View Full Version : When did you have your last drink?

Dave B
18th January 2007, 14:12
About 00:30 this morning :beer:

Brown, Jon Brow
18th January 2007, 14:16
Around 9pm last night :beer:

Although I've drank Coffee and water since then ;

18th January 2007, 14:46
9th December last year ;(

18th January 2007, 14:50
I don't think I've had my last drink yet. Maybe my last wish after my last meal will be "one more drink for the road".

18th January 2007, 14:51
About an hour ago with lunch :)

18th January 2007, 15:01
A beer last Sunday.

18th January 2007, 15:11
A beer last Sunday.

Me too.

Nothing since as I've got a cold. Hopefully I get better soon so I can sample the beer in my fresh keg I put in my Kegerator last night...

18th January 2007, 15:19
My last alcoholic drink was at about 230am New Years day after a boozy New Years Eve Party.

Ive decided not to drink for a while after that night.

18th January 2007, 15:28
I had a couple of glasses of wine with lunch yesterday.

18th January 2007, 15:46
a few days after xmas mainly coz i got a hangover

18th January 2007, 17:30
I'm impressed. You're all so moderate.

18th January 2007, 18:07
Last Friday night. Half a pint of Magners. :facelick:

18th January 2007, 19:12
last night, a mug of beer and some whiskey after that..

Hazell B
18th January 2007, 19:58
Ten days or more ago, a small gin in some cranberry whilst watching Keanu Reeves on a DVD.

Nice :facelick:

18th January 2007, 20:28
last night, at around 1:30am, i drank a WildGoose Amber after an EXTREMELY LONG work day (that was my usual 8/9hrs in an office and then 6/7hrs standing outside in the cold managing a special event). i am pissed though, because i broke my rule of drinking alcohol only one day a week as i also had 4 beers on monday.


18th January 2007, 20:33
I'm not done with it. The sniffer is about half full.

18th January 2007, 20:42
7AM on 1st January.
Could have had a drink last Tuesday but combining it with pain killers isn't the best thing to do

18th January 2007, 21:07
11:54am on December 31st, 2006. Not had a drop since. Detox till February, and then I'll have a few but still less than 2006. Already feeling the benefits.

18th January 2007, 21:16
Anyone else here in "detox"?
I'm not necessarily on the wagon, but am trying to cut back... Trying to avoid it during the weekdays (well, Monday to Thursday :mark: ) then trying to curb back on weekends... :mark:

18th January 2007, 21:21
I'm like schmenke, just trying to cut back. And so far, it's been much easier than I thought. I've drunk on only three evenings since the year began, which for me is bloody good going. Like you, Bezza, I feel the benefit.

18th January 2007, 21:31
been on detox since May 2004. I don't have a desire to get really drunk every weekend like I used to. Anytime that I get drunk now, I hate the feeling of being hungover. I prefer the feeling of not being hungover. My motivation and capacity for concentration goes up when I'm off the booze.

Some people can operate on a world class level while being hungover, I can't.

18th January 2007, 22:01
12th December 2006, I had half a light larger. Had my head spinning madly...

18th January 2007, 22:03
Me too.

Nothing since as I've got a cold. Hopefully I get better soon so I can sample the beer in my fresh keg I put in my Kegerator last night...

Party at luvracin's!... :beer: :D :up: :D :up:

18th January 2007, 22:13
14th January, so in other words Sunday Morning. Dark and Stormy whilst playing Risk and watching the football.
I think it's somewhat strange that I've seen more Luton games on telly in 2006-07 than Man Utd. That's not a bad thing though, it's just a bit strange that Foxtel programs it like that.

Ian McC
18th January 2007, 23:19
Same as many, New Years Eve, or just into New Years day

No plans as to when the next one will be either.

18th January 2007, 23:29
two nights ago at my mates house... 6 pack of XXXX

18th January 2007, 23:40
Champagne on Christmas morning. My last ever.

18th January 2007, 23:43
I'm a rare exception here as I'm (almost) a nondrinker. :) My last drink was at Midsummer Night. :D

18th January 2007, 23:43
been on detox since May 2004. I don't have a desire to get really drunk every weekend like I used to. Anytime that I get drunk now, I hate the feeling of being hungover. I prefer the feeling of not being hungover. My motivation and capacity for concentration goes up when I'm off the booze.

Some people can operate on a world class level while being hungover, I can't.

What do you mean with detox?

18th January 2007, 23:45
I'm a rare exception here as I'm (almost) a nondrinker. :) My last drink was at Midsummer Night. :D

Mine was probably new years eve but that was just a few sips(just as always). I guess I can join your club. :) Cheers! :beer:

19th January 2007, 00:06
About an hour ago, a can of Fosters to at least participate in a drinking game (ring of fire). Have since stopped as everyone headed into town whereas i'm refraining from any more than that tonight.

19th January 2007, 01:11
I'm like schmenke, just trying to cut back. And so far, it's been much easier than I thought. I've drunk on only three evenings since the year began, which for me is bloody good going. Like you, Bezza, I feel the benefit.

isn't it great? i mean, i did not believe it until i did it and YES you do have more energy and feel so much better in your body when you stop drinking lots.

19th January 2007, 02:18
My last drink was a bottle of beer sometime in 1995 :)

19th January 2007, 02:55
Some people can operate on a world class level while being hungover, I can't.

i am one of those people! in fact the only time i got praise from my boss at my old job for 'doing an outstanding job' was when i was still drunk that morning from the night before... i dont recommend it though, its not fun

19th January 2007, 09:33
isn't it great [drinking less]? i mean, i did not believe it until i did it and YES you do have more energy and feel so much better in your body when you stop drinking lots.
Yes, absolutely great. Funny thing is, for me, I didn't drink regularly until I was in my forties. Up to then, I'd been almost a non-drinker, but I moved from the States to the UK to live, acquired a circle of friends who were heavy drinkers, and before you know it, I'd joined them. I never thought one could acquire a bad habit in middle age, so it kind of took me by surprise. I'm only now trying to reverse the damage.

19th January 2007, 10:06
Ten days or more ago, a small gin in some cranberry whilst watching Keanu Reeves on a DVD.

Nice :facelick:

Would have thought it would take at least a very LARGE gin to watch Keanu Reeves on anything :D

Regrettably my last drink was a Jack Daniels on Wednesday, but I am definitely about to redress that situation with immediate effect.

Seriously contemplating a return to my alcoholic days at the moment.

19th January 2007, 12:08
Wednesday Night, had a lekker braai(BBQ) and a bottle and a bit of Smirnoff Vodka. Was hungover yesterday, but who cares I work for myself. :beer:

Tonight I'm having a couple of friends over for a braai, again, so I guess tomorrow I'll have a hangover, again. :D

19th January 2007, 12:11
two nights ago at my mates house... 6 pack of XXXX

gotta update.... its now... Coopers pale ale...

19th January 2007, 13:25
Nothing since we came back off holiday on the 7th, but the week before saw a couple of large bottles of something sparkling consumed. ;)

Skid Marx
19th January 2007, 14:15
Been off the stuff, clean and sober, since January, 1988 - 19 years!
The only exception was on my wedding/honeymoon cruise in February 2002.
But since the b!tch left me, cleaned out the house, and got a good chunk of my net worth in the divorce, I'd say that just goes to prove, any decision you make while under the influence is probably a big mistake! :s

19th January 2007, 15:36
without boring you to death with meaningless stories:for me the day was september 27, 2002.

19th January 2007, 16:34
17.1.07. It probably wasn't the best idea, either.

19th January 2007, 16:43
I have a drink every night whether it's a glass of wine or whatever.

Today, I will be tucking into a nice pint of Scrumpy Jack in 30 mins down the local while playing a game of pool.

Following that, it's off to a friends where I will share a bottle of red and follow that up with a couple of Whiskey Macs before bed.

Nice light night for a Friday :beer:

oily oaf
19th January 2007, 17:23
I never touch the grog during the week as I have discovered that sickening hangovers and air guns are not good bed fellows :(

I must confess I had a bit of a scrimmage last Saturday while I was waiting for the football results.
I necked 4 tinnies of Stella, a bottle of red plonk £2.50 from Somerfields and 2 or 3 rum and cokes.
It's a stressful business being a West Ham supporter and no error :mad:

I might try a can of that Staggs chilli con carne tonight.
Alright I know the geezer got away with murdering that bird on Wimbledon Common (allegedly) but you can't fault the bloke when it comes to Tex/Mex nosebag can ya? :s mokin:

19th January 2007, 17:37
What do you mean with detox?


It means riddding your body from the evils of those pesky hydroxyl molecules :D

19th January 2007, 17:41
well i had about 7-8 pints of Fosters today in the afternoon.. wasnt a great idea.. got a lil hangover now.. so gonna sleep..

oily oaf
19th January 2007, 17:47
well i had about 7-8 pints of Fosters today in the afternoon.. wasnt a great idea.. got a lil hangover now.. so gonna sleep..

Good night
Try not to piss in the wardrobe
No good will come of it I tell you :(

jim mcglinchey
19th January 2007, 17:51
[quote="oily oaf"]I never touch the grog during the week as I have discovered that sickening hangovers and air guns are not good bed fellows :(

Try as I might I cant get a connection, but there sounds like there might be a good storey here. Can you enlighten us please, Mr Oily.

oily oaf
19th January 2007, 18:03
[quote="oily oaf":94f4fugj]I never touch the grog during the week as I have discovered that sickening hangovers and air guns are not good bed fellows :(

Try as I might I cant get a connection, but there sounds like there might be a good storey here. Can you enlighten us please, Mr Oily.[/quote:94f4fugj]

A good story? :eek:
You don't know the half of it Jimbo (taps side of nose with forefinger and winks knowingly)
Sadly you'll have to wait for the full SP until at least tomorrow as right now I have to jump in a bath of Swargega Lite with a couple of sheets of Grade 30 wet and dry paper before dragging myself reluctantly down the "rub a dub" for a schooner of dry Amontillado sherry and a packet of jellied eel scratchings ;)

19th January 2007, 22:11
just had a couple of bottles of shepherd's neame Spitfire ale. lovely

19th January 2007, 22:51
5 mins go, pint of carling. Tend to have a pint most nights, and then about 17 on the weekend.

24th January 2007, 10:36
on saturday night and i drank 2 smirnoff ices and i never had a hangover

24th January 2007, 12:39
I had 2 pints of Kingfisher lager late last evening before eating a chinese dinner...didn't taste that good :s (not that KF ever tastes that good..except on a very hot day near the sea and if its really chilled)

24th January 2007, 13:33

It means riddding your body from the evils of those pesky hydroxyl molecules :D

I know, but I wanted more details on how does he do it.