:59
Wor Karen couldn't login to her ebay account so went to see what's wrong. On checking her email inbox found 11 emails from people complaining that they'd bought some GHD Hair Straighteners from her on ebay, but they haven't received the goods... but she hasn't sold anything on ebay for months and definitely no hair straighteners!

Seems someone, somehow has gotten into her ebay account and started selling things (well just taking the money from people, not actually selling), and now the account is disabled and there a lot of angry customers :crazy:

She's contacted ebay and replied to the people saying it's nothing to do with her. One of the persons concerned messaged Karen's ebay account directly and got a reply in broken English from someone claiming they hadn't sent the goods because the money had not cleared yet.

14th April 2008, 08:16
Wor Karen couldn't login to her ebay account so went to see what's wrong. On checking her email inbox found 11 emails from people complaining that they'd bought some GHD Hair Straighteners from her on ebay, but they haven't received the goods... but she hasn't sold anything on ebay for months and definitely no hair straighteners!

Seems someone, somehow has gotten into her ebay account and started selling things (well just taking the money from people, not actually selling), and now the account is disabled and there a lot of angry customers :crazy:

She's contacted ebay and replied to the people saying it's nothing to do with her. One of the persons concerned messaged Karen's ebay account directly and got a reply in broken English from someone claiming they hadn't sent the goods because the money had not cleared yet.

I think it's more likely that Karen is running an eBay business without you knowing and is being dodgey :p

Something similar happened to my brother a few months ago. Someone tried to buy a few thousand pounds worth of stuff on his ebay account :mark:

14th April 2008, 08:25
Who is responsible now, this kinda tells that online transaction aren't perfectly safe from fraudulence. There are 11 customers disappointed having spent money for nothing. Make sure you are dealing with trusted person(s).

How often does she check her inbox mail, if she checks mails once a month she shouldn't make account on ebay, but if the 11 mails came in a day I think she should start thinking that hair straightener has high demand. :D

I experienced once, not a big amount only $10 for my fav movies. Before the deal they pursued me to put more titles on the basket. :D

14th April 2008, 09:35
I had a similar problem but in the times when online sales were just a dream. A crook had some businesses with imported cars, don't know exactly what he did but a lot of customers were deceived and the guy managed to have papers proving he lived at my address. So a lot of angry people were knocking at my door claiming that I hide the crook. Then I had visits from police and prosecution. I still receive at my address letters from the tax department on his name asking to pay taxes for two cars. The weird thing is that he hasn't residual taxes and it means he pays every year continuing to " live " at my home. And that he hasn't been caught yet.

14th April 2008, 10:23
Presumably, this person, having accessed Karen's eBay account, changed her PayPal details to a different account so that they could get their hands on the money they swindled out of the unsuspecting customers. If that's the case, why do eBay allow users to change their PayPal details? If accounts were fixed to each other, these sorts of scams couldn't happen.

14th April 2008, 10:32
Presumably, this person, having accessed Karen's eBay account, changed her PayPal details to a different account so that they could get their hands on the money they swindled out of the unsuspecting customers. If that's the case, why do eBay allow users to change their PayPal details? If accounts were fixed to each other, these sorts of scams couldn't happen.

Yes but then ebay wouldn't make as much money :) If people couldn't get their hands on the money then they wouldn't have listed so no listing fee and then they wouldn't have sold anything and there would have been no paypal fee. I've reported loads of counterfeit goods on ebay and they're just happy enough to delete the listing even though the person has hundreds or thousands of other listings of for clearly counterfeit goods. Ebay doesn't give a ****. They care about what makes them money :)

Dave B
14th April 2008, 14:56
eBay does like to talk the talk about it's security but the sad truth is, as Daniel says, it's all about the money. They need some serious competition to force them into raising their game.

14th April 2008, 22:14
If only hair salons sold GHD's cheaper then people wouldn't have to resort to ebay....

Having suffered from bank fraud myself in the past I can sympathise. It takes so much hasstle to sort things out again just becuase some moron wants to make a quick quid at someone else's expense.

15th April 2008, 07:42
Karen logged into her hotmail last night to see if there had been a response from ebay only to find nothing. What she did find is that '@ebay.com' and '@ebay.co.uk' had been added to her Blocked Senders list.

We can only conclude that the perpetrator first got in via her hotmail account and set ebay emails to go the junk folder so Karen wouldn't notice what was going on.. :mark:

15th April 2008, 07:50
Something we can learn from Karen's experience is when we can avoid using free mail service, make sure it has high security level. Never use password others can identify it easily such as birth date or phone number.

I used to have unique password for yahoo, but announcement came to me that I can't use account with that password, need the new one if do not want that account disabled. ;)

15th April 2008, 09:00
I've managed to drag the item out of the ebay cache. It seems they were selling it as a "Buy It Now" item and only accepted payments through paypal. Karen has checked her paypal account and there has been no activity on it. So it possibly looks like they've redriected her ebay account to point to a different paypal account, and they've taken the money that way.

15th April 2008, 09:07
Who buys pink hair straighteners :mark:

15th April 2008, 09:12
At least 12 people apparently :p

15th April 2008, 09:13
Tell Karen to reply and say "Think of this as a bad taste tax"


15th April 2008, 09:29
I have a pair of the limited edition pink GHD hair straighteners thank you very much. I also have a set of the normal ones and quite frankly I think my hair is looking rather good this morning even if I do say so myself. :p

Although I only bought the pink ones after my normal ones got stolen from Ibby's car about a year ago. Luckily for me the thieves didn't realise what they were as they were wrapped up in a heat proof mat and left them along with my bag in a stolen car. Bit stupid really as the thieves could have probably made more selling them on than what they got for my Sat Nav which they also stole at the same time. Anyway thanks to me leaving some junk mail in my bag the Nottinghamshire Police force managed to track me down and return my beloved GHD's and we all lived happily ever after....

15th April 2008, 10:12
I think it's more likely that Karen is running an eBay business without you knowing and is being dodgey :p

I think that is far more likely to be the culprit. He obviously knows about computers and the internet, had access to the account and possibly knew passwords ;) :p : This thread is obviously just a front so that he can boast about his underhand dealings :laugh:

18th April 2008, 08:58
Some of the people have contacted Karen to say that they have received their hair straighteners! They are postmarked as coming from Shanghai in China. But I would guess they are probably fake.

18th April 2008, 09:26
Weird. I never buy anything from Asia :mark: but I guess these people didn't know. I feel now like I was lucky buying my n95 on ebay :mark:

18th April 2008, 10:25
All our today's papers are full of information about the catching of " Vladut - the hacker ", a 20 y.o. guy who managed a fraud on eBay of about 2.000.000 $ and was in the eyes of Secret Service, FBI, SRI, DCCO since 2005.

18th April 2008, 10:45
From what I know, Asian do not have such modus operandi when trying to compete for a market. Taiwan particularly China have the power to push down cost price of the product so that they can sell it in price extremely low. They can duplicate original product and naming such product as second, third grade, etc.

The government support their industry with trading system that enable them to sell the product at lowest price. Therefore there are many importing countries that implement different policy to product imported from China.

20th May 2008, 14:21
This is still going on!

The story is quite complex but basically it has proceeded thusly

* Karen complained to ebay to say her account has been hijacked
* eBay respond to say yes they see that and that any sellers fees will be refunded

* Karen's credit card is charged £140 in sellers fees
* Karen's ebay account shows £140 charged and £140 refunded but her bank account certainly does not.
* Repeat and rinse about a dozen times of her sending an email to ebay asking where her money is and them sending a standard response saying "Your account balance is zero", i.e. totally ignoring the question and answering a completely different one.

She's now having to raise an official complaint with her credit card company.

20th May 2008, 14:21
This is still going on!

The story is quite complex but basically it has proceeded thusly

* Karen complained to ebay to say her account has been hijacked
* eBay respond to say yes they see that and that any sellers fees will be refunded

* Karen's credit card is charged £140 in sellers fees
* Karen's ebay account shows £140 charged and £140 refunded but her bank account certainly does not.
* Repeat and rinse about a dozen times of her sending an email to ebay asking where her money is and them sending a standard response saying "Your account balance is zero", i.e. totally ignoring the question and answering a completely different one.

She's now having to raise an official complaint with her credit card company.

20th May 2008, 14:56
We got our credit card info stolen too... Someone hacked into a company we bought stuff from(we got an apology letter) and the "perpetrator"(or whoever they sold our info to) then used our credit card to buy $1000 worth of UPS shipping and then shipped bogus/forged money orders to people asking them to cash the money orders and send them a cheque because "it's too difficult for them to do it...blah blah..." Our home address was also put on the UPS envelopes so many people started just denying delivery and so we then recieved all the envelopes.

Credit card company cancelled our card, refunded the money, police involved... etc, etc.. But police can't rely do much as it's an "international issue".

PAin in the ass..

28th May 2008, 16:38
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